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Posts posted by Kotori

  1. Was he really gone? No, there would be no other way that he could just up and disappear from her friendlist. Oikawa was gone. He was dead. A knot twisted inside the insides of Kotori as the realization of what she had found out fully sunk in. He had gone and died without saying a word. She would never get to see him blush or make the the most normal events awkward ever again. Now... she was truly alone once again. He was one of the very few people who understood her and who she told most of her problems and life to. The young girl was broken to the point that she couldn't even form tears as to let out the deep sadness that was inside. This was the final nail in the coffin for both Oikawa and her as life before SAO was now life again. A life full of hatred, depression and silence. Pure silence that filled the area with the most solemn feeling. She couldn't do anything but stare emptily and distantly at the jungles in front of her as she put her back against the jungle tree and her legs on the dirt road that made a path through the deep thick jungle.

  2. "Crunch. Crunch." These sounds that were produced by the slow footsteps of a girl were the only things that she was focusing on, her mind completely blank otherwise. "Crunch." It was odd how easily the simple noises drew the attention of her. The icy touch of the powder-like substance was no longer a feeling that distracted her brain and neither did the ever so slightly rise of her lungs as they sucked in the necessary gas for life, oxygen. Or they would be doing that if all of this hadn't been a virtual world and she wasn't so caught up with the sounds of her own steps as they created a print in the ground which inevitably would fade away along with her present state of mind. However, that moment hadn't been reached yet and she was still preoccupied with the "Crunch" sound that her foot made repeatedly in a never-ending cycle.


    Kotori had started to revert to her former shell of a person, isolation being the main cause although others factors were at work also. She had decided to take the foreign color of jet black away from her previous hazel brown follicles, a shade that she hadn't seen for may have been months. Although she never was one to talk much, her silence became more and more prevalent as she embraced the concept of inner thought ruling over speaking outwards. Even her inability to prevent social awkwardness because of her presence although that too never fully developed. One trait however did not rear its disgusting and malevolent face again and that was her initial hostility towards others who dared to approached her. There was no reason for that and she preferred to be seen in a somewhat good way. This was part of the reasoning behind why she was walking towards a destination which she assumed she was getting closer to. It was her way of trying to contribute however she had little idea of what was in store for her. Still, it wasn't as if optimism couldn't just help a bit and that's why she decided to hope for the complete best.


    The girl finally reached her destination after setting foot only minutes before. She knew that she was late to this place, but at least she was able to make it. Hopefully others wouldn't think too bad of her for her tardiness, she was usually one of the first persons to arrive  at meeting, although she could have been tried to be a bit more on time. Her pale right arm stretched outwards as her fingers uncurled to allow the dainty digits to grab the door's knob. Momentarily, she hesitated as she shivered slightly, her breath creating a ghost-like apparition that soon dissipated into nothingness. No, she was going to do and there would be no regrets. She gripped the knob tightly as she turned it clock-wise before stepping into the inn. A slight warmth blanketed the young female however it was still a bit chilly inside. Her pupils shrunk as accordingly to the sudden increase in light in the areas as her eyes darted back and forth to observe the surroundings. As the fire flickered silently, the player began to quickly digest what she was observing. Six players were situated either standing up near or sitting down on the seven, give or take, seats that were placed as to compliment the fire place. Hot chocolate or whatever the brown substance was place on a table with a few cups to the right. Kotori finally realized that they were most likely waiting on her to begin so she quickly scurried to the left without making eye contact with anything, save the floor. She found herself unable to sputter even a single word towards anyone. "Pathetic." She thought to herself.

  3. "And so do I.." Kotori added in as she kept herself a steady distance from her taller companion. As her lungs took in the frosty air, an almost ghostly breath came out of her mouth as she took another step and so on. She could only assume that Oikawa was following suit so that he didn't lose track of her, although there was always others options to find her than the primarily used ones. It was odd feeling that she was possessing, a pure emotion that couldn't be described by anything but a surreal one and that was it. Her eyes dotting back and forth as she viewed the frosty wonderland full of its pine and oak trees and snowy covered branches. No, this was just a bizarre experience as she continued to trench forth through the floor.


    A silence became glaringly present at the small female continued her trek through the biome, mostly absent of color defining the landscape around her. Has she had gone too far in? The girl stopped with a screeching stop before searching for any sign of her friend following. Indeed, she had found herself in quite the predicament. It didn't help that the sky had become significantly darker than it had been minutes before, sign of the increased spawn rate of mobs in this unsafe area. A screech burst through the air like a stray bullet coming from the gun of a madman, startling Kotori while making instinctively reach for her dagger and use it - had it been there in the first place. Realizing her stupidity, she reequipped her dagger and held it still in her hand before gazing around the for the cause of the sound.


    Nothing. Absolutely nothing happened, but she never let her guard down. Stepping forward and her eyes dashing back and forth crazily, the girl realized why this was occurring. She had found herself standing on what appeared to be stairs into the entrance of a dungeon. Arching her foot backwards, a snort came from behind. Her reaction time was almost impeccable, but what had managed to sneak up on her had been even more amazing. It was a two-headed bear with the fur the color of snow. Her immediate reaction was to slash the eyes of the beast in pure fear and shock, managing to actually do so in the process while simaltaneously letting out a slight more audible yelp, although it couldn't alert anyone about her situation because it was still altogether not audible to anyone more than ten feet away. Kotori found herself tripping backwards as well as she tried getting away as quickly as she can from the monster. The wild mutant animal on the other hand had been enraged from the attack at its face and with a giant swipe of its right paw swung the girl into a nearby tree, knocking away a bit of her HP.


    ID: 24827

    BD: 10 [8+2]

    MD: 9 [+1DMG]

    Kotori's HP: 29/33


    Bear's HP: 36/41

    (Base DMG: 3)

  4. Name: Wonder Bread

    Profession: Cook

    Rank: 3

    Item Type: Snack

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +2 Alcoholic (+2DMG/-2EVA)

    Description: A gelatinous creation made with various fruits that gives a delicious taste to the mouth.

    ID: 22233

    CD: 11

    Post Link: Here


    Name: Wonder Bread

    Profession: Cook

    Rank: 3

    Item Type: Snack

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 Alcoholic (+1DMG/-1EVA)

    Description: A delicious bread with hints of grape wine that gives the user the extra strength needed to fight a foe.

    ID: 24638

    CD: 9

    Post Link: Here

  5. There wasn't time to be awkward and engage conversation with two others players that had arrived before because the rest of what seemed to be the group that was partaking on this quest arrived. Oikawa managed to arrive soon after she did, a feat that possibly only him could manage and Dom came following quickly, they both seemed to great friends to each other. Another man took his place among the gathering of people, his long hair the color of Oikawa's face when he was blushing, which he managed to do often. He didn't seem to want to introduce at all, not that she did so either that couldn't be blamed really. The event that was supposed to transpire decided to put some coal into its engine and go full steam ahead, a visually daydream she found herself riding in her mind. Brushing off aloof tendencies aside, there was an awkward silence among the six players, something she kept noted for the possible battle ahead.


    Her dagger's handle felt slightly cold to the touch of her delicate and small palms, if it was alive it would most likely share the feelings of the girl who was utilizing it. Her small pale fingers slowly curled and wrapped themselves around the mysterious metallic element that formed the basis of the weapon as her irises flicked back and forth between her companions and the surrounding background, the humid and risky desert that contained many dangerous creatures and players.


    Kotori still had little knowledge of the task at hand, she was simply summoned here and she could only assume it was the same for the people who were around her, save a couple of people who had the valuable information. It wasn't that important that she couldn't go forwards and do what she was required to do, it was just that it would be nice to know what she was going to do today and possible brace herself or prepare herself mentally and physically. Mysterious circumstances isn't an atmosphere she would give out to players if she was in the position she assumed more than one person had. It wasn't her job however so she kept quiet and herself occupied by pondering on the various things that floated their way into her mindscape, it was much easier to let time pass by daydreaming her way through it. She had experience doing so and it would prove to be handy to her once again in this game. It wasn't too hard however to keep her ears open in case somebody decided to speak up.

  6. Kotori continued on with her crafts but she just couldn't get it together. It was difficult in how to go about making the fruit snacks and she couldn't wrap her mind around as easily as she did for a few others. Instead of wasting precious time in producing Oikawa's order, she decided to end her crafting early and instead finish off with some sort of item. Instead she decided to make bread another time to keep her mind off. She proceeded to follow the recipe on how she did so before and finally was able to produce the product once again. Finally, she closed up shop to rest her sleepy head onto the swivel chair and calling it a night.

    Name: Wonder Bread
    Item Type: Snack
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Alcoholic (+1DMG/-1EVA) 
    Description: A delicious bread with hints of grape wine that gives the user the extra strength needed to fight a foe.

    ID: 24638
    CD: 9

  7. Another delay and it would seem Kotori would just go out of business. Of course this wasn't the real world and she didn't really have to go and craft items at all, it was just a hobby although something she wished she had kept going with. There was a bit of a desire of in her still left to continue with her crafts so that is what she did. She was having no luck creating Oikawa's order as it seems she wasn't doing as well as she used so instead of continuing on that, she instead decided to create another bag of chocolates. Bashing up the dark brown cocoa beans into a mix that she could use before pouring a bit of milk in the mix and then pouring it into a template with small half sphere indentations on it. She put this tray into the oven for a few minutes to bake them and then took the sweets and putting them into a bag. It was nice seeing how it turned somewhat okay.

    Name: Bag of Dark Chocolate
    Item Type: Dessert
    Quality: Good
    Enhancements: N/A 
    Description: A small clear bag with a single blue ribbon filled to the top with small chocolates. Each are bite-size and all dark chocolate.

    ID: 24637
    CD: 7

  8. As a light crisp breeze blew through the air silently like the footsteps of a unsuspected assassin, a certain's girl hair was flowing as well as her jet black hair looked as if a hair blower was being used on it. That was not the case however since this female player was stuck in a game, one of a cruel twisted fate called death if her HP dropped below zero. That wasn't was her mind was on however, she was simply napping her tired head against the shamrock colored grasses and flora so that she could have a restful day away from the rest of the others player. There wasn't any distress, unrest or any other emotion she was experiencing, it was only one of pure euphoria from her pleasant dreams that took place in a landscape deep in imagination. It was one feeling that could be told from the wide grin appearing on her face so that. The lass, who's name was Kotori, was at peace and one of never ending qualities if she ever had a say in her joyful slumber. The wind took a turn for the brisk as it sped up its gusts although it wasn't enough to awaken her. Her mind was in a world of its very own, somewhere it would be too difficult to remove her from simply suggesting it. She would have to be woken forcibly, although laying down in the greens in the middle of nowhere on a floor of probably infinite hills, nobody would ever find her. She was alone for once. Maybe for good.

  9. I, (Kotori), hereby, decline and/or reject all Saltiness levels that may increase due to any amount of Col Won or lost to any person throughout the Matches. I will not hold the player (Or any player with the exception of myself) accountable for my own or someone else's Earnings or losses.


    Match 1: 90 Col on Azazel

    Match 3: 90 Col on Kiru

    Match 4: 20 Col on Jomei

  10. Oikawa just wouldn't stop with his compliments that just made her stomach feel all queasy inside, even though it was sort of a good queasy if that was even possible for her. It was very sweet of him to make her feel better and such, but it still didn't sit as right. He was perfect, but she wasn't. Kotori wasn't used to all the love-dovey actions that she often saw occurring within couples all throughout Aincrad and once in a while it was okay, but it did make her a tiny bit nautious. "Its probably because I never saw it happening or was too separated from society that I never really saw it. I'm not going to bring it up and hopefully he doesn't noticed anything because I rather not be asked what's going on again and again. I mean I love him so I'll try to tolerate. Enough with my problems anyway, I should probably care more about he's feeling anyway." The girl pondered on her thoughts before producing a response that could suffice for the blonde's request on what they should venture to next. "I'd prefer to go on a walk, dinner isn't my thing really." Her hand begin to shiver a bit from the close contact of Oikawa, but it probably wasn't enough for him to notice. There was also a second meaning to picking a walk, she hoped that maybe the walk could take place out of the safe zone so maybe they could fight together again.

  11. The feeling Kotori felt as she found herself arriving to a quest was one of deja vu. It was rightfully justifiable in the sense that she had done this recently, only with a completely other guild that she regretted ever joining in the first place. No, right now was not the place to be thinking of such trivial matters, it was time for her to do something and that was fight. She still didn't do the amount of damage she would've wanted to have done, but again she was dwelling on things that couldn't help her at this moment.


    The girl gave a light sigh as she found herself approaching the two players who arrived first. It was an odd thing to be told that she was accepted into a guild, especially one that she had only rumors off. She had expected to go solo after finding out the news of why she was accepted into AP since it just turned her off joining groups, but it was just one guild to another. Nonetheless, she had high hopes for this one considering it consisted of the highly respected and strongest players in Aincrad, maybe she can learn a thing or to from all of them if she was lucky. Today she would try to somewhat prove herself even if it isn't necessary at all. She didn't have to go through an initiation, she was already in, but that didn't mean she can't try to show her potential. Kotori found herself arriving and saying "Hi." to the two players who were already there.

  12. Lowenthal had managed to bring the bear to its last life so that the girl was able to finish it off and end the battle. Unfortunately she wasn't able to do that either so Kotori ended up foreseeing Golden actually stepping in and contribute to the somewhat lengthy attack against the ravenous beast. Or she would've stayed quiet if it wasn't for the boy to yet again miss his attack. Unbelievable. No, her attack against the Dire Wolf was entirely justified since it seemed that this boy couldn't even take one hitpoint away from the bear. He hadn't done a single thing at all to help in the battle and it was up to her to kill the monster once and for all. The furious player tightened the grip on her metallic dagger and dashed forward, turning into a blur as she sped up, anger giving her the energy to more than enough damage and kill the bear. A dark crimson line appeared diagonally going from the animal's waist to its shoulder. For a split second she expected blood to pour out, but an explosion of pixels took place instead. It only gave her mat, odd since usually it would drop Col, but she had bigger fish to fry. She stomped violently with her teeth clenched towards the irritating boy that called himself Golden. "You know, I wouldn't be angry right now if you had done at least a little bit damage, but no you completely blew my mind and did absolutely nothing to help. Earlier when you had gotten mad at me for killing that damn thing, I had thought maybe you did have it under control, but no! You absolutely missed every single shot in this entire battle. The only good thing you actually did was act as fodder for the bear to attack! Thanks for being a useless piece of crap!"


    Goldenarroz (23/27)

    Lowenthal (57/57)

    Kotori (29/31)

    Thorrissia (19/19)


    Bear #1 (-5/16) (Dead) (+1 Mat)

    ID: 22500

    BD: 11 [9+2] (5DMG + 1CRIT = 6DMG)

    LD: 17 [16+1]

  13. Golden still hadn't any progress whatsoever as Kotori and Thorrissia had finished killing off the first bear and it clicked in place. Sure they "had it under control, but there was slight chance that the girl could've died only minutes ago. He hadn't even taken off a single hitpoint off the older bear. He didn't really have anything under control although she decided to keep quiet because she didn't really want to start something at all, the girl had enough trouble today and she wasn't going to make a big deal out of nothing.  In all seriousness it was just a point she noticed. It would hurt her if she kept dwelling on this observation so she focused on the last bear keeping it in her sights. Quickly she was able to dash over to the animal and have a red line appear on its torso before jumping away from a possible attack. "Switch!" she yelled as she awaited the next attack. Hopefully the bear would die quickly enough although with the damage she did it would happen soon enough so that they continue on the next monster.


    Goldenarroz (23/27)

    Lowenthal (57/57)

    Kotori (29/31)

    Thorrissia (19/19)


    Bear #1 (11/16) -5DMG

    ID: 22458

    BD: 8 [6+2] (5DMG)

  14. Kotori gave a slight nod with her head as she offered a small "Thanks." that could be somewhat audible to her larger male companion, Dom. Her dagger was ready to slay any monsters that should arise sooner or later as they trekked slowly and slowly through the forest, a place she also growing a liking to. She too was ready to attack as well. Dom decided to input his reasoning behind helping her trek through the forest safely, although it didn't matter that much anymore, especially considering that a creature decided to either spawn or make its presence clear towards the duo when it appeared in a flash of blue light.


    It was an Ant Man, the mob that she had heard rumors about and it would seem that they were true. Her companion decide to take the first few moments to get a surprise attack onto the monster as he swung his sword fast and hard enough for it to be thrown into the air upon impact. Now was her chance to get in attack in as well as she dashed in nimbly towards the odd mob. Her dagger was pointed forward with her right arm, the one holding it, outstretched in the direction of the man. Kotori was able to quickly propel herself towards the animal as she pushed her left foot to give her the extra speed needed to stab her target, and did it help. She was able to make a clean cut into the man before stepping backwards towards the boy. "Switch." she said as she found herself assuming a defensive position. It seemed that this mob wouldn't have too long to live looking at its HP bar. That was good. She didn't have to worry at all.


    Ssendom 55/55 Hate: 2

    Kotori 31/31 Hate: 1


    Ant Man 13/28 

    [base 5DMG]

    ID: 23178

    BD: 8 [6+2] [5DMG]

  15. As Kotori got herself off the ground from the bear's most recent attack, she was surprised to see the arrival of a boy she had met a while ago. He seemed to be followed by a creature that she could only assume was his familiar. "I'm f-fine, question is what are you doing here? These are just some people I'm fighting with. Now you can either join the fight or stay back." She protested before aiming at the second bear for another attack. Sprinting once again with the delicate coal-coloured hair strands flowing silently through the wind, the girl charged up her dagger for an attack at the monstrous creature. Her footsteps were almost invisible to the eye as she dashed at a speed that most people could only dream of. It was only a matter of time before contact. A sharp metal cutting through flesh sound was made as here dagger stabbed the inner stomach of the bear. The bear roared mightly before trying to attempt its previous attack, however it was too slow for the speedy player. Kotori backed up, barely missing the paw attacking her face. "Switch! Its as good as dead!" she yelled as she saw the health bar of the bear, the red silver line showing that it would be dead from just one more attack.


    Goldenarroz (23/27) | Hate: 0

    Bear #1 (16/16)

    Kotori (29/31) | Hate: 3

    Bear #2 (1/16) (-7DMG)

    Thorrissia (19/19) | Hate: 2


    ID: 22353

    BD: 10 (5DMG + 2Crit = 7DMG)

    MD: 5 

  16. If there was one thing that a certain noirette loved to do more than be with a certain someone, it was reminiscing about her time spent as a low-leveled player roaming the various taverns and inn that made up Starter City. It was something she often did since it reminded her how weak she still was and how much she could do if she just put her mind to it. Nevertheless, Kotori had been found sitting silently in one of the booths of a lonely tavern, staring ever so quietly outside a window. Her dagger was on the bottom of her right hand, spinning in a circle as her palm slowly swirled along the dainty wooden patterns that made up the oak table.


    Her raven-coloured hair was not tied up today, she had decided against and instead wanted it to flow behind her head to allow it some air. It was lonely, yes, but it was so nice to be able to just be by herself. She couldn't have been the only feeling that way at all and turning her head she saw a variety of players by themselves. One in particular stood out with outstanding clarity, someone she couldn't take her eyes off. It wasn't hypnotizing, he just seemed so young and naive. He was a tall fellow at that, most likely a foot taller than herself although she was a bit short for her age. He seemed to be worried, then she noticed the mess that had grown upon his table. A bunch of crumpled paper balls were laying about all over the place. Maybe he was planning something or maybe designing something. She knew this boy wasn't a NPC because of his cursor so she could only wonder what he was doing. Kotori could always just go over there and ask him. No.. She would wait a bit before interacting at all. Maybe he would notice her for a change.

  17. Two bears were the next targets it seemed as the boy named Golden decided to engage the first one in battle and make it focus on him. Instead of doing what she did earlier and steal a "kill" and instead Kotori decided to focus on the second boar who seemed ready to fight as well. A small glint in her eye appeared and she decided to do what she did best. Stab. Giving a light sprint towards the mobile creature with the fur the color of oak, the young girl gripped her dagger tightly with a furious look on her face although it was only to intimidate which it didn't. The bear seemed to ready to attack as it roared in a rebellious voice, slightly catching her off guard but even more alert than before. Her every step touched the brown soil below, like an almost silent assassin tiptoeing to kill its target although this wasn't an assassination. It was a battle. Her arm was out-stretched and before she knew it her dagger was able to slice a large red gash into the side of the bear. The bear roared in pain before deciding to attack in revenge and swipe one of its huge paws at the player. Seeing the attack coming, Kotori tried dodging it, but it was too late. The paw smacked her to the ground with a mighty force, draining a bit of HP from her health bar. "Switch!" she yelled, looking at the girl who's name she had yet to know. "Get the bear and I'll attack it from the rear." she added in before lifting herself off the ground.


    Goldenarroz (26/27) | Hate: 0

    Bear #1 (16/16)

    Kotori (29/31) (-2DMG) | Hate: 1

    Bear #2 (11/16) (-5DMG)

    Thorrissia (19/19) | Hate: 0


    ID: 22210

    BD: 7 (5DMG)

    MD: 9 (+1 Base DMG + 1 Crit = 2 DMG)

  18. Dom, as she had decided on calling him from now on, intended to give his own name as well in what seemed to be a courtesy call. She had only really said because it was her name in-game as well, but he wanted to say it anyway and she couldn't say anything about. His name however was something a bit frightening to hear considering what it meant. She decided to keep quiet about how she felt about the name, Dom probably felt it to since he most likely knew what his name meant. Instead she kept her hands steadily gripping the dagger that would help her succeed in the moments that would follow them setting out to actually fight. Of course it would, why wouldn't it?


    "N-no, its not t-that.. Its j-just that u-um.." The girl hesitated to finish her sentence as a light blush filled her face before she continued to speak. "Thanks, not many people would just help me considering I'm seen almost as a weak person which I'm most definitely not! Its not really that anyway, its easier to call people by nicknames.. So yeah I'll call you Dom and you'll call me Ko. So now that we have that out of the way and we are both ready to fight, would you mind leading the way now like I had asked you just before?"

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