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Posts posted by Kotori

  1. Kotori gave another light sigh as her most recent attempt failed yet again. Maybe this would teach her to level up certain skills next time she was going to set out on a quest by herself. When she was using her skill points, she didn't know that she might one day have to search for stuff on her own, but still. She should've planned her skills ahead of time instead of wasting them on something she didn't even fully understand yet. The girl continued on her a long walk, mentally beating herself up over not utilizing her points like she should've done when she first got trapped in this stupid game.


    ID: [17942]
    LD: 8 [7+1]


    4/13 Materials

  2. Kotori forced herself to get back up, a hit to the stomach wasn't going to bring her down. She was very close to her HP hitting the yellow zone and that would be very bad indeed considering the duo's luck. She didn't want to die of course, but she still wanted to show Oikawa that she was a capable of fighting. Maybe she wasn't because her next attack missed and she wasn't able to attack the second bat at all. The girl turned to look at him and it seemed he had a worried look on his face. He thought she wasn't capable of fighting at all and that she was weak and vulnerable. She would show him wrong if was the last thing she did. "Switch!"


    ID: [17937]

    BD: 4 [5-1]


    Oikawa: 62/67

    Kotori: 14/23


    Bat 1: 24/30

    Bat 2: 2/30

    *Bats deal 2 damage and we get -1 BD*

  3. Kotori felt slightly bad about embarrassing the boy, she didn't really need to state the obvious. As the boy walked out because of the complete utter embarrassment that he had encounter, she decided to follow suit and actually fix the situation. Obligated to apologize for a rude behavior, she walked around and stood in front of him, stopping him from walking. Inside the girl was angry with herself for not ignoring the incident and going back in and doing what she had originally doing, but she still wanted to say sorry to him. "I um.. a-apologize for my behavior, you had just made a mistake..." The brunette answered as she bowed in front of the player.

  4. "Bum bum bum bum.." Kotori started humming out of nowhere as her search of loot continued on with no success at all. She wasn't getting mad, now she just used to not finding anything. It wasn't so bad either, the area around her was just so beautiful! The trees were so lush and the sounds of nature just appealed to her for some reason. Altogether, the quest itself was not annoying her anymore, once she had all her materials she wouldn't need to worry about having to collect more for a long time coming. The girl just continued on strolling around, soon she would get what she wanted.


    ID: [17940]
    LD: 14 [13+1]


    4/13 Materials

  5. "No more materials, no more food. Nothing at all, nothing at all." Kotori started to ramble about her returning lack of materials, only 4 so far out of the 15 items she needed to collect to the finish the quest. Four was okay, but at the moment she wanted to be far ahead of this measly number instead of still having to scramble around for hidden loot. Still, she was about one third of the way there and if she kept on trying she would end up with all the necessary materials. The girl gave a light sigh as she continued on her quest, a quest of very boring properties indeed.


    ID: [17852]
    LD: 9 [8+1]


    4/15 Materials

  6. Kotori felt a wave of embarrassment pass through her as the boy who had invited himself to sit in front of her called her sis, as if she knew him. It turns out he was embarrassed as well since he had mistaken for her his actual sister, odd for siblings who would've lived with each other for years and know how the other looks from a distance. "I'm n-not your sister!" she muttered, facing the table with extreme regret of coming into the tavern in the first place. She didn't need to be embarrassed like this at all, especially after all the commotion the boy had just caused inside the building. She couldn't be bothered to be brought down with him as well, but it seemed she would be after all.

  7. Kotori winced at the pain of being thrown at the stalagmite. It wasn't a very hard impact, but she still felt the unwanted pain that came with being hit by the bat. While suffering, the girl heard Oikawa yell her name as he ran over to her, worried for he health. She was still in the green, although she could understand his fear over her well-being. He began to speak as well, but before he could even finish his sentence, the second bat decided to come in and stop him from doing so. She couldn't help but do the same and yell "Oikawa!" It seemed he had it covered although it had done a bit more damage than usual on the monster's latest attack. The blonde dashed over towards her and offered his hand, asking her to help him continue fighting. She smirked and got up with his help. Immediately she went on the offensive and fled at the second bat, ready to get revenge. Her dagger slashed at its face, but had missed and went to its wing which it brushed off with ease. "Switch!" she yelled.


    ID: [17824]

    BD: 1 [2-1]


    Oikawa: 63/67

    Kotori: 18/23


    Bat 1: 24/30

    Bat 2: 2/30

    *Bats deal 2 damage and we get -1 BD*

  8. Kotori gazed at the lines and grooves across the oak wood table that took most of the space in her booth. She was so completely, utterly bored out of her mind that this was the only thing she could focus on. Then she heard it. It was a loud gruffy voice that could be overheard from the typical chatter that basically filled the tavern. A strange orange haired boy seemed to be acquaintenced with the man, although the only thing the large man was asking for was money, as if a random person he knew would give it to him. She sighed at this, it was pointless to try to barter witht these kinds of players. "Brainless idiot.." she muttered before returning her focus back towards the table. Another long day it was going to be, Kotori just felt it in her gut.

  9. Kotori was on a lucky streak at this point, her searching found her another material that would aid her on her attempt to finally end up as a cook. It was a bush chock full of blue berries, each of them swaying in the wind independent of each other. It was a sight to behold and she was grinning at the fact that she could find another material in as much time as she did. She needed to keep this up if she wanted to finish this quest up soon.

    ID: [17629]
    LD: 21 [20+1]
    +1 Material


    4/13 Materials

  10. Back to work again it was. Kotori was getting in the rhythm of berry picking and food gathering, it seemed in no fime she would be a professional at it. It seemed that her little break was helping her out as almost instantaneously she found a small mushroom hanging about under the shwde of an oak tree. She wasn't sure if fungi really did grow like that, but it would still work as nothing else was being found and it would go great with the health buffs she was intending to make for customers to purchase. She was already getting all giddy about actually being a cook that she wanted to tell Oikawa about it, but that would wait for another time.

    ID: [17541]
    LD: 20 [19+1]

    +1 Material


    3/13 Material

  11. Kotori nodded in agreement as she faced Oikawa before going off and trying to kill of the last bat on her own. It was weakened and wouldn't take that much work to finish it for good, or so she thought. She had relaxed slightly, the fight would soon be over as it would be one bat against her and Oikawa, but this would affect her fighting. She was careful not to get to trip over one of the stalagmites like the boy had done earlier, but in her attempts to not do so, she crashed into a wall with her head making a little dent in the wall. The bat had been there a second ago, where was it? The girl couldn't just help feeling totally embarrassed at her total clumsiness. "Switch!" she yelled before getting back off the floor and assuming a battle stance one more.



    ID: [17518]

    BD: 1 [2-1]


    Oikawa: 64/67 

    Kotori: 21/23 


    Bat 1: 24/30 

    Bat 2: 2/30

    *Bats deal 2 damage and we get -1 BD*

  12. Kotori was going to surprised a certain someone, although she didn't know when she would do so. It was simply really, all she would need to do was find a blacksmith that wasn't him and order a weapon. It wasn't an urgent request and she didn't need it at the moment. The girl noticed a pwculiar shop on the outskirts of Snowfrost Town which she had never seen before. She entered it and found that it was a weapon shop. She walked up to the counter and decided to ask to make an order. "Can I request an order please?"

  13. Kotori decided to just sit down and rest for a bit. Maybe she had looted the entire area for all its worth, but she just needed a little bit of relaxation. Sure it wasn't back-breaking work like fighting mobs, but it was still tiring at the very least. Behind was a bush of berries, but upon examination, it seemed they were fake as well since they couldn't squish at all. Giving a light sigh, the girl simply looked up in the sky and just watched. The grass below her cushioned her like a warm soft bed, which felt odd but still nice. She never really got to enjoy moments like these anymore, it was person this and person that. Just so much drama over all. She felt almost as if she never wanted to move from that spot. Maybe she would've had she never met a few certain people. Soon, it would end though. Soon indeed.
    ID: [17526]
    LD: 5 [4+1]

    2/13 Material

  14. "Guess I am.." Kotori contemplated as Oikawa said that she was improving to her before going to fight again. She couldn't help but worry when Oikawa missed another one of his attempts at the bat, it was starting to become a pattern. Usually he was perfect at aiming, although he was bit off today. It was strange because he should at the very least be hitting more than her because she was exhausted. Still, they had bats to worry about and she needed to focus on those. This worrying may have caused her next shot to miss as well as she didn't even come close to hitting the second bat, her target. Oh well.. "Switch."


    ID: [17368]

    BD: 0 [1-1]


    [1]Oikawa: 64/67 

    [2]Kotori: 21/23 


    Bat 1: 24/30 

    Bat 2: 11/30 (-0)

    *Bats deal 2 damage and we get -1 BD*

  15. Kotori's eyes slanted in anger at the monsters. At this point, they had sufficiently pissed her off adequately and now would have a piece of her dagger. She muttered a few curses at the first bat under her breath and dashed towards the flying beast. Nothing would stop her from getting her revenge and she would make sure it understood not to mess with her. Her knife sliced the air at supersonic speeds and stopped cold through the neck of the first animal. The girl made sure to turn the weapon slowly inside the neck so that it would feel an intense amount of pain even if it wasn't progammed to do so. She then jumped back to Oikawa's side and said "I think I'm fit for fighting.." before nodding towards him, signalling him that it was his turn to fight.


    ID: [17357]

    BD: 7 [8-1]


    [1][0]Oikawa: 64/67 

    [2][0]Kotori: 21/23 


    Bat 1: 24/30  (-3)

    Bat 2: 11/30

    *Bats deal 2 damage and we get -1 BD*

  16. A soup of emotions went through Kotori's mind the second Oikawa decided to wrap his arms around her and embrace her fully. Saying it was unexpected would be undermining it. It was a complete out of blue movement by part of the boy. A light red blush covered the entirety of her cheeks and her mouth gaped wide open, complimenting the surprise that filled her eyes. She was not only filled with shock, but also a deep yearning for the hug to continue. It was odd, to say at the least. So instead of just standing there in shock like a mindless idiot, the girl decided to hug back instead with a little smile visible for all to see. She actually enjoyed his successful attempt at calming her down. Now, X didn't seem that important anymore, at this point he was just trying to keep the attention on him and be noticed for something. His comments and laughter was most likely a way for him to seem important, but now she actually felt a little bit of pity for the young boy. The only person who will probably stick by his side forever would be his dog, but nobody could know if he was ever going to live long enough to survive the game with his owner.


    "Listen, I really don't care anymore, but I feel I'm obliged to respond simply because you want attention. The knife would've never penentrated me had you not been here. So he has nothing to do with that, he doesn't have to move a finger if I get hurt. I was responsible since I lashed out and attacked you." Kotori spoke as she face the boy in the trees. She turned towards Oikawa, her smile gone but her happiness still present. "I would actually love to go with you, it'll be fun!" she exclaimed looking at him. Maybe the end of the day wouldn't turn out as bad as she originally thought. At this moment she decided that just about doing anything with Oikawa would be fun.

  17. "No materials here, no materials there, no materials anywhere. This is getting really annoying now. Honestly, I didn't know it was this hard until I tried this out. Should've asked Oikawa about his earning a living quest, would have saved me all this work." The girl ranted as she grew more and more mad at the situation at hand. Paradoxically, her anger made her want to work harder and harder because she more effort in finding materials. It was an odd set of circumstances indeed, although at the moment she still only had two materials after about two hours spent just going through the forest and trying to find the needle in a haystack full immortal objects and inedible foods that plagued the first floor's forest.
    ID: [17264]
    LD: 10 [9+1]

    2/13 Material

  18. Kotori gave a weak smile at the realization that the entire forest was mostly made up of immortal objects or inedible food. She had expected for a game that allowed cooking as detailed as it was, she would be able to cook anything she found and make it into something that was presentable to eat. It was in fact the complete opposite. At first she thought she was just having a bad day or was unlucky or just plain bad at material collecting. It turned out it wasn't her fault. Nothing in the area was useful to be cooked and if she didn't wake up and smell the flowers, she would be all day long. Still, it wouldn't hurt to try just a few more times. Maybe success will prevail if she tried just one more time. Still, it bothered her how little food she had collected. At this rate it would take days for her to finish the quest.
    ID: [17262]
    LD: 8 [7+1]

    2/13 Material

  19. Soon it was indeed. Kotori managed to find a wild plant of iceberg lettuce in between all the bushes and various other scenery objects. It looked ripe as well and if she was going to make food, she would have to adjust to the fact that many people would like salads or other healthy objects. Material was material and she needed a lot of those if she was going to have succesful shop. The girl didn't want to have to continously go on trips and quests just so that she could get more cooking items. It was best to have enough for a long time in stock and then simply restock all the time, that way she would never run out. Grabbing the plant by its stem, she was able to forcefully remove the entire plant. Coughing from all the dirt that was brought out, Kotori inserted into her inventory and went off in search of more edible things to gather.


    ID: [17260]

    LD: 19 [18+1]

    +1 Material



    2/13 Material

  20. Kotori grumbled as she slowly began to sat up. Her sleep has been disrupted yet again, she couldn't even get mad. Somebody was eventually going to do, at least it wasn't at night where certain other things could happen. Her eyes adjusted to sudden brightness that was daytime even though it was the same level of light as before. To the side of her was a brown-haired girl who was about half a foot shorter than her which made her apparent age to be around the early teens or late tweens. Next to her was a boy who was about a foot taller than Kotori herself with brownish orange hair. Oddly he seemed to be letting himself relax, his hands behind his head. The girl sighed in defeat, accepting that she might have to spend most of the rest of the day dealing with the two when she much rather be sleeping at the moment. If the day went how Kotori thought it was going to end, tommorow she would probably rest for the entire day, most likely in the safety of an inn where she couldn't be bothered.

  21. Kotori winced in pain as the bat dug its claws into her back. If she had been paying attention like she had originally been doing, this wouldn't have happened. It seemed Oikawa was having some better luck as he managed to land a decent hit on the second bat. The girl gripped her dagger tightly and leapt at the first bat. At first it seemed that she was able to make contact with it, but it was not meant to be. Her dagger barely grazed the side of the animal and she fell down, her face hitting the floor. "Ow.." she mumbled as she struggled to get back up. She had managed to get hurt badly and seemed this would be effecting her for the rest of the fight. "Oikawa, g-go.." yelped before getting back onto her feet.


    ID: [17256]

    BD: 5 [6-1]

    Oikawa: 67/67

    Kotori: 23/23 | H: 1


    Bat 1: 27/30 (-3)

    Bat 2: 30/30

    *Bats deal 2 damage and we get -1 BD*

  22. Kotori gave a grumble when the new area turned out to be barren as well. At this point she wasting valuable time that could be spent doing something else. The only good this was doing for her was giving her EXP to level up, although not even much anyway. Her attempts were basically futile and all she could do was hope for one good scavenge out of every other bad one that she found herself doing. Nonetheless, there was no use in whining about not getting what she wanted, she just would have to keep on trying and trying. Soon she find another material. Soon.


    ID: [17235]

    LD: 2 [1+1]



    1/13 Material

  23. A gentle wind passed through starter city, a common occurence in the summer-like floor it was located on. Its coolness and gentleness was calming and soothing at times, to the point that some players assumed that it was the only paradise on all the floors. Of course, only 10 floors had been unlocked at the moment so nobody knew for sure. Kotori on the other hand was resting on a oak bench, something that she had somewhat began to do more and more often. Her dark brown hair was strewn all over the place, some of it touching the bench itself. This was in a secluded alleyway however, blocking her from sunlight and other players who would probably bother her. She hadn't decided to end up sleeping like this, it just happened. She had been tired from the work of the previous day, a quest that she done on her own. She found the bench and had decided to give it a rest. Other days she would normally never do this in public, but now she just wanted to be able to sleep without any bothersome players or have a nice day without any problems at all.

  24. It was a one time occurrence after all since all the food that Kotori touched was labeled immortal object. It was yet again another failure. This was starting to get repetitive and she could see why there wasn't that many cooks or other profession holders in Aincrad. Still, she couldn't lose hope at all. The girl resented having to do this over and over again, a battle against a few mobs wasn't looking like such a bad thing at the moment. She was also very tempted to send a PM to Oikawa, asking to help her out on this material farming job. What didn't make sense was that the NPC couldn't just give her the shop and then she would need to get the materials herself. At least then she would have a better time since she could set up the store the way she wanted to so. The brunette headed off towards a different forest area, hoping to find more success somewhere else. 


    ID: [17229]

    LD: 13 [12+1]



    1/13 Material

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