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Posts posted by London

  1. London was walking down the streets, gazing down at the ground as usual. His rapier swaying as he walked, it made little no noise as did his footsteps. He was thinking. Thinking and constructing little poems in his head. Stratagems and day dreaming. They say an idle man is the devil's playfellow. If thats true, London and Satan are well acquainted. He continued to walk through the streets, looking back and forth occasionally to see if anyone might be running, he didn't want to have another collision with a player, those were beginning to annoy him. He looked forward again, the streets were rather desolate, only baring a few players and a couple on npcs. I must in near the back of the city... London thought, they haven't gotten far enough into Aincrad to actually have pretty much every human player move onto a floor besides the first one, the starting city was still rather populated, but London wandered off towards a near empty street it would seem.

  2. London was looking around as he talked to Atma. Waiting for his response. What even was that...it wasn't actual poetry or something like that. Whatever it was...I want to know why this person...Atma,was it. Decided to sing it...regarding our meeting no less than a couple of minutes ago. London looked around again, people seemed to havw just shrugged off Atma's little preformance. Good. Why this man was talking to me is beyond me, I mean, surely there were more interesting people for this guy to talk to...right? London looked over to Aerrekusu hopeing that he'd try and take Atma away or at least come over and help. However London did say he wanted someone to talk too...I suppose beggers can't be choosers.

  3. London was a bit suspicious about this. It was late yes but a girl wanting to speak with London specifically...that couldn't be good. He reequipped his rapier and armor just in case and opened the door, he headed downstairs. His hand sliding on top of the railing as he descended. He looked over at the living area of the inn. It was barren but for one patron, the girl. London made it downstairs, and walked silently to the table, his shoes made a tapping sound that filled the room as it hit the wooden floors, despite how quietly he walked. The fire still cracked and danced in the fireplace placed at the back wall of the inn. London promptly sat down across the girl at the table she was sitting at. London looked at her as he rested his right heel on his left knee. "Yes?" London asked, not needing to ask if she was looking for him or if she was the one who called for him, being the only other patron in the inn.


    (OOC: just saying, even if you are taking on an npc's or fake player's role you still have to make your posts like 2-3 lines long. You can't really one or two line on this website.)

  4. London looked at Uchu. He sighed. Uchu is going to need a lot of work if I'm going to teach him to even be a novice swordsman. If Uchu becomes as oblivious as he was today during some of the fights then I fear how he'll fair in the later floors. I hope he doesn't try and go fight on the front lines...it may end badly for him. London was laying in bed, the room darkened but he had his menu out, he selected the journal section and began typing away with one hand, the other resting behind his head. Before he could actually start however, he heard a knocking at the door. London sighed and got up, grunting slightly and went to the door, asking "Who is it?"

  5. London responded "Yeah! I got it!" He left the room and went downstairs, coming back shortly after and reopening the door and closing it behind him. Passing the girl on the way up who was seemingly staring at London for a moment. Strange... He slid the clothes one by one under the door so he didn't have to open the door, there was no need to start any more awkwardness. After doing this he sat in his bed going through his inventory and equipping things like his rapier and his armor.

  6. London was rather surprised at his offer and him caring a bed up a set of stairs for him, that's really not something you see everyday now is it. London followed Uchu to the room and sat on the newly put bed "I'm fine, thank you, you can get in the shower first." London could see the fatigue in Uchu's eyes. He's a good ways to go but I'm sure he'll end up being fine. London spoke again "And thank you for caring this bed up, you really didn't have to do that, I'd be fine sleeping in one of the chairs downstairs. That and sorry for seeming like an asshole earlier." London apologized, a bit surprising to hear after the days events but it didn't really matter much.

  7. After Atma declared that this that...poem? was dedicated to him, London became absolutely mortified. He didn't show it of course. "It was....yeah give me a moment." He turned around so his back was facing Atma and his eye began to twitch slightly and he was screaming internally. He turned around again, the room being pretty much utterly silent after that. London decided to at least attempt to be polite and nice about it, he did just sing a song for him although stupid as it was since now if no one was talking to him now, that pretty much ensured that no one ever will. "It was nice...May I ask why you chose that...song for our meeting?...Two minutes ago." Words can not describe how badly I'd like to murder this man. London thought to himself, it was an empty threat of course, he wasn't going to attempt murder or something so light hearted but it was only to show how aggravated he was by the whole ordeal...he didn't like to be called someone's "boy" literally 15 seconds after they first meet him.

  8. Atma had jumped up on a table before London could actually answer any of his questions. I don't know what I expected, he thought. London sighed and covered his eyes with his hand and groaned, looking downward as he Atma announced himself. This is bloody ridiculous.... He'd be sure to apologize to the hostess and host for Atma's actions, it's obvious he wouldn't do it himself, regardless of not being associated with him. He took his hand away from his face and crossed his arms, waiting for Atma to start serenading the whole tavern.

  9. London followed Uchu to the nearby inn in one of the smaller settlements down the ways. It took them a bit of walking but they got there. Stepping inside the whole inn had a comfortable rustic appearance with the fireplace crackling in the background. It goes without saying that the house resembled a two story log cabin rather than the stone inns and urban tavern feel that most of them bring. London replied "It's fine, let the girl have the room, I can sleep down here in a chair or something, you take the last room." London's offer was rather generous, he didn't necessarily feel like trekking another two miles to be able to even begin to see the city gates. London saw the friend request pop up and hesitated. I could add him as a friend...I don't trust him yet but he might need someone that actually has some clue about swordsmanship to help him or at least get him on his feet...He pondered this for a moment and looked at his companion for a moment. He covered his eyes with a hand and clicked accept groaning slightly.

  10. London took a step back, his eyes widening a bit before collecting himself rather quickly. Inside; London was asking himself What the hell is he doing? and his inner self would have shown his surprise, wondering what this man was actually doing what his intentions were. On the outside and to everyone else however, he held his cool, emotionless visage. "I'm Sindon," his voice now had a small traces of sarcasm in it "a pleasure..." He didn't mean to seem rude but again, people with manners generally don't go up to a person and touch their face. He brushed Atma's hand off his cheek "And don't touch me." he said dryly, he was already shown how absurdly brat like Atma had seemed earlier and first impressions are important...London heard the Hey, are you okay? and it was obvious, to him at least, that it seemed like Atma wanted something, not sure what but no one was this energetic in a video game towards a stranger. "I'm fine, thank you for the concern." reluctantly, as a formality to just be polite he extend his hand to shake Atma's hand.

  11. London looked around, feeling somewhat awkward as he tried to find something to do. He didn't want to keep sitting alone at the bar but he might end up doing that regardless, it's better to be ok in your own company rather be just standing out in the open somewhat awkwardly. He assessed the situation...The man and the girl that slipped in early were conversing which was good to see, Keith? was it? I believe so, he was talking with the hostess...Kiru? The guy with purple hair has seemed to quite down, Arekkusu was preoccupied with his pet phoenix, and I am...just standing here. I suppose everyone is already talking with someone else so I can't blame them. London frowned slightly. He was glad everyone was beginning to have fun. He let out a sigh as he glanced downwards for a moment and then back up, watching in silence.

  12. London snapped out of his trance and looked over at Atma. sighing and shaking his head, somewhat disgusted by the man's actions. Are you bloody serious? The man acts like a spoiled brat who didn't get his way....not only that, he has the nerve to pout like a child and be rude during a festive celebration to the bloody hostess!...revolting. London got up from his seat and leaned against the wall. I really should start talking to someone, I mean, hey, if it didn't work out I would just go back to my seat and if someone wanted to talk to me they would. London however still kept his distance, however he gradually started to drift closer. As Keith was addressing everyone one more, London was now standing generally towards more of the center of his area, rather than towards a wall. He was closer to the couch up against the wall but he was standing, hands in his pockets, but none the less looking more approachable, even if it was by only a smudge. I wonder if people even remember that I'm here... He decided not to harp on it, he didn't need to drag himself down farther than he already presumably was. It was the holidays after all.

  13. London tried to find the player but he seemed to have slipped off before he could say another word, ignoring his previous statements. He sighed, If he finds that player again he'll have a word with him. London turned back and headed back into the pub, discretely, and headed back to his seat near the wall. He sat there pondering for a moment, facing towards the cabinets full of liquor and other drinks instead of the party. He was relatively silent as usual. He drummed at the table a bit before he exhaled and stopped. I should probably start talking to some people...I'll give them a couple of more moments of actual conversation before I pester any of them. I'm already seeming to be quite the downer even if no one notices, aren't I. This is all rather annoying, why can't you just go and act social for once? London seemed to be scolding himself, however he knew why. It was simple; he simply didn't want to be. He was content with his own company and he knew that, he liked being alone, but detested being lonely. I suppose if someone comes over I'll start a conversation with them, it wouldn't hurt. He drifted off to deep thought as he rested his head on his folded arms, laying on the table, or in more clear terms; putting his head down.

  14. London watched Arekkusu approach the man who was clearly crumbling....at a Christmas party, I suppose location doesn't matter after you first learn that you're trapped here but that's besides the point. He sighed as he watched the player leave the store. He looked down at his water, it was empty. He placed the empty cup on the bar table, he would come back for it later. London was about to move to go and try and talk to the player but he hesitated. I could stay and actually make some friends...Wait...what am I saying. That man needs even a bit of comfort, no one was talking to me anyways so I'll deal with it. With that he got up, not attempting disrupt anyone, no one seemed to notice him. He walked over to Arekkusu and whispered as to not disrupt anyone "I'll try and deal with him, you enjoy the party. Thanks for trying though." He nodded to Arekkusu and made his way to the door, slipping out and closing the door gently behind him so that it wouldn't make noise and looked up to the streets, he could see the player beginning to make his way away from the shop and he called out to him "Hey! Wait up!" London jogged a bit to close the distance some. He didn't want to get too close, situations like this can be like diffusing a bomb. He needed to be able to get close enough so that he would talk to him and far away enough so that the man felt comfortable. "Come back."

  15. London saw the man hop on the table and shout. London fixed his stare to him, it was like a crow gazing at a carcass, as crude an image that may be. He's snapping. London concluded, he decided to keep somewhat of a watch at the man, making sure he wouldn't cause too much of an outburst. If he did, Sindon would grab him take him outside and calm him down. There was no need to make this whole party look like a failure, London might actually get up and talk to some people if feels the need to do so. He heard Keith's reply to the story and watched his body language. This is all becoming rather uncomfortable for everyone involved....The guy in the story was probably him and it was a story about these two but that's just assuming things. He looked over to see a man talking to the girl who had just entered. It's good to see someone trying to strike up conversation, This is all turning into a cesspool of angst. London let out a sigh. I'm sure things will pick up soon, these people all seem to be able to want to converse but with all these uncomfortableness it's like a bunch of socially awkward kids in a school yard...

  16. London looked at the lass entering the party. Yes, she had come about silently, but a shadow will notice even the smallest sliver of light. He was a bit curious about the newcomer, she certainly was dressed for the occasion, London felt a bit self-conscious about adorning battle equipment to such a festive gathering but he let it pass, His armor seem to compliment him though, it's inky appearance contrasted with his black cloth long sleeve shirt which was underneath his armor which seemed to be brighter than the black armor. Having second thoughts he opened up his inventory and unequipped his armor for the time being. It might make him more approachable. He broke his stare before the girl could notice his gaze, not wanting to be rude. Everyone seems to be hanging back or be by themselves while a few others were attempting to actually make this somewhat resemble a party. Who could blame us? It's only been a short amount of time and this death game as put so many at unease...hmh.

    That was possibly the most gentle way he could have phrased it, people must be killing themselves after they heard the news and he knew it. He was glad people were at least attempting to be festive and have a good time since it was quite possible they were going to be in this game for a relatively long time. Hopefully shorter than what he has in mind but a boy can only hope. He continued to watch to festivities.

  17. London looked over and saw the display from the phoenix not to far away from him with Arekkusu, he was sitting at the bar after all. London cocked an eyebrow to this. I didn't know Arekkusu had a familiar...I wonder how he got it...and where I could get something like that...I don't think I'll need one. I prefer my sword...but a companion would be nice...He shook his head slightly, trying to rid the thoughts from his mind. He watched Arekkusu a bit though, he was curious, as always. This is all starting to get somewhat interesting...I hope Arekkusu doesn't get drunk or something of the like...funny as it may be to see him stumble I don't want him getting to any fights that he wouldn't have if he was sober...could you even get drunk in this game...I mean I suppose, since you have to eat and drink but how is that translated to the real world...we may think we're fine and healthy but our bodies outside don't fall to a trick like that so easily...I wonder if we've all been moved to hospital beds so they could feed us while we're in here....either that or no matter how high a level you are, we'll all start falling down to starvation. London continued to ponder these things to try and keep himself occupied, he wasn't one for giant get-togethers, especially with people he doesn't know well or if at all but this could be an opportunity to meet some new people...if they even noticed he was there and decided to strike up conversation with him.

  18. London raised an eyebrow looking at the man touching the hostess's hair. That's.....strange. He was curious to see how this would play out. He turn in his chair a bit, finished with his bread and now just holding a cup of water, he rest his right heel on his left knee and watched. "This could get interesting..."He thought aloud, muttering the words under his breath. He wrapped his left arm around his stomach, he all around looked to seem somewhat sophisticated, or at the very least, attempting to look so. He wasn't wearing a suit and tie but class and manners aren't dictated by clothing.

  19. London raised an eyebrow "The Broken Potato?..." This is ridiculous...he thought to himself as he scanned Uchu over again. Then Uchu asked about the dragon to which London replied "I suppose we could, I'm still at unease about it...If it is a higher level I don't want you to end up getting killed or myself for that matter." He thought about it for a moment...it could test my skills but I might do better if I soloed it...besides if it was any real threat it could kill Uchu and I can't let that happen...depending on who takes the aggro. Then again the guy barely know how to hold a longsword...this game is so ridiculous about that...Longswords make more sense, if they have the hilts, to be used one hand unless you were going to use a shield....which he isn't. Just then Uchu asked for some col. London read his body language clearly, the man was broke. London let out a sigh and send him a trade request, after Uchu accepted it he added 100 col to the trade and clicked confirm. Knowing that he was being a bit generous with his offer.





    100 COL





    The trade box asked Uchu if he wanted to confirm and accept the trade.

  20. London could hear the whispering barely and let out a sigh as he backed away from the two, he thought it'd be best to leave them be. He would have time for formalities and pleasantries once everyone had arrived. He went back to his food, sitting at the bar stool. He would have liked to actually socialize with some of the players here but they all seemed to know each other to a certain extent, he decided to not become involved unless someone came to him. "Hmh.." he chuckled to himself slightly, What were the odds of that happening? Especially someone such as the hostess or Arekkusu? They all had their friends to talk to, I'm fine with my own company. London was fully aware that he was generally perceived as a downer to most people, the way he saw it he was just a realist. And as of the moment; things weren't looking their brightest for him. I wonder what some of these people are like...He began to gaze at some of the players. Giving quick assessments or guesses on their personalities based on their appearance and from what he's seen to keep himself occupied. Maybe he could play for the people here, he knew a Christmas tune or two. He saw the lights dimmed and listen to the man address the people attending. London decided to keep to himself, he had stories of course, but it was doubtful anyone would care or even be able to follow without him giving them 3 hours worth of backstory.

  21. London thought that was enough thinking. He pressed himself off the wall with an oomph. He began to head towards the city gates of Urbus so he could go hunting. That was why he came to the second floor in the first place. He found it strange how he's become some sort of a hunter for the time being. With an odd choice of weapon for that as well. Just wait...He thought, Once I start fighting humanoid monsters my skill will really start to shine.

  22. London sighed, he heard the knocking and left his food calling out to the group "I got it.", typically there wasn't a response or even a glance towards the door. Thank god I'm a duelist and not and not an immoral assassin or I'd be the most feared player in this game. He thought as he opened the door looking at the man who stood before him. "May I help you." London said so politely and continued before waiting for a response "Are you here for the party?" he questioned. Awaiting the man's reply.

  23. London was about to finish the job but heard Uchu's cry and turned his head to see what Uchu was doing and raised an eyebrow and looked back "Ehm!" he grunted as he took a step back as the boar charged straight through and towards Uchu, London tried to collect himself and go after the boar but by the time he was ready the boar had luckily ran into Uchu's blade head first as if it had a death wish. "Ugh...Mon dieu..." London found him self saying in french as he covered his face with a hand shaking his head. He looked at Uchu and pointed with his sword towards him before sheathing it "You're lucky the boar ran into your blade your could have gotten hurt....and what was with that pose you were doing?" London seemed slightly irritated by the face that Uchu took the kill but that didn't bother him much if at all, it was more so of Uchu taking this all too lightly and playing around some. On the other hand London might be taking things too seriously. I suppose it's up for debate. He waited for Uchu's response in silence, resting his left hand on the pommel of his rapier.

  24. London finished hanging up the sign and jumped down, he walked in the pub again, looking to his left seeing Kiru leaning against the wall. He nodded to her, signifying that he was done hanging up the decorations. He looked at Arekkusu as he went off towards the bar,"I see that." He commented dryly, there was still tones of friendlessness in his voice so it didn't seem like he was just wanted to left alone, that may be part of the reason why he decided to stay for the party. He sat near the back of the bar on a stool near the wall, He really did like the feel of the over all establishment...He might come here more often he thought to himself. He cycled through his inventory and removed a piece of bread and a cup of water. He ate and drank somewhat slowly looking at the table and paying more attention to his food rather than the people in the pub, occasionally gazing at the overall party to see what was going on.

  25. The boar began to scream as it made a wide turn, almost comically, and began to charge at London again. London saw this coming and stepped out of the way, simultaneously stabbing at the boar's hide. The boar let another squeal. That's starting to get rather annoying... He thought as he unsheathed his blade from the boars back, red particles being drawn out along with the blade, and sweeping his front foot a quarter circle to be in guard again and he turns to face the boar after it's failed attempt. His hand has moved from the back of his head to more of the side of it. As Uchu observes he can see that London's stance, with a bit of imagination thrown in the mix, could somewhat of a cobra, or serpent like stance. He waited for the Boar's hopefully final charge so he could put the beast to an end.


    • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 4 on the d10 (mob) dice.

    Dmg given = 3 (1 base + 2 OHR2)

    Dmg received = 0 (Miss)


    London: 14/15 HP


    Boar: 2/8 HP

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