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Posts posted by Hyun

  1. Hyun was mentally drained after the breaking the unbreakable quest never in his life did he think he would have had to fight a boulder to be able to partake in martial arts. He would be sweating if the game allowed such a thing, either way he needed to put a shirt back on and get into the city so he could take the earning a living quest. As he headed back up the mountainous ranges into the 2nd floor settlement he received a message, it was from Mari. He wasn't sure why, Mari was the type to do things only if she had a good reason to do so. He opened the message and wasn't surprised, it was just a guild meeting notification. Hyun sighed, his earning a living quest would have to wait for now. The meeting was to be held on the tenth floor which was not the best place for someone like Hyun, and from what he had gathered Mari wasn't a person he wanted to disappoint, especially after joining her guild. He used the second floors teleport and travelled through the tenth floor for the first time.


    Hyun wasn't the type to expect things but he guessed their meeting area wasn't going to be anything special considering the fact that Mari was a pker and wouldn't be allowed inside any of the main settlements. Like he thought it was nothing close to fancy but it was something. He walked inside and nodded at Mari looking over at the other boy who was closer to him and offered a handshake. "I suppose this is another one of the many downsides to the orange label"  He looked over at Mari who was situated at the back of the tent and smiled playfully. 

  2. Hyun crossed his arms and enjoyed the view, he kept his ears open but it seemed as though the only thing left that Mari had to say was a few brutally honest comments and walked on him. It wasn't a surprise to him that Mari had her own shop, she seemed the ambitious type. She passed by him and gave a smile. He simply nodded and returned the gesture. "Take care, Mari"


    Rp completed 


    All participants +1 sp

    All participants +333Col

  3. Hyun was starting to slow down but it wasn't over yet, the boulder dwindled on a mere sliver of hp and he was sure just a few more hits would do the trick for sure. He made sure each blow extra power behind them to make up for slowing down, his fists were not giving in yet and until they did he wasn't simply going to give up. You never got anywhere in life by throwing in the towel and he felt that should be applied to any and all situations. He took a quick step back and without a moments notice launched himself forward jump kneeing the boulder with an unrelenting force. Cracks began to appear across the entirety of the boulder. The next strike would finish it for sure. 


    ID: 18068


    Hyun: 11/11


    Boulder: 1/10

  4. Hyun started to throw in some kicks in with his combos, he thought this would be a good time to practice them before actually getting into a fight. He steadied his breathing and rested for a bit and took stance again. Righarm-Rightarm-Leftarm-Righdig-Leftknee switch to right round house. A large chunk of the boulders health disappeared and it dwindled dangerously on red. He was glad it was going to be over soon but also sad that he'd have to finish. Venting out helped him a lot and he wasn't sure if he'd be able to just go back to being the stand by guy he normally was, perhaps SAO would change him for the better and cause him to be more out going. But you couldn't teach an old dog new tricks, he was much to stuck in his ways to end up turning into an outgoing type of guy.


    ID: 18037


    Hyun: 11/11


    Boulder: 2/10

  5. Hyun continued to pound away at the boulders surface, his venting rage continuously fuelled the iron pistons that were his fists. Thoughts of failures and regrets filled his mind and flew out with each swing at the stoic object in front of him. His fists were starting to bleed at this point, but he didn't care. The boulder was wearing down and it looked as though it could break at any moment, he yelled and grunted with each attack trying his best not to think of the pain. He pictured Kayabas face and other twisted businessmen as the boulder to make it easier to throw punches. He grit his teeth clenching tight. If anyone saw him this way they would probably think he was some kind of animal. 


    ID: 18028


    Hyun: 11/11


    Boulder: 3/10

  6. He pulled himself together and went for another set. He began jabbing away at the rocks surface and built up momentum. His muscles were starting to ache and strain from being tense for so long. He pushed through the pain, and he could feel his pulse pumping blood throughout his body. Thinking of what it would be like back in the real world made him frustrated, he was probably losing everything he earned. Why? Why did it have to be like this?! He brought his arm back pushed forward with his elbow enlarging the crack in the boulder. His rage helped but he was still no where near where he wanted to be. The whole thing had to crack open before the quest was completed with a sombre rage he took a heavy breathe and tried to calm himself.


    ID: 17943


    Hyun: 11/11


    Boulder: 4/10

  7. Hyun was giddy at his success, he wasn't about to stop just yet either, it was important to keep momentum so the the enemy didnt have time to recover, but of course this was just a rock. And so because it was just a rock he took it as basic training, except a lot harder than wood. He took a quick step back and then pivoted forward round housing the top of the boulder and pushed off back to his feet. He breathed heavily and his chest heaved expanding out his muscular figure as he recovered. He had to keep pushing even though he was getting tired, there was no point in stopping now giving up so easily was just embarrassing.




    Hyun: 11/11


    Boulder: 6/10

  8. Hyun was starting to work up a mean sweat now, beads rolled down his rocky body like the morning dew after a cold rainy night. He was well warmed up now and continued to work at the body of the boulder. His body was in great condition, as good as he entered the game but he knew that back in the real world his real body was slowly deteriorating, that was an idea that always put him off. It took him a long time to get in shape since most of his time went into taking care of the enterprise. He brought back his fist to his waist and let out a blow which shook his own body, but the first sign of a crack appeared on the boulders surface. 




    Hyun: 11/11


    Boulder: 7/10

  9. Hyun rubbed his knuckles as he came to terms with his insanity but he reaffirmed himself it was just a game. Being the genius he was he wasn't simply just let some computer simulated pain get to him. He thought back to his hapkido training back in korea and took an appropriate stance. He brought his left leg forward and without a second delay his right leg came hammering from the side hitting against the boulders rocky surface. He chanted a focusing mantra in his mind to take his mind off of the pain focusing solely on the task in front of him. A red mark appeared where his leg had hit the rock and smirked. "Much better"


    ID: 17880


    Hyun: 11/11


    Boulder: 9/10

  10. The minimap finally led him to the area where the boulder was supposedly blocking the path. He approached it calmly and placed his palm along the surface, it was just as dense as any rock, he was baffled as to how exactly he was supposed to break the thing but then again, nothing made sense in this virtual world he was in. If a giant man floating in the sky could exist then he was sure he could get some clear damage on the thing. The heat however was still getting to him and his cloth clothing stuck to his body a wet rag. He unequipped the top and stretched, warming up for whatever it was he was about to do. His green eyes scanned the edges of the boulder and tried to see if there was any 'good' place to start hitting it. He shook his head, thinking just how crazy this was and started to bounce on the balls of his feet. He lifted his fists in front of his face and made some faint punches towards the boulder feeling it out. He grunted, there was only one way to get this done and it would have to be with force. He brought his fist back and thrusted his fist towards the boulder half heartedly expecting something to happen. His fist cracked against it not doing any damage at all. "Im not sure what i was expecting there.." He rubbed his knuckles and tried to think of a way he was supposed to do this. 


    ID: 17879

    Hyun: 11/11

    Boulder: 10/10

  11. Hyun made his way down the rocky mountain of the main second floor settlement. He re opened the quest details so he could read them as he searched for the thing. Now that he actually read the quest details he knew just how to get it done. It was supposedly blocking the path to a huge dungeon and only those who have taken the quest could get in. It was definitely worth checking once he had completed the quest himself but for now he just wanted to get the quest done, and from what he could gather the reward would allow him to fight with his arms and legs in the same way others fought with weapons. This made Hyun giddy to get the quest done, he wasn't expecting to actually be enjoying his time trapped inside this god forsaken hell hole of a game but nothing could be expected and life was unpredictable. That was not to say it didn't have clear patterns however he was willing to finally put aside his analytic nature to just enjoy himself for once. 

  12. Hyun checked his list of things to do, he decided that getting stronger was always a priority and to do that he would need to complete some quests. It was a blazing hot day however, a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face and trailed down his jawline which then dripped onto his chiselled chest, he wiped his forehead and drank some of the water he was given at the start of the day. The starting cloths were nothing special and he didn't exactly have any good items, he wasn't even going to bother learning how to use a sword. The only weapon he needed were his fists, and thats what lead him to this NPC in particular. It offered the quest <<Breaking the unbreakable>> which would allow him to use Martial arts, the only way he really knew how to fight. It didn't take him long to find the NPC on the second floor and with a rushed accept without reading the details, not wanting to waste any time, he began to search for the boulder. 

  13. Hyun raised an eyebrow as he watched Mari push the boy back, you couldn't expect anything, and that's what he liked the most about people. If everyone was the same, the world would be a rather boring place. However if there was one thing he knew, it was that people weren't to be provoked. Hyun wasn't sure how to react, but he didn't need to, It was the boys problem now. To his surprise the boy took it better than he expected but it was still rather clueless in his position, Mari's words could just as easily be applied to this boy but he had a feeling he was just ignorant. Hyun's other eyebrow lifted at the mention of the word business. So the boy had a shop all the way out here? That was laughable, probably why he got no business in the first place. He decided not to leave it to Mari to escalate the problem, but like he just made it clear to himself, you couldn't expect anything."You don't really need to approach us in order to collect materials do you? You also shouldn't be so quick to judge, but that's just my opinion" He shrugged and turned away, looking over at the scenery once again but making sure to keep the two in his peripheral vision, the situation was still to interesting to ignore. 

  14. Hyun half smiled as the pink haired anomaly 'awoke', her bluntness was refreshing, her quips were contentious, though he didn't take them seriously."To be fair, i've done my fair share of gambling. Paid off quite well so i fancy myself a lucky guy. Though luck favours the prepared mind, I don't believe you'd kill me. As for sleep I suppose that would be one of the many downsides of the orange label?" Hyun opened the trade window and placed in the chicken, the leg of ham, and the shortbread biscuits in and pressed accept. "That should be all of it." He heard a rustling coming from behind him as a player emerged from the forest behind them, he was a young fellow and seemed rather fit, his eyes revealed to Hyun a burden, perhaps a past tragedy. Hyun stared at him for a good moment before speaking, would have addressed the boys comment, though it wasn't directed at him. It was clear to Hyun that judging a book by it's cover was tremendously misguided and didn't expect things to always go as planned. Hyun simply nodded at the boy, not giving a name to him, he didn't see a need to, he definitely didn't look like a strong or experienced player like Mari. 


    (OOC: I don't think you can smell another players food inside their inventory..???)

  15. He was now back at the gates of the starting city, they welcomed him with it's lively ambience and fragrance. He walked past various inns and taverns  and entered the market district, the players were lively and conversations battled to fight over each others sound, everyone was competing for prices and items. Hyun took a look around and walked over to one of the stalls, generally it seemed Mari just wanted some meats, biscuits and butter. He made a mental note to be sure to at least get one whole chicken. Some of the players seemed shifty and others seemed completely lost. If there was one thing Hyun knew how to do, it was hustling people for goods. Some of the merchants called him over to take a look, taking his appearance as a newbie for granted.


    Hyun waltzed over to one the players selling food, by the looks of it he was a youngin' just trying to get by the sadness and frustration of being trapped in this game. "What do you have here?" The player looked over his items and frantically began listing them to him "Uhh i got some chicken, some sausages, some boar stews, some ham. I also have a bit of the good stuff if you know what i mean" "Good stuff?" Hyun downplayed the mans offers and withheld giving away his intentions. The player looked like he wasn't selling as well as the others. "Yeah, it's a rare food spread which players normally get from quests, it's like a butter but a lot nicer" Hyun rubbed his chin and nodded looking over his stand. "Well ok, I'm thinking of buying some meats, a whole chicken and some ham is good. Say, how much is that spread?" The players eyes lit up and began to enter his best salesman like impression he could pull off "Well normally i sell them for around 100 Col since you have to go out of your way to get such an item. Oh and the meats are about 70 Col a piece" Hyun snorted and waved his hand in front of him, even though he did have enough to pay for it all "Preposterous, you're dreaming" Without a second thought Hyun turned around, expecting the player to call back for him and surely enough he did. "Wait! I can negotiate a price if it's to much!" A sinister smile curled across his face, he composed himself and turned back around "Well?" Hyun kept it short, he wanted to get a feel of how low the player was willing to go. "I can do the spread for 70 and the meats for 50 each" It wasn't as low as Hyun would have liked but it was decent, he thought if he could push him lower. "How does 40 for the meats sound?" He saw a flinch in the players expression, it was nearly fifty percent lower than the original price but he didn't care, he'd suck every col he could. "That's a bit to low.. what about 45?" Hyun considered the deal for a moment but realised he still needed some shortbread and if he could do that for 50 or lower he'd have more than 50 col left over for himself. "40 for the meats or 60 for the spread and 45 for the meats, I have no intention on spending above 150 col" The boy swallowed hard and tried to rebut but Hyun picked up on his body language and began to turn from the player and the player let out a groan "Ok, Ok. I get you, 45 for the meats 60 for the spread" Hyun smiled and turned around â€‹"Good lad, I'll be sure to return to do you more business" The two set up the trade offer; 150 col for a whole chicken, a spread and some ham, and accepted shaking the boys hand before leaving. It didn't take him long before he came across another player selling breads, a baker he guessed. All these players had a common theme, they were all level one, all too afraid to adventure out and fight. The deal went rather smoothly, the woman was selling biscuits and bread rather cheap and had a lot of customers. He managed to get a large sum for only 20 Col.

    -170 Col 
    + Vanity items; Whole chicken, leg ham, tasty spread (Can you believe it's no butter?), shortbread biscuits. 


    He made his way back to where he met Mari, the day had gone by rather quickly. Fortunately she was still there waiting, he wondered if she was pissed that he took so long. No matter, he had everything she wanted and made profit on it. By the looks of it she was sleeping. He poked her cheek gently, her skin was rather soft for a person living in the outdoors "Wake up sleeping beauty, your meal has arrived".

  16. The only response she offered was a simple 'There' which didn't really surprise him, but it wasn't like she owed him anything more than that. His hand wavered over the accept button and noticed her name pop up in the trade offer, with a faint smirk he pressed accept. "Well Mari, It was a delight to make your acquaintance. I'll be back in a few hours, unless you'd like to walk with me" He didn't wait for a response, with a swift movement he was on his feet and began to walk off into the forest backtracking down the path he came. He took a look back at the list to make sure he knew what he was buying, it was the work of a lacky but it wasn't work he found detestable. In a way they were still using each other, as a low level player there were still many things he didn't know and players he had yet to meet. Making connections was always important and so he wasn't going to let an easy opportunity for prospects to pass. Who knew, perhaps being friends with a Pker had it's benefits. The tree's towered over his body as he walked through the forest and the time slowly ticked away, he began to hum the tune of a classic song his father used play to him before he was murdered. 

    +250 Col

  17. He brushed his hair away from his eyes and turned back for a moment, trying to hide the amused expression on his face. He looked back at her with a grin, she was rather interesting. Yet that orange curser grimly reminded him that this rose had thorns. It was his best interest to survive, though, no businessman comes out of a deal empty handed. He thought about her remark for awhile considering the prospects of their encounters. "Existential bullshit? Huh, well you know what they say, don't judge a book by it's cover. The worth of information is only as valuable as the price you place on it. Though, I'm not here to give you advice, nor do i think you want any." He shrugged and sat back down looking across the city, he may be older than most but he hadn't lost his youth. Years of fighting wore down a man, he didn't have much care in fighting back. "Well I don't want to pry. There isn't much of a point in getting to know someone if it's forced" He sprung back to his feet and waltzed towards her, sitting himself down on the boulder next to her. He opened his player log and began to write down the things she wanted. "All that's left is the col" He eye'd her, wondering if she would go through with it after all the small talk. 

  18. He wasn't sure if beggar was the best choice of words he wasn't asking for anything, in fact it was the opposite, perhaps that was what she truly meant. She continued to explain 'his situation' to him and he couldn't help but grin. "Well then, It would seem you have misjudged me. For one I have not a single Col to my name. I also care little for it. After all, what does it profit a man to gain the world and forfeit his soul?" He didn't flinch from any of her movements, he was actually amused with it all at this point. He decided staying on the floor wasn't a good idea so he picked himself up and dusted himself off. "Hmm I also don't really have anything to hide, what would you hope to get from me through a truth syrum? If I were to agree with you on one thing you've said this whole time it would be that you don't really trust me" He wasn't really buying her front all to well but it seemed as though his morning was already turning out unexpectedly interesting. "Tell you what, I get these items for you and you tell me a bit about yourself. Of course I don't have the Col to buy them myself. As you can tell I'm still adjusting to the world around me. Sound fair?" 

  19. Hyun looked up at the woman as she frantically listed all the items she wanted from the city. He wasn't exactly sure why she just assumed he'd go out and do her errands, it was actually amusing considering how long it had been since he received orders from anyone. Of course just another one of those types of people, only paying attention to those around them to use them. "TypicalIn this game however he was at the bottom of the barrel, it was clear to see that he was just a nobody in this game but even nobodies still had power over their lives. "Im guessing I wasn't your first choice to be errand boy" He understood the situation all to well, almost like a de ja vu, then again, he was forced to deal with people constantly at the office. Perhaps he felt that way because the shoe was on the other foot now. He smirked "There isn't much stopping me from staying in the city is there?" Money did often speak but it was not as appealing to him as it should be. "Anyone with half a brain would take the money and run. Why trust me?

  20. Hyun checked the time, it was still bright and early, the woman next to him began to speak but he was much too fixated on the clear blue sky in front of him to notice. The fresh air filled his lungs as a gentle breeze rolled past rustling the trees and grass around them, how much he had taken his life for granted sometimes baffled him when he thought about it but then shortly reassured himself. Vengeance was justice. When the woman spoke again he turned his head to match eyes with her, his bright green eyes locking to hers. After an awkward silence he turned back to look over the city. "Life is short, why not enjoy the moment" He gestured towards the view. He spawned out the bread and water which he spawned with and helped himself offering her some as well it wasn't much but it would satisfy. Yes, it was the basic things in life which sometimes could fulfil a man the most. He allowed a faint smile to show as he brushed his windswept hair out of his face. 

  21. Hyun travelled further through the landscape of the 1st floor, he was enjoying himself more than he expected himself to. Crushing opposing businesses was one thing but to relax and take in the beauty of nature was another entirely. He took a look at his map and figured that if he could get atop of a hill he would be able to get a clear view of the entire floor and capture it in it's full glory. It was something he normally liked to do when he was to make his mark on a new state. He had done it before by standing atop skyscrapers and getting a clear view of the whole city, he couldn't explain why or what exactly it was that caused him to desire such a thing but all he knew was that it drove him to push forward, a motivation of some sort. He continued up the path until he was close the edge, he spotted something past the bushes, a pink haired player of the sorts. It was very unexpected to see such a person all the way up here, whats more was that she had an orange cursor, he figured it was definitely a bad sign but his curiosity got the better of him. He sat down next to her and took in the landscape, not saying a word. 

  22. It was just another day for Hyun, another, boring, day. Hyun trailed his finger across his blade as he sat just outside the front gates of the starting city, it rung with a satisfying sheen. He bit the bottom of his lip and tried to go over the previous event's in his mind. As his mind began to wander, a old gypsy approached him, offering him a quest. Everything about it seemed rather simple, but the rewards it gave was what caught his eye. He stood up and accepted the mission, as soon as he did the gypsy was gone. He scratched his head and looked around confused. At least he knew what he had to do, it seemed simple enough, feed a monster and it becomes your pet. He hoped it would be as simple as it sounded but he had a feeling he was in for a disappointment. 

  23. Hyun made his way out the front gates of the starting city and began to explore the outer regions. It didn't take him long before he came across a group of players quarrelling about some nonsense. He told himself it was probably a good idea to keep going, but something else told him to keep going, to head towards them. It was his thirst for knowledge, his curiosity once again grabbing hold of him. He skulked about for awhile, not exactly 100% on how to approach the group but he eventually just decided to watch from a distance for awhile. A strange colour stood out from the rest of the group not a few moments late, a vibrant pink who seemed to impose her presence on the others quite well, though she was welcomed. Hyun rubbed his jawline and began to walk towards the group. He more or less had the idea of where the conversation was going and a solid idea of who these characters would turn out to be. A 14 year old craving attention, a 'tough guy' who seemed to be emotionally driven and a another teen a bit younger than him who was rather straightforward with his responses. Though it was the pink haired player which still eluded him, his perception couldn't exactly tell what her story was but he could pick up a strange aura of emotional turmoil dwelling within. Keeping in mind he could be attacked at any moment he chose his words carefully "What does it accomplish to impose the will of one unto another in an apposing fashion to which was requested. Granted a child he seems, a person he still is. I'm sure you can agree that helping another does not require criticism. Even if you are a guild mate. Call me old fashioned but i view life as precious." 

  24. It was just another day at the office for Hyun, or was it? Shamefully so he would probably never live to see a pile of paperwork in his life again, though that was what he had been wishing for? Was it not? It seemed this game was a wish come true, yet a curse, a punishment. It didn't make sense for karma to bite him in such a way, but if the future was to pan out the way he hoped, perhaps it was a necessary step, a test rather. What if he were to ever return to the world of the awake, to see the sun, the sky, the birds, the trees.. they were in front of him now. Were they not? But no rose smelt as sweet, no sun as warm.. no world to conquer. He got what he wanted? Was it not? That same question rung in his head. The answers remained true, the roses did smell as sweet, the sun did radiate a true warmth, the birds did chirp a true song. It was a nature of life, a nature of opportunity. It was a nature which he could get used to, it was a world he could conquer. Or so he would think, or so, he would think. He fiddled with the bread which all players started with. Such a useless item, offered nothing to him but a stale taste which reminded him of failure. 


    The starting city was vibrant and hailed a new beggining for him as he affirmed with himself not to long ago. There were players all around him, just as frantic as he, others seemed a much higher level than he and well those were the players he would keep an eye on. He had a long list of things to do, and a lot of work to get done if he was to excel in such a world as this. He wondered how the economy worked, how the combat worked, he was just curious, knowledge was strength and wisdom was power and he intended to learn. However everything was to come in time, everything had it's place, he just had to be patient for now indeed, he had to be patient like every good businessmen. It didn't take him long at all before he found himself exploring the outer regions of the floor, and it was just as beautiful as the inside. "I was not expecting this.."

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