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Posts posted by Hyun

  1. Profile

    »Username: Hyun
    »Real name: Hyun-Jin Ryu
    »Age: 29
    »Gender: M
    »Height: 6'3
    »Weight: 183.3 lbs.
    "The only people who fear death are those with regrets."
    »About: Hyun is the type of character who will pick up on everything about you within the first few moments of eye contact. He'll almost never disclose his interests to you unless he feels it's necessary to. He can be extremely supportive and quite caring once he gets close to someone but the possibilities of that ever happening are close to zero. He is extremely cynical due to his past and will even question why you're breathing next to him. When he speaks it's because he has something important to say otherwise he's happily content being silent and analyzing every detail, sponging information. He is painfully honest and open to engage with people. He believes in Zen Buddhism to an extent, which is also another contributing factor in his cynical nature, knowing how ones ego works generally projects a poor image onto others. If you can prove you're worth his time and effort he'll nurture you and consider your time precious because he knows what it's like to suffer in silence. 
    "The problem is you think you have time"
    »Past: Hyun is a Korean boy who grew up around great power and wealth. He knows what it's like to deal in the affairs of the elite and likewise has been taught to follow in these footsteps. Since he was young he attended private tutoring every day for 9 hours, the only time he ever got a break was during the off days and when he got to play piano. He slowly gained status along side his parents throughout private organisations and businesses and was feared for his potential as one of the elite. In an attempt to stunt his grow, assassins were hired to murder his family and everyone he knew. One by one everyone that was ever close to him fell dead until he was the only one left standing, his family business was ruined, he had no where to go and no one to turn to. The police investigated into the matter but were quickly paid off to turn the other way. Inheriting his family wealth himself he hired his own private investigators into the matter and tried to gather all he knew to launch his own enterprise and put shame to all his families competitors. 

    As the years went by the child prodigy grew older, he always had eyes and ears on him but he didn't care, he welcomed them. He dared them to try to him what they did to his parents, he was always ready. He expanded from telecommunications and cars to electricity networks and infrastructure and soon after into gaming. He made sure he had a foothold into whatever it was that could get him power, playing business's like monopoly, building one up and selling it and soon after moving on to another. It was in this manner he eventually bought out his families competitors and sold them off destroying their life's work. He was pleased with himself and decided to try gaming and settle down a bit, a business which was very competitive and costly but also very profitable. The nerve gear was in the lime light now. It was a technology which no one had ever seen or ever comprehended that could be possible. The owner of the technology Kayaba also released a game called sword art online, he had heard stories about him before but this was the first time he ever paid much attention to him. With the interest of learning more about the technology he bought one for himself. The idea of letting go finally and playing a game had rather excited him and it wasn't like he was just doing it to let time fly past either, he had a goal..
    »Genius/Disciplined: Hyun was a genius for his age. There isn't much else to say about it. His strict upbringing is what formed him into the child prodigy that he was and now he is capable of tapping into that knowledge whenever he likes. Due to this strict upbringing he has also leant to discipline himself, assuring that he will be able to be independent and do what is always needed before the things wanted. Now he's an adult who would thirsts constantly for knowledge. 
    »Adaptable/Analytic: Hyun is able to decipher and analyse situations, adapting quickly and effectively forming strategies to help him in his current situations. He often over thinks situations before he goes through with them and has no intention of ever advancing forward without having a contingency plan. He will make sure every aspect of a situation is thought out and planned. When faced in a dilemma he was always pick the best option and adapt. He knows what it's like to suffer and so he finds it easy to empathise with those who are going through tough times. 
    »Patient/Forbearing: Hyun is a patient person, he is able to keep himself under control and tolerate delays and problems, especially when it is to reach a set goal. In this sense with his analytic nature he is also forbearing, in a heated situation he will keep a level head and wait it out, thinking, planning and waiting for the perfect time to continue forward. In the business world patience was a key tool in deals, using it to feel out the opposition, how high they're willing to go, what their intentions are, establishing your dominance. Sometimes silence is the deadliest weapon a person can bear. 
    »Perceptive: Hyun is the type of guy that can pick up on nearly everything about you within the first few seconds of eye contact. He often sometimes knows people better then they know themselves. This is because of his upbringing around a community of businessmen, he was taught to think, walk and talk like them so learning body language was important in making sure he was able to communicate effectively in future situations. It also helps in situations other than dealing with people, he can pick up on patterns and abuse them until there's nothing left, something he learnt in stock marketing. 
    »Charming: A big part of selling in business was the methods and techniques employed when engaging in communication with other people in order to persuade them. This was hard for Hyun to pick up when he was younger because he was very socially isolated and was still coping with stress however all the lessons given to him had helped him mask the way he felt in the art of speech. As he grew older and more experienced his charm naturally increased until he could confidently bluff his way out of losing out on every last penny and coax others into seeing eye to eye with his own views to benefit his schemes.   
    »Blunt Honesty: Hyun can be harsh, mostly with the truth. He'll point out any and all of your flaws without care if you have nothing to offer him or he just doesn't like you. He'll tell it like it is and cause everyone to either value it or get pissed of and attack him. Most of the times he means well when he tells people what he thinks of them. When Hyun gets criticism he always valued it highly. However it is always misinterpreted. However, most of the times when is being honest it is only to be harsh and to point out flaws.
    »Machiavellianism : Hyun has a tendency to be unemotional, and therefore able to detach himself from conventional morality and hence to deceive and manipulate others. It was a trait inherited by being in the family business, you did what you could to get to the top, it was the very same reason why his parents were murdered. Machiavellianism can be described as a more refined form of being a sociopath. 
    »Cynical: Just like his parents and his past, he is caused to view the world as being purely greedy and only in on certain things for themselves, he will never trust someone the first time they meet and for good reason. It was all because of what happened when he was younger. He believes all requests for favours are to be payed back almost immediately or over a long and painful period with interest.
    »Perfectionist: Hyun is a perfectionist at heart, even since birth he always complained about getting something incorrect and worked hard and making sure he never made the same mistake twice. To this day he takes failure heavily on his shoulders and does everything in his power to plan, prepare, and execute to perfection. Overtime this nature is what lead him to develop a lot of his skills as a person but also caused a lot of disturbance with the people around him and he even once completely trashed and sold one of his businesses that didn't work the way he wanted it to, causing him to lose a large sum of his earnings. 
    »Ambitious: Hyun is an ambitious man. He sets high goals for himself and he expects to achieve them. He'll work as hard as humanly possible to meet the expectations set on him by himself and no others. It is because when he sets these certain goals it is with the upmost desire and determination to accomplish them and so when said goal is achieved he can feel satisfied with his efforts. This ambition will also set aside things of lesser importance to him, pushing away friends or family until he is done with his task. This can often upset others making it a slight drawback, but it is his ambition that always leads him to success. 
    Skill Points: 2/5
    Passive Skills:
    Weapon Skills : 
    » Extra Skill: Martial arts (2/30) Novice = +1 Unarmed damage.
    Armour Skills :
    Extra Skills:
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7509-f2-sp-breaking-the-unbreakable-a-mans-frustration/Completed! (Breaking the Unbreakable) - 400 Col, 2 sp, <<Martial Arts>>

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