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Posts posted by Emblem

  1. Emblem walked through out the labyrinth and was starting to lose patience. He was itching to take on the beasts and couldn't wait much longer to find the Minotaur. He looked back at his companions hoping that they wouldn't lose anyone. He was especially worried about Cygnus and Syn. He knew they could probably handle themselves but they were the closest people to him in there large group. He couldn't stand losing friends like them. He shook the thought out of his head. They wouldn't have trouble with the mobs because of the high level players they had with them but he still of course had the fear that any person would before a fight like this. Emblem took a deep breath trying to clear his head then continued to walk through the labyrinth.

  2. Emblem watched as both of his companions now ended up on the ground in front of him. Confused he walked up to the pair on the ground as they began to get up. "How did that happen?" Emblem held his hand out to help the pair up but was beaten to it by Kindle who had gotten up quicker. He shrugged then waited for Kasier to give it another go at the rock. She was able to land a pretty decent blow on the rock dealing some of the most damage she could to it. Emblem walked up to the rock and threw his fist to it after Kasier did it to see a small bit of a crack forming beneath his fist. He sighed. boy was this going to take awhile.

    BD: 10

    ID: 64486

    HP List:
    Kasier: 16/16
       Energy: 2/4 (-1) (+1)
    Emblem: 64/64
       Energy: 13/16 -1 
    Kindle: 12/12
       Energy: 1/3 

    Boulder: 42/50 -3 HP


  3. Emblem felt his face begin to glow red as Syn requested to group with him. Uhh yeah... I'm fine with that. Emblem slowly looked back at Vyrtew half expecting him to run at him with his dagger drawn ready to kill him. Emblem looked back at the rest of the group. Well guys. I think were ready to go! it shouldn't be too hard but we should still be careful. Emblem opened his inventory and put his potions at ready so during the fight he would be able to quickly use his health potions. He closed his menu then looked around at the group. Good luck everyone!

  4. (OOC: You got it!)

    Emblem walked with Kasier as he approached the cafe. He walked in then sat at a table near the entrance and waited as the NPC waitress walked over to there table and asked to take there orders. Emblem ordered a sandwich then closed the ordering menu and relaxed in his seat. He remembered seeing several shops outside and it reminded him of his blacksmith profession which he had never actually put to good use. It just sat with his other skills in his menu gathering dust. He really should try and open his blacksmith shop soon but he just couldn't find the time between grinding and leveling up to start a store.

  5. Emblem smiled. yeah nice job! Emblem looked up at his energy which was mostly depleted and his health slowly regenerating. Yeah I think we should play it safe and head back. Emblem stretched out his arm then sheathed his blade. He began to walk back to town with his friend. So we got pretty lucky with the mob drops. I should have enough now to continue working with tank gear now.  Emblem looked around at his surroundings as eh walked. He never spent that much time on floor 2 so everything he saw looked pretty new to him. 

    +400 COL

    +2 MATS

  6. Emblem laughed. Well thanks! Emblem stuck his hands into his pocket then smiled. Sounds like a plan! Emblem began waling with Kasier towards the town. So have you ever been to the starlight cafe? Emblem looked over at his new friend and smiled. You probably have. It's one of the most popular cafe chains in Aincrad. Theres even one up on floor 17. Emblem looked ahead as the two made it into the town. He looked up at the sun. Judging by it's position it was about noon. He could just open up his menu to check the time but he like the idea of being able to tell the time without the convenience of a watch or clock.

  7. Emblem shrugged. Okay suit yourself. Emblem watched as the mob ran up to him and tried to ram him. Emblem easily deflected it then with one quick slash the boar was nothing more than a blue polygons. Emblem sheathed his sword then walked back to his partner. She made a comment about him sounding old. Emblem laughed then nodded. Well when your in this type of environment you have to learn to grow up or get treated like a kid, without any respect. Emblem sat down next to her then looked down as a window opened on his HUD telling him he hadn't gained any loot he had gotten from killing the mob. He dismissed the window then looked at the player and smiled.


    <<Emblem>> 64/64 energy 9/16

    <<Kasier>> 12/12 energy 3/3

    <<frenzied boar>> 0/32 *dead* 

    BD: 10

    LD: 6 + 1 + 7 No loot

    ID: 64408



  8. Emblem laughed. Well the NPC over there painted these whiskers on me and said that it would only come off if I break the rock. Emblem looked down as a window opened on his HUD and accept the request. He watched as too health bars formed beneath his own. Emblem began walking towards the boulder preparing his first punch only to see Kasier beat him too it. As she ran she tripped then fell on her face. Emblem giggled. Umm are you alright? Emblem readied his fist and charged at the boulder. He brought his fist up then slammed it into the rock. He felt bits of the massive rock break under his fist giving him a satisfied smile. He looked up at the rocks HP to see that it hardly moved at all. Well this is going to take awhile...


    HP List:
    Kasier: 16/16
       Energy: 2/4 (-2)
    Emblem: 64/64
       Energy: 15/16 (-1)
    Kindle: ?/?
       Energy: ?/?

    Boulder: 47/50 -3 HP

    BD: 10

    ID: 64530


  9. Emblem dashed at the mob again this time determined to kill it quickly. He activated a sword skill as he ran and felt like this attack was going to hit. His blade began to glow a pale green as he dashed at the mob. He thrust it's blade at the monster stabbing it leaving only a small amount of the boars HP left. Emblem jumped back and looked back at his companion who now sat on the ground. She made a comment about him being active for so long. Emblem shrugged. Well I've seen my fare share of people come and go. The girl Cho I mentioned earlier. To be honest I'm not sure if she's even still alive. I haven't seen her in about.. well call it 6 months. There are tons of people who i haven't seen in what seems like forever. But then again I still am meeting new people. Emblem looked back at the boar. Do you want to try and finish it off. I'm sure you could.


    <<Emblem>> 64/64 energy 9/16

    <<Kasier>> 12/12 energy 3/3

    <<frenzied boar>> 2/32 

    BD: 9

    MD: 2

    ID: 64407

    Sword Art: Vorpal Strike (1x5) -5 energy dealt 30 dmg


  10. Emblem shrugged. I don't see why not. Emblem watched as a window appeared on his HUD asking if he wanted to become friends with Kasier. he pressed the accept button then closed the window. He turned to Kasier as she prepared and asked if they could chat about what they'd experienced so far. Okay let's get going. Emblem walked towards the boar then watched as it's health bar and a yellow crystal formed above its head. He ran at the best then swung his sword. he missed the boar by what seemed like a mile. the boar however did land a hit luckily not taking much health as mobs on the upper floors would. Emblem remembered the girl wanted to talk and decided to begin there conversation. Well i'm not too sure where to start. I guess maybe when I got my familiar is a god place. Me and one of my first allies in this game Cho were up in floor 4. After a long long time searching we finally found an Ice Dragon hatchling. We handed the beast a piece of raw meat and the dragon instantly fell in love with us. Sense Cho already had a familiar I got to have it. It's not that good of a story but it's all I can think of right now. Maybe later in the fight I'll remember more.


    <<Emblem>> 63/64 energy 14/16 

    <<Kasier>> 12/12 energy 3/3

    <<frenzied boar>> 32/32 

    BD: 2

    MD: 10

    ID: 64411


  11. Emblem nodded. We can always use new healers on the front lines. Emblem listened as the girl asked what his build was. Well it's a little bit complicated. I spent most of the time going for a DPS but now that there has been a shortage of tanks i'm moving towards that type of build. It's been pretty hard moving towards a new type of job but i've made a lot of progress. Emblem looked up then spotted a boar nearby. Alright are you ready Kasier. Emblem pulled out his sword then stared down the mob and began to move towards it.

  12. Whaa! Emblem stepped back as the NPC painted whiskers onto his face claiming that the paint would only come off after he split a rock in two with just his bare hands. The NPC pointed towards the direction the rock was. Emblem shrugged then began to walk towards it when he heard the sound of people approaching. He turned around to see two women walking up. Hey are you guys going to take the quest too? I'm going to. I'd be nice to have some help. Do you think you cold help me out? Emblem hoped they would help him. He might just die of boredom if he'd have to split the boulder all by himself.

  13. Emblem walked trough floor 2 looking for a special NPC that he had heard would give him a quest. it had been awhile sense he had done one so he was looking forward to it. He was headed south where he had heard the NPC was located. As he walked he noticed an exceptionally large mountain before him. Emblem decided he would try and climb the mountain to get a good look at the surrounding area. Emblem looked around for a path up the mountain and spotted one not far away. he walked towards it the began the journey up the mountain. As he made it about 3 quarters of the way. he noticed what looked like a hut on the top. He began to walk faster then made it to the top of the mountain to see the NPC he had been looking for sitting outside of his hut painting on an easel. 

  14. Emblem walked through floor one with a smile on his face. He looked around for anything new happening only to spot a stand giving out free potions. Emblem wouldn't miss out on a chance to go out and get some free stuff walked up to the stand to see a man he had met awhile ago Rainer is he could recall his name. Emblem walked up to the stand then checked out what types of potions he was giving out. He spotted some health potions then checked how much he could get of it. Hey Rainer! I'll take three of these minor healing potions thanks! I'll have to check out your shop sometime!

  15. Emblem nodded. Well alright then. Emblem began to walk back out of the gate glad that he could catch up on his grinding having slept most of his time to earlier. Emblem was a pretty lazy person and would choose to sleep than fight any day. Emblem kept his eyes out hoping that a higher level boar wouldn't spawn near them so that he could try and get The low level player into some of the action too. Suddenly he remembered that he hadn't sent a party request to the player. he stopped walking then turned around and opened up his menu and instinctively sent a party request to the player. he also had forgotten to ask what her build was. Emblem closed his menu and looked up at the player. So what type of build are you going for?

  16. Emblem laughed then took Syn's arm as she helped him up. Yeah i'm fine. It was just a slip. Emblem looked at Syn and felt his face begin to turn red. Umm yeah no problem. Thanks for helping me up. Emblem looked at the lake before them trying to see if there were any monsters out at the lake. He had never been there before and didn't know if there were any spawn points here for mobs. He pulled out his sword and looked around. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted two figures walking towards him. Stay here Syn i think there's some mobs ahead. emblem began to slowly make his way towards the mobs looking behind and his friend making sure she was safe. As he got closer he could make out two beastly looking snowmen creature looked over at him with demonic smiles. Emblem readied his weapon the activated a sword skill. Emblem charged at the monsters and activated a sword skill as he ran. The ice however wasn't very forgiving and he slipped on the ice and began to slide towards the monsters. Emblem continued his sword skill and delivered the attack while on the ground after he did this though the mobs attacked him. He felt his nerves numbing at the place of attack. Emblem grit his teeth and looked up at his health bar. Not much HP was taken away but that was still him closer to death.


    <Emblem> 45/60 energy 7/15

    <Abominable Snowman 1> 15/30

    <Abominable Snowman 2> 15/30

    Sword Art: Vertical Square (4x1) AOE dealt 20 DMG

    Abomidable Snowman

    12 DMG

    30 HP

    5 MIT

    BD: 6

    MD: 8

    ID: 64150

    OOC: sorry for the bad grammar I had to type it up really quickly

  17. Emblem giggled as he watched Vyrtew shove his face into water. Someone isn't used to the sun I see? Emblem wondered if he was one of the players who had just come out of hiding in there inn room after the announcement. But who could blame him he was one of those people for awhile until he got up the courage to go and fight. Emblem closed his eyes and turned away as the white haired boy began to shake his head spraying water all over them. The feeling of the water refreshed Emblem but at the same time annoyed him. he turned towards the man who had spent time out here training. of course at lower levels you couldn't have the energy to fight with sword art after sword art.

  18. Emblem stepped back as Vyrtew went to poke him in the chest. Emblem could tell that the white haired boy was reaching for his dagger. "God you and that dagger." Emblem sat and listened as Vyrtew began to make wild accusations at him. Emblem sighed. Then looked up at the player. 1st of all I don't want anything from Syn. Emblem copied what Vyrtew had done earlier. He pulled his hand away. Second of all I wont hurt her ever and last but not at all least, you will never be the one to kill me. This time rather than punching him across the face Emblem stuck his hand into his pockets and watched as The white haired player began to run off towards Delilah Village where Emblem had been walking towards earlier. He suddenly felt a sinking feeling. "Oh crap! Syn's going to hate me!" Emblem sighed then began to walk back towards town hoping that things turned out okay.

  19. Emblem felt his heart jump as he heard a familiar voice greet him. He turned around to see a silver haired girl walk up to him. He smiled then waved. Hey Syn! I haven't seen you in awhile how have you been? he looked behind her to see that her brother glaring at him walking up behind her and laughed. Well it's nice to see you too Vyrtew. Emblem looked around at all the players counting them. He counted a total of eight which was perfect for the strategy he had developed last night. Alright guys I have a little bit of a plan. We have a eight people so we can split that up into two groups of four. Each group can take on one Minotaur. We can have Rain and Baldur be in separate groups so that one group doesn't have a greater chance of dying. Emblem looked around at the people waiting for their response. Chances were they wouldn't like the idea and it would be dismissed quickly. Emblem wasn't really a strategist so this was something new for him.

  20. Emblem nodded. Well it's nice to meet you Kasier! I rememebr when I first decided to leave the safezone. I can't tell you how scared I was.  But now the mobs on floor 1 don't exactly pose any threat to me so it's nice to come out here and take walks. I'll tell you right now Kasier. Someday you won't have any problem with mobs on this floor or any others. Soon well clear this game and everything will go back to the way it was before. Emblem looked up at the sky to see that the rain had lightened up a little but still had a steady downpour of rain. He looked back at the woman. if you want Kasier we can still go out. I can promise you protection if you stay with me. Emblem opened his menu and checked the time. it wasn't that late only about 6 so he still had time before it got too dark to see.

  21. Emblem opened his inventory as the player complained about the rain. He loved the feeling of the rain especially when he was fighting in it. He materialized a spare cloak then held it out for the woman. Here you go. It's not that much but it'll help. Emblem looked up to see that it had began to rain even more he sighed. Usually it wouldn't rain this hard on floor 1. Somebody must have thought they would mix it up here at the town of beginnings. Emblem decided he would take of his hood to try and be polite. He would have kept it up if it were a man he was talking to but his father always taught him to be polite to girls. He pulled of the hood relieving his blonde hair which now began to dampen as the rain poured over them. He smiled. I'm Emblem by the way!

  22. Emblem looked up at his energy to see that he didn't really have much left anymore. But all he needed was one last sword art to take care of the mobs. Emblem then looked towards his HP to see that a huge chunk of it was taken away when the dire wolves attacked him. It was almost in the yellow zone. Come to think of it Emblem couldn't remember the last time his Hp actually hit the yellow zone but today wasn't going to be the first. Emblem charged at the mobs. Luckily he had just enough energy to use a quick attack to at least deal some damage to the wolves. He really hoped that Cygnus could just finish the wolves of and quickly before they could get off another attack. He swung at the wolves barely taking of any health.


    <Emblem> 45/60 energy 1/15

    <Cygnus> 36/36 energy 7/9

    <Dire Wolf 1> 3/40

    <Dire Wolf 2> 3/40

    <Dire Wolf 3> 3/40

    <Dire Wolf 4> 3/40

    Sword Art: Horizontal (1x1) AOE -dealt 1 DMG

    BD: 8

    MD: 2

    ID: 64075

    Dire Wolf STATS:

    HP 40

    DMG 6

    MIT 6


  23. Emblem yawned with his hands behind his head as he walked back to the gate from the safezone. Even though he was supposed to be grinding today he had fallen asleep near a stream. Falling asleep was a very dangerous thing to do when you were outside the safezone. Even if you were high level you could still be killed easily by a wandering player killer. Emblem luckily had woken up before anything bad happened. His dragon flew next to him loving the feeling of the cloudy day in Aincrad. He looked up at the sky. and felt a drop of rain fall onto him. He had a feeling that it would rain today so he opened his inventory and tapped on the cloak he kept in his inventory just for these moments. He pressed on the materialize button then felt it appear in front of him. He threw it over his armor then pulled the hood up. He hoped that if he ran into anyone it could disguise his age a bit. Most people didn't take a 13 year old seriously even if he was a higher level than them. Emblem walked up to the safezone gates then noticed a low level player walking out of the gate. Emblem curious walked up to her. Hey, umm do you need any help? Emblem had a thing about not wanting people to die much like a handful of other people in Aincrad. For awhile he has wanted to join the high level guild the Knights of the Blood Oath and they did exactly what he had just done on a daily basis. 

  24. Emblem nodded. Yeah I know my gear right now isn't exactly tank material but I have some orders put in right now for some perfect quality equipment. That should help me out some more with becoming a Tank. I don't have it yet because the crafter hasn't had the best of luck lately. Emblem smiled at the player. I hope to get to the frontlines quickly so i've been doing a lot of grinding trying to get the most experience I can. It's all i've really been doing. Today was kind of my day to relax and take a break. Thanks for all of this it's really helped. 

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