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Status Replies posted by Lowenthal

  1. Just finished my first thread, leveled up for the first time, and joined my first guild! Yay!

  2. Just finished my first thread, leveled up for the first time, and joined my first guild! Yay!

  3. Just finished my first thread, leveled up for the first time, and joined my first guild! Yay!

  4. Well, I haven't told anyone about this, but this is Grave's alt :P Decided to get one, since Shahni's only for GGO

  5. Well, I haven't told anyone about this, but this is Grave's alt :P Decided to get one, since Shahni's only for GGO

  6. Just finished my first thread, leveled up for the first time, and joined my first guild! Yay!

  7. You ever meet that one guy, who tells you how to do your job. And you fight the urge to just, kick him in the teeth? Fun times.

  8. @Alex This is not your twitter #NoOneCares #TiredOfGettingComplaints #NeedSleep

  9. @Alex This is not your twitter #NoOneCares #TiredOfGettingComplaints #NeedSleep

  10. So are the knights of blood oath no longer running? If thats the case anyone want to help me recreate them? I have a great set of ideas and would love to see them up and running.

  11. So are the knights of blood oath no longer running? If thats the case anyone want to help me recreate them? I have a great set of ideas and would love to see them up and running.

  12. So are the knights of blood oath no longer running? If thats the case anyone want to help me recreate them? I have a great set of ideas and would love to see them up and running.

  13. So are the knights of blood oath no longer running? If thats the case anyone want to help me recreate them? I have a great set of ideas and would love to see them up and running.

  14. So are the knights of blood oath no longer running? If thats the case anyone want to help me recreate them? I have a great set of ideas and would love to see them up and running.

  15. So are the knights of blood oath no longer running? If thats the case anyone want to help me recreate them? I have a great set of ideas and would love to see them up and running.

  16. -Inspired to create Master Myoga- You all shall see the Master in a short while. :D

    1. Lowenthal


      I kinda want to meet this Master Myoga myself...

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  17. -Inspired to create Master Myoga- You all shall see the Master in a short while. :D

    1. Lowenthal


      Is glad to see so many people being Ninjas. #ninjalyfe

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  18. Holy crud I'm actually caught up on all my posts for once. Guess I can fix my SAO sig and make my ALO one too now~

  19. Holy crud I'm actually caught up on all my posts for once. Guess I can fix my SAO sig and make my ALO one too now~

  20. Anyone want to start a RP, and maybe perhaps add me?

  21. RPing as a Ninja is pretty hardcore stuff. XP

  22. RPing as a Ninja is pretty hardcore stuff. XP

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