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Posts posted by Hasai

  1. Her eyes sparkled as he talked, What to say.... Oh! She instantly thought of a reply, Well, Mr. Tristan, how do you feel when you are in the tournaments? Her mind was completely off of the Azure Brigade, but deep down, she was still thinking of it. It is my goal to achieve an invitation into the guild. Which means, I must get stronger. Good thing I am working on these boss quests. Even if I could do it by myself, it is quite fun to do it with another person, such as Tristan. Her thoughts got shaken away, as her feet sunk into the snow, the tip of her boot got covered, and she smirked, Guess the snow is getting deeper as we go. She stretched her arms, a smile tugging on her lips, as she imagined how it would feel to attack the monster they would son be facing.

  2. As Tristan began to walk, she instantly shot forward, her feet made a pitter patter on the snow covered cobblestone path. She caught up with Tristan, and smiled, I have not done much today either. This is the first eventful thing of my day. She nodded her head, Tristan... just as how I imagined him to be! She felt another squeal go off inside of her, Well, I have seen every single one of your tournaments! She giggled as she remembered the one that was recent, Lowenthal had just left! Do you enjoy being in the Azure Brigade? She asked curiously, her eyes scanned his face, seeing what his reaction would be. Upon looking up, she noticed they were almost out of town, and into the winter wilderness.

  3. As soon as the teleporter glowed with blue light, Youno's eyes brightened, and she stood up taller. That was when, the tall, sexy redhead, appeared before her eyes. Instantly her jaw dropped, Did he get taller since the last time I had seen him? Her memories brought her back to what had happened with her last encounter with her sister, the day her sister revealed she wanted to go orange. Her eyes stayed upon Tristan, and she forcefully closed her jaw, his sexy British accent was alluring enough, adding his looks made him quite tempting. She wanted him all to herself. She then smiled widely as he asked how she was today. HE IS ACTUALLY TALKING... TO ME!!! Inside she let out a squeal of excitement, before finding her answer, My day has been quite excellent, How has yours been, Tristan? She inquired, with saying his name, it was then she saw the small flames of heat, coming from his back. She stood upon her tiptoes, so she could look around his shoulder, she was in fact quite small...

    She saw the Twinfire Reflector, and instantly her eyes went wide, He is... the... Real... DEAL! This time her little squeal found its way to her lips, and came out in quite a weird way. She told herself to shut up, before wondering if indeed he had remembered her. Today with this fine day, she was in her normal get up, her outfit was quite adorable, with her little boots, and two yellow bows. Her new rapier, was in it's hilt. The red glow seemed to emit from the sheath. That was, the way she had made it. With  a coat of a glowing substance, to make it seem... magical. The sheath that lay against her side, was made of a pure silver. Her ponytails swayed slightly in the cold wind. The girl's clear emerald eyes stared at Tristan still, before remembering her respect. She gave a very deep bow, It is very nice to see you. I have never really gotten to know you that much. I hope that we can be great friends. That was when she let her thoughts roam once more, Jeeze. You must sound like you're trying to hit on him or something! I hope he doesn't think that... Her mind went back to Takao, but then she looked back up at her idol. Tristan, is so powerful! She attempted to keep her inner fangirl from escaping, she was failing miserably, as her body seemed unable to stop quivering with excitement.

  4. The girl stood in front of the teleporter of floor 4, she had recently asked a player she had only heard rumors about for help. In all honesty, she had required no help, as she could most likely solo the boss. However, she wanted to meet this legend player, she had heard about. She wanted to meet him, and this was really the only way she realized she could... Unless, she became an elite player such as himself, and meet him on the frontlines, in which she actually planned to do so soon. Her eyes scanned the area, as she waited for him to show up, I guess you can show up late, if you are after all an elite like him... What if he doesn't show up?!

  5. With a swift nod of her head, Youno closed her HUD, Sure, why not. She gave a grin, before speaking again, Although, on this floor, there are no boars... Unless you are talking about snow boars... We could fight the yetis... Her voice trailed off, as she made sure she had all of her equipment, she had her new sword, and her old sword on her, I just need to use my old sword, until I get the other two items I ordered... Her gaze fell on her door, as she headed towards it, letting Golden follow her outside.

  6. The girl let out a sound of her thinking, Uhm... Well, we wanted to show that we were sisters, so she named herself Kasai, while I went with Hasai. I think she changed it though... she thought for a moment, Right! She changed it to Mercy. I think? She answered with a question, still unsure, I am not sure if she is alive or not. But I plan on finding out. Her eyes glowed with determination as she looked back at Jomei, anyways.... Let's not talk about her!

  7. The girl let out a laugh, as the rumbling grew louder. Soon, she burst through the canopy, the waterfall tumbled before her, she etched the view into her mind, and looked back at Shaya, Isn't it pretty Shaya? Her eyes sparkled with happiness, as she kept her eyes trailed on the waterfall. Her gaze continued, as the water sprayed her with its mist. That was when she looked at Shaya, Want to get wet? She walked closer to the little pool underneath the waterfall, and unequipped her shoes and socks. She stuck her feet in the water and waved Shaya over.

  8. As Golden came out, she gave him a nod, before turning back to the countertop. She opened her HUD, and continued in her studying of blacksmithing. Want anything to eat? She had purchased some NPC made food a while ago. She had packed it away carefully, so the durability wouldn't fade away. Her eyes were still focused on her studying, as she looked at the different materials she could get, for new weapons, Jeeze. I wish I had a unique... Guess I got to get stronger to make it to the front lines. She was in a slightly better mood, now that she was studying and thinking of what she could do.

  9. As Youno continued to treck through the sand, she heard a howl, If I have to deal with more sand wolves.... Her gaze hardened, before she continued walking, Hopefully I will get away fast enough...Her eyes narrowed, as she heard the pounding of paws on the sand, and turned around. She unsheathed her rapier, and spotted a sand wolf pup, That means the mother is close behind... I need to get out of here.... She turned around, and started to sprint away, her rapier was back in its sheath, as she continued running. You are not supposed to run, but that won't stop you from running! 


    ID: 26328
    CD: 3

  10. The girl let out a laugh, as she continued her search for materials. She was in dire need of them, as her shop was quite low. They would be splitting the materials evenly, so far they had a total of 4 materials, hopefully Youno could find more. She searched underneath a tree, and found a single material. she looked up, and walked to the otherside of the tree, hoping to find another material. Upon finding no success, she gripped the material in her hand, and added it to the stock of materials... Now they had 5 materials.... Hopefully, they would find at least 20, so they could each have 10.



    1: 26326

    2: 26327



    1: 18

    2: 5

  11. As soon as the girl felt breath upon the back of her neck, she jumped. However, as soon as she heard the voice, her mood instantly brightened, Takao! She gave him a backwards hug, and watched as the girl turned around, T-that's who we are staring at. She let out a chuckle, as she watched the girl materialize her dagger. She listened the girl, as it was drawn across her neck, Well, I was out in the wilderness, just minding my own business, until I saw you. Then I was walking towards you, until Takao here, joined me. Her eyes were earnest and full of truth. Her feet found them stepping backwards, so the knife was no longer close to her beck. She bumped into Takao, as she was walking backwards, but refused to move. Seeking protection from the girl that had practically just threatened to kill her.

  12. She walked in and smiled at the girl behind the counter, she had had her eye on this shop for a while now, and she took it upon herself to finally order a new battle dress to wear, obviously it would look like her current wear. She fixed her pigtails, as she looked at the two posters on the wall, with a grin, she noticed a cute little lion. She was tempted to pet it, but she knew it could bite her. She walked up to the girl, to place her order. She set a bag of col on the counter, for the girl to take. Making a show of paying before hand.

    -1200 col

    Item: Battle Dress
    Item type : Light armor
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +2 thorns, +1 Evation
    Description : A short battle dress, that is white in color, it has red and black trimings, and long sleeves.
    Payment: Col

  13. The winter wonderland known as Floor 4, was as snowy as ever. With a heavy heart, a girl dressed in a short white dress, with black and red trimmings stood in the wilderness. She had been sitting among the trees for a while now, and her eyes seemed to glow green, in the black shadows. Her feet seemed to move without her permission as she spotted a girl nearby. She trudged through the snow, the cold never bothered her anyways, so she had no need for a cloak. Her eyes trailed across the girl's face, as she continued on her way closer. Her feet seemed to drive her forward, with an unknown intent. Her eyes continued to flirt around the area, until her thoughts got the better of her, The girl doesn't seem to care if she dies. For all she knows, I could become a player killer right now, not that I would... But I could. She had no will to speak, as she was in a very bad mood. Her face was soft, as her brown pigtails flitted in the wind. Tied up by two single yellow bows. Her boots were tied up and tight, so no snow could enter its way through them. With her unhappy mood, she was close enough to get a closer look at the girl. Dark brown hair, with brown eyes. She had a warm looking face, with natural pinkish cheeks. Her hair had bangs that covered forehead slightly, and she looked unhappy, with a slight frown, Youno wondered why the girl was so unhappy.

  14. As the kid approached her, she saw his goofy grin, which just made her attitute worsen, What do you want? She let out a small scoff, I knew what I would find here, so how come I came back to floor 1? She gave a huge sigh, before she turned to face the kid, Why did my attitude change? I used to love these lowbies. That was when it dawned on her, That one day.... She remembered when the highleveled arrogant guy had invaded upon her party. That was when she changed... That was when she swore she would beat him in a duel. That was why she worked so hard to become a higher level, and that was why she was still trying to do so. Deep down, she wanted to fight alongside him as a friend, and she couldn't wait for that day to happen.

  15. A scoff came off of a fellow player's lips, as a girl wearing a white short battle dress, with ren and black trimings stood in the center of the Town of Beginnings. This floor, is with low leveled brats, why am I even here.. again? Her gaze scaned the town, before it rested upon a male, he had brown hair, like hers. She just rolled her eyes, Low leveled newb. Then she made sure her outfit was in place, before she figured, I might as well say something... But then again... 

    She decided to stay where she was, and stand still, if the little brat wanted to come up to her, so be it.

  16. Youno heated up her forge. Her goals for the day were set in her mind, as she laid 4 materials out, Most likely I will evel up today, but I also need to make a lot of perfect items. She let out a deep breath, she had no idea she had been holding, before setting a material in the forge, she took it out and hit it with her hammer.

    Name: Meow

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 3

    ID: 26184

    Roll: 12

    Quality: Perfect

    Item Type: One-handed Rapier

    Enhancements: +2 Bleed, +1 Damage

    Description: A emerald green bladed rapier, with a red glow, it has a silver hilt and handle. The hilt has a silver cat shape, with an emerald eye.



    1: 26184

    2: 26185

    3: 26186

    4: 26187



    1: 12

    2: 6

    3: 5

    4: 9


    +15 exp,

    -4 mats,

    +1 uncommon

    +1 Meow

  17. As carrot spoke, Youno listened, when he asked her, she answered. I wanted a place I could be myself. A place that wasn't tied down by the real world. So I saw SAO, and I begged my adoptive-father to let me attain the game. My adoptive-sister got it as well. She wants to be a PKer. I haven't heard anything from her, so my beliefs is that she died... I am not sure anymore. Her eyes glistened only slightly, before she turned it back into a smile. She had easily caught up with carrot, and now they were making their way out of the village.

  18. Indeed, Youno had felt no remorse that Golden was sick, it was after all his fault. She gripped the edge of her counter, He can throw up, just not all over EVERYTHING. Her gaze hardened as she thought of her life so far here in SAO. IT had been terrible. Not that it mattered. The only person that has made it worth while, was Takao. If I level to a higher level, perhaps I can join the front lines and make new friends. Perhaps we could work alongside Azure Brigade. Not that it will happen. I would like to do somesolo work with the Azure Brigade sometime. Perhaps, carry out a quest, defeat a boss... 

  19. Just by pure coincidence, Youno let out two coughs, before speaking. Well that's to bad. I think you and Zel would be cute together. She reached forward and poked the girl's cheek. She isn't as bad as those who are level 7 and under. But I still hate her with her level. Soon she saw the path to the waterfall, ITS OVER HERE! Follow me! She got way to excited, and started to run towards the path, she could noiw officially hear the bubbling of the water falling into a pool. Her eyes widened with happiness, as she kept going towards the waterfall.

  20. This time Youno was more focused upon the wolf, as she readied herself. As Beatbox spoke the words, she ran forward, eager to plunge her rapier into the wolf's skin. As she activated her sword skill, Pounding Heart, she ran at the wolf, and stabbed a heart shaped emblem in the chest of the wolf. Then she leaped backwards, her damage was great, as she had invested most of everything on her damage. She shook off her thoughts, before she nodded at Beatbox, symboling him to go.


    ID: 26168
    BD: 7
    MD: 3



    Hasai 38/38

    Beatbox 52/52

    Wolf 16/30 (Base Damage: 4)

  21. I would suggest you keep in mind about the skill points,

    those that do not have ranks cost the SP that it says:

    Such as:


    You must spend 6 skill points in order to obtain it.


    When there are ranks, it increases each time you gupgrade.

    SUCH AS:

    Search and Detect: 5 RANKS

    1st rank: costs 2 sp

    2nd rank: costs 4 sp

    You can't just invest 2 sp, to rank up. You HAVE to invest 4 additional skill points.

  22. First you need to make your joural. The template can be found in: Journal Template and Rules. Located in the journal thread.

    Take a look at the other journals, to get an idea as to how to go about doing it!


    After you maek your journal, it is not required to make a post in the beginning thread. You can just launch into an Open Party or a Solo Party! Or you can ask one of us to roleplay with you!

  23. Hasai just shrugged, truth be told. She had tons on her mind at the moment. Her gaze looked upon the wolf, thinking how the wolf would help her be happy again. She drew her rapier out of its silver sheath, and she crouched in an attacking position, her gaze hardened slightly, as she lunged forward. With her thoughts and something on her mind, she cimpletely missed, and watched as the wolf leaped at her, it missed her by an inch, as she dodged. She nodded at Beatbox.



    ID: 26123

    BD: 3

    MD: 3



    Hasai 38/38 [H:0]

    Beatbox 52/52 [H:0]

    Wolf 30/30 (Base damage: 4)

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