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Posts posted by Hasai

  1. Youno smiled as she reached floor 7. This was only her second time visiting a floor above 4, she gave a deep breath, as she felt more powerful than when she started. Obviously, she was still working on gaining more levels. She laid a hand on her rapier, as she checked out her inventory. She sorted through her items, and sat down on a bench nearby, Maybe someone could join me, and we could go out and beat up some monsters! That sounded like a brilliant idea. She sat still, and wondered who might she meet today.

  2. Youno smiled, Let's just look! She noticed in some of the trees, there were blossom flowers, You wanna go up there? She asked Liz, as she spoke, I will look near the roots of the trees. Youno walked over to one of the tall jungle trees, and knelt down, her cute little clothes shifted in the wind, as her face examined the dirt, under the roots. She placed her hands among the roots, and started to dig around, after about 5 minutes of searching, she came up with nothing. She let out a sigh, and looked back out, she chose a different tree, and did the same thing, this time... After 1 minute of searching she pulled up a hard metalic material. It was green in color, and beautiful, Found one! Then she got up and checked two more trees. Near the base of the last one she looked, she found another material, this time it was a big shard of bark... She stood up with the two in her hands, and looked at Liz, Any luck?














    +2 materials

  3. Youno had been in her shop, closing it up. She seriously needed more materials. She got a quick little noise, of a pm, and so she opened it, Well.... I guess Beatbox wants to meet me? She just shrugged, and exited her shop. She locked the door, and left a note on the door, "Will be gone for a while. See you later! PM Hasai if you need anything!" Then she headed over to the place Beatbox was, at least on her guild list, he was there. She walked over, Hello Beatbox, what's up?

  4. Youno had been staying late, working in her shop, and when Golden messaged her, she was more than happy to help, she knew that he was depressed after loosing the position he wanted, and she felt bad. Jeeze. If only there wasn't a council, at least there might not be, if I can get what I want. She entered the bar on floor 4, and spotted Golden standing nearby, looking confused as to what to order, she chuckled lightly, Still himself. I wonder if he hasn't had something like this before. She walked up, Hey Golden. If this is your first time drinking, I wouldn't recommend for you to get drunk, especially if you are feeling the way you are. It could lead to death. She looked at him stern, before ordering for herself a cup of Schlitz Beer, even for a game, they had tons of types of alcohol. She looked at Golden, If you don't know what to order, just get what I got. Or get something that sounds fancy to you. I will pay. She was more than happy to pay, as she had tons of col.

  5. Youno narrowed her eyes, and ran at the beast, her rapier glinted in the light, and her gaze instantly fell upon the beast, she activated one of her favorite sword skills, and stabbed her opponent, causing 9 damage to take place. Her gaze grew fiery and determined, as she leaped back, Switch! You got this Calrex! Then the beast ran at Calrex, and took a giant swipe at his face, causing damage to occur. Because of Calrex's Damage Mitigation, it only caused 1 damage point to occur, she glared at the beast, before realized just a couple more hits and it would be dead.



    (Upgrade or naww? I just don't remember my old equipment :c It has been so long)



    ID: 25268

    BD: 5 + 1 = 6 (hit!)

    MD: 9 (Hit!)


    HP List

    Calrex: 58/87 (+7 Mitigation) (Poison: 3/3 Turns Left)

    Hasai: 27/33 (Messed up on my math before)



    Devil Raole Rat 1: 0/50 Dead

    Devil Raole Rat 2: 49/50 (Hate: C 3 / H 0)

    Devil Raole Rat 3: 47/50 (Hate: C 3 / H 0)

    Shadow Beast: 12/70 (Hate: C 5 / H 2)

  6. Youno looked at the council, I feel it is in my terms that I will not vote. The council is the one that makes the decisions, I just bring them up. But, however. If I must vote, then my vote will be for Goldenarroz, true he would make an excellent Strategic, but also an excellent co-leader. She then added, However, no matter how I vote, unless I vote for Beatbox, the vote will be in Eliza's favor. I believe that Eliza has gotten the majority vote, and that she will be the co-leader, any objections? If so, please state why you have an objection.... then she spoke more, Now to find out the vote for the Strategic and the Treasurer. 

  7. Youno nodded her head, Alright. As Cho stated, she wishes not to be a contestant to vote. The proper players available to be voted on are: Goldenarroz, Emblem, Scarlett_, and Beatbox. Golden goes first. We will just go around a say the name we vote for. Youno had never done a sort of voting, and so she had in fact felt the need to change the way they ran the guild, but that went later, Also, we will vote for the Strategic position and the Treasurer. Goldenarroz, will you go first? She had asked twice, but she had then again added tons of things onto her question.

  8. Youno nodded her head, "Well, A Treasurer is a good idea. All in favor for these new rankings, say: I.... It was Youno's turn first, and so she spoke, I. She was all for it, as it was quite a good idea. She looked at Golden, saying it was his turn, before thinking of the next topic she would bring up, The voting of the co-leader..... Cho told me she didn't want to be a part of the voting, and so we need to have a majority vote on who else. I will vote last, I have my thoughts. And then comes the other two rankings we need, as that is important as well. Then the guild quest, and some other things.

  9. Youno had chosen a certain building to hold this vote. She had plans to change her whole guild, but she would need a majority vote. She looked out at the council....






    We would be voting on a multiple of topics.... But to start off, "Alright! First, we need to vote on a certain topic. Goldenarroz has brought it to my attention that we should add two new groupings for the guild. Inactives and Strategics. Golden, how about you explain what these groups would do" She nodded to Golden, for permission to speak.










  10. Youno smiled brightly, as they hugged, and then she nodded her head, "Of course I will! You can count on me." Jeeze. Now you are sounding like some weird anime girl. She accepted the friend request, and brightened up, Youno really enjoyed it here. Starglade really was a magical place. She turned away, and scanned her eyes around the clearing, as her gaze kept landing upon the tiny little snowflakes that fell, she could stay here forever and be content just sitting in this place, however she knew she had to level, to make it to the frontlines, so she could possibly fight.... I wonder what a boss fight is like.... But I need to make it to at least 30, before I fight in a boss fight. Her mind continued to wander on many things.

  11. Youno instantly laughed at his pun, and she stood up to stretch, "Well. I really enjoyed this. It was a really nice break. However, I cannot make puns like you can." She gave a small chuckle, and stepped forward, "Can I hug you?" She asked, wanting to make sure she didn't make him do anything that made him uncomfortable. She gave a slight smile, and felt herself start to blush, Why are you acting like this. She stood there like an idiot in the cold weather, even if it didn't bother her, she still felt the cold, she just knew it wouldn't change, and it didn't bother her, as she knew what the snow was like, before she had entered the game.

  12. Youno nodded her head, Let's go! She started to walk out of the village, and into the dense jungle, so far, there were no monsters. She kept her eyes peeled, and pondered over whether they would be spotted and attacked, Jeeze. I really need a search and detect skill... She shook her head, and looked at Eliza, Where do you want to start? She was giving the directions to the girl who seemed to be her age, as she scanned the branches and floor, there was sunlight going through the leaves, so you could see, and it was beautiful actually. As long as there was not any insects, it was beautiful.

  13. Youno walked in right to hear Golden say she could be a lazy bum, and she let out a lighthearted chuckle, "Well, If it isn't Goldenarroz." She sat down and ordered a nice glass of delightful Champagne, and she looked at Goldenarroz, before shrugging, "Sometimes life is hectic." Then when her drink arrived, she smiled, "Don't worry. I can get drunk, but I am not going to!" She paid for her glass, as she took a small sip, enjoying the taste. That was Youno. She enjoyed the taste of alcohol, however not to an addictive way, I have had drinks like this before. However, virtually they hold more appeal, mainly cause I can drink them without giving a second thought. Even though, I should. There are no rules on alcohol here. She looked back at Goldenarroz, "Want a sip? It is quite delightful."

  14. Youno smiled widely, as he replied to her question on starglade, and when he looked at her, and chuckled, she nodded her head, she felt her face grow a bit warm, and she shoveled it down, trying not to blush at all, I must look retarded right now. She spoke, "No problem, It was fun coming here with you! We should do more adventures together. A-and, I really enjoyed the adventure here." She felt the urge to hug him, as he said he was cold, but shook it off. She realized her cheeks were pink, as it was hot.

  15. Youno smiled widely, I am looking for a rare sort of substance, found on floor 6. I need it to make a weapon for Lowenthal. I need to hurry to. Anyways, what about you? She thought of where her material could be, and realized it would be anywhere, you would just have to dig. It was a ground material, and could literally be found anywhere on this floor. She pondered over that, and kept on thinking. She gave a cute smile, as she made another comment, You are cute. Nice to meet you Eliza. She had forgotten to say that! She just then waited for Eliza to reply.

  16. Youno looked at Takao, Yah, you can get buffs. She let out a lighthearted chuckle, but then turned grim as he asked the next question, It's fine... Uhmm, so I was teaching one of my guild mates how to fight, back when it was the first week. I knew what to do, cause I instantly launched into it, and learned all I could. But, so he was fighting a boar, and Zerlius came on in, and killed it. My friend was supposed to kill it, and then after that, we started arguing, and then I said sorry, and held out my hand for a handshake, and he pushed me to the floor. Obviously, my two friends that I had been with, ran to my rescue, and attempted to deal with Zelrius, and then he threated to show us why he became an orange player. Then, when my friend I had been teaching asked him if he could teach him, because Zelrius was powerful, Zelrius turned him down, and said something like: 'I don't work with low leveled spoiled brats' Then my other friend left, and we all just haven't gotten along since. I plan on proving to him that we aren't spoiled brats. Youno spoke all of the words, and her tears stopped, as she realized there wasn't anything to cry over, I am sorry for crying, it is just something I haven't spoken about since the event. Not that proving him wrong is my main purpose.... That is why my other buddy, not the one I was training, died. He wanted to get stronger to prove himself, but he died. It taught me that I need to keep on working my hardest to level up, so I can help clear this game, and I know that somewhere in there, I will be able to duel Zelrius, possibly in a tournament. Her eyes then brightened, On a happier subject, how do you like Starglade?

  17. Youno gripped her rapier handle, her rapier still lay in it's sheath. She would be going on Floor 6, for the first time today. She decided that staying on the lower floors would not help her anymore. She walked over to the teleporter on floor 4, before she shouted out, Teleport! Floor 6! She teleported to the biggest village on floor 6, and she walked out of the teleporter. Everyone.... Everyone was women!?!? She had heard that was what it was, but she never believed it. She looked from NPC to NPC, her eyes widening, until she landed on a player. She had brown/scarlett hair, and cute eyes. The girl's eyes were scanning around the area, and Youno walked towards her. Maybe she would want to go out into the jungle with her? It would be nice to have someone with her while she went out into the unknown. She reached the girl, and waved a bit.


    Hello! I am Hasai! She bowed respectfully, Would you like to go on a material hunt with me in the jungle? This is my first time going to a floor above floor 4! I have no idea what it is like here! She had started to mumble, as she was in the girl's presence. She noticed the girl was holding her dagger, and Youno had unknowingly taken her Rapier out of it's sheath. It's wicked looks portrayed even brighter because of the sun that came right down into the village. She noticed the areas outside were dense jungle, and she couldn't wait to see what materials she could obtain here! Maybe it would give way to some sort of exotic hard substance!

  18. Youon looked at Takao as he spoke, she nodded her head to his words, and she smiled brightly as he mentioned wanting to be a cook, I only know one other cook. I know plenty of blacksmiths, mostly because I met them on the road to become a blacksmith, I know some musicians and some alchemists. I even know a little 12 year old girl, who has survived this long in the game. She wants to be an alchemist. She is a sweetheart. I also know plenty of tailors. But I only know two people now, that are going to be cooks. The cook I know, is in the guild, however I don't really want to go to his shop. Is that bad? I would most definitely go to your shop, If I could that is. Sorry... I am mumbling again. Youno had only taken two breaths in that whole sentence, and she realized she had been talking on and on, But that is very useful. Cooks give you some good buffs, like with the food. With the to-be Alchemist, I think you would like to meet her, she may be 12. But she is the most mature little girl I have ever met. Youno started rambling on and on, she shut her mouth tight, How come I always talk and talk and talk today? This never happens to me! Youno shook off her thoughts before looking back at Takao. Zelrius used to be a PKer, but not because he wanted to be. He is a clean freak, I swear. I will duel him, and I will beat him. After how he acted towards me and my friends.... Her eyes teared up.

  19. Youno's eyes widened slightly as he patted her head, and they went back down, as she chuckled slightly at his comment, Well, Silver Moon wasn't always my choice of a guild, I mean I did create it, but I always thought of joining a great guild like Cerulean Silence or The Azure Brigade, but then I realized maybe my calling is to create a guild. The Azure Brigade is pretty hard to get into, and you need to show your good at what you do in order to join. Now that I know Zelrius, I don't think I would ever want to be in The Azure Brigade. Youno looked back at Takao, and smiled warmly, Mari has a nice alchemy shop. I would rather keep my friend's legacy and be a blacksmith though. I wouldn't change my profession. Ever. My friend, she died... I will carry on being a blacksmith... for her. It is what keeps me motivated to do my work. Do you have a profession?

  20. Youno had noticed he had the Cerulean Silence as his guild emblem, and she had just shaken it off, hers was in fact a smaller guild at the moment, Mine is a kind guild. We take in anyone and everyone. Our dreams are to obtain a high enough ranking to make it to the front lines, and be a powerful guild like the Azure Brigade. You are in the Cerulean Silence? Mari is the leader am I right? My guild is called Silver Moon. She had started to tell all about her guild, and she continued, We still don't have a second in command, and the council are the original players who helped formed the guild. They are very nice, and companionate about helping others. I was going to join Cerulean Silence, until I decided that I wanted to create my own guild, and so here I am. A guild leader, of Silver Moon. Our guild doesn't solely focus on the front lines, our main focus is on each other. Making sure everyone is okay that's wh-- She instantly stopped talking as soon as she realized she was continuing on and on, Again! She looked at her shoes in embarrassment.

  21. Youno's eyes sparkled, he had wanted to say something before that? Youno just ignored that, and looked out, Yeah... I have only been here once, but again it astounds me. She walked closer in, enjoying the little 'safe zone' Her eyes wandered around the place, and she noticed a small outcrop, she went over, and sat down, she padded beside her, Take a seat if you want to. She just looked back out at the view, and enjoyed it, she loved it here, and that would never change. She gave a huge smile in Takao's direction, as she continued scanning the area.

  22. Youno looked at Emblem, Not everything requires a punishment, it matters what you did, and the reason behind it. But next time this happens, I may need to be a bit harsher. She looked back up at the sky, as the sun started to set, and started to leave the forest. She was ready for a nice sleep. She let out a huge yawn, and started to skip out of the area. She however, kept her eyes peeled on the area, as she burst forward and halted at the edge of the forest. Her eyes glazed with pride.


    (Last Post so...)






    1 skill point, 200 col



    1 skill point, 200 col



    1 skill point, 200 col



    1 skill point, 200 col



    1 skill point, 200 col




  23. Youno smirked, and started to full on laugh as she watched Takao. She smirked, and added Don't you have a blanket? She looked back at Starglade, her eyes drifting as if she were somewhere in her mind. As if she was in a daydream, she quickly got shook out of her thoughts as she turned to help Takao up. Her thoughts were still running amidst, and she smiled, We might as well enjoy ourselves, you are right. She gave a cute ^.^ face, before her mind drifted back to her real world. She wondered what Takao was thinking of.

  24. Youno watched as he fell to his knees with tears, she instantly crouched down, and wrapped her arms around him. He was like her little brother, and that made her protective. Shhh.... It will be okay. She just hugged him, allowing him to cry, and then added I am sure he did not mean it. No matter where you are, you will have family. Silver Moon is your new family. Don't worry. You are fine. Youno pulled away, Don't worry. She kept on repeating he will be fine, and started watching him again.

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