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Posts posted by Lee

  1. Lee would turn his full attention onto the boulder once more as he leaned forward, bringing his arms up and fists clenched tight. Stupid idiot of a woman thinks she can just go off half-cocked and get what she wants. He would do a straight punch and throw his weight into it as the boulder shook greatly from the strike but still holding onto its form. This caused him to grow rather irritated, not really wanting to deal with the process any further but it only served to make him want to pound the stone into nothingness, dust would also be an acceptable form if it had to come down to something.

    ID: 80688
    BD: 6

    Rock: 3-1= 2

  2. Lee would catch Airi inching away, ever so slowly as she continued the conversation. She would add that if ever he wished to get up with her, they could simply shoot her a message and with high chances, she'd reply in kind. Lee would raise a hand in a light waving motion "Fare thee well and hope you can get some sleep." And with that, Lee would bring his hands to his hips and look to Yusaki as she spoke of walking and talking to which he would nod his head in agreement "Yeah, that sounds like a plan."

    He would then take in a deep breath and exhale as he would move his hands to the back of his head and interlock them as he looked toward the sky and began to move forward, glancing over to Kyoki "So, you got any plans for how your going to specialize in? DPS? Tank? Healin?"

  3. Lee glanced at the strike at the rock as Piera would then go on a tangent that ended with her storming off whilst telling him that she needed time to herself. Lee would raise a hand and angrily wave her away "You stupid....Good, Fine. You wanna play this fu*king game, I'll play." He would turn around and swing a punch at the rock which struck true and the rock itself began to falter but it was not something he was focusing on. "Stupid woman, dumb stupid idiot....GAH!" Any sort of meditation that one was supposed to gather from this little exercise that the game intended was out the window.

    ID: 80604
    BD: 7

    Rock: 4-1= 3

  4. Lee was pleased as his friends list grew just a little bit larger as one and then the other would accept the friend request. It was always nice to have people in games that you could speak to from time to time, keeps one sane and given the situation, it would be more a necessity. Airi would follow suit and send an invite to Yusaki as well. Yusaki would then speak of wolves to which Lee would flick the tip of his nose with his thumb as if to take some sort of pride in it. Yusaki would then begin to say something else about the dire wolves but would let it trail off into her own mind at that point to which Lee would place his arms at his sides "What bout dire wolves? Wanna pets em? Fight em? Fight and then pet them? Pet them and then fight them?"

  5. Lee would turn his attention to Airi as she began to speak about enhanced senses, not just hearing which caused him to raise a hand to his chin. Yusaki would then make it a point to leave her powers hidden for them to find out in the future which was all good and well as Lee would nod "Secrets are the spice of life and I love spicy." Airi spoke of recalling her voiced thoughts he would waggle his finger "No, no, no. That would actually be pretty cool. Imagine it, being able to smell the enemy from miles away!" He would then tap the tip of his nose and as Yusaki spoke of friends, there were other options which would then give him the inclination "One moment actually." Lee would reach his hand out before him as a menu showed up before him. He would pull open a drop box and then another and then a small menu. A friend request would be sent to Yusaki and one to Airi shortly there after.

    A Friend Request Has Been Sent To Yusaki
    A Friend Request Has Been Sent To Airi

  6. Lee would bring his arms up to cross over his chest as she would state that was not about to tell even if she did have the hearing small furry animal "Well that ain't fair in the slightest." He would state in a jokingly tone but would continue onward "See? This ain't all that bad. Making acquaintances with newly found strangers can be fun! Added to the fact that it is someone like me who is obviously the best possible person you could be friends with so that should put all of your woes and negativism at bay." Lee would raise his chin whilst letting a large grin pass over his face.

  7. Lee would raise a hand up in a wave down to the newly introduced Yusaki as she would take Airi's hand in a greeting "I'm Lee, a pleasure." He would then bring his attention to the clothes the girl, his eyes would seemingly lock onto the pair of long rabbit like ears. He had never seen anything like that prior in such a fashion, that fashion being one that actually covered up one's skin. It was a change but a seemingly welcomed one. He would point a finger at the ears "Nice. You hear a few miles with those?" It was always good to try to get a laugh or two out of people in less than happy times but he had been told there is a time and a place for everything and sometimes he wasn't as on the money as he would like.

  8. Lee would turn his attentions over to Airi to whom had joined them and he would wave lightly in acknowledgement "Ditto." He would then look back to the other huddled player whom at this point, was female in origin and spoke of being more or less rattled by the news. "Hey, you do what you do. Ain't nobody rushin' so take however many breaths you need." He would strighten his posture and place his hands onto his hips as he would glance over his shoulder in the direction of the central plaza where the news was broke. "Yeah, it is definitely a difficult time and some are taking it better than others....some are taking it in a not so well manner."

  9. Lee had come from a small group of, for a lack of better words, like minded individuals but while helping people was nice and all. Each person was dealing with the news in their own different way. The last few he had approached had been shells of the their former selves or so he assumed and others lashed out in anger and frustration. Both of these things were not what he was looking to do and it wasn't a great idea to surround oneself with negative thoughts, especially now. Lee had made his way away from the larger crowd to a less populated area with seemingly not much but Non-Playable Characters.

    Though this was short lived as he was walking along the wall he came full stop with a white clothed individual huddled up to themselves. He would look around as if to spot a parent or some such. The man would lean forward with a raised finger as if he was about to point something out "Ummmmm, you snappin there buddy?"

  10. Lee chuckled just a bit as she pulled herself from him which was a common reflex for the man as she continued on about the fight they had and his 'not remembering'. The more frustrated she became, the more he had to hold in how much he wanted to laugh. As she struck the rock, she would call him out and what she said next would quickly cause the grin on his face to diminish and be replace with a far more stern scowl. He would lash a fist out to strike the rock with a resolute force as he would reply in kind "That's funny, really funny. You have no idea how many times I've heard you say something like that. Not necessarily in this same context but....d@mn, that is quite the something. Dumb, yeah, dumb is the word." He would clench his fist and look to her, tears phasing him none "Clearing the game, fine, I got no problem with it. Front lines, not even in your Dreams little girl. I'm not one for holding you back from things, you do you but this is non-negotiable and before you go off on some sort of self righteous poppycock about how I can't stop you, you'll do what you want. I want to make something very, very, VERY clear." He would pause for a moment to let the severity of the situation sink in as he would lean forward ever so slightly till he was eye level with the misty-eyed girl "You will regret it. In every since of the word and it isn't something you are prepared to live with, trust me."

    ID: 80247
    BD: 9

    Rock: 10-2= 8

  11. Lee would turn his attentions to another male player which had rather vibrant hair color, a red with a nice bit of yellow. Lee would tilt his head in the newcomers direction in an acknowledgement "Hello, hello. Name's Lee aannnndddd...." He would look back to the group as Kyoko would apologize for the breakdown to which he would chime in "I don't think anyone blames you seeing as, all things considered, pretty tame reaction." Lee's attentions would follow Kyoko's to another broken soul whom seemed even further in a world that was even more distant than they were. "Some people just need a bit of...breathing room to adjust. We are all coping in some way or another."

    The Annabelle would shoot off another list of known names though he was quaint on the Bellum and with the way she acted, he figured either she would die soon or he'd be hearing a lot about her in the future. Bellum would aim to console Kyoko from breaking down any further in what he would assume to be her own little way. Another voice would come out form behind him asking if he was late for the party to which Lee would turn to notice another male player approaching and it caused him to be thankful for something. It was nice that they were in a safe zone.

    So many people seem to be on the fringe that murder wouldn't be too off the mark but Lee would raise a single hand in a wave and a greeting "Sup." Inaba would speak up about them not being eggs which...wasn't wrong. Husky would rise and seemingly bid his farewell in his attempt to go and help others that would need a white knight to get through the panic. Airi seemed nice enough though he wasn't sure what it was that her coping was as she seemed to be a nice medium, not broken but just enough panicked "Well, they say that it is easier to get through stressful events with those with similar problems so, where does that leave us?" He would then gesture to the small group.

  12. Lee would chuckle lightly as she seemed rather upset but over what, he wasn't sure and so, seeing her fuming was rather adorable. She would then reach up to his face and take his head into her hands to which he would simply let happen as he glanced over to the boulder to which he was supposed to be striking at but was unable to as he would quickly throw a blind strike out at but miss from the distance as Piera would then speak of a fight between the two of them. They had been fighting but it wasn't something he would consider large enough to be relevant.

    She would then aim to remember what it was that he had said but as she was going on, her words began to drown out, as if he had been pulled under water long enough for things to fade to black but then, just as quickly, he was back. He would raise his hands up and mimic her own hands against her face and would rest his forehead against her own "Da fu*k you mean gurl? Couldn't have been much a fight, you can't ever win anything against me."

    ID: 79972
    BD: 2

    Rock: 14-0=14

  13. Lee would release her cheek from the light pinch as she would then ask him just what it was he was talking about to which he would glance over at the boulder which seemed to be wearing down quite a bit. He must have been hitting it far harder than he had been realizing. He would turn his full attention to the stone and draw back his fist and he would swing but she would ask him what it was he was talking about to which he would turn and his strike would find nothing but air but he would use the force to turn and point at her face "The whiskers on our face. It is kinda noticeable on both of us though you know how people are, if it is on a girl, people think it's cute. It'd be weird if I had it." He would turn back to the rock and steady himself as he would chime in "Don't you dare think bout doin that to my chocolate morning goodness."

    ID: 79967
    BD: 5

    Rock: 16-0=16

  14. ((Bellum, Inaba, Husky, Airi, Lee, Kyoko))

    The entire debacle that was unfolding around the red headed girl had grabbed quite a number of individuals. The plate armored player would stop to listen to the small bit of conversation that he was able to catch but overall, it seemed that the pink haired girls rather odd and positive demeanor was slowly infesting its way into the others. This would surely leave things to a far better outcome than the frantic presence that was starting to die off around them but there were still the lingering effects of panic and just all round mind collapse.

    As each player would seemingly introduce themselves, Inaba was the first that he had heard whilst being there. Belle was someone he had heard pronounce herself prior. Husky was the name of the scared individual whom was with the red head to whom she soon named herself as Airi. Lee would make himself known by raising a hand in a simple greeting "The name's Lee and its a pleasure to meet the people that aren't turning into scrambled eggs." He would then then look toward each of the individual and nod his head in greeting to each person there.

  15. The man would stroke his chin lightly as she began to tell him that she did in fact understand his plight in her own way but that did not change how she saw things from her perspective. It was always something that had plagued the sexes from the start of time. His hand would then move to cover his forehead and the other resting on the rock as he seemed to be growing a headache "Of course I don't want you on the front lines but I also don't want to keep you locked away..."

    He would pause for a bit longer than normal as the words flew from his mouth and, as if it were a boomerang, they would come back at him and something broke on the left side of his brain as his right eye would twitch several times before it would appear there would be a reset in his mind and he would blink several times and then turn his attentions toward Piera and reach out to pinch her cheek with its whiskers " Well, they wouldn't kill you. Me on the other hand, that will kill my intimidation factor. I can't curse up a storm and then feel threatening. It'll just be sad."

    ID: 79876
    BD: 5

    Rock: 16-0=16

  16. "Now that just isn't true. I'm not saying that doing nothing is great in theory but you can't stand there and tell me with a straight face and say that you could compare it to front line danger." He would point out in a matter-factly tone but she would continue on about the real world and how long they had been inside the game as a whole. She threw out the obvious threats that the game held that had been pointed out before but wished she could contribute. She began to rant about the overall well being of the two of them and that she wished for the best on both their parts to which he would let his head tilt back and throw his hands up "Why do you keep making it sound like I'm not trying though?!"

    He would bring his hands down and hold them up and in her direction as if he was aiming to strangle the green eyed woman but would turn and punch the boulder again with the built up anger "It isn't that I'm not trying, it is just that what you are looking for and what I am looking for are not on the same playing field."

    ID: 79865
    BD: 9

    Rock: 20-2= 18

  17. Lee felt like this had all been said before in similar fashion but with far less aggression between them both. All the things that had boiled around them were now infesting the way they were going about things that would normally have been a playful discussion. He could only assume how she was but did not truly know how she interacted with people. Though, as she spoke of the front lines, his once slowly dying anger was doused in gasoline

    "You are still stuck on the fu*king front lines?! For someone to be claiming to be making it safe..." He would swing his arm out in the direction of the boulder but would then move his hand to his face as if to hold in his anger and he would take in a massive breath before exhaling loudly. She would then go on to speak of how things would be and how she wasn't happy. Lee would move his hand up over his eyes "I don't want you to not be happy but I know you and you'll always find a reason not to be."

    ID: 79816
    BD: 5

    Rock: 20-0=20

  18. "This is our new reality though! Everyone keeps treating this like it is something that they are going to wake up from when that is only going to get hem killed faster!" He would clench his fist tightly and then release it and bring it up to his forehead and rub his temple, coming down from his anger slowly out of sheer force of will at that point. It was a simple run around, someone say things this way and another saw it the other and both were wrong and right in their own eyes. She then began to speak of trust to which he would lower his hand out to rest against the boulder which at that point, was growing a rather large amount of cracks and fractures.

    "I want you to stop being so trusting of everyone that flashes you a smile and acts nice to your face. I don't want to be stuck in a safe zone either and I want us to be able to continue with our live, both in and out of this place but..." He would quickly clench his fist and pull his arm back and slam it into the boulder yet again, now more out of habit than anything else. "...you and the majority of people consider this a hellhole but is it really? Is the threat of dying that bad when the threat is just as real in the real world? I want to do this together and no matter how much I argue and seem like the bad guy, I do really want what is best for you overall."

    ID: 79811
    BD: 10

    Rock: 25-3=22

  19. Listening to the girl speak it only seemed to give him the opposite effect. Everyone thought like that, he had heard it too many times in movies, animation and more over, most people stuck in the game itself. Energy? It takes energy to just not do anything? To turn down people? To tell them to go the fu*k away. She then began to list off a names that he knew all too well till she cut herself off with the name of an individual that perfectly proved his point. He would point at the ground before his feet and speak "THAT right there proves my example!" She would then continue on about how she wanted to go outside a safe zone and he would then roll his head and throw his hands up and then look back at her

    "You want to be safe? When will that ever happen Piera? I mean, really? Is there ever going to be a time when a boss isn't going to be stronger than everyone? Is there ever a chance that you know someone isn't going to flip their collective sh*t and just start killing people?" He would turn away and back toward the stone and give it a jab, less out of anger now as he would continue "I'm not trying to make everything sound bleak but we have to try realistic."

    ID: 79750
    BD: 7

    Rock: 28-1= 27

  20. Lee would roll his eyes as she would speak of a past incident that suddenly came into his mind. This caused his right fist to clinch even tighter as his arm would shake ever so lightly in anger. She finished and struck the boulder which was becoming more of a outlet for them rather than one another. "Get out of here?! Do you even think there is an out? And for fu*ks sake, even the monsters aren't the biggest problem anymore. How the hell do you trust people in this place?! I want to and for the love of god they are so wish-washy that they might just turn on a dime for the sake of doing it and..." He would then draw his fist back and strike at the boulder with similar force to her own "...dead! I want to kill them, I want to kill any and everyone that tries the shi* that was done against us but I don't care about revenge, I care about not dying. You might want to leave but even if that happens, we wont forget Piera. We have to cope with it and that is what I am doing but you're not wanting to fu*kin listen!"

    ID: 79742
    BD: 9

    Rock: 33-2(Crit)= 31

  21. Lee would watch as she would lash out in rage and anger at the boulder he had been striking and cause it to shutter from the strike, dealing it a blow that had matched his own. He would, in a fueled rage now, throw a back handed punch at the stone but as it missed, he would let it continue to a stretched out arm and he would retort "Oh, now winning is your driving force?! Little miss four-eyes is gonna win it all and win it big, huh?! I can protect myself by not fu*king dying! That is what I do, not die. That is what everyone is trying to do, one way or another but god forbid that you want to win so much that you just never think and THAT is the real problem. I am the one that thinks and you are the one that doesn't. You go off and do all this shi* behind my back and at the end of the day, I'm the one that has to deal with you and when you ask me this or that, I help you find the answer."

    ID: 79740
    BD: 2

    Rock: 37-0=37

  22. "Big whoopdy do to you." He would hold his hands up in the air and let them twirl in a whimsical fashion. He then let his head come down slightly as he would continue "All of this shi* that you got and yet it still don't mean sh*t to me. Oh~ I have all these things I need in order to get anywhere near you Lee That is all I'm hearing. I need a potion, I need a crystal, I need a fu*king flying chicken cat." He would then point toward his sword "That thing will ruin your day in more ways than one." He would then watch as she aimed to kick the rock and he then threw a hand downward to where her foot would have hit and continued "If you could even f*cking..." He would then throw his fist once again, straight and striking the stone "...hit."

    ID: 79735
    BD: 6

    Rock: 41-1=40

  23. "Number can lie. They will in this case too." He would move his fist back and let it pound against his chest as his attentions would be focused more so on the girl than the boulder as he would then swing in a backhand toward the rock and miss once again though the fight was not as it was prior. It was now focused on the fight with Piera. "You think just because you have the higher level that you can hurt me? You'd kill yourself before you could even think of putting a dent in me. That is the kinda shi*t you don't understand till someone spells it out for you."

    BD: 1

    Rock: 41-0= 41

  24. The armored man would be taken aback by the statement of her moving herself in the way of his own punching. He would be so taken back as he would let his arm kinda flinch back and he went to hit the boulder but hit the air just before it. It did not even register that he missed the rock as he was aiming to process what it was she said more so. "Level? You're trying to pull a level card on me? You think I give a rats @ss about your level? I do not, I most certainly do not. You think I can't take you? You think I'd give a flying f*ck about your level? You'd go down without much a thought, much less a fight." He wasn't rightly sure where this was coming from or maybe he did and was just using it to fuel the anger of the fight. Was this something they needed to do? Was it something that they should do? That something that was up for debate and it was something they would have to come to terms with.

    ID: 79723
    BD: 3

    Rock: 41-0= 41

  25. Lee's fist against the rock seemed to grind a bit into it as he would twist his wrist slowly as she would throw her words at him. He would turn his attention toward the glasses wearing woman with an almost dumbfounded appearance with a burning anger following suit. She would go on about how she did not simply sit around and that he should do more for himself which, if one were there, would tell the instant change in the atmosphere as the dumbfounded appearance would be replaced with angered eyes and a stern stare. "Try it? You think I should try it? Try what Piera? What the hell do you think I'm doing?" He would hold his arms out as if to present the surround area to the girl "Because I thought that I was trying to do something. You wanna stand between me and this fu*king rock?!" He would then let his arm jolt back and slam into the rock, causing it to strike with the same powerful force as it had prior.

    ID: 79720
    BD: 10

    Rock: 44-3= 41

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