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Posts posted by Lee

  1. Lee had the luxury of being within earshot of the conversation Atzo was having with another individual that he assumed was also aiming to join the guild. mainly the hierarchy of the guild and its major members. It would surely save Atzo time in not having to repeat the same thing to another individual but the questions still remained and Lee would cross his arms over his chest as he would continue "One of the main questions I'd like to ask is what makes the Emerald Harbingers different from any other guild? As I was telling your associate..." Lee would point his thumb back in the direction he had come from to point out that he was speaking of Solomon "I've never been one for joining guilds and groups because I hate the same song and dance that they all try and swing."

  2. Lee would bring himself to a stop just a few feet from the old gypsy woman who, if she wasn't the stereotypical old gypsy lady, he didn't know what was. Before she would even begin to speak, a notification would appear before him. It was something about feeding an enemy of some kind. The idea was interesting to say the least and in other games, he'd definitely jump at the chance to do something like this. Against his better judgement, he would raise his hand and tap the 'Accept' button to send the screen away. "My curiosity is just too great not to."

    As soon as the screen disappeared, the old woman would begin to speak to him. "Greetings adventurer, you seem to be in need of companionship. If you wish for a companion, it is possible to head out into the wilderness and, if you have the aptitude for it, feeding a monster might yield great reward." The old lady would then turn and shuffle into an alleyway and out of sight. Lee would move his hands to his hips "Well....d@mn, that's mighty ominous."

  3. "Well, if you say so, I'm not gonna judge....much." He would chuckle at his comment though he wasn't entirely sure if one could go through the game without actually fighting but he wasn't going to stop her from trying. As she asked her next question, he was about to answer when he circled back around in his mind as to what she had called him. It was...weird to say the least. He wasn't used to surnames and hearing himself being called Sir Lee, while in a role playing setting he wouldn't find a single problem with it, the current situation demanded a little bit of question. "Well, unlike the real world, this is still majority a game and as such, fighting and defeating monsters can't leave behind carcasses, they'd pile up to the top of Aincrad so, like most games, they simply disappear to be re-spawned somewhere else."

    He would look around now to see if he could find a boar that could possibly be of a higher level, maybe enough to actually drop something. He spotted a singular boar that was almost the size of the other two combined and looked rather rough and he deem it his next target as he would continue to speak to Nashoba "And the killing blow was done with this..." He would raise his shield "It's named the Pridwen and it has a nifty ability called Thorns which does damage to attacking opponents."

  4. Lee would listen as Nashoba would give her apologies to him that she had no real intention of swinging around a weapon as it wasn't something a lady would do. This was perplexing to say the least and the puzzled look on his face might have suggested as much. She would then use a form of healing on him to bring him back to full health as it was unneeded it was also something that wasn't unwanted. Any health that wasn't the max was the best kind so he would nod his head in her direction as a form of thanks. He would turn back to the boar that was left and would swing his sword as it charged him once more.

    This time, his sword would slash the side of the creature and then he would move his shield in the way of the charge and, as what happened with the first, the boar would be struck with the hidden thorns of the shield and it was more than enough to force the creature to burst into pixels. Lee would then turn his attentions back toward Nashoba fully as he would raise his sword and let it come to rest on his shoulder "I'm not the kinda guy to tell others what to do....well, not entirely but do you plan on going through the entire game without using your sword? I mean, I'm not all that strong in terms of attack but even I have a weapon..."

    He would use a finger from his sword hand to scratch the side of his scruff on his cheek "I'm not a woman either so I can't really nitpick in that area but still, wouldn't you want to know how to defend yourself? You might enjoy the poking of monsters."

    ID: 81465
    BD: 7
    MOB: 7

    Lee: 200-1= 199
    Nashoba: 20/20

    Boar1: 10-14(THRN)= 0 DEAD
    Hate: 3(Lee)
    Boar2: 10-1-14(THRN)/0 DEAD
    Hate: 3(Lee)

  5. Lee would wait for his questions to be answered and in retrospect, he wasn't all that sure if he should have just shot them off in such a manner. It would seem that Solomon wouldn't want to give the wrong answer or was overthinking the questions themselves. Both were things to take into consideration then he would speak and it would take Lee back in what was said. He would blink several times as he would turn his attentions toward Atzo to whom Solomon had directed his attention to if he had any questions and that when next they were to meet, they may get further acquainted. Lee would raise a hand up in acknowledgement "Well, it was nice meeting you and hopefully we can have an outing sometime in the future but till then..."

    Lee would then move in the direction of the designated Atzo of whom was with Airi along with two others he didn't have the names of. Lee would raise his hand to be acknowledged whilst speaking up "Atzo? I was directed to your person by Solomon if I had any questions. Welp, I've got just a couple prior to signin my virtual soul over."


  6. The vast area of the second floor was something that Lee had found a fond view, the mountains that towered over the plains was something he could spend hours just watching. It was also a bonus that the second floor wasn't too different from the first with the exception of said mountain ranges. Lee would scratch the side of his neck and roll his shoulders as he stood just outside the town, his shield on his other arm with weapon holstered as per usual with no rhyme or reason for it to be otherwise. The crater that the main town was build within made the area unique in its own way or at least, to the betterment of his knowledge, not having traveled into the higher leveled floors.

    Though, his reason for arriving on this particular floor was two fold. The first was to see the view overall as the scenery in the game tended to go unnoticed and the second was he was to meet a friend he had not spoken to in quite some time and they were to have an outing of sorts, to get the sword-rust off and get back into the flow of fighting. Lee figured the first floor was always a ground for everyone so why not switch it up....even if that was simply moving up a single floor. He would chuckle "Such is the way of the mysterious mind, taking that one change by adding another one to the floor and presto, floor two is born." Whilst he was speaking, he was looking for a nice area that might have held monsters to fight or at least an open area in which they might have a small spar or two.

  7. Lee would ready himself for the boars, confident in his stalwart defense when he heard Nashoba speak that she was sorry but she was unsure of how to handle herself when it came to weaponry. It was during this that one of the boars charged him but a side step would case the monster to miss and come to a sliding halt to turn back to Lee. Lee tried to swing his sword at the boar as it passed but its speed at the moment was far faster than he could keep up with, along with his trying to register what it was that Nashoba said. "O...okay, we can work with this. No worries." As he was speaking, the second boar charged and slammed itself into Lee's shield, moving him back only a inch or so but as Lee would push his shield forward, the recoil from the shield's enchantments would kick in and the boar would seemingly burst into fragments to signal its demise.

    Lee would ignore the now pixelated boar as he would turn his attentions to Noshoba "Is it a personal thing or do you want to learn ooorrr...?" It was a question that he was asking in earnest as it was something to find someone that wasn't knowledgeable in the art of stabbing, at least in the game.

    ID: 81321; 81322
    BD: 4
    MOB: 8; 5

    Lee: 200-1= 199
    Nashoba: 20/20

    Boar1: 10-14(THRN)= 0 DEAD
    Hate: 3(Lee)
    Boar2: 10/10
    Hate: 3(Lee)

  8. "Awesome." He would announce as his party invite was accepted and it would allow them to set off without much of a problem when it came to friendly fire. He would look out among the grassy plains and figured that finding a boar shouldn't be hard and with any luck, they might even be able to get some useful things along the way in terms of loot, at least for her own level. Just getting the rust off his skills would be enough for the time being. Though, it just so happened that there were two boar's grazing on a patch of grass, seemingly unaware of the current situation it was about to find themselves in. "Two shouldn't be all that much work, I'll get their attention and you should be able to do your own pokey-pokey to your hearts content or let me slap them around whilst you poke them or just let me slap them. All is right in the eyes of Lee."

    With that being said, Lee would ready his shield, drawing his sword from the sheath located on the inside and would make his move toward the boars, slamming the board side of his weapon onto the shield "ARH-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He would activate his Howl ability to gather the boars undivided attention.

    ID: 81200
    MOB: 4

    Lee: 200/200

    Boar1: 10/10
    Hate +3(Lee)
    Boar2: 10/10

  9. Lee would be rather pleased that Nashoba was all for going out on a little venture with him to which he would nod his head in agreement. "Awesome, let's just party up and then we shall see just what wonders awaits us in the vast green yonder." He would flick his hand in the air as a drop box would open and with several light gestures, he would send a party invite to the female player

    Lee has Sent Nashoba a Party Invite

    After the invite was sent, he would await her to accept before continuing out, stepping out of the town and into the field as he would look back to Nashoba "Also, what sort of weapon do you have? Might be a good idea to work around what you have. If anything happens across, I'll grab the attention and you do what you feel like. I'm not the highest when it comes to damage so things might not go all that fast. Though, I shouldn't have to worry about getting us into much trouble."

  10. Lee attentions were still focused on the wild out yonder when the sounds of a familiar voice came out of the silence or at least the same noise of the town that he had grown to know. He would turn his attentions back and toward a pink haired female to which he would smile and nod his head in a bow "I'm pretty swell all things considered. Nothing too monumental though I was thinkin about headin out but am teetering a bit. Though, if you wouldn't mind and if it wasn't too much to ask, would you like to join me? Been wanting to see about fighting some monsters or what-nots though going out by myself is boring and I'm a bore to talk to when I'm by myself." He would move his free hand to the back of his head to scratch it lightly as if to joke to himself about the comment he had made.

  11. Just outside of the Town of Beginnings stood a player clad in plate armor, wielding a large shield and seemingly nothing more in terms of a weapon to any passerby. Lee would raise his free hand up to his chin to rub the stubble of his beard to pass the time out of boredom upon looking out at the fields. He wasn't one for going out into them, not because of any danger but more out of lack of interaction. Fighting and killing monsters alone drew nothing of benefit to him socially and it was something that he had been aiming to increase as of late with everything else going on in his would-be life. Though, simply walking around asking people if they wished to go out into the fields to fight whatever came their way was odd to say the least.

  12. The plated armored man sat on a bench in the Town of Beginnings with his eyes starring straight up at the sky. The clouds seemed so real and so close that he could almost touch them if he wished. This was all relative as he wasn't some sort of heavenly creature or a god-like being. Though, if he was, would everyone be in this game? Would he wish everyone free or be just as bad as Kayaba. "Nah." He would close his eyes and remember the first days stuck in his mind.


    The player clad in basic plate armor stood amidst the masses of the player base of SwordArt Online. The players from across the world who were now told that not only were they stuck in the game but it was also given to them the information that if they were to hit zero in terms of health, they would follow shortly after in the land of the living. This was information that Lee wasn't sure he was able to process completely. It was a shock, to say the least but it was a different kind of shock. It was as if being told one won a lottery. It needed to sink in even if this was not the same kind of situation.

    He would look around at the many players as they eventually went their own ways to either find themselves, kill themselves or do something to keep their wits about them. Lee would move out and away from the crowd for awhile after conversing with a few players himself and meeting others, aiming to quell the minds of the few people he came across. He had begun to walk down the street when a pair of individuals by a bench caught his attention. They seemed well enough but he wasn't sure if he was ready to have himself left alone to his own thoughts so more interaction wouldn't do him any harm. He would walk steadily toward them, a single hand raised in a greeting "Hi there, hey there."

  13. Lee would let out a laugh that he would quickly bring a halt too by bringing a hand up to his mouth. "Oh, oh lord no. I can't draw for the life of me, advanced doodles and well made lines is as far as I'm able to carry myself in that department." She would continue on about not really having any idea for himself in terms of animistic armors which caused him to think of other games he had played in the past that had decorative armors and the dynasty warriors franchise came to mind but with his memory, no one armor popped out to him, just that it held a nice variety if he could. "Well, it is something to think about and I might actually try my hand at getting something like that in the future. Maybe get some sort of helmet to obscure my face and be all ominous n sh*t."

  14. Lee would look up at the larger man as he was a good half a foot taller than he but he would aim to press his own answer. Lee would nod and chuckle lightly "Good point, good point, you got me there." He would let his own hand clasp Solomon's in a firm handshake "Nice to meet you Solomon, names Lee. I can get behind that sort of hierarchy and ain't got any problem with that." He would then take his hand back and cross his arms across his chest and would continue "I'm not trying to sound rude though that doesn't mean that I can help it. I'm just trying to get a layout for the most part. I just don't like the idea of joining a guild that has the same stick that ever other guild has." He would roll his eyes and continue "The whole help low leveled players out and beat the game is something every guild has and tries to sell as something only they can do. I wouldn't mind jumping through a few hoops if the cause catches my interest enough."

  15. Lee would turn his attentions to a blue haired female that would acknowledge that this was in fact the place he and Airi were looking for. The male player would find it pleasant that not only was he not the only one to show up but that at least there was a familiar face among them. Lee would let his attentions turn to a man whom named himself Atzo and The Man with Many Faces, though Lee himself would give a seemingly unchanging stare at the title. He wasn't one for titles as they never really seemed...legitimate and usually ended up making one sound rather pompous. He would give what he deemed to be the two goals of the guild and to one, he would scratch the side of his head.

    Lee would glance to see the arrival of another that seemed to know Atzo. A player there did point out what was actually on Lee's mind, just what set this guild apart from others? How was it NOT a carbon copy of every other guild? Airi would bring up a good note as to what were the requirements to join or was it simply whoever wanted in, got in which was another negative. Though, in the mass of words and questions, Atzo would then designate the new potentials to corresponding members to have their questions asked.

    Lee would turn toward toward the player named Solomon and cross his arms over his chest "Yo, so you got any selling points? Kinda don't listen well when it comes to the whole 'one-person-talking-to-many' and my mind just kinda gives up on the process. More a 'one-on-one' kinda guy."


  16. The town of beginnings, it was a place that Lee had seen himself coming to often and usually it held plenty of things. Though, today it was more about himself. He was going to take a day to himself for once. He was usually never one to go on outings by himself but with it being just the first level outside of the town of beginnings, it couldn't do him much harm. He would simply use this time to fight some low level monsters, look for some materials and maybe get some loot to sell if he could.

    He wouldn't have to worry about checking most of his equipment as he didn't really have too much to start with in terms of interchangeable equipment. He would then begin his way toward the exit of the town but something would catch his eye as a seemingly old and decrepit woman seemed to be beckoning him. Lee would look around and behind himself, making sure it was indeed him that she was calling too. Upon noticing that there was no one close to him he would head in her direction to see just what it was that she wished to discuss.

  17. A man walked through the Town of Beginnings with a single screen held up not to far from him. The man wore simple but sturdy plate armor with a large shield strapped to his left arm. He would glance to the screen and then up several times as if to search for something. There had been a...disagreement with his significant other and because of that, he had decided that he needed to do something, pretty much anything to keep himself from dwelling on it and getting angrier. So when he had come across this guild get together with the possibility of membership, it was interesting to say the least.

    Though, he was on the low side of actually joining as he was usually never one for guilds as they all blended together too much for him to want to be associated with them. It wasn't that he held himself in any sort of high esteem but more that he wanted more than the norm, that is what he saw what a guild should be. He would much rather see what The Emerald Harbingers actually had to say and if they would even try to sell the part of being a guild. He was also interested in just what a guild had in this game as he was more or less completely unaware of just what entailed in them. He would see a small gathering of players though for him, he wouldn't have any idea if these were the one's that had the invitation open.

    He would minimize the drop-box as he might need it if he was not in the correct place though he would not keep this up too long, his attentions could only be kept for so long. He would raise his free hand and make his way toward the group whilst speaking to make himself known "Umm, is this the guild invitational deal thing?"

  18. Lee continued to think of a bunny themed suit of armor, adding small childish ideas such as carrot accessories and stickers. As she would confirm that she would surely find something to her liking, one way or another to which he would nod. "And that is what you need to keep up with. Need that armor now that it looks as cool as it does in my head. I wonder what kinda armor I'd get if I had a choice of animals. Ah, that's for another day and a day that will surely be quite a ways off." He would look ahead to spot what he assumed to be one of many different inns within the town.

  19. As they would continue walking through the more or less empty streets of the town, Lee would take note of what she said and at first, there was no real reaction. It would sink in before blinking several times in rapid secession and turn his attention toward Yusaki. He would eye her up and down and it would take more than a moment for him to try and visualize the female in heavy armor. He just imaged a normal set of armor but with a helmet with two rabbit like metal ears atop it which caused a light chuckle "Hey, I'm not gonna judge if it works. It'd look pretty cute if you do it right." He would stroke his chin in minor thought of a more detailed armor that she would have, at least in his mind "Would it have a tail? Would the tail be metal or just decoration?"

  20. "That! Is! It!" Lee would yell to himself as he would bring himself to his knees and shake his hands as he continued to furiously remove his gauntlets and would throw them onto the ground with his weapon and shield. He would rub his face and pull himself up to his feet "Mother Of All That Is FuuuUUUUUU-" He would rage as he would kick a rock out of his path to the boulder. This was currently the target of his unbridled rage and it would feel that fury or at least that is what he had planned. He planned on simply unloading a flurry of punches till it submitted to his will.

    Though, the outcome was only slightly different. Like in all fights, the first swing was the most important and he would draw his fist back and threw it forward with what force he felt could move a mountain with the burning that came behind it. As the blow landed against the boulder, there was the sound of what one would think to be cracking thunder as his fist would insert itself into the stone and a crack would form almost instantly from the hole up and over the rock and to its base. Then, the stone would burst apart, as if propelled by opposing forces. Lee simply stood there, fuming.

    He wasn't done but he also wasn't stupid enough to start wailing on a broken boulder when it had already served its purpose, he would have to find something else to let his anger out on or he would find a nice place to just stew. But, before he could grab his items, a menu would appear in front of him acknowledging the acquirement of a new skill. "I really don't give a flying....GAH!" He wouldn't even finish as he would collect his gear and begin his decent.

    ID: 80746
    BD: 10

    Rock: 1-3= -2 DEFEATED
    Lee: 178

  21. Lee saw red and it was all that he needed to fuel himself into getting himself pumped. He would lift himself up to a vertical base and rub the back of his head, trying not to claw at the irritation. Today was literally going to be that kind of day, a day that just shoved it where it does not want to shine. He would turn over to get onto all fores and was going to push himself up but as he went to push off the ground, his hand found yet another small rounded stone and, as the last, would cause it to roll out from under him and instead of going on his back, his face made sweet angry love with the ground beneath him.

    ID: 80744
    BD: 1

    Rock: 1-0= 1
    Lee: 179-1= 178

  22. Lee would turn on his heel and walk away from the boulder and begin pacing, long strides while trying to get air to move through his hair. He felt as though this is the time where he would begin to start having a headache. Getting some air moving through his hair usually helped calm him down. This would have been the case to at least get him to think a bit clearer about the task at hand but there was a simple rock. A rock that had fallen from the boulder was in his path and he had passed it a few times without stepping on it but on his seventh pass, he would step on it and it would roll under his foot casing his legs to go skyward as he would end up back on the ground, the back of his head smacking the ground, bouncing once.

    ID: 80742
    BD: 1

    Rock: 1-0= 1
    Lee: 180-1= 179

  23. The man would continue to fume and boil the anger within though it was not something that was dangerous. It was nothing close to hate as that was something he wasn't really accustom too. He had only ever hated a handful of people in his life and those people are ones that he still hated to this day. He would draw his foot back and instead of kicking the boulder, he would kick the ground and send dirt and a few stones sailing off into tall grass while also hearing the sounds of rock on rock. He had forgotten that he had made a trip up the mountain and then it dawned on him that he would have to make the trip back down by himself which, at first it made him feel a little lonesome but then the anger, oh the anger, snuffed out that feeling quickly.

    ID: 80736
    BD: 4

    Rock: 1-0= 1

  24. Lee would straighten his posture and go to swing at the boulder but instead of hitting it, he would let it come back around and slam into his other hand i anger. He clasped his fist tightly, the pressure only serving to anger him further. The worst part of all of this, he knew he was doing it but he was just so angry and he wasn't going to simply let it go. He never did, he was not such a simple person. He was a straight and legit as*hole and he had accepted this. He knew that it would burn away at him and he knew that he could simply say something and lie and everything would become better but he couldn't do that, he couldn't do that and sleep at night. It was impossible for him to give in when he had decided to dig his heels into the ground and stand firm with what he said. He wasn't sure if this was just boasting or a male ego thing but it was just simply, him.

    ID: 80734
    BD: 3

    Rock: 1-0= 1

  25. Lee drew back his fist and didn't waste any time in striking out at the boulder once more, hit fist almost digging into the boulder, a crack shifting in several directions around the point of impact. It was on its last legs but it still seemed that it could take hit after hit and still just look like it was going to crack. What if he was doing this and it was failed quest from the get go? Why was everything trying to anger him so much today? Was it just that time of month that all the stars aligned and the gods decided to have a good laugh at a mortal's expense? Lee would quickly whip his fist from the boulder and shake off the dust and rubble. "...fffffFFFFF!" He would start to yell his curse but would just inwardly ball of the anger. 

    ID: 80707
    BD: 6

    Rock: 2-1= 1

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