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Status Replies posted by Thorrissia

  1. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      omg Kiru is laughing coffin. *hides* 

      We could change the guild name to Caughing Loffin so its not plagiarism :p

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  2. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      All the guild members could be like "eh people don't really die when we stab them. They just wake up, we're doing them a favour seriously" 

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  3. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      wow we should all just become PKers. We should basically just create laughing coffin. 

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  4. ATTENTION ALL PEOPLE: I'm bored come rp with me. 

  5. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      Kiruuuuu you let somebody else shoot your dog. *brings in of mice and men reference like BAM* 

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  6. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      I created him, I must be the one to destroy him. *mindblown* 

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  7. ATTENTION ALL PEOPLE: I'm bored come rp with me. 

  8. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      Idk, she'll probably like, drink all of her potions and turn into a purple sparkle unicorn or something. 

      She'll be like 'I need to see what this one tastes like, and this one, and this one' nuuuu Im a unicorn what 

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  9. ATTENTION ALL PEOPLE: I'm bored come rp with me. 

  10. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      Solaris? Nah he's just gunna try and steal her stuff, but like, get a little too carried away when she doesn't comply and then Thorry's gunna be like *stab* 

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  11. ATTENTION ALL PEOPLE: I'm bored come rp with me. 

  12. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      Honestly I don;t think Thorry would really count as a proper PKer? Like she'd be orange but it would be accidental and she wouldn't be going after anyone else. The reason I want this to happen is because I think I made her too young in this, like, I originally have her as a character who is in her late teens/early twenties and a ton of dramatic stuff has sort of already happened? So I wanted to discover what she was like as a younger person, but I've found I enjoy writing her as being unnecessarily rude and grumpy XD I want my bby back. The actual reason for that character transition was in fact killing another person, although on said occasion she did so in self defence with no other choice rather than it being accidental. I figure this should do it :D 

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  13. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

  14. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      1. they were just walking using invisibility and they were blind it wasn't their fault

      2. you didn't see them because they had an invisibility cloak

      3. yes they do see. MAOOO MAOO

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  15. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      Yay! Kotori and Thorry can be like, best buds. 


      But Golden needs to realise, what if he throws a sword at a cow and a level one player steps in front of him... 

      *shoves fawn let into the firing line* 

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  16. ATTENTION ALL PEOPLE: I'm bored come rp with me. 

  17. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      Cool we're all set. They can have sleepovers in each others shops XD 

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  18. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      Maybe she could and both Kotori and Thorrissia could live in a tree together forever. It's ok. Golden can come move into Thorry's shop when it opens up. I was always planning on her having a place outside of the safe zones anyway if she ever opened one. :) 

      It'll put some interesting strains on their relationship though considering Golden is like "ALL PKERS R EVIL I H8 THM ALL"

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  19. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      That's ok she can just stay red. I don't mind too much. If she dies I can just make another person. 

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  20. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      I know it will. :) I won't stay orange forever though. And besides, I think that watching somebody die wouldn't quite have the same effect on her as being the one to do it, even if it would still be pretty dang horrible. 


      I'm going to level her up a little bit first so she has less chance of dying out there though. 

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  21. ATTENTION ALL PEOPLE: I'm bored come rp with me. 

  22. ATTENTION ALL PEOPLE: I'm bored come rp with me. 

  23. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

    1. Thorrissia


      I'm not really planning on her becoming corrupt as such, just a little more solemn and less childish with a little more value for human life. 

      She's just going to get a fresh taste of perspective is all. 

      Killing people doesn't turn you automatically insane, unless you do it for fun in which case you were already insane.

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  24. ATTENTION ALL PEOPLE: I'm bored come rp with me. 

  25. ATTENTION ALL PEOPLE: I'm bored come rp with me. 

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