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Posts posted by Golden

  1. Golden had been PMed to drop by Xion's shop early that morning. Golden decided that he would indeed check out the blacksmith's shop. He was quite glad that another blacksmith has popped up into the world. Currently, there's only one active blacksmith that has a shop open. Maybe I'll order something sometime in the future. He decided. After checking his gear and getting ready for the morning, he head down to the shop that had only recently been opened. As Golden walked in, he didn't see much equipment in the open probably because he is new to this. Golden thought. "Xion?" Golden asked to check whether he was there or not before he walked in.

  2. "Not bad Xion." Golden said, attempting not to sneeze again. "You've improved. Maybe we could have another duel later but not now with my condition." Golden finally let out a sneeze before starting to say something again. "You know what, we could make a great party. Why don't we try it out?" Golden asked before sending the 2 party invites. I'm a tank with quite some damage mitigation. Xion can damage and paralyze their opponents. Vasth is a spear user with good abilities for a beginner. Golden thought. I could get used to fighting with such a balanced team.

  3. ID: 26724
    BD: 3 (0 DMG)
    MD: 3 (0 DMG)

    Golden charged at the boar that Vasth had attacked, attempting to deal some more damage while it's not paying attention to him... but he was wrong. Because he had more hate, the boar only had eyes for him and Golden's attack was easily dodged by the evasive boar. With a curse, Golden prepared to be struck, however, the boar was quite inaccurate with its attacks and its attack went way lopsided and missed Golden entirely.

    ID: 26725
    MD: 5 (0 DMG)

    Golden had anticipated that the second boar was going to attack him directly after the first boar's attack. He held up his shield and prepared to tank the mob when the mob dodged to one side before charging up from the other side. Intelligent. Golden thought, but he read the move completely and with one step, he was able to dodge the weak mob's attack.

    Golden (42/43) [HATE: 4]
    Boar (17/22)
    Boar (22/22)
    Vasth (21/22) [HATE: 2]

  4. ID: 26698
    BD: 10 (9 DMG)
    MD: 9 (2-1=1 DMG)

    Golden was quite sure that he was going to be able to easily kill the wolf without suffering much damage. Maybe one or two damage. He stared at the lone wolf now that its partner had died. Golden was the one to make the first move as he charged at the wolf, attempting to deal quite some damage if his hit would land. Golden smirked when the wolf was unable to make any effort of dodging the attack thus, it suffered a critical from Golden's blade. However, the wolf was quite determined for revenge of its partner and attacked back. Luckily, Golden had his armor and shield to absorb some damage while using the thorns to deal some damage to the wolf as well.

    Golden (45/55) -1
    Dire Wolf (0/28)
    Dire Wolf (11/28) -11 Thorns

  5. ID: 26691
    BD: 10 (9 DMG)

    MD: 6 (0 DMG due to death)

    Golden could finish off the first wolf. Fighting two wolves at the same time had proven to be quite stressful for the young player and he was getting quite annoyed of it. Determined to finish off one of the boars, Golden charged at it, hoping that it wouldn't be able to dodge it when he inserted the blade onto its back. With one groan, the wolf burst into millions and millions of tiny blue and green crystals indicating its death. Golden smirked, now it was time for the next one.

    LD: 11 (+140 Col, +1 MAT)

    ID: 26692
    MD: 3

    Having finished off one of the wolves, the other wolf was quite frustrated and was seeking revenge. Golden chuckled as it had become easier to dodge the attack of the wolf since there were only one mob to watch out for. Golden quickly dodged out of the way of the incoming attack before holding his rapier by his side and preparing an attack of his own to hopefully finish this one as quickly as possible as well.

    Golden (46/55)
    Dire Wolf (0/28) -9
    Dire Wolf (22/28)

  6. ID: 26687
    BD: 1 (0 DMG)
    MD: 7 (1 DMG)
    CD: 11 (+1 HP)

    Golden smirked as he ran up at the wolf that he'd just dealt quite a bit of damage to. However, Golden had been too cocky and as a result, the dire wolf was able to dodge the attack easily by leaping into the air. Golden did not see that coming and the wolf pounced on Golden's head. Luckily, Golden was able to block some damage using his shield and armor while inflicting some damage to the wolf using thorns before throwing the mob off him.

    ID: 26688
    MD: 6 (1 DMG)

    While Golden had been busy with the wolf on his head, the other wolf was prepared to strike when its partner comes off the player. The wolf lets out a grunt and a low roar before charging at the unsuspecting boy who didn't have enough time to dodge when he'd been attacked. However, the thorns were able to inflict some damage and pain to the wolf.

    Golden (46/55) -1
    Dire Wolf (7/28) -2 Thorns
    Dire Wolf (22/28) -2 Thorns


  7. He heard it too. The low growl. Seems quite cheesy if the tiger managed to find us right after killing the bugs. Golden thought. He looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of a tiger's bright skin. He sighed when he managed to spot the tiger laying... no, crotching to avoid being seen. Looks like I'll have the first attack again. Golden thought... however, he would not attack. Instead, he would get the tiger to focus entirely on him using the howl skill.

    ID: 26683
    BD: 3 (0 DMG + Howl)

    MD: 10 (3-2=1+2=3 DMG)

    Golden used his howl skill and immediately, hate occurred in the tiger's eyes as he pounced on the boy. Golden wasn't expecting the attack to come so soon after using the skill and thus, he was hit by a menacing critical attack. Golden frowned as he couldn't believe that he was caught out by such a simple attack. However, he was focused now, and he needed to be.

    Golden (52/55) -3 [H: 4]
    Thorrissia (44/44) [H: 0]
    Tiger (30/30) [Decided to make it stronger so it would prove to be more of a challenge. :)]

  8. ID: 26675

    BD: 7 (7 DMG)

    MD: 8 (0 DMG due to death)

    Golden smiled as Thorrissia hit her target. "Not drunk anymore?" Golden asked tauntingly and teasingly. He was going to be the one to finish off the job. With one sprint, he jumped into the air and completed his signature back flip before managing to stab the ant right on the top of its head. Man, I love to backspin. Golden thought as the ant burst into millions and millions of tiny blue and green pieces. Golden smiled as he checked that he'd gotten loot and the quest was half over. It's already taken quite some time. 

    LD: 13 (+125 Col, +1 MAT, +3X Giant insect eyes)

    Golden decided that he would let Thorrissia hold on to the giant insect eyes seeing that she's the one doing the quest. "Man... I didn't realize that this ant had three eyes." Golden said as he scratched his head with a grin.

    -3 Giant Insect Eyes

  9. ID: 26667

    BD: 6 (7 DMG)

    MD: 3 (0 DMG)

    "Eh. I like drunk bears." Golden said before charging at his target to show off his beautiful rapier sword skills. Golden faked to the left as he was running toward the an before going quickly to the right side of the ant... delaying the ant's reaction time and defensive abilities. Golden knew that he would hit the target when the ant wasn't able to follow his movements. With one quick and clean strike, Golden forced an insect sound from the gigantic ant. However, the ant was not to give up but its attack was quite easy to deal with since Golden was ready to dodge the attack.

    Golden [54/55]  [H:8]

    Thorrissia [44/44] [H:0] 

    Giant Ant [8/25] -7

  10. ID: 26664

    BD: 9 (8 DMG)

    MD: 4 (0 DMG)

    Golden smirked when Thorrissia missed her attack but this time, he made a note to not back it as obvious that he was smirking. Golden ran up at the gigantic ant, hoping that he could deal the first damage and get some more hate on him. The ant wasn't speedy enough to dodge Golden's attack and resulting from that, Golden was able to jump up and bring his blade down upon the bug's head. Golden smiled as he jumped back in retreat to dodge the ant's attack so he wouldn't be damaged and his health would stay high.

    Golden [54/55] [H:6]

    Thorrissia [44/44] [H:0] 

    Giant Ant [15/25] -8

  11. [No, it was my fault I totally forgot what 55/2 was there XD.]

    Golden sighed as he realized that they would have to fight another one of them ants. Golden was not looking forward to it but the last battle was quite easy. He looked around... surely there would be some ants around since they often crowd around each other. Golden was able t0 sense an ant in the distance and started walking towards it... when he spotted it, Golden engaged in battle.

    ID: 26646

    BD: 3 (0 DMG+Howl)

    MD: 6 (3-2=1 DMG)

    Golden snickered as he used his howl skill knowing that the ant was going to focus on him instead of Thorrissia. Once the ant attacks, it would've been a big mistake on its part. The ant immediately recognized Golden as its primary target before striking out at him. Golden stood still, knowing that it shouldn't be able to deal too much damage to him. He rose up his shield before easily blocking the attack, allowing his shield to easily absorb some damage. He knew instantly that the ant was stronger than the other one.

    Golden [54/55] -1 [H:4]

    Thorrissia [44/44] [H:0] 

    Giant Ant [23/25] -2 Thorns 

  12. ID: 26644

    BD: 9 (8 DMG)

    MD: 6 (1 DMG)

    Golden smiled as he charged the primary target. The first boar. Golden smirked when he sprinted up to the mob and brought his blade down easily upon. He frowned however when the wolf easily maneuvered itself. However, Golden was quick to react and saw the movement coming before bringing his rapier down on the wolf, sending it far away before it moaned from pain. As Golden looked at the other wolf, it brought itself up before charging at Golden, managing to get a hit off before it was impaled by thorns enhanced upon Golden's armor.

    ID: 26645

    MD: 6 (1 DMG)

    Golden frowned as he was caught out by the simple, weak wolf when the other wolf attacked him as well. He was bit on the leg but it was fine as his mitigation was too much for the wolves to handle. He felt a tickle as his health dropped by one percent. Golden grinned when he used his strength to knock the wolves clinging onto him off of him and onto the ground.

    Golden (47/55) -2

    Dire Wolf (9/28) -10 Thorns

    Dire Wolf (24/28) -2 Thorns

  13. ID: 26643

    BD: 7 (7 DMG)

    MD: 9 (0 DMG due to death)

    Golden sighed as Thorrissia missed her target. "You're going to have to try a lot harder if you wanna whoop my ass." Golden said, quite tauntingly at the player. He smiled as he started charging up at the ant to hopefully end the filthy, disgusting piece of junk. With one little jump and a smooth backspin... his signature move... he brought down his sword with his shield in his other hand onto the ant's head. Time froze as the ant burst into millions and millions of tiny blue and green pieces. Golden smiled. Not bad. He decided. However, he was unable to obtain any loot since the health of the ant was beyond low for him.

  14. ID: 26606

    BD: 2 (0 DMG)

    MD: 10 (3-2=1 DMG)

    Golden was going to try and kill of one of the wolves as quick as he can so that he would have only one enemy to deal with at a time. However, the wolf would just not simply let him hit it with his rapier. The wolf managed to dodge out of the way of his attack before charging at the boy to inflict quite a large amount of damage that would've been painful if his armor wasn't there. Golden growled, not happy with how bad his accuracy has been recently. Golden sighed, quite unconfident of his abilities. 

    ID: 26607

    MD: 7 (1 DMG)

    While Golden was thinking about his abilities, the second wolf was able to sneak up on the boy and attack him from behind. However, Golden smiled, since the wolf had pierced itself into the thorns located on his armor. Golden snickered before throwing the wolf back down with his strength. Gotta do better than that. Golden thought as he retreated before he could be trapped by the wolves.

    Golden (49/55) -2

    Dire Wolf (19/28) 

    Dire Wolf (26/28) -2 Thorns

  15. ID: 26603

    BD: 6 (7 DMG)

    MD: 4 (0 DMG)

    Such a straight forward victory. Golden thought, fully expecting to destroy the mob with his last hit. However, as Golden's blade came down upon it, it was able to dodge the attack quite easily. Golden frowned, quite disappointed that he hadn't been able to finish the job off. However, this would give Thorrissia an opportunity to get the loot if she manages to find her target. Golden smiled, "What smirk? I don't know what you're talking about." Golden said, quite tauntingly and comically.

    Golden (55/55) [HATE: 8]

    Giant Ant (1/22) -7

    Thorrissia (44/44) [HATE: 1]

  16. Golden couldn't hold it anymore. He was going to sneeze whether he liked it or not. It was ironic and comical watching the two players fight in the middle of the park. Golden smirked before sneezing. Uh... This cold's gonna kill me. He decided as he stood up from his hiding place. "So... uh-h... uh." Golden started before letting another sneeze out. He probably looked like a mess since he barely got any sleep last night. "Wassup guys... Nice fighting you got here." Golden said, not minding his cold and stood there. Surely it wouldn't affect them since this is a virtual world right? Golden asked himself.

  17. ID: 26595

    BD: 5+1=6 (7 DMG) (+1 From Concentration)

    MD: 4

    Golden smirked when Thorrissia missed her attack. Golden charged with his blade by his side and his shield on the other hand. As he approached the mob, he had an unusual feeling that he was going to miss as he used his concentration skill, allowing him more accuracy to damage the opponent. Golden smiled when he managed to chop the side of the ugly ant with one smooth, clean pierce of his rapier. Golden was quite glad that he had managed to do so now that the ant was focused entirely on him, the tank of the party. Golden smirked... the battle was going exactly how he wanted and needed it to be.

    Golden (55/55) [HATE: 6]

    Giant Ant (15/22) -7

    Thorrissia (44/44) [HATE: 0]


  18. ID: 26571

    BD: 6 (7 DMG)

    MD: 2 (0 DMG)

    Golden charged with his rapier high into the sky. Even though his heavy armor slowed him down quite a bit, he was still able to successfully deal quite some damage to the first wolf that had attacked him. Golden smirked when his sword dealt damage to the helpless wolf. It wasn't fast enough to dodge the attack. Golden realized despite the fact that it was faster than Golden.

    ID: 26572

    MD: 9 (2-1=1 DMG)

    The second boar, however, saw the opportunity to attack Golden as he was thinking. It charged right when Golden stopped paying attention, taking full advantage of the situation. Golden gasped as he was caught out and didn't have time to raise his shield in attempt to block the attack. Golden smirked however, when his life points only dropped by a tiny bit.

    Golden (51/55) -1

    Dire Wolf (19/28) -7

    Dire Wolf (28/28)

  19. Golden looked around, hoping to see even more boars around only to see that 2 dire wolves were gaining up on him. Golden smirked. This might be interesting. He thought as he prepared to attack. His rapier held high into the air as he charged at the two wolves hunting in broad daylight.

    ID: 26562

    BD: 3 (0 DMG)

    MD: 7 (1 DMG)

    Golden struck, unknowing to just how fast the wolves were. His target easily dodged his slow attack and charged right back at him. Golden grunts, not able to dodge the attack due to how slow he was. With one sudden attack, Golden had been struck. However, using the thorns on his shield and armor, he was able to inflict some damage upon the wolf that had recently attacked him.

    ID: 26563

    MD: 5 (0 DMG)

    Golden anticipated the attack of the second wolf. It had sprung up onto the air as it attacked, allowing Golden enough time to get out of the way of the attack. The wolves attack went to thin air as Golden spoiled the perfect opportunity for it. Now, Golden was prepared to deal some damage with his rapier.

    Golden (52/55) -1

    Dire Wolf (26/28) -2 Thorns

    Dire Wolf (28/28)

  20. Giant ants? Golden thought as he already felt his stomach groan in pain and disgusts. Maybe I shouldn't of tagged alone. Golden followed Thorrissia as they went on their quest to kill mobs. Golden smirked when he saw a tiny black thing in the distance and he pointed at it, sure that it was an ant that they could kill. But when they approached it, it became gigantic, bigger than both the players combined. Oh boy. Golden thought. "I'll tank then." Golden decided before springing up toward the gigantic mob.

    ID: 26561

    BD: 2 (0 DMG+Howl)

    MD: 2 (0 DMG)

    Golden smirked when he used the howl skill. This will generate hate for him and the ant would attack him instead... but Golden was quite grossed out when the ant suddenly jerked forward slowly with disgusting haste and hunger in its eyes. Urgh... Golden frowned as the ant charged towards him only to miss its target when Golden rolled out of the way easily. This is gonna be a long day. Golden decided.

    Golden (55/55) [HATE: 4]

    Giant Ant (22/22) [Deals 3 Damage]

    Thorrissia (44/44) [HATE: 0]

  21. "Sure." Golden replied when he was asked to fight more boars. "Let's go for two boars this time." Golden looked around, hoping to see two boars at the same place and when he saw one, he pointed. "I'll tank." He said, seeing that he probably have more damage mitigation on him and would take more hits that Vasth. Golden sighed, it was his first time tanking and he won't fail this. Golden smirked when he attacked the weak boars.

    [I shall control the boars so you don't have to use MD.]

    ID: 26559

    BD: 9 (0 DMG + Using Howl Skill)

    MD: 7 (1 DMG)

    Golden is a tank... that means he must be the one to take the hits. Using the howl skill, Golden will be the target that the boars will focus on... Just what he wanted. He stood there, staring at one of the boars until that one came charging at him, able to hit him. However, Golden smirked, it had managed to hit him but it had dealt more damage to itself than to him since he had the thorns enhancement.

    ID: 26560

    MD: 5-1=4

    Now it was the second boar's turn. It charged at the smiling Golden only to miss its target by quite a distance. Golden smirked, both the boars were concentrated on Golden and he was prepared to make an attack next turn. He looked at Vasth, signaling him to attack while the boars weren't paying attention to him. Golden had been quite happy with the amount of damage he dealt that turn.

    Golden (42/43) -1 [HATE: 4]

    Boar (20/22) -2 (Thorns)

    Boar (22/22)

    Vasth (21/22) [HATE: 0]

  22. Name: Anmitsu

    Your Profession: Cook

    Your Rank: 2

    ID: 26005

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Desserts

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: 1X Essential Nutrients (Adds +1 to the CD for one crafting day.)

    Description: Anmitsu is a Japanese dessert that has been popular for many decades. It is made of small cubes of agar jelly, a white translucent jelly made from red algae.

  23. ID: 26504

    BD: 9 (7+1=8 DMG)

    MD: 8 (1 DMG)

    Golden could finish it off. The boar was in the red zone and looked as if it was quite weak and was standing only from desperation. He was going to finish of the filthy thing with one smooth blade cut. Golden charged at the weak boar, knowing that if he didn't mess up, he was probably going to destroy the boar after a few little cuts. Golden smirked as the boar burst into millions and millions of tiny little blue and green crystal pieces. Well... That was easy. He thought as he checked to see if he'd gotten any decent loot from the battle. 

    LD: 20+1=21 (140 Col & 2 MATS)


  24. Golden gulped when Thorrissia mentioned bugs. He hated bugs..... he despised them since he was a little kid and he would prefer fighting a kitty cat than to fight a gigantic bug. "Eh... How about the kitty cat option?" Golden asked, preferring to do that one instead of the bug fighting. It might become a long day if he was going to have to fight bugs all day. Golden felt a drop of sweat coming from his forehead at the mention of bugs. He shrugged, acting careless, "Well~ Let's get started then... shall we? Why don't you lead the way."

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