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Posts posted by Takuto

  1. Takuto was relieved that Dellis knew what to do and surprised he didn't die. The explosion felt like it was at least 4 plastic c4 explosive from the real world hit him but he managed to survive.

    The roof had caved in and rocks where scattered over the floor. "You had a great idea," Dellis said, raising with difficulty. He stretched his hand towards Takuto to help him out. "You killed both the remaining cobolds, and we both went through it unscathed. Well, relatively unscathed." He added. "You're a great party member, you know?" He said.

    Takuto grabbed Dellis's hand and pulled himself up,"Thanks but my actual plan was to knosk them both into a wall and blow a hole through it if possible", he said dusting off his clothes. He widened his eyes as Dellis said he was a good party member. "Well the truth is I usually solo in most MMOs but since this one is a death trap I guess I'll have too make new friends", Takuto said starring at the ground.

    Dellis turned his head. he walked over to where the Cobolds had exploded. Dellis picked up a key it looked like something from the underworld. Dellis chunked it over to Takuto,"This probably opens the door to the next area. You keep it!" Takuto looked at it it was a deep shade of black it had Blood red vains of what looked like molten lava flowing everywhere on th key.

    "try to step on the rocks that have fallen from the ceiling, that way we won't set off any more pressure plates." Dellis said. Takuto nodded he took carefull steps hitting the rocks as best he could.

    After reaching the end of the hallway Takuto felt the key getting hotter it seemed to be reacting to something nearby.

    then he saw it a door that looked exactly like the key. Takuto gave the key to Dellis,"The key is getting hotter as we get closer to the door, test it out". Dellis raised the key to the door," You ready Takuto?"

    Takuto nodded,"Whenever you are", he said to Dellis.

  2. Takuto felt he needed something to do on his free time, something he felt he would be good at. Takuto thought for a long while leaning against a wall in th merchant square of the starter city. He decided to get a job as a tailor. He could make things almost like he did in the real world with his mother at home. Takuto looked through the Beta tester handbook and found a place to start looking into a tailoring job.

    When Takuto arrived at the NPC shop that would help him obtain the rank of a tailor he thought of it as a regular shop. Nothing special about it except the spool and needle emblem on the galery window that was an odd sight it wasn't like the usual spools you saw on tailor shops it had some engraved righting on it's side. Takuto turned his head and read it,"The threads of life and death may they weave your everlasting future". Takuto thought about the Hercules story of the wicked lady's that spun the thread then cut it when you died or were about to die. Takuto took a big gulp and walked in to the store.

    The air had a fresh smell of leather. The store was filled with tanning racks and sewing machines, spools of all kinds of colors, and so many needles they should call it a hay in a needle stack. Takuto looked over to the NPC he was at a tanning rack working a piece of leather. At Takuto's approach he began his programmed line. "Welcome to the Threads of Destiny", th NPC burst with joyous tones," How may I help you Mr.... ?" a box appeared in front of Takuto it siad put player name here. Takuto typed his name and the NPC Finished his sentence. "Takuto!", he boomed. " So Takuto how may I help you?", he asked as another box appeared it was a tutorial over how to speak to NPC's Takuto pressed the cancel button and began speaking," Can you teach me how to become a tailor?"

    The tailor stood to face Takuto,"That will cost you 500 col", the NPC said with a smile. Takuto countd his money," 698 col", he read the inventory screen. He hit accept pay and the NPC continued,"okay so you will need these", he gave Takuto a beginner's set of tailoring clothes and items like a needle and a leather punch with hammer. Takuto looked at the Tailor he wanted to do something else while he was here. " Can I see your stock?", Takuto asked with a small amount of hope.

    loot dice 1-4 the item is not there

    loot dice 5-12 the item is there

  3. " Uh... I-I'm fine",Takuto sighed. He felt surprised at the fact that Zelrius the helpless fatigued player in the fields got up with a jolt of energy and attacked a girl for no reason. Takuto didn't like it but he felt it was better her than himself he felt horrible for thinking this way and almost wanted to punch himself for being so selfish.

    "So you going to get an inn or do you have plans to go somewhere?", Takuto asked after a moment. He then added," I know of a good inn I usually stay at".

  4. Takuto had an idea a crazy idea but it might work perfectly if done precisely as he planned. He quickly ran and leaped as far as he could towards a wall after hearing Dellis yell Switch. He then pushed off the wall and slammed into a cobold he pushed it into another knocking them down with the momentum of his jump. Takuto then stuck through both cobolds with his sword and pulled it back out. He jumped back as quick as he could and said," Dellis your shield". Hoping Dellis knew what he meant. He hunched down covering his head waiting for the explosion.

  5. As his boots were clicking on the ground of the starter city he felt bad for people who had died from PK-ers like the girl in the fields and what makes it even more despairing is most of the PK-ers are top level floor killers so most of the helpless players can't beat them at a fair fight their stats are just too high.

    He felt a cold chill run down his spine thinking about it. But, the thought was shaken away by the time he turned around and bumped into Ferrah he thought she stayed back at the fields he hadn't heard anyone behid him. But, she is so light she didn't make a sound. He rubbed his head," uh- sorry I-I didn't see you there... are you okay?", he asked after a minute.

  6. OOC: Kenny Ill post as soon as I can get my Character's sword from a mission. but until then Ill just try my best to rp here.

    Takuto came back to the Inn he seen Kenny sitting at a table nearby. takuto walked over and sat down across from him.

    "So... how's our pacient doing?", Takuto sarcastically said rubbing the back of his neck. He looked over to the stairs half expecting Zelrius to step down.

  7. Takuto just stared he felt shock at what had just happened but knew he couldn't do anything about it Zelrius was a much higher level than Takuto. Even if he wanted to defend himself or anyone else it would be a challenge.

    Takuto put his hands back into his pockets of his jacket. He seen Ferrah push Zelrius and he just sat down and started sleeping. Some people enraged by what had just happened were yelling to kill him or cut off his arms. Disturbingly enough he just sat there huddled up not really even paying attention to the others. That is what scared Takuto the most. Takuto looked at Ferrah and nodded towards the town," lets go back to town I don't really think he needs our help anymore".

    With that Takuto turned around and began walking towards the city Noobs as he called it with his hands in his pockets and his head down.

  8. Takuto looked over his shoulder to Dellis. He had an odd shield he had never seen before on his arm. It was a round shield but it wasn't a smooth sided shield. It was more of a bumped un even scaled shield woth a creamed colored gem in the middle.

    Dellis was saying somthing about the group of two needing light to see in the cave. takuto watched as he searched his bag and brought out a torch he then placed it on a small metal hook on the wall. The cave lit slightly with a dim light.

    Takuto took a step and when his foot touched the ground fell with a ~clack~ it was a cricle shaped hole was in the ground under his foot. Takuto heard Dellis say,"There are traps all around us, try not to move too much around!"

    Takuto seen a door open and two firey Cobolds appeared. Dellis raised his shield preparring to defend against an attack. Takuto unsheathed his sword ready to fight.

    OOC:how exactly do you fight on here is it the boss sysem or you just type like the usual.

  9. They arrived at the face of the mountain.

    Dellis aked,"Before we go in... is all okay? You seemed strange before, when you fell."

    Takuto sighed, "Well when I fell it made me realize what pain Kayaba has caused and what others may be feeling"

    Takuto then cahnged the subject," Actually I need to check my gear" Takuto quickly skimmed through his inventory he cahnged out of his heavy wool clothes and equipped better lighter armor it was 70% cloth armor and 30% steel plete it offered enough protection to save his life a few times. Takuto then looked to Dellis," Alright lets go get that Magma!"

    He then turned to the entrance of the cave and began walking he heard small grunts and steps i the cave already. He then turned around," You coming?", he asked Dellis.

  10. the second floor didn't feel like he thought it would not scary or more difficult it just felt new not a familiar face was seen besides of course Dellis who began walking saying that we should get moving. Takuto began moving then over stepped and fell with a loud thud on the ground he felt some pain and remebered the actual reason he was here he hated what Kayaba had done to every one and he was trying to think how many have died already. How many have commited suicide out of fear.

    Takuto got back up and forced a smile. "I'm fine he said dusting himself off just need to get my bearings. He then continued to walk he stared at the mountains," Is that where we are going?" he asked finally.

  11. Takuto smiled at Delis," I understand I know how hard it can be to work like that". He grabbed the paper Delis handed him the paper he drew the rough sketch of the sword then coming back through adding small detail trying to remeber what he had drawn in the real world. He eventually came up with this:[attachment=0]20140216_013632.jpg[/attachment]

    1-dark brown worn leatherish color

    2-Volcanic ash color

    3-steel silver colored hilt/handgaurd

    4-aqua marine blue saphire

    5- A dark ash color that of solid lava

    Takuto slid the drawing over to Dellis asking," will this work?" He then looked out of the shack he thought of floor two and what his sword would be like with a magma blade. " You will be in charge of the name I couldn't care less about the name", said Takuto he then asked," any other things you need for my sword?" he glanced at the form Dellis had layed down earlier.

  12. Takuto thought long and hard. He wasn't sure what exactly he was looking for but he remembered a sword he had drawn outside of the game it wasn't his best but it looked like a good sword to start out with.

    "Do you have any paper Dellis?", Takuto asked while rubbing his head he wasn't sure if he should bother him while he was salvaging.

  13. Takuto patted the lizard on the head and looked back at the smith. He then realized he hadn't introduced himself, he then bowed and said," I apologize i forgot to introduce myself, I am Takuto nice to meet you", he said.

    "Well I will probably go try and get some materials on my own. do you know of any places on floor two?"

  14. Takuto sat down in the chair Dellis or who he thought was Dellis since he is the smith and the shop is called Dellis's Weapons and Arms. He stared at the pate of croissants and the galss of iced tea. The lizard was eyeing a croissant.

    "Well... can you make something better than this", Takuto said pulling out his sword and setting it on the table," I need it to last me until around floor 7 if you can manage it" takuto slid his sword over to the smith.

    "What price will it cost me and what do I need to gather for it ?" he asked standing back up.

  15. Taluto walked into a shop or shack as it wasn't like most blacksmith shops in town. as takuto entered he seen someone it had to be the smith he was looking at a sword talking to someone. Takuto wasn't sure who it was but he saw somethig move it was small and quick Takuto couldn't see exactly what it was until it stopped it was a lizard. Was this small creature the smith's helper? Takuto imagined the lizard carrying a hammer to his master falling over from it's weight.

    Takuto let out a small chuckle from the thought. The smith looked at him, "Hello!", Takuto exclaimed embarrased a little at what he was doing he asked the smith, "Um.... do you take custom orders ?", he looked aroud the shop then noticed outside there were stands with basic swords on them.

    Takuto walked over to one of them picking up a basic shortsword and began swinging it around *, it's too light,* he then put it back down and turned his attention back to the smith.

  16. Takuto looked over to Zelrius as he hit the boar against a tree with his familiar and killed the poor beast. he noticed some movement in the tree he unsheated his sword expecting a monster jumping from the tree onto Zelrius. he charged and kicked the tree knocking the creature onto the ground. But, it wasn't a creature a small girl was on the ground. Takuto was shocked what was she doing in a tree?

    Takuto looked down at the girl Are you okay?, he asked her.

  17. Alright lets go, he said walking with Zelrius on his shoulder. He had been getting wierd looks from other players and he didn't really like it.

    He opened the door of the inn and asked the barkeep if there were any spair rooms for the night and the bar keep pointed down a hall,"There is a spair on the end down that hall there". Takuto laid down Zelrius on the bed in the room and looked at Kenny. he opened his menu and went to his friends list he only saw one so he decided to add another.

    Takuto wants to be your friend



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