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Posts posted by Takuto

  1. Sorry can't say that I do but the fields are my best place to hunt, Takuto sighed his knowledge of mmo terms were so rusty he liked to game but recent events before SAO had prevented him from playing other games.

    So your haggling skill isn't to high well here take some Kol, said Takuto opening a trade menu and seleting SFL to invite her.

    Adding 500 Kol to the trade.

  2. OOC: I don't mind oops worded it wrong th first time.

    Takuto looked to the player,"Well we may need a little help bringing him to the Inn like Kenny suggested.But, for the most part I think we are fine".Takuto then pulls Zelrius over his shoulder and stands up with some strain."Can someone pick up his familiar?" Takuto said walking away with Zelrius on his shoulders.

  3. «Name» Takuto


    » Username: Takuto

    » Real name: Takuto Kisigari

    » Age: 14

    » Gender: male

    » Height: 5'6"

    >>Appearance: Takuto's eyes are a dark foggy green that intimidates those in his way. His hair of dark brown glistens in sunlight and its shaggy unconquerable power makes it flow in the wind. His height is mostly his legs and he can't really be called tall since most of his class is arround the same height. he doesn't have much of a muscular tone to his body and really isn't a strong boy outside of SAO. He usually wears a long brown leather coat with fur on the collar and on the sleaves. Virtues:

    Kind. (Takuto is very Kind and will risk his life for a chance to save someone else's. Hates to fight other players would rather help others in need.)

    Quick. (He is very fast at thinking of ways to take down enemies and possibly to improvise a way to solve a puzzle.)

    Smart. (is quick to act also with his mind always working out situations in his head on his spare time. in his school life he learns things very easy unless he wasn't there the day before and noone can explain it.)

    » Flaws:

    Distant. (Is very distant from people can't really work out his socialbility with others. Stays away from groups but in games he was a very sociable player until the vr age happened he felt as though it was almost real life.)

    Hot tempered. (He can get angry as quick as a jack rabbit running from a hawk easiest way to put it. tries to control his temper but lets his anger out to rude jerks who have no respect for others.)

    clumsy. (outside of fights Takuto looses focus and his ability to stay up straight. falls while daydreamig of what his girlfriend back in the real world was doing or about anything of any sorts.)









    Weapon skills :




    » one handed long sword.


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


  4. Takuto took the silence and motionless body as the answer no. He quickly returned his attention to the boar who he quickly slashed an killed.

    after the battle was over Takuto sat there staring at the player wondering why he had been out here grinding for so many hours.

    (by the way back in the out for a stroll thread myself and Kenny are coming out to get you so it might be a repeat.)

  5. "O-Okay", Takuto said rushed as he put on his Cloak and equiped his sword.

    They left the Inn and rushed to the fields. Takuto ran behind Kenny not knowing if he was being led to a trap or not, but he didn't care either if there was a chance that someone was in trouble he would risk it.

  6. Takuto looked over in the fields he noticed a player fighting a boar. The player shown a lack of strenght in its attacks it looked fatigued. Takuto came to help charging in he samshed into the boar taking 1 damage and knocking it away from the player.

    Takuto turned back and glanced at the player's name, " Zelrius...are you okay?", Takuto said again blocking the boar kicking it away in a charge. " can you satnd?" Takuto asked again.

  7. Takuto made a quick slash back and forth at the boar he was facing. He jumped and spun while in the air,Takuto charged a sword skill and came down on the boar's head with a critical hit killing it. Takuto sighed, "a weak level monster is still hard at my level".

    Takuto glanced at his Longsword in his hand he pondered what he could manage to beat with the starter blade," after a few more kills I'll go back into town to get a new sword" He thought.

    He then pointed the blade at the ground and turned it quick. Takuto then searched for a close boar to charge and sprinted in it's direction it began to charge at Takuto. He used a quick block with his sword to reduce 2hp damage then sliced at the boar knocking it back. The boar charged again, but this time Takuto was ready. He charged a sword skill waiting for the right moment and launched himself forward into the boar slicing it down the side taking it's last hp.

  8. as he opened the door of the Inn down one of the crowded merchant alleys he heard a collision of two bodies. Takuto closed the door behind him and headed for the sound deciding he will try to get a better longsword.

    He approaches a group who he suspected were the noise's origin and seen one crying. Takuto knew it was over the The anouncement of S.A.O's true nature, he himself had cried himself to sleep.

    " are you ok....Jenny?", He said seeing her player name over her head.

  9. Takuto looks up from his boal of stew noticing one of the players from the field walking down stairs. Takuto's eyes grow wide It's the one he waved at maybe he can finally make friends with someone."Hi my name is Takuto I am the player from the fields who waved at you",he said as he reached the palyer's table.

  10. Takuto orders a simple stew meal of some rabbit. He looks around envious of everones companionship and friendship while he is alone and a horrible social disaster. He continues to eat his meal and begins to think of a strategy for the boars the next day. Takuto gets up and pays for the meal he retires to his room and sleeps.

  11. At the Town of New beginings Takuto repaired his sword.

    The blacksmith looked at Takuto: Are you a one handed sword user or are there noo shields desirable to you yet?

    Takuto: I can go much faster with my one handed sword than with a bulky shield.

    Blacksmith: But you don't use a rapier that is much faster than what you have.

    Takuto:I didn't say I wanted to move faster than what I already do, I want to move faster than me with a shield while causing enough damage to destroy my enemies. Besides, rapiers are to weak for my playstyle anyways.

    Takuto then gathered his sword, put it on his back and left the shop. His stomach rumbled," Well I guess i need something to eat to have strenght for tomarrow", Takuto found a nice inn to order some food and spend the night.

    "The Black Dragon Inn", Takuto read aloud as he walked by the sign. "Hmm... I hope they have good food",he looks down at his stomach.

    Takuto opens the door the npc innkeeper asked if he wanted to rent a room. "Yes", said Takuto as he paid for the room.

    "also", he said,"Can I have a meal?"

  12. When Takuto heard the news of the game he felt confused confused as to why Kayaba Akihiko would do this to all the players. He looked around at some of the expressions on other players faces. most were in complete shock but he noticed others who were different some blank, others proud, even a smirk of happiness on a players face.

    Takuto just looked to the ground as he always does when he thinks to himself, "So if I die here",his mind flashed of his girl back at home who hadn't logged in yet thankfully, his eyes grew wide a tear ran down his cheek I will never see her again". Looking around his surroundings he noticed the barriers dissolving,"I have to leave now!", he ran past the barrier out to the fields. He stares into the eyes of a boar he pictures his girl friend again and rage fills his heart he slices straight through the boars body killing it instantly he then does this with several other boars and then drops on his back from exhaustion. "this will be much tougher than I thought".

  13. Sighs with relief, " whew that was close". He looks down and thinks. Why is it so hard to talk to people?

    He notices another player close to the one he had waved to he looked exhausted had he been doing this all day? After he stares at the player for a while he goes back to killing boars himself. Since he found a technique to it it wasn't as exhausting as the first boar.

    After killing a few more boars, Takuto calls it a day. He puts his sword back on his back he admires its gleam in the sun.

    " To think this game will be my end, It's so beautiful". he then turns and walks back to town. hoping no boar decides to attack again.

  14. Takuto gets hit by the boar throwing him a few feet, he gets back up and the boar charges again.

    Takuto jumps over the boar and uses a sword skill to deal the death blow he spins in the air and comes down hard on the boars back he then slices it with most of his strength,killing it finally.

    He then notices another player watching him. Takuto waves hoping it doesn't make him look too sociable.

  15. (been lookig for roleplay on this finally found one forgive me if I sound retarded)

    Takuto walked casually to the fields, he knew he had to kill at least one monster and practice before attempting the dungeon. Takuto noticed other players fighting and he studied them, he watched how they fought and how they used their sword skills to hit the boars. "I think it's time I try", Takuto said to himself charging a boar.

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