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Posts posted by Koumori

  1. Remember when I said the mood had lightened? Holy crap was I wrong. As soon as the word cute exited my mouth Glory got more flustered than anyone I had ever seen. She turned bright red and covered her face in her hands either so that I couldn't see her or she didn't have to look at me. Not only that, I saw her eye up the exit and inch to the edge of the seat. Oh man was she going to leave? I didn't think I'd make her that uncomfortable and I really didn't want her to hate me for saying something like that. Looking at her in her severe discomfort I started feeling uncomfortable myself and I noticed my cheeks becoming ever so slightly hotter. I didnt know what was coming over us. There had to be something that could help this. As if on que the waitress reappeared and delivered us our desserts, neither Glory not myself said a word. However, it gave me a little time to cool down. Glory, on the other hand, kept her red face covered and only looked up every so often, but never at my face. I'd have to do something to break the silence. I picked my fork up in my somewhat trembling hand and began picking at the cake as I spoke "I'm sorry Glory. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. It just came out. Sorry" She could probably tell by my voice that I was both sincere and embarrassed. I sat and looked down at my cake as I waited for her to respond. 

  2. The blacksmith, after giving it some thought, offered a very helpful suggestion. Although I was focused on damage, I didn't want to be one sided so the accuracy would be a big help. That's what I'd go with. "If that's the case I'll go with the 2 damage and 1 agility. Thanks for the tip" I said returning his smile.

    Name: Nightslayer

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 1

    ID: (Leave Blank)

    Roll: (Leave Blank)

    Quality: Perfect

    Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword

    Enchantments: +2damage +1agility

    Description: An obsidian blade exuding a strange dark energy (copied this template)

  3. With all the explanations flying around everything seemed to be ever so slightly calming down, but it was no less confusing. I had never met any of these players before so I had no idea what I was dealing with. I looked around sizing everybody up and began to think about how different everyone who had assembled in this alley seemed to be. The only ones that seemed potentially threatening were the two that introduced themselves as Mack and Takao.  However, I quickly realized everyone else was appraising our group as well so I made a point not to make eye contact with anyone. As I made my way back to the girl I could tell she was overwhelmed, but at least she now understood that her fears were a misunderstanding. Oops. I was the only one who hadn't presented an introduction and moved to provide one but again like clockwork I was interrupted. Another male player stealthily weaved his way through our gathering and stopped just past us in the alley and suggested we all take this somewhere else. Looks like my introduction would have to wait. With an audible sigh I spoke for the first time in a while "I was on my way to a cafe right around the corner, we can take this there" I said as I pointed in its general direction. I turned as if to indicate everyone should follow me. 

    (Sorry for the occasional incoherency of this post, I couldn't fully focus on writing it. I fixed it a bit but it's already too broke haha)

  4. Ah, it was finally time for me to get a sword. Some time ago I learned of a new blacksmith shop down here on the first floor. While it was a relatively recent addition, the smith was said to be quite reliable. I thought that this would be the best place to go, mostly because it didn't involve much traveling. I collected all the things I needed and headed out early in the morning. Today was on the chilly side, one would probably need a long sleeve shirt to be comfortable. Most people were already out or eating so the streets were pretty bare as well. In almost no time I made it to the shop in question and entered the door. As I walked in I saw a guy behind the counter. I approached and spoke up "I'd like to custom order a weapon"

  5. As I spoke the male player who was closest to me spun around. He introduced himself as Abalasster and extended his hand for me to shake. When he realized I wasn't going to take it he took an even more direct approach and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Before I could say anything about it he explained the situation to me almost like he had read my mind. He assured me that they weren't the source of the girl's troubles and that they were instead going to try and console her. It also seemed like he wanted all of us to form a party, an interesting thing to throw in. "We'll see. I usually go solo. But we should deal with this right now." Just before I could walk over to the girl to see what was bothering her she shot up in the air and began stabbing that same air with her sword. She had gotten the wrong idea and thought we were trying to rob her. To make matters worse she even accused us of being perverts. Perfect. Just what I came over to prevent I was now being accused of. Looks like I'd have to explain the situation. But again, just as I was about to open my mouth, I was cut off. A towering man approached us from behind and tried to threaten us off with his large weapon. Even better. Now two people had the wrong idea. I turned to face him and raised my hands up "Woah calm down. We're not here to steal anything. We saw this girl laying on the ground and came over to see what was wrong " I turned back to the girl "We're not perverts either. Well, I'm not, I don't know about these two. I promise we're not here to hurt you. So both of you, there's no need for those weapons" I lowered my hands back to my sides and remained facing the girl. I didn't care if the guy was pissed at me, I only wanted the girl to know my intentions were pure. 

  6. I was walking through the town of beginnings, which was bustling with people. I had to actually push myself through the crowd at some points. There wasn't anything I could do about it, but it got on my nerves when I had to find my way past what was essentially a wall of slow walking people. I made my way to where I wanted to go without too much trouble though, it was only mid afternoon at this point. I dusted myself off, which was unnecessary but something people often seemed to do, and began walking to a corner shop. As I made my way over, something caught my eye. In the alley I noticed two male players in front of a violently sobbing girl. I couldn't help but wonder if they had done something to her. I decided I'd go check it out. I slowly walked into the alley and approach the group, "What's going on?" To avoid any unnecessary confrontation I took any tones of accusation out of my voice. 

  7. Sure enough she responded. But something wasn't right. She sounded...different somehow. The girl didn't seem as angry as before, but her tone still wasn't inviting. The foreboding words she spoke didn't help the matter that much. Still, something within her had definitely changed. Maybe it would be worth listening to her one last time. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. I stood there waiting for her to speak again. She made a point about standing your ground earlier, so I thought it would be better to uphold my position. However, I took one or two steps closer, to show I was willing to listen. The look I gave her was also lighter than it was previously. I didn't think she wanted to uphold her threats any longer  

    (What was it lol?)

  8. There was no way. It was impossible. I couldn't win with this girl. I couldn't think of a single approach that would get her to listen to me. I should have known she'd only respond to aggression. That seems to be the only thing she understands. To this girl common curtesy, politeness, even  pleasantness were thrown out of the window. It was almost like you had to be a complete tool to get her to listen to you. I didn't have any other choice. I couldn't simmer her down, and I couldn't stop her from leaving. I'd have to get more aggressive than I'd ever gotten in SAO. Believe it or not, I thought talking to her about this might even help her. I wasn't doing this to annoy her. I wanted her to see the mistake she has made and how it can hurt others. I'd stand my ground. I squeezed my fists and took a few steps closer to her, and then I yelled at her. "Do you think we choose to be down here? Do you honestly think it's okay to ride on your high horse and judge the people here? Do you think they don't work too? Fine you got to where you are faster than us, but that doesn't mean we don't want to be there too. We work just as hard to level up! Almost everyone in this horrible game wants to fight to clear it. But some people are still in shock! Everyone has their own pace and some need time. You can't be so deluted to presume that are just contently sitting here waiting for you to rescue us like dogs. If that's how you see it then I have nothing left to say to you." And with that it was my turn to walk away. I turned quickly and stormed in the other direction. Even if she decided I wasn't worth her time, I probably gave her something to think about.

    (okay cool :D haha this is getting really intense) 

  9. Lucia began looking around earnestly before turning back to me and asking what she was actually looking for. She wanted to know what materials beginners we looking around for. "Hmm. Well, most players like to start by making a weapon or some armor. In that case, you'd need to look for metal or ore. It may seem like something hard to find but lots of times you can just see it laying around. In my experience, when you get close it starts to sparkle a little. I might just be loosing though haha" I tried to explain it to Lucia the best I could. I did want to help her with becoming better. I looked at her as she intently absorbed what I said. She seemed to be a good listener, and someone very easy to get along with. Perhaps I'd look for some stuff too. 

  10. Miriko agreed and we set off to the northern part of town. She and I went down the streets one by one and entered every in we saw and every time we saw nothing out of the ordinary. All of the inns we entered we normal establishments, with NPCs behind the counter and players talking in the lobbies. It seemed like our search would be fruitless. The light of the sun was completely gone and was replaced by the pail glow of the moons. Our faces were illuminated in a strange glow which made us look like suspicious characters given the way we were walking around. After we searched our tenth inn my spirits sank even lower. Luckily, that was when Miriko decided we needed a little encouragement and told me not to give up. It wasn't anything big, something generic actually, but it helped nontheless. We walked out of the street of the tenth in and onto the next and immediately I could tell something wasn't light. The street was uncharacteristicly dark, without a light to be found, and no players graced the road. The pure emptiness flipped a switch in my head, this was it. We walked down the street, eyes in the backs of our heads, and approached what appeared to be an inn. When we entered we saw that there we at least lights on inside but again no people. Not even an NPC at the counter. Miriko and I began looking around the place. Checking everything we found until someone appeared behind the desk and spoke "is there anything I can help you with?" I quickly spun around to see that the NPC attendant had finally appeared, probably from the door behind him. I looked at him and decided immediately what I should do. I gestured for Miriko to come to my side and then without consulting with her I said "We're here to sell a valuable item, I was told you could help us with that." What I said was accompanied by the sly grin that was necessary in an interaction like this. The NPC eyed me up suspiciously and spoke again "Is that so? Then please show me the item." I was taken aback slightly, but I knew what I had to do. I was going to take a huge gamble and assume he wasn't the buyer. I leaned in closer to him "You think I'm stupid enough to show it anyone besides the buyer? Don't test me." The NPC glared at me and without saying a word pressed a button under his counter. Her raised his right arm and pointed to a secret door that was revealed in the wall. It appeared he wasn't going to say anything else and began walking to the door. I looked in and saw it was a dark set of stares. I began walking down, Miriko close behind me, and whispered to her "Sorry for being so reckless, but it looks like we might finally find it"

  11. Once Jevi was confident that we were in the clear she opened up, more than I thought she would honestly. I listened to her story intently, and couldn't believe what I heard. A group of players was collecting money from other players so that they could "keep the peace". And they would even steal from players if they refused? That was despicable. How could anybody get away with claiming that there's tax collecting in SAO? The fact that these people even thought for a second that they were doing something right is beyond me. Jevi continued to explain as I stewed and told how a girl had a very important item taken from her by that group. I was disappointed that Jevi only offered to help once the girl put up a reward, but that doesn't make her bad. This was a serious issue. With a scowl on my face I offered my opinion, "You're saying a group of players has taken it apon themselves to become tax collectors? And they're even taking what they want by force? Of all the things happening in SAO that is by far the worst. I'm glad I ran into you because now al I can think about is stopping them...but right now we have to focus on getting that girl her item back. You have it, right? What is it?" Jevi and I were going to fix this. Now I felt like it was my duty. 

  12. I begrudgingly complied to the man's request after the reassurance of Miriko and relinquished him to her hands. She leaned in close so I could hear what she said but whatever it was it worked. He told us where he sold it. Well, generally. He didn't give us the name of the inn. But I was a little unsettled by the grin he spouted after relenting to Miriko. This time she spoke again, in a voice I'd never expect to come out of the mouth of a girl like her. I walked up to her and took the man by the collar. "You heard the lady, you can't run from us." And with that I threw him to the ground and led Miriko out the alley opposite the way we came in. We got out into the street and looked around, not many people, night had come. I still suspected the event was timed so we'd have to move quickly. I turned to my companion, "We should move quickly, but I think it would be bad to split up. Well have to check every street in the northern section together. Agree?" Before we'd move I'd hear what Miriko thought. After that I'd try and take the lead in the search. 

  13. It looked like I had no other choice: I was going to have to fight with her. She had a narrow minded approach and any sort of challenge was aggravating her and clouding her judgement. The passive aggressive tone she used before was replaced by one of absolute contempt and disdain. This girl clearly had a major issue with her temper, one I imagined caused her many problems. To be fair, I have anger issues myself sometimes but this girl was in another league. She was turning to leave quickly so I'd have to think fast. I wanted to explain the truth of the matter to her. And, of course, diffuse this already pretty awful situation. Should I be nice and apologize or should I continue to stand my ground? Well for starters the only way I'd get anywhere was with a civilized conversation. To do that, I'd have to apologize...well partially. I wouldn't go out and say "I'm sorry" but I'd do something. "Wait, I think I deserve the chance to explain myself. For my sake and the sake of everyone here. We got off on the wrong foot, I'm Komori." If this didn't work I didn't know what would, short of jamming my foot down her throat. I extended my hand to be shaken. 

    (Sorry I took so long I was very busy today)

  14. It didn't take long for Miriko and I to get back to the town of beginnings. Once inside the gates, we headed for the largest shopping district. We searched around and asked both players and NPCs if they had seen anything. Unfortunately, we came up with nothing. This process repeated for every new area we tried. No one had seen a man in a large hat wearing black clothes. Was this quest leading us on a wild goose chase? It was seeming more and more likely. As we continued searching the night encroached even faster. But then, we got a huge break. I was looking through a crowd gathered at a nearby booth when Miriko tapped me on the shoulder and whispered that she thought she had found the man. I adjusted my gaze to where she was pointing, and I found our suspect. Without thinking or saying a word, I took off sprinting. Rifling thought the crowd it took no time at all to reach the suspected thief. Before he even knew I was there I tackled him to the ground. He struggled as I pinned him on the floor, his arm in the classic "say uncle position". I may have been to...zealous in my assault. Everyone around was looking. Miriko quickly came up besides me. I'd best ignore the crowd. "Where's the book you stole!" The NPC struggled some more, "I didn't steal your so called book, but I may know who did" the man said with a smirk. What did he mean by that I wondered. "Explain!" The NPC looked around at the confused crowd, "why don't we go somewhere more...private" He was probably right. There was no need to get the information in front of all of these people. With that I shifted my weight off of him and brought him up to his feet. Arm still in the same position, I began leading him to an alley while I turned back to the crowd and spoke "don't worry everybody, it's not a player." That probably wouldn't be enough to satisfy their curiosity but I didn't think anyone would follow. I led the shadowy man down the alley and shoved him down to the curb. One could say I was taking this far too seriously, but why not? If you can't have fun with yourself in this game then what was the point? I leaned as close to his face as I could, "Talk". He looked at me with an expression I didn't like and turned his head to Miriko, "I'll only speak to the lady."


    (sorry I missed the part where you said you followed him)

  15. Miriko interrogated the NPC and found out that the (most likely) man who took the book seemed to be heading into town. To me that was definitely the case. Someone would only steel a book if it was important to them or very valuable. If the thief wanted to sell the book, he'd need to go into town. "He's in the town. The only reason he'd take it is to sell it," I said to Miriko. I turned then to look at the NPC "we'll get you your book back. Wait here for us." With that I nodded to Miriko and took off towards the town. Odds are this was a timed event, we'd need to get there quickly. Miriko seemed to be pretty smart, I was sure she was on the same page. You know, I didn't think that I would ever stop being amazed by SAO. The wind blowing through my hair, it was real. 

  16. Well I got the girl to stop and listen, but she was no less angry. Her confrontational attitude only intensified when she realized I was playing wit her. In any case, I did have something to talk about with her. The reason I stopped her in the first place was because she was judging low level players. But now I had to convince her not to kill me in my sleep, well you can't really do that but the idea is still valid. She turned to look at me, her hand now gripping the hilt of her blade. I myself was standing arms crossed. We were both glaring at each other. "That's how you see us isn't it? Why do you look down on low level players?" That was direct and to the point enough. One more thing: "And that made you literally want to kill me? Really?"

  17. This girl was pretty tough, but I had already invested my time in this. She kept her threats as alive as ever, hand still on the hilt, and began dissmissivley walking away. I'd have to change my tactics a little bit if I wanted to legitimately speak with her.  And so, my facade melted. I dropped my fake smile and returned to the straight faced look that normally adorned my face. She seemed to only know how to be direct, so I would have to return in kind. "Hey. I want to talk to you. And no need for that" I said gazing at the blade. By the change in both my voice and posture she could probably tell that all that came before was an act, and that I had a motive. 

  18. Her response was even better than I expected. She became enraged almost instantly. The girl was clearly ticked off by not only my presence in general, but by my snarling attitude. The response she gave me was...aggressive to say the least. But I didn't budge. If I backed down that easily she really would think I was a wimp, and it would give all lower level players a bad name. So, my dorky smile unwavering I retorted "I'm sorry miss did you just threaten to kill me? You might have trouble finding parties with that attitude" I also tilted my head to the side a little bit to add to the effect. She had her hand on her rapier, she was bluffing I assumed but she at least tried to look like she meant business. "You don't have to be rude, I was trying to be nice after all." Although I didn't want to make want to actually kill me. If it got too far I'd stop and diffuse the situation. 

  19. As I had thought my comment about Glory's weight didn't really change anything for her. She had already convinced herself that she wasn't thin enough so it would be hard to change her mind. She was right about one thing though. Japan has pretty strict beauty standards. In a lot of ways you had to be almost under weight to be considered normal. I didn't think that was particularly fair though. After all what's the point of being thin just for the sake of being thin. I'd try one more time to encourage her. "I'd never think of someone like you as being chubby. Besides, even if you were I think that would make you more cute than anything else." I said this smiling of course but inside my heads bells were ringing like crazy. Crap crap crap why did I say that? I mean I'd say that to any girl in this situation, really, but that would make her super uncomfortable. Oh man, the best I could do was brush it off and hope she didn't run away. Trying to take my mind off of it I looked down at my food and saw I was almost finished, so was Glory. She then said something about her moms cooking, good a chance to keep the mood light. "A curry sandwich? I don't know if I should be impressed by your moms cooking or sacred" I said lightly laughing both genuinely and to try and mask the anguish. The mood was lightened at least. 

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