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Posts posted by Koumori

  1. I wandered around for a few minutes but found nothing. Snowfrost town really was just all shops and snow. It definitely took another person to make it fun. But then again maybe that was the point. SAO was a roleplaying game so socializing was definitely a major aspect. Each floor had its purpose, maybe to fourth floor was supposed to be a fun getaway. There was also that lake too. I continued to walk absorbed in my thoughts until I was stopped by a collision. I looked to see that a player had bumped into me. The girl looked up to apologize but I couldn't see her face because her good hung too low. I was surprised when she knew my name so it must've been someone I knew. I looked closely and saw strands of violet hair poking out. Maybe? I bent forward a little bit and looked up the hood and sure enough I saw Vayrin's face inside. "Vayrin? Hey what are you doing here? The violet girl looked utterly frozen and flustered. She was wearing a jacket and boots but a apparently that wasn't enough. "You look freezing. Come on let's go inside." I pointed to the cafe next to us. I spied a fireplace through the window so it would be a good spot for her to heat up. I myself was fine but I couldn't just leave her out there shivering. Courtesy wasn't dead yet. 

  2. I really hated deserts. Seriously, what was the appeal? They're super hot and sand is literally the worst. Everytime I get sand in my shoes I want to kill someone. Well not literally but you know...Anyway, I was on the the fifth floor to complete a quest I had found. When I finished with the NPC I accepted my reward and started to head out of town. I had also heard about some hot spring or something and wanted to check it out. On my way to the gates I saw a single player standing there. It only took me a few seconds to figure out that it was Manta. What was she doing standing there all by herself? She looked like she was about to start some sort of mission, but what? Why wouldn't she ask for help? Actually, she probably felt to proud to ask. I had helped her a lot recently. Well I decided that it would be foolish of her to do whatever she was doing so I made my way over to her. I stopped some feet behind her and spoke. "What kind of trouble are you going to get yourself into?"

  3. The guy settled down as I spoke to him. He reclosed the distance between us an extended his hand, albeit shakily, for me to shake. I accepted the gesture and returned his greeting. "Pretty formal huh? Yeah, you kinda need that. It's pretty important." I said with a smile. He let go of my hand and nervously laughed while scratching the back of his head. Hey, that was my thing. He calmed down a bit but I could still hear the embarrassment in his voice when he spoke again. He told me he had a hard time trusting people. That was perfectly understandable. Many people here had that problem, myself included, but I had become much more easy going. "Don't worry about it. Tons of people are just like that. It's hard to trust people when your life depends on it. But it takes a lot of weight off your shoulders when you do." I tried my best to give him heartfelt advice. It was better to learn important lessons up front rather than stumble into them later. I had lots of good experiences when I started out so I was looking forward to provide that to others. That was all part of what I wanted for myself, what I wanted to become. I looked at him one more time and decided what to do. "It looks like you could use some help figuring things out. I'd like to offer my services."

  4. I pulled Manta up and she bobbed on her feet for a few seconds. She tried to protect her bride by playing down my role. I chucked a little bit at her. "Uh huh, that's right. I don't know what I would've done without you." We got our stuff ready and began to walk back. "Down for the count. You're right, that's why I'm glad to have you to back me up."

  5. I sat and listened intently to their stories. They pretty much matched what Sousuke told me earlier when I bumped into him. They had been together in the past and got separated by unforeseen circumstances and now they were back together. The fact that they were engaged back then made a lot more since than them getting engaged in the last week. Well in any case it was a pretty big surprise. Since I met Manta it had practically been one thing after another. First our duel, then Sousuke came into the picture, then I was mistaken for a girl, then they were engaged, and now I'm wearing a dress. Never a dull moment anymore, huh? I smiled brightly at them and kept up my now perfected girl act, "That's great. I'm happy for you too, I really am. Ohh, the cake's here!" The waiter walked up and placed the nice white cake on the table. It looked delicious. "Eat up you too, I don't need any." Oh god what was I doing? Watching my weight?

  6. After I said that Manta got really fired up! She roared as she ran to attack the creature...but it didn't end well. She tripped on something I couldn't see and face planted into the snow. I stood there and face palmed as a giant icy foot fell on top of her. "If you want something done right do it yourself" I charged up vertical arc for the final time and ran up the creatures leg and made a leap for its head. In the same easy the fight started I ended it, carving a large red V into its face. It screamed and spat snow in all directions. I landed back on the ground as the creature exploded in all directions. I brought my hand up to cover my face from the fallout. When all was said and done I resheathed my sword and turned to Manta and offered her my hand. "Looks like it's a good thing I came, huh?"


    BD: 10

    LD: 9


    (just realized I didn't have enough energy for that but I still couldn't destroyed him with another move so I'm just gonna leave it)

  7. (Whenever I see I chance for a pun in a title I slide right in there)

    Nothing hit the spot like hot chocolate on a cold day. No one really liked the cold so hot beverages did a great job to heat you up. Fortunately, you practically had to go out of your way to be significantly cold in Aincrad. Most of the floors had great climate settings so you could enjoy mid-summer days to your heart's content. However, sometimes you wanted something different. That's where floor four came in: The Winter Wonderland. All year round floor four was completely covered in snow. It's main settlement, Snowfrost Town, gave off that feel of a cozy Northern Village. I myself loved the fourth floor. Not only was it fun to play in the snow but I had some pretty happy memories there. Fun times that couldn't be repeated again. It's for those reasons that I came to Snowfrost often, and why I was there right now. I sat in a cafe, hot chocolate in hand, and stared out the window at the white streets and bundled up players walking by. I didn't have much in the way of clothing so all I had was my usual trench coat and hood with an added scarf. When I finished my drink I stood up and began to walk out the door. The cold air hit me like an icy blast as I stepped through the doorframe and back outside. My cheeks almost instantly turned red and tears formed in my eyes. Boy was it cold. It might've even been colder than usual. I reached up and pulled my scarf tighter around my face and made sure it covered my nose. I stuck my hands in my pockets and began walking. I'd have to find something to do or it would be a boring day. But what could I do? I was usually there with another person so we made our own fun. I had no idea what to do by myself. Well, I'd have to find something. 


  8. Manta attempted another hit but couldn't land it. Instead she ended up dodging another blow from the creature as it tried to kick and punch her. I saw my opening and used its distraction to my advantage. I ran up behind it and leaped into the air yet again. I activated my new favorite skill and made the mark of Zorro on its back. Well Zorro was a Z and this was a V, but what's the difference? The creature lurched forward and let out a bone chilling scream. It's health was severely low at that point and it was beginning to feel the pain. I smiled and called out to Manta who was still kneeling in the snow. "Are you sure that I'm the backup here? Pull your weight and finish him off!" I judged a friendship partially based on what kind of jokes I could make with them. People were only my true friends if I was comfortable with making any kind of joke with them knowing they'd still know I cared. Manta was a true friend. 

  9. ...Maybe I shouldn't have made such a grand entrance. When the player saw me I could see the terror in his eyes. I don't mean to say that he was deathly afraid of me but he was clearly unsettled and scared for himself. He shakily asked me what I meant as he took a step back. Usually new players were more "guns blazing" and ready to go, this guy seemed to be pretty far out of his comfort zone. I'd have to do my best to calm him down. "No need to be worried, I'm not here to hurt you. Besides, I couldn't hurt you if I wanted to. You're new right? I'm just trying to give you some advice" I said all this with a smile and my hands plainly in the air so he could see I wouldn't try anything. When I opened my eyes he seemed a little less tense. That was good. He must've calmed down from the initial surprise. I still felt like I should be a little careful with what I said. "Anyway what I meant was NPCs only have generic weapons. All the good stuff comes from player owned shops." So this is what it felt like to be I higher level. I remember when I was in that guy's shoes just like it was yesterday. No weapons and no friends, just trying to figure out what was going on. Sure I was much more sarcastic and wasn't afraid to get out there but we were still in the same place. It's funny how things change. Hmm. Where at Mack and Takao gotten themselves off too?

  10. "Trust me, it was" I said jokingly to Vayrin in response. I stood up with her an similarly began brushing grass off myself, although I had a lot more to deal with. She thanked us genuinely for our help and said that we, or at least she, should probably get going. I figured she had seen quite enough dor her first day so I agreed with her, but Manta spoke before I did yet again. "Oh, well have our real rematch when we're both a full strength. Don't worry, you're not that far ahead" I said as I winked at her. I turned to look at Vayrin to offer my words. "Really though, it was our pleasure. We always like to help newer players out. If you need anything else just let us know." I swiped my right hand and brought up my menu. After I few swipes I sent a friend request floating in front of Vayrin. 

  11. The Town of Beginnings was practically my second home. Or home away from home would be more accurate. Despite my relatively accelerated level I always came back to this place? Why? I didn't even know. Maybe it was the familiarity. Or perhaps that it was where everything all began. Bottom line, that's where I was. But this time I wasn't on the streets, I was on the roofs. I barely came up on the rooftops like this, but I wanted to see the familiar city from a new perspective. I was right to do it, the place looked pretty different from where I was sitting. It was also a great place to people watch. So I sat up there with my legs dangling from the edge of the building just watching. Eventually I spotted someone who was definitely a new player. He weaved through the crowd like he had no end point in mind before he verged off and walked to a shop that was a few buildings down from where I was. I looked at the sign and saw that it was a weapons shop. I figured he was trying to replace his starter weapon, and I was going to stop him. I stood up and ran across the roofs of the buildings until I reached the shop. I got there before he did and sat on the edge of the sign. When he passed under I called out to him, "Wouldn't do that if I were you!" I pushed myself off and fell to the ground in front of him. I got up from my crouch and smiled. "Never buy a weapon from an NPC shop. That's never the right choice." When I saw him up close I knew my initial appraisal was correct: he was definitely a new player. 

  12. Manta followed up with my attack very quickly. She leaped above me and carved an cross into the creatures chest. It was going surprisingly well for us so far. No doubt our evasion was a big help. She hit the snow and screamed to me. I held my sword tighter and smiled. "Not even half? Let's fix that!" I activated <Vertical Arc> once again, not because I was a one trick pony but because it was my strongest skill with the lowest energy, and made another large V on its chest to accompany the cross. "Switch! He's on the ropes now!"

    ID: 36367

    BD: 8 (same)

    Manta 56/56

    Koumori 52/52

    The Avalanche 36/100

    Energy 6/10

  13. "Don't flatter yourself too much. That has nothing to do with it." I accepted the duel and as soon as the countdown ended I already regretted it. Manta was already on top of me and released her strongest move right on my torso. After the sixth and final blow I flew backwards and slid across the grass and came to a stop just next to Vayrin. Since I dropped well below half health the duel ended and Manta was declared the winner. I chuckled as I remained on the ground in a virtual pile of pulled up grass. "Well I'd make my move but your most powerful attack beats out mine so I guess you win." I turned to Vayrin and let out a sigh. "She just got lucky."

  14. Manta and Sousuke exchanged looks before he told her to equip "it". What was it? I turned to Manta with a confused look on my face. "Equip what?" She looked down for a second before holding her hand out to me. After keeping my gaze on her face for a few seconds I looked down and saw a weeding ring. Holy crap! They were engaged! First he came out of nowhere and now they were engaged? Did anybody tell me anything? Well that would definitely explain why he was so angry when I kissed her. Oh boy I was right to continue hiding my identity. My being a boy would make him way more pissed. Speaking of which, I had a skirt on, and I was a girl, how would a girl react to this news? "You're engaged?! Oh my god why didn't you tell me?! Oh gosh now I'm really sorry that I kissed you, haha." I walked forward to Manta and grabbed her hand before pulling her back to Sousuke. "We have to celebrate. I'll get you guys a cake. Waiter!" The waiter came over and I ordered them the cake I had promised. When he left I sat back down and put my elbows on the table and rested my hands on my palms and stared at them. "Spil it" I said with an eyes closed smile. I think I may have forgotten I was wearing a skirt. 

  15. Vayrin happily agreed to watch us fight and plopped herself on the ground. I listened patiently as Manta explained the rules and sent me a half-loss duel request. I thought about denying it because I had a better idea in mind but I figured it would be better to keep the duel environment for it. Instead I crossed my arms and smiled. "I have a better idea. We each get one hit, all equipment, most damage wins. How about that?" I thought that would make things more interesting and leave things more up to luck, keeping our pride intact. 

  16. Manta walked ahead and into the spawn area. As soon as her foot hit the snow the familiar ice creature emerged from the white powder. Before she could get ready, the ice monster shot down its massive fist at Manta. Luckily she was able to get out of the way but she wasn't able to retaliate. Fortunately I was. I unsheathed my black blade and charged at it. It's fist was still in the ground so I hoped up on it and ran up to its head. I activated the skill <Vertical Arc> and carved its signature red V right into its face. I fell back to the snow and rolled backwards before calling out to Manta. "Switch!"

    ID: 36355

    BD: 7+1=8 (5x4=20)

    Manta 56/56

    Koumori 52/52

    The Avalanche 80/100

    Energy 9/13

  17. (Online? You're vicious haha)

    Manta and Sousuke both looked at me amused as I went through my routine. I was 100% sure that Sousuke was convinced that I was a girl. That was a good thing and a bad thing. Whatever. Manta made no objections to my request and came over to twirl  next to me. We did another one together and I had a nice laugh in my head watching her do it. But that was probably nothing compared to the fun she was having. At that point she pretty much owned me. When we finished I noticed she looked at something on her system menu before giving a serious look to Sousuke and then to me. I was confused when I saw it and obviously had no idea what was going on. She typed something so I assumed it was some kind of message. I put my hand on my hip and turned to her. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"

  18. "What do you mean my acting was terrible? What was wrong with my acting?" Why was I encouraging her? "Well at least I have that much going for me" I said when she confessed when I acted normally I was clearly a guy. But I still had a girly face, that much I had figured out. We finally reached the area where the boss spawned. She went over the plan and I nodded. "Right, ladies first."

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