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Posts posted by Beoreson

  1. Beoreson seeing the blank look on her face when he said "ROTC" decided that he might as well explain it later. He heard that she smoked while she drank and, the fact that she was going to be an alchemist. He put two and, two together and, came up with a half baked plan. "As an alchemist you could most likely get some sort of herbs that works like tobacco and, roll them. I'm sure you could also, make some sort of lighter." says the warrior as he finishes a spin of his knife. He places the knife in the sheath. He decides to devote his concentration to talking and, drinking. At the mention of a hot spring the warrior shrugged, "I never bothered looking for it but, I heard the rumor." "I normally solo, unless I'm needed for a group clearing mission." says the warrior. He might as well tell the truth here, no point in lying.

  2. ID# 29427 BD:6 CD:2 MD:9 (+1 damage)

    Beoreson's HP:37-5+2=34

    Wolf's HP:27-5=22

    Beoreson spotted a wolf not to far away and, started moving towards the wolf.  He crept up to the white furred monster and, with a mighty war cry rushed towards the monster. He slammed his ninjato into the side of the wolf. The wolf yipped as the red line appeared on it's left side and, retaliated. The wolf lunged forward and, bit the man's left arm. Beoreson grunted in pain as the wolf's teeth sunk into him. He thought to himself,"I forgot how much this hurt."

  3. ID# 29426 LD:14

    Beoreson spends another fifteen minutes walking around the cave looking for anything of value. He doesn't find squat and, leaves the cave. The last time he was in one it collapsed and, carrying fire though a ice cave sounded like a bad idea to the young warrior. He walked out of the cave and, put the torch and, pick axe in there places. He then, headed out towards the dunes. The warrior spends another ten minutes walking around looking for a wolf to slay.

  4. Beoreson shielding his eyes walked out of the shop that he was starting to hold too many memories. He decided that he would press forward and, find a new location for his shop soon. He arrives at the teleporter and, selects the fourth floor. There is the normal blinding flash as he is teleported up a few floors. He decided that before he goes hunting that he would go and, get some mining done. The warrior walks to the cave system on the snow covered floor. He arrives at the entrance and, discovers that it is much like the first floor. Outside the cave there are pickaxes and, torches for the players to use.

    ID# 29420 LD:20

    Beoreson sheaths his sword and, picks up a pick axe. He also walks over and, grabs a torch. He activates it and, walks into the frozen cave. He walks around the cave looking for any signs of the blue tinted iron that is said to be in these mines. The warrior eventually finds the the said ore. He takes his pick axe and, starts to mine out the ore. The ore cracks and, falls apart. The warrior watches a mat fall to the ground and, snatches up the ore and, shoves it in his inventory.

  5. Beoreson cracks a smile,"Trust me, when I tell you it suck to sleep on a glass bed." says the warrior about her comment about sleeping in his shop. "I was in ROTC and, was majoring in computer science. I got it wavered though on a special case." says the warrior talking about his college career. "As a matter of fact, I modded my NerveGear to let me play SAO right out of the dorms." says the warrior with a fake smile. He hated the fact that he had been successful in his attempt to modify his gaming system. He followed the woman to whatever drinking hole that she was leading him to. He didn't care at the moment. Beoreson watches the girl start yelling at the few people in the tavern. Well it didn't look to bad and, looked better then, the time that he turned his shop into one. He listens as Opal orders him a beer and, thinks for a moment. "Yeah sure, doesn't sound to bad." says the warrior as he sits on one of the stools. He receives his drink and discovers that he got a malt. It was rather sweet for his taste but, beer was beer. Beoreson decides to make some conversation,"So, what do you do?" The warrior takes his kunai out and, spins it in his right hand while sipping his beer with his left.

  6. Beoreson knew that he had to something. He couldn't keep drinking and, sleeping the days away. He knew that Lindow would be angry with him if he knew that he wasn't trying anymore. The warrior's fight had almost been vanquished from the lose of his friend. The one person that he had sat down and, talked with in this game was dead. He had to face this and, do something about it. He knew that he had to go and, gather mats so, that he could be fully equipped when he went out next time. He picked the fourth floor for his mats farming. The warrior got up and, put on his armor. Even though it had only been about a week, the armor weighed a ton. The warrior equipped Shadow's Strike and, opened the door of his shop. The light blinded the warrior for a minute as his eyes adjusted to the  blazing sun.

  7. Beoreson seemed more at ease that someone had agreed with him. He finished up the pie. He does a cool little spin and, puts the knife in it's sheath. "I'll look into it." says the warrior as he starts to get up. He looks to Grave,"Where do you want me to put this plate?" asks the warrior as he stands up. He was going to put it wherever the sliver haired man asked him to. He looks at the time and, sees that it was getting rather late. "Sorry for keeping you. I didn't realize how late it was." says the warrior apologizing for his late appearance at the shop. "I'm going to go and, hit the sack." says the warrior waving good bye to Grave.

  8. ((Gotta love the fact that Beoreson is a ninja with plate on))

    Beoreson is wearing the under armor of Wolf's Vanguard. It's just a basic black t-shirt and, some black jean like pants. He waves to the women as she comes walking down the street. "I would prefer if you don't refer to me as "sugar" " says the raven haired warrior. He looks better, his face clean shaven, and the soot washed away. He looks to the woman,"So, where are we going?" asks the warrior as he adjusts his kunai. The knife is holstered in a black leather sheath. He robs his shoulder as he waits for the girl to answer. Before he heads out he joking says, "Pain is sleeping on a weapons display case."  A thought comes to him,"You don't have military training do you?" asks the warrior as they start walking.

  9. Beoreson woke up the next day and, got ready for the day. He slammed the alarm at 04:05 as he normally did. But, he back to sleep and, woke up at 13:23. Beoreson with a sigh got up and, prepared for the day. Today was a rest day for the warrior but, he still liked to wake up when he normally did. The warrior cleaned up his bed and, put up all his bed stuff. He decided that he might as well shower as well. He looks puts on his armor and, looks around his shop. He remembers the time that he set up a mini tavern in the shop and, manages to avoid crying. He remembers that Opal offered to have a drink with him sometime and, decided that he might as well have a drink now. He sends a PM to the women that reads,"Hey up for some day time drinking? I want to take you up on you're offer of a drink. Do you know anywhere open during the day?"

  10. Beoreson watches the blond soldier snap the wolf like a twig. "You realize that I never even became an officer right?" asks the raven haired warrior starting to question the soldier intelligence. "What else are you going to kill and, make army jokes about?" asks the young warrior as he scans the area for threats. He notices that he leveled up a few times and, put the sp in sword skill. "Mack, you're beating a dead horse. I didn't even go though basic." says the warrior trying to reason with the soldier.

  11. Beoreson looks to the girl as she is struggling with the blade, "You're going to want to do weapons training and, grind some" says the warrior giveing his advice to Opal. Beoreson nodded to the girl,"I'll get some sleep don't worry." says the warrior clearly nodding off, but some how still alert. He looks at the friend request and, thinks for a moment. He was to tired to care and, thought to himself,"Might as well, I don't got any friends to begin with.". He goes ahead and, hits accept and, says to her,"I'll think about the drink. Thinking of not drinking as often though." Once she leaves he locks up shop and, sets up a bed on one of the tables,"Man, I need to buy a house" is the last thing the warrior thinks of when he passes out.

  12. "I know but, I had to finish the blade." says the warrior about the bath and, a drink comment. He would sleep when he had finished the blade and, made sure it had reached it's rightful owner.  For the time being this small girl would be the owner. Beoreson looked down at the female and, passed her the blade. Beoreson had been training non-stop since joining the game and, he was using quite a bit of willpower to hold it one handed. The blade weighed more then his armor. "Don't drop it." says the warrior with a slight look of sadness in his eye. He passes the blade over to the girl and, waits to see how badly she is going to take the weight. "If you truly wanted I could make you a rapier but, it will take in till I can get enough mats to make a perfect."  says the warrior as he watches the girl struggle with the blade. The warrior doesn't touch the subject of his fallen comrade putting up a defensive vibe about it.

  13. Beoreson had been in his forge for what seemed like an eternity. He didn't dare look at the clock as he didn't want to know how long he had been working the metal. Eventually the warrior finished the blade that Lindow had wanted. He made the weapon exactly to the man's specifications, down to the smallest detail. He was putting the finishing touches on the blade when he heard Light, his pup growl. He finished up and, took a break for a minute. No one ever came to his store why would someone now. He sat down and, pet the white furred dog that from all the dust now had a more gray coloring. The warrior walked out of the forge with the blade that would be the legacy of his fallen comrade. Beoreson was to put it lightly a wreak, he was blackened by the flames and, the coal of the forge and, his eyes where dead. The warrior was surprised to see that someone had actually entered his shop. He had a look of surprise on his face when he suddenly was seen by the female. If he remembered correctly her name was Opal. He held the two hander in one hand, and gave a wave to the women and, began a conversation with her. "Hello, I assume you are here for Ifrit." says the warrior in a dead pan voice.

  14. Beoreson was going to have to face the facts. His comrade Lindow, was dead. The warrior had no idea how or why, but he had disappeared off the guild list over a week ago. The warrior finally let his worried get to him an, ran up the steps to the Monument of Life. He arrived at the wall and, spent the next 30 minutes searching the wall for Lindow. Beoreson found the name and, to his dismay he found that the name was scratched out. This marked that Lindow was dead and, to top it off the warrior had no idea how or why. The warrior cursed rather loudly and, struggled to contain his rage. The warrior manage to calm down and, knew that he was going to have to hold a funeral for his friend.

    Beoreson went back to the guild HQ and, grabbed his fallen comrades file that had been filled out and, made for most of the guildies. The warrior looked though it and, found the normal information on his fighting skills and, his profession. The warrior stumbled across a name under contacts. The name was Opal, and it was pretty roughly written. The warrior found nothing else and, decided that he was going to have to hold a funeral. He changed out of his mail and, removed the metal cloak. All that was left was a long sleeve black shirt, and black jean like material pants. He sent a message to all of the guildies and, Opal that Lindow was K.I.A and, he was going to hold a funeral for him this Saturday.

  15. The two men walk down into the cave a few dozen meters, when suddenly the entire cave starts to rumble. "Lindow the, cave is coming down. We gotta go." shouts the warrior as the cave slowly starts sinking in. The cave behind them starts to completely close up and, seals. The two warriors manage to get out of the cave before it completely collapses. Beoreson lays in the dirt for a moment. "I wanted the goblins horde." says the warrior rather sadly. He gets up and, dusts himself off. He looks to Lindow,"Well, I guess that's it for today."  He motions for Lindow to follow him back to town. Once they arrive in town, "I got some stuff to take care of. I talk to you later." says the warrior as he gives his friend a wave good bye. The warrior goes to his shop and, spends the next 30 minutes trying to calm down. He manages to calm himself down to the point that he could manage the shop and, hangs around it for the rest of the day.

    +250 col for each of us

    +1 mat for Lindow

    +1 SP for both of us.

  16. Beoreson nods to Grave,"I know that. Have you seen Lindow around he disappeared off of the guild list" says the warrior as he opens up the menu. "Pretty good." says the warrior not quite sure how to describe the taste. "It's the first thing other then, basic bread that I have eaten so, I have to say this is really good." says the warrior with a grin. He eats another portion of the pie as he thinks about why Lindow would disappear off the list. He thinks to himself "He might have accidentally quit the guild."

  17. Beoreson looks at the clock on his HUD. "We should get going. I don't like fighting while unable to see anything." says the warrior as he turns around on the trail and, starts walking back from where they came from. He walks quietly on the way back keeping his armor sound to a minimum. The two warriors arrive in the town just as night begins to fall. "Nice meeting you Blue." says the warrior with a wave goodbye. He turns and, starts walking towards his shop where he begins his blacksmithing for the night.

  18. ID# 29240 BD:4+2=6 MD:6 CD:4 LD:8

    Beoreson's HP:29

    Blue's HP:25

    Wolf's HP:5-5=0 (dead)

    Beoreson watches Blue run up and, almost miss his attack. The warrior sees that blue had retreated and, decides to finish off the wolf. He rushes forward and, slams into the wolf. He then, stabs the beast while it is on the ground. The wolf explodes into pixels and, the warrior scans the area for anything that might be a threat. He doesn't see anything and, decided to to go over and, pick up the mat that the wolves always drop. He looks to blue, "Not bad. I must say I was expecting you to not be that good." says the warrior as he gives Blue another thumbs up.

  19. The warrior thinks for a minute as he starts to eat the pie with the knife. "I went with Mack to pick up a familiar not to long ago." says the warrior trying to remember all that he has done in the recent month. "I been grinding almost non-stop for a while. I trained a recruit named Vasth, and have been working on my blacksmithing." says the warrior finishing off what he has done in the last month. "I also, picked up self sacrifice tactics. Take a hit in order to attack the enemy." says the warrior with a half grin thinking that is how he got himself into his current situation.

  20. ID# 29314  BD:6 LD:9 MD:10

    Beoreson's Hp:37-3+2=ly."36 [2 hate]

    Vasth's HP:38 [2 hate]

    Wolf's HP:17-5=12 [Beoreson]

    Beoreson switches out with the recruit and, slashes the wolf's side as he rushes by it. The cut goes along the beast's left side and, stops at the him legs. Beoreson looks to vasth, " I think this is going good. Let's hope we don't slip up to badly"  Suddenly the wolf launches towards the warrior completely without warning. Beoreson makes use of the arm shield and, waves his blade out the wolf. The wolf after biting him instantly retreats from the raven haired warrior.

  21. Beoreson looked towards to the graying man. "I just soloed avalanche. So, I figured that I wouldn't  in the the best of shape. But, smashed is putting it lightly. Over half my wounds have healed." says the warrior with a a grin. "Thanks for the pie. " says the warrior as he picks up the food item. He was finding it odd that so many people where nice here. Even if they where in a guild together. "So, what have you been up to?" asks the warrior as pulls a knife out and, starts to slice the pie.

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