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Posts posted by Beoreson

  1. ID# 29215 BD:3+3=6 (concentration) CD:10 (+1 HP) MD:10 (+2 damage)

    Beoreson's HP:35-5+2+1=33

    HP: 50-5=45
    Damage per Attack: 3

    Beoreson dodges out of the way of the giant elemental that busted out of the ground. Beoreson grins as he realizes that he now has the field boss that he came out here to fight within his grasp. He may have dodged out of the way of the monster busting out of the ground but, it didn't stop all the shards from turning him into a porcupine again. Beoreson rushes forward and, manages to take a chunk out of the monster know as "Avalanche"'s right thigh. He hoped that the tactics that he used for the normal ones would work for the boss.

  2. ID# 29217 BD:6 CD:2 MD:9 (+1 damage)

    Beoreson's HP:34

    Xion's HP:49-1=48

    Sand Shark's HP:50-7=43

    Beoreson steps out from the shield so, he can make his next attack. He watches as the shark smashes into the shield, and takes damage. Beoreson rushes in before the shark can get away and, cuts a small portion of it's fin off. Beoreson watches as his heavy momentum and, his normal damage combine to make a impressive attack. "I could get up to ten damage if I rank up my sword skill" says the warrior more to himself then, to the warrior standing beside him. The shark makes it's long turn back to them.

  3. ID# 29211 BD:4+2=6 CD:6 MD:10 LD:13

    Beoreson's HP:25

    Ice Elemental's HP:3-5=-2 (Dead)

    Beoreson rushes forward as the elemental tries to regrow it's lost hand. He runs up and, stabs the elemental in the chest and, watches the monster explode into pixels. A mat and, a col bag drops to the ground. The bag has 130 col in it. Beoreson pockets both of the items. He sits down and, waits for about thirty minutes for his heal to go back up. With that done he looks around for another monster. He doesn't see anything but, he does feel something rumbling in the ground.

    +1 mat

    +130 col


  4. ID# 29214 BD:3 CD:4 MD:4 (Yeah, I love when I'm running to threads and only one gets good rolls...This isn't cool)

    +2 damage from heavy momentum

    Beoreson's HP:34

    Xion's HP:49


    Beoreson watches as the shark comes flying towards Xion and, the two clash. The shark is once again left without a successful strike. "You know what sucks about using ninja weapons but, wearing a plate and, a cloak made of chain mail? My weapon's are just as effective when you use them with light armor and, I'm weighed down by the metal." says the warrior. "Heavy armor problems." he jokingly says as he watches the shark make the large turn again.


  5. (I messed up on my math, I apparently need to count on my fingers still.)

    ID# 29209 BD:2 CD:6 MD:4

    Beoreson's HP:34

    Xion's HP:49

    Shark's HP:50

    The warrior looks towards Xion."Sorry, been soloing for a while. Last time I was in a group was when we went though that dungeon." explains the warrior. Beoreson watched as the shark appeared again, and clashed with Xion. The warrior was dumbfounded at the speed of the shark. He looks to Xion, "Are all monsters this fast?" asks the warrior as the beast flies by the warrior as he makes attempt to make a attack on the shark again. He watches as the shark circles away and, then disappears for a moment, and then reappears. The shark was making a rather wide circle around them.

  6. ID# 29208 BD:7 CD:1 MD:6

    Beoreson's HP:29-4+2=25

    Ice Elemental's HP:8-5=3

    Beoreson decided to take another spear attack so, that he could slice off the monster's hand again. He dodged the raging beast's club attacks and, took a spear to the chest again. The freezing sensation creeping though his body. He took his sword and, slashed off the spear hand again. He dropped to the ground and, the spear head shattered. The beast arm shattered as well. The monster roared in pain as the human had cut off it's hand again.

  7. ID# 29207 BD:10 (+2 damage) CD:6 MD:6

    Beoreson's HP: 29-4+2=27

    Ice Elemental's HP:15-5-2=8

    Beoreson rushed up to the struggling elemental and, stabbed his ninjato into the giant's back. The beast with a roar of pain broke off it's own hand with it's club. The shards cut up the rave haired warrior's face and, his armor looks like he was playing with the needler in halo. He manages to back off from the monster as it regrows it's hand into a spear again. He thinks to himself,"Well, I may have been wrong. This is going great." He watches as the elemental turns around and, howls in rage. The sound hurts the warrior's ears but, he manages to avoid the next attack from the giant.

  8. (I meant for this to be part of the last post)

    ID# 29206
    BD:1 MD:9

    Beoreson's HP:35-3+2=34

    Xion's HP:43

    Shark's HP:50

    Beoreson gasps in shock as the shark goes under the sand. It's fin along with it. The warrior looks around for any sign of the shark he notices that there is movement to his left. The shark's fin clips the warrior as he dodges to the side avoiding the majority of the blow. He looks to Xion," I told Manbearpig was real!". He then, with a grin prepares to attack the beast. He looks around for it and, managed to lose track of the monster. "Well this is going to go well. Are you able to see it?" asks the warrior scanning the area in front of him for the shark

  9. "I'll need to meet the guy. I heard we got a third recruit as well." says the warrior. "Heard Mack trained her. Can't remember her name but, I found a note in his shop that he was off training." says the warrior completely chilled out. It is obvious the guy is no longer the twitchy, and clumsy warrior that he was the last time you met him. He goes into a defensive stance as he waits for the shark to reach their position. (rolling)

  10. ID# 29204 BD:7 CD:5 MD:1

    Beoreson's HP:29

    Ice Elemental's HP:20-5=15

    Beoreson dodges to the side of the giant's scythe as it slams into the ground where he was a mere moment ago. Beoreson rushes forward and takes a chunk of the monster's right thigh. The elemental roars in pain as it has it's leg cut. Beoreson rushes out of the way of the club. The club hits the ground next to him. The giant is pinned to the ground as his scythe is stuck in the ice. Beoreson backs away to a safe distance and, thinks," Well, at least the monster isn't very bright.

  11. ID# 29203

    BD:9(+1 damage) CD:10 (+1 HP) MD:6

    Beoreson's HP:32+1-4=29

    Ice Elemental's HP:26-5-1=20

    Beoreson takes a spear to the chest again. The freezing cold fills his heart as, the spear pierces his chest. He takes his sword and, slices off the spear arm of the elemental.  He drops to the floor as the monster roars in pain.  It backs away and, reforms the missing limb. This time the arm takes the form of a scythe. Beoreson rather taken by the fear of seeing the weapon turn even deadlier, backs away and, prepares for a assault from the elemental.

  12. ID# 29202

    BD:2+2=4 CD:7 MD:2
    Beoreson's HP:32

    Ice Elemental's HP:26

    Beoreson spotted another Ice Elemental a little ways off from where he was standing. He starts to walk towards the monster. He thinks to himself on the way there,"Well, that went well. I don't think this is going to go as well as it did before for some reason." He gets within the monster's detection rang and, the monster roars and, looks to the fur cover warrior. He watches as the elemental turns his right arm into a spear and, it's left arm into a hammer. Beoreson backed off from the beast as it charged towards him.

  13. "I've done quite a bit. I trained a new recruit, his name is Vasth." says the warrior beginning the list of things he did. "I been grinding and, doing weapons training. I killed a field boss, and have been working on my blacksmithing" says the warrior gesturing to the armor he is wearing. He also pats his blade. "So, what have you been up?" asks the raven haired warrior his blue eyes beaming with curiosity. He started walking out to the dunes, as he drew his sword. He knew that the shark randomly launched itself from the sand and, attacked.

  14. ID# 29201 MD:10(+2 damage) CD:10(+1 HP) LD:9

    Beoreson's HP:31+1=32

    Ice Elemental's HP:7-5-2=0 (Dead)

    +1 Mat

    Beoreson decided that his best bet would be to just rush the monster instead of looking for some sort opening. To the warrior's surprise this tatic worked. He slipped inside the elemental's defenses and, took his sword in both hands and, stabbed the whole thing into the elemental. The elemental roared as it was slaughtered by the warrior. The ice elemental cracked and, then shattered. The pixels flew all over and, a mat dropped to the ground. Beoreson picked up the mat and, scanned the area for any other elementals.

  15. ID# 29200 BD:10(+2 damage) CD:8 MD:1

    Beoreson's HP:31
    Ice Elemental's HP:14-5-2=7

    Beoreson managed to get behind the giant elemental and, stabbed his blade into the back of the monster. He grinned as he saw that his attack was a critical. "Well this is going well, I just hope I don't die." thinks the warrior as he twists the blade inside the monster causing the ice to crack. He backed off from the elemental as it turned around to face the warrior. Beoreson watched in horror as the spear turned into a giant spiked club. Beoreson started running away from the raging monster as it smashed the ground where he was a second ago.

  16. ID# 29198 BD:4+2=6 CD:4 MD:7

    Beoreson's HP:33-4+2=31

    Ice Elemental's HP: 19-5=14

    Beoreson managed to keep going after the being stabbed in the back. He was surprised at the seven foot monster's ability to attack that quickly. Beoreson decided to make another pass. He rushed back towards the ice elemental and, slashed out a part of the beast's leg. The monster roared in pain and, stabbed Beoreson in the chest as he tried to make another pass. The warrior fell to the floor in pain, and managed to get back up. He began to run to the other side of the monster.

  17. Beoreson offers his hand to the young warrior,"Good to see that you haven't killed over yet." says the warrior greeting the man. He looks to the man,"Ever heard of the manbearpig, well that's what we are going to go kill." says as he just removes his cloak. Reveling his pale face, and dark hair. "No, we just hunting a shark that swims though sand like water."says the warrior as he equips Shadow's Strike. He now has a darkly tinted breastplate on. He also, has greves and, boots on. "I got Wolf's Vanguard, and my sword." says the warrior. "You ready, to go wonder around the desert looking for a shark?' asks the warrior as he motions for the man to follow him to the dunes.

  18. Beoreson having had a survived the encounter with a field boss in the frozen waste land know as floor four, decided that he wanted to go to the fifth floor. He invited Xion to come with him on another field boss run that he had heard about. He heard in another tavern that there was a field boss out in the dunes outside of the main settlement. He also realized that he should spend less time time in taverns. He thought about that rather deeply while waiting for Xion to show up. He had his cloak wrapped into a wrap for his head. He looked rather comical, he had winter armor on in the middle of the desert.

  19. ID# 29191 BD:6 MD:10 CD:11

    Beoreson's HP:33-5+2+1=31

    Blue's HP:25

    Wolf's HP:30-5=25 (+2 damage, and the equivalent of momentum)

    Beoreson said, "No problem, I don't like taking the first drop when, I am in a party." says the warrior as he spots the wolf that Blue pointed to."Good eyes. I think it's weird that I don't need glasses here." says the warrior as he starts creeping towards the wolf. The beast instantly spots him and, rushes towards him. Beoreson takes the hit so, that he can hit the monster easier. The wolf bites his left arm and, Beoreson stabs the wolf though the right side of it's ribs. He then, looks towards Blue,"You're turn." He continues to play tug of war with the beast. He really wanted his arm back.

  20. ID# 29178 BD:10(+2 damage) MD:9(+1 damage) CD:12(+1 HP)

    Beoreson's HP:35-4-1+1+1+1=33

    Ice Elemental's HP:26-5+2=19

    Beoreson rushed towards the stumbling monster. The ice monster noticed the incoming threat and, turned it's body to face the warrior. The wolf cloaked warrior slashes the ice monster as he runs by. His strike slashed out a small section of the elemental's abdomen. Sadly for the warrior his guess that the monster was a slow moving type was wrong. The monster with amazing speed turned it's hand into a ice spear and, stabbed Beoreson though his back as he tried to sprint away. Beoreson grunted in pain and, shock as he was impaled. His armor stopped the blow from going all the way though his body and, [Battlehealing] fixed up his wound a little.


  21. ID# 29180 BD:8 LD:9

    Beoreson's HP:33

    Blue's HP:25

    Wolf's HP:1-5=-4 (dead)

    Beoreson rushed forward after Blue made his last attack. He slashed the center of the wolf as he ran by. He managed to slow down about ten feet away from where the wolf used to be. He thinks to himself,"Well heavy momentum makes you have momentum at least". He looks behind him at the mat that lays where the wolf used to be. "You can have that mat, we still have at least one more wolf in the area." says the warrior as he scans the surrounding forest for anything that looks like a wolf. He starts walking along the trail a bit deeper into the wolf's territory.

    +1 mat for Blue

  22. Beoreson had heard a rumor from his "sources" and, by "sources" he over heard some people talking in a tavern. Beoreson decided to give it a shot. He thought to himself,"Well, I got potions and, fight pretty well. I should be fine." He looks around and, sees that he actually walked out of the tavern and, headed out to the tundra. There was a what roughly looked like a person made of chunks of ice was hobbling around the area. Beoreson drew Shadow's Strike and, looked towards the creature and, from the way the monster walked decided that the thing was most likely a slow but, heavy hitter.


  23. ID# 29158 MD:3+2=5+1=6 (Accuracy buffs and, concentration) MD:7

    Beoreson's HP:34-1=32

    Blue's HP:25

    Wolf's HP:12-5=7

    Beoreson took his sword and, managed to slash the wolf's left side with the blade. The wolf yipped in pain and, started to shake it's head back and, forth. This caused the wolf to make long, rending cuts in the warrior's armor. "Got to love heavy armor. makes almost nothing come though." says the raven haired warrior as he wrestles with the wolf for his arm back. He slowly manages to pry his arm out from the beast's mouth. After taking the time to pry his arm out he scans to see if there are any other threats. He doesn't find anything that looks remotely threatening.

  24. ID# 29157 BD:1 (Yay, crit fail. my favorite)

    Beoreson's HP:11-1=10

    Wolf's HP's:7

    Mack's HP:13

    Beoreson tried to charge forward but, managed to trip on one of the two rocks in the field. He fell over and, landed on the other rock that was in the field. The second rock was sharp, and cut the warrior as he landed on it. Beoreson looked around from his spot on the ground and, grunted at the fact that he had fallen again. He decided to make a joke and, said, " LifeAlert. Help, I have fallen and, can't get up" The warrior then, stumbled to his feet pulled the rock out of his ribs and, picked up his sword.

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