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Posts posted by Beoreson

  1. ((If, you think we need a second wolf you can spawn in another one.))

    ID# 28329 MD:2

    Beoreson's HP:29

    Mack's HP:35


         The young, warrior broke from the path and walked though the snow."I think there might be a den there." states the warrior as he heads towards a large dune a few about half a klick away. The snow was started getting deeper with every step. They made it about half way to the dune before hearing a blood curdling howl. "Hey, Mack. I think they know we are here." states the young warrior. The young warrior draws Shadowsteel with the soft sound of metal on wood. The young warrior takes a few steps forward then, he is suddenly attacked from a large, furry creature. A rather large, white coated wolf flies though the air towards the warrior. Beoreson managed to throw his sword up between him and the beast. The wolf bites down on the sword and the warrior grabs the flat of the blade with his other hand.

  2. ((Cool, always good for there to be chaplain about. I'll spawn a mob or two next turn))

        "Good to hear, and sorry for calling you a 11j, I was trying to get you pumped for the fight." states the young warrior.The young warrior tossed the winter hat and balaclava back to the snowtrooper. Yep, Mack looked like a snowtrooper."I'm fine, I've dealt with colder temperatures. I've lived in much colder places. H*ll, I use to make snow angels in my underwear." The raven haired warrior states rather seriously. Mack would most likely notice that he is no longer shivering."The first minute or two always sucks." states the young warrior. He then, starts walking along the road. The road leads to some rolling hills and there are several snow dunes. The wind is pretty bad and, he can't be sure if the wolves where howling or if it is just the wind.

  3.      The warrior nodded and headed out towards the teleporter, "Hey, Mack I got a question to ask you. It's about when you where in the army. Nothin, to personal." says the warrior as the headed though the busy streets. If the blond soldier doesn't mind him asking, the young warrior will ask, "What, was you're mos? I know I made fun of you the other day about it. But, I have no idea that it is.". If the blond soldier does mind him asking he will respond, "Aight I understand."

         They arrive at the teleporter and, Beoreson steps onto the platform and selects the fourth floor. There is a blinding, white flash as he is teleported up a few floors. When the young warrior opens his eyes after the flash, He sees that there is snow all around him. There is the chill of the cold wind on his skin. Good thing he often forgot his jacket, otherwise he would be freezing. Well he was freezing but, he knew how to manage it. "Hey, Mack try not to get lost in the snow. If i lose sight of you, I probably won't find you." states the warrior, as he scans the area. He sees that they are in an old timely district of cottages. He also, notices a road leaving the area. Mack would probably notice that he was in leader mode now.

  4. "Thanks Mack." The young, warrior then, picks up the thing of chain and equips it. "That cub is always hungry. I hope the pup I get isn't." states the warrior. He then, fixes the sheath on his back to be secured about three inch lower then normal. "I know that it may look a little dumb, but it makes drawing a sword a lot easier." says the warrior and, to his point it did look a little funny. "The fourth floor has already been unlocked so, all we need to do is walk to the teleporter." says the warrior as he fixes his armor.

    ((I found out that it is rather a pain in the butt, to draw a sword from you're back,))

  5.      "Alright, we should be fine to leave whenever then. We might catch one or two of them sleeping still." States the young warrior. He thinks for a second  "Do you need to grab anything?" asks the raven haired warrior. "I already got some food items. Picked them up before showing up here." says the warrior. The warrior scans the store for anything he might need. "Can I barrow that suit of chain mail? I already have points in heavy armor." inquires the young, raven haired warrior.

  6.      The young warrior gives the bear cub the treat. He then, pats the cub on the head before, it scampers off. The young warrior looks at the clock and sees that it is 19:49. "You got to tend to the shop, right? I wanted to leave at 20:30 that way the sun has gone down. We are going to be trying to catch a wolf pup and wolves are nocturnal." states the warrior as he explains his reasoning. "I think that if we manage to find a den and draw the wolves out one by one we may be able to get a cub." says the warrior as he explains his plan.

  7. "Company. I also, would like something to talk to. As talking to yourself can result in being labeled as a "mentally unstable" person." the warrior states the last part jokingly to the blond soldier. He also does the quotation marks with his hands. The raven haired warrior pulls out a piece of bread. "Hey Mack does Chewie know any tricks?" asks the raven haired, warrior. If Mack answers yes, Beoreson tries to make the bear cub do the trick. If Chewi doesn't know any tricks, he just gives the cub the piece of bread.

  8. The young warrior, dropped by this shop as it seemed to be the only one open. The warrior wonders around the shop for a few minutes and grabs a few items. He was going to get a familiar and he had no idea how many times he would need to try it. He walked over to the counter with the iteams and placed them on the counter for the shop keeper to see. "Hello, I would like to buy these."  He puts two loafs of bread and a Bag of Milk Chocolate on the counter. The warrior takes out a bag of col and places it on the counter. "Here you are."

    -45 col

    +2 Bread Loaf

    +1 Bag of Milk Chocolate

  9.      The young, warrior nodded,"Yeah, I normally don't work with anyone so, that I get the mats and nobody can complain" states the warrior. He then, finishes off the rest of the mug that he was drinking. "I'm should leave soon." states the states the warrior as he, orders a sprite of some kind. He then, thinks to himself, "Well I should, get up after this drink. But, I can wait a few more minutes. Then I'm going to need to go farm, and craft and do all the other things I need to do." 

  10.      Beoreson heard that there was a quest to get familiars. He decided that he wanted a frost wolf of some kind or another. He thought of places that might have some snow. His first thought was floor four. He knew that it would be to dangerous to go alone. He thought for a moment about who would go with him. He came to the conclusion that Mack most likely would. He knew that Mack had already gotten a familiar so he would know what to do. The young warrior went to the old gypsy that gave out the quest and grabbed it real quick. The young warrior stopped by the blond soldier's shop. "Hey, Mack can I ask a favor? I need some help with the familiar quest." the young, warrior asks politely. 

  11. ID# 28231 BD:2+2=4

    Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
    Xion = 38/40 [Hate - 4] 
    Mack = 31/31 [Hate - 2]
    Beore = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
    Kobold = 9/20 [Target - Xion]

          The young warrior charged forward, and tripped over his own feet. He managed to catch his foot on his calf then, land face first into the ground. The young warrior laid there for a moment.He thought to himself,"Well, this could have gone better." He then,picked himself up off the ground and backed up away from the monster."Well, I have had better attacks then, that." states the young, raven haired warrior. He knew that he was probably going to have a few jokes thrown his way about this in the future.

  12. ID# 28223 BD:10 (+2 damage) CD:3 (No healing)

    Beoreson's HP:26

    Coyote's HP:10-6=4

         The young warrior rushed towards the coyote and thrusted his ninjato forward at the coyote. The blade struck the beast in the right, forward leg. The coyote now would also limping. The coyote howled in pain as it was stabbed by the young, raven haired warrior. The young warrior then, limped away from the coyote out of it's immediate lunge area. Beoreson thought to himself,"Well, this is going well. I am almost finished with the beast. It may be to heavily wounded to fend off an assault." 

  13.  ID# 28220 MD:7

    Beoreson's HP:29-3=26

    Coyote's HP:10

         The coyote twisted it's body to land facing the raven, haired warrior. The coyote rushed forward and bit his right leg. The warrior grunted in discomfort as he was bitten by the beast. He then, took his blade and slammed the bottom of it into the coyote's skull. The coyote only shook it's head, tearing the wound more. The warrior grunted at the new pain. He took his fist and started punching the coyote. The coyote let go after about the tenth hit. The warrior now had a slight limp thanks to the beast. He was going to get pay back.

  14.      "Today, I don't have anything planned. This week though I was going to try to grind my way up to be able to fight on floor four." state the raven haired, warrior as he takes another gulp of his ale. He thinks to himself, that he needs to check what day of the week it is. He opens up his menu to check. "Never mind, I mean by next week." the warrior corrects himself. After, talking himself he looks to the man in blue,"What do you have planed Vasth?" . He debates putting his feet up on the table but, decides agenst it as it would be more of an effort then, it would be worth. 

  15.  ID# 28098 BD: 6+2=8

    Beoreson's HP:29

    Coyote's HP:14-4=10

         The warrior rushed towards the coyote again. The coyote leaped forward, sailing towards the warrior. Beoreson took a step to the right, and managed to avoid the coyote's attack again. The warrior brought his ninjato up over his head. He then, brought the blade down in a low arc. The blade cut the left side of the coyote's body. "Good, the coyote follows the same attack patern as the wolf. That means all I have to do is dodge then, attack." thinks the young warrior to himself.

  16.      "Spears are only so long after you cut them in half, then it's just a short stick with a dagger on it." states the young, raven haired. He then, turns to Kalesh, "You know, carrying a big sword doesn't give you extra damage. You do know that, right?" Asks the young warrior as he starts sipping the "Ale".The "Ale" didn't taste like ale at all."Yeah, there is still a quite a few players on the first floor, that haven't even left." says the young, raven haired warrior. He then,, scans the room for threats again.

  17. ID# 28094 MD:5

    Beoreson's HP:29

    Coyote's HP:14

         The coyote behaved much like the wolf did on the floors below. The coyote lowered it's body to the ground and prepared to launch at the raven haired, warrior. The coyote sprung up into the air, considerably higher then,  the wolves did. The surprised warrior, managed to deflect the coyote's attack. He took his ninjato and managed to bat the coyote out of the air. The coyote landed on the ground gracefully. The coyote then, backed up away from the raven, haired warrior.

  18.  ID# 28070 BD: 10

    Beoreson's HP:29

    Coyote HP:20-6=14

         The warrior walked though the grassland looking for a monster to fight. He saw there was a coyote not that far off from the town. He drew his ninjato with the soft sound of metal on wood. The coyote noticed this and growled at the approaching player. The young warrior rushed forward and cut the beast with his blade by bring it down in a long arc. The coyote yipped in pain and moved away from the warrior's onslaught. The coyote prepared to make it's own attack on the leather clad warrior.

  19.     Beoreson decided that he had fought on the second floor long enough and he decide that he wanted to go to the third floor. The young warrior grabbed Shadowsteel before, he locked up his shop and headed out. He walked to the teleporter and selected floor three. There was a flash of light as the warrior was teleported the the third floor. He arrived in a town full of elves. He had heard that there was elves on the third floor but, he didn't think the whole town would be elven. The warrior managed to leave the elven town and ventured out into the prairie.

  20.      The young warrior decided to see if he could enrage the blond soldier. He was doing this for his own good. Not to see if he could get a laugh out of this, no not at all. "Hey, Mack you sure you aren't an airman?" asks the young, raven haired warrior. He then, backs away making use of the crowd as a human shield of sorts. "Wait a minute, Mack you M.O.S wouldn't happen to be 11J would it?" asks the young warrior, with a grin on his face. The young warrior hoped that the blond soldier wouldn't charge at him.

  21. ID# 28051 CD:3

    Rank: 1  (12/20)

         The young warrior walked back into his shop and with a sigh pulled a mat out of a storage container. He then, took the mat and threw it in the forge rather carelessly. He waited for the ore to heat up and thinks to himself,"Well, I can always go farming again. I will give Piera some other mats." He then, pulls the ore from the forge and hits it with a hammer a few times. The ore shatters into nothing."Well, that not surpriseing. Might as well try the other one to, as I got nothing better to do."

    ID# 28052 CD:2

         The warrior walks over to the crate where he kept his mats in and took one out. The warrior walked over and threw the ore into the forge again. He waited the time it takes for the ore to heat and thought to himself," Maybe, I shouldn't just throw the ore into the forge." He then, takes the ore out of the forge and, takes hits it with a hammer a few times. The ore starts to shape into a sword but, shatters into nothingness. "Yep, just as expected. I need to be less rough with the ore." thinks the warrior as he sits down in a chair.

  22. ID# 28050 MD:10 LD:18

    Hirru HP:27 (Hate:1)

    Xion's HP:38 (Hate 4)

    Mack's HP:31(Hate 1)

    Beoreson's HP:27 (1+2=3)

    Kobald's HP:2-6=-4 [Dead]

    Kobald's HP:20 [Target Xion]

         The young warrior moved so that he was behind the kobald. The kobald was standing after it's failed attempt to attack the blond warrior. Beoreson took his ninjato and stabbed it though the back of the monster. He then, pulled the blade up using both his hands and managed to move the blade about half way up the monster. The kobald growled in pain as it exploded in a  shower of red pixels. A shield fell to the ground, it was a basic punch style one. "I got this one, now we are gonna focus on that one right?" asks the warrior after rather brutally killing the kobald.

  23. Listening to the two talk about the "Employment" opportunities."I already have a job to do. Kill things and make weapons. I think it works well as I make everything I need. " the young warrior states this as he grabs the ninjato, and raises the blade slightly. "I also was thinking about starting to clear floors once I get to a higher level." says the warrior as his new "Ale" was delivered. He takes another sip of the drink as he looks around the area again, noticing that the tavern had mostly cleared out.

  24.      "I haven't had a customer yet, I just use my shop as a forge." states the young, raven haired warrior. He then, turns to Kalesh at the comment,"My blade is a ninjato. It is a over sized one at that. I don't need a two handed blade as it would be rather pointless. I am going to use a shield eventually." The warrior then, deciding that he was going to keep drinking ordered a second mug. While waiting he polished off the first mug. "So, Vasth what type of shop do you own." asks the warrior as he removes his sheath from his back and places it on his lap.

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