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Posts posted by Beoreson

  1. ID# 27608 BD:6+2=8

    Beoreson's HP:25

    Clone's HP:19-2=17

        The clone charges at the young, raven haired warrior. Beoreson manages to deflect the clone's blows. The young warrior then, takes his blade and bring it in a arc from his left to his right. He manages to slice the clone's chest a little. The raven haired warrior then, backs up a few feet and manages to go into a defensive stance. The clone launches another series of attacks but, Beoreson manages to block them all. He thinks to himself," Maybe the clothes do make the man."

  2. ID# 27607 MD:1

    Beoreson's HP:25

    Clone's HP:20-1=19

        After the young, warrior's assault on his clone, the clone managed to nick himself while keeping the blade from slicing off it's arm. It was a small price to pay for staying in the fight longer. "When did you mean by soon. You mean after I kill you then, go off to fight a difficult monster right?" taunts the young, raven haired warrior. "No, I meant after I manage to kill you, then I will go fight a monster." states the clone. Beoreson stares in shock for a moments.He thinks to himself real quick "What does he mean by that"

  3. ID# 27605 BD:8+2=10 (No crit)

    Beoreson's HP:25

    Clone's HP:22-2=20

        Beoreson starts to circle around the clone of himself. The young warrior then, presses a quick assault. He brings his ninjato up in an arc leading from his right to his left. His clone manages to only get nicked from the attack, as it manages to stop the blade from cutting to deep into it."So, what's wrong clone, I thought myself would be a challenge." Mocks the young warrior. "Oh, you'll have you challenge soon enough." states his clone. The young warrior was confused but, hey at least he was going to beat himself up and win by doing it.

  4. ID# 27604 MD:5

    Beoreson's HP:25

    Clone's HP:22

        The clone charged forward and with a cry slashed at the real Beoreson. The young warrior managed to block the blow of the sword with Viper's Kiss. He then, managed to brake off from his clone's attack. He back up a few feet."Ha, running away from me?" asks the clone. "Nope, just getting into position to attack you again." states the young warrior. The young warrior drops into a defensive stance. He thinks to himself,"If, he is just like me but, without my gear this should be easy."

  5. ID# 27601 CD:8

    Rank 1 (6/20)

        Beoreson after coming back from his mining trip decided that he was going to go ahead and forge up some stuff real quick. He took some of the ore that he had gotten and threw it in the forge. He waited around for the stuff to heat up then, took it out and hit it with his hammer a few time. The ore took the shape of a simple spear. Beoreson then, took the spear and added it to the rack on the back wall. He then thought to himself," Might as well use the other mat I got to day."

    ID# 27603 CD:11

    Rank 1 (11/20)

        The young warrior took took the last mat he had and gently placed it in the forge. He then, waited patiently for the ore to heat up so he could get the best blade he could this time. He pulled the ore out of the forge and hammered out the ore into a blade. The ore grew into a ninjato that was black as night and had some grey mixed in. He took the blade and stared at it in amazement. He thought to himself, "As nice as it would be to sell this I can use it, as it is just as practical as Viper's Kiss." He then, takes the blade and places it in a storage box.

  6.      Hello, this is where I will be posting the stuff that I made that needs evaluation.

    Name: Shadowsteel

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 1

    ID: 27603

    Roll: 11

    Quality: Rare

    Item Type: One handed straight sword

    Enhancements: 1 accuracy, 1 damage

    Description: Shadowsteel is a ninjato that is about three feet long. The unsharpened portion of the blade is midnight black, and the sharpened portion is a dimgray. The Sageo of the blade is knotted traditionally and is midnight black and dark gray. The sheath is made of wood and wrapped in black leather.

  7. ID# 27596 BD:8+2=10 but not crit

    Beoreson's HP: 25

    Clone's HP:24-2=22

        Beoreson drew his ninjato from it's wooden sheath with the slight sound of the sword rubbing against the wood. He then, moved to the clone that was also drawing his sword. The young warrior manages to land the first blow. He takes the ninjato and manages to slice a small cut into the clone's right arm. The clone reacting the way he would, cursing and looking for an opening. The young warrior moved away from the clone not giving him the chance to get a counter attack in.

  8. ID# 27592 MD:1

    Beoreson's HP:25

    Clone's HP:25-1=24

        The clone of himself charged towards Beoreson. The clone tripped over the an uneven patch of grass and landed on his face. The young warrior thought to himself, "least it got my clumsiness. Hopefully it also can't hit very well either." The clone picked himself up and turned to face the young warrior, "This form is clumsy, how can you manage it?" asks the clone. The young warrior replies to the clone sarcastically, "Well I have dealt with it since I was a baby. Why do you think I have upgraded gear. I don't do it to look pretty."

  9. ID# 27589 BD:3+2=5

    Beoreson's HP:25

    Clone HP:25

        Beoreson walks with the cloaked figure along the streets in till they are away from the city.It is a few minutes walk away from the gates of the city. The cloaked figure turns to face the young, raven haired warrior. "Now, we fight." states the cloaked figure in a oddly familiar voice, it had definitely changed from the one he had heard earlier. The cloaked figure removed it's cloak showing the young warrior himself except this version of him didn't have any of his special gear. The young warrior stood in shock for a moment unable to act. When he finally regained focus the clone of himself was about to attack him.

  10.     Beoreson was wondering thought the streets of the starter city when suddenly a NPC bumped into him. The NPC is wearing a cloak that hides his face and body. The NPC is missing it's name tag for some reason, Beoreson thinks to himself, "Odd I thought all NPC had name tags on them." The NPC starts to walk away then, stops. "Hey, you want to take a quest. I got one and it's real simple all you got to do is beat me in a duel and you get a special ability. What do you say?" asks the cloaked figure. Beoreson being the person he is hits accept on the quest. "Sure where do you wish to fight?" asks, the young warrior. "Follow me, I know the perfect place." states the NPC as he begins to walk away.

  11.      Beoreson wondered around the stores looking for something that might have some sort of food. The young warrior decides to stop at a smaller store that looks like it might serve sushi or some thing. The young warrior wondered around the store, looking for an area to place an order of some kind. The raven haired warrior noticed that Golden was here in his PJs and there was girl talking to him. Beoreson did the sane thing and faded into the back of the store area. He stood out though as he was the only other person in the store, as well as he had met Golden not that long ago.

  12.      The tall, raven haired warrior approached the shop that he had left from a few days ago. He opens the front door of small and a little chaotic place. He wonders around the small shop reading each of the potions to make sure he bought the right one. Eventually he picked a small red vial. The young warrior then, walks over to the counter of the little shop. "Hey Piera, I'm here to buy a potion." He puts a good quality recovery potion on the counter. "I also came by to see if you needed any help with anything." says the young warrior as he puts the bag of col on the counter.

    +1 good quality recovery potion

    -250 col.

  13. ID# 27564 BD:5+2=7

    Piera's HP:25 (1 hate)

    Beoreson's HP:25 (1 hate)

    Mack's HP:29 (2 hate)

    Golden HP:59

    Skeletal gate guard's HP:25-4=21 (2 bleed)

        Beoreson runs to get behind the skeleton guard, and avoids tripping and stabbing himself. He mutters sarcastically, "It's a miracle" Once in position he takes his ninjato from it's sheath with a slight hiss. The young, raven haired warrior takes his ninjato and slashes the guard's back. The bone chips a little but, not much. He then, yells out to Mack, "Do you think Viper's venom will paralyze it even?"  He then, backs up and prepares for the guards next move which hopefully will not be attack him. He thinks to himself,"Well, so far so good, I think we can kill in a few attacks each."

  14.      Beoreson took the charm and equipped it."Thanks Mack. Not to be rude but, you kind of look like a storm trooper from Starwars." Sates the warrior. He then takes and opens his menu to equip the leather armor that he had stored away from a drop he got not that long ago. It was just as simple breastplate that went over his starter clothing. He then, takes a moment to respond to Piera, "Glade to hear that. I was always voted number one in inspirational ability." He then, accepts the group invite.

  15.      Beoreson walks out of the mine, at a much more rushed pace then, when he was looking for anything. He manages to get out of the mine in a hour. He takes his torch and adds it to the pile that is already there. He then, takes his pick and adds it to the rack. He then, walks back to town avoiding any monsters along the way. After arriving at town he takes and puts his mats in there place. He also takes the leather breastplate and puts it on his for sale area. He spends the last of the day hanging around his shop. Then, he goes to an inn to sleep.

    +1 SP

    +2 mats

    +1 good quality light armor, that is a leather breastplate.

  16. ID# 27528 BD:10 LD:14

    Beoreson's HP:8

    Bat's HP:1-4=-3 (Dead)

        Beoreson watches as the bat falls to the ground unable to move. He then, walks over towards the fallen bat. He takes his ninjato and with both hands raises the blade up then, he brings it down finishing off the monster. The bat dissipates into red pixels.Two items fall to the ground a mat which is a small piece of leather, and a leather breastplate falls  to the ground. Beoreson snatches them up and puts them in his inventory. He decides that he is going to go and hunting later if he needed anything else.

    +1 leather chest plate (good)

    +1 mat (2 mats)

  17. ID# 27526 BD:9

    Beoreson's HP:8

    Bat's HP:4-3=1 (Paralyzed)

        Beoreson readied himself for the next attack. The Viper Kiss suddenly started to ooze green venom, Beoreson took this as a sign that victory was near and, gave a victorious grin. The bat screeched and, Beoreson whipped around to his enemy. The bat was diving towards him. Beoreson took a step to the side away from the bat's attack. He then, brought up his dripping ninjato over his head. He brought the ninjato down and struck the monster in it's leathery wing.

  18. ID# 27521 BD:6

    ID# 27522 MD:10

    Beoreson's HP:12-4=8

    Bat's HP:6-2=4

        Beoreson was caught off guard as the bat suddenly returned from it's circling. The bat was diving at a much faster speed then, it had before. Beoreson threw his blade up to block the incoming attack. Th bat dipped below the blade and smashed into the young, raven haired warrior. The bat then, bit down on Beoreson's chest where he had just collided with. The bite took another chunk of his virtual flesh with it. The young warrior grunted rather confused about what happened but, he knew he could strike the bat.

        Beoreson took his ninjato and stabled the bat in the chest with it. The bat screeched in pain and flew away to start circling around him again. Beoreson got up off the damp floor and tried to dust himself off but, only smearing the unidentifiable substance over himself some more. He then, took the chance to find out what it was. He smelt it and it it smelt like dirt to him. He thought to himself,"Oh, thank goodness, I really didn't want to have to take and clean that off of myself."

  19. ID# 27517 BD:5+1=6

    Beoreson's HP:12

    Bat's HP:8-2=6

         Beoreson waits for the bat's next attack covered in hopefully not guano. The bat suddenly screeches and the young warrior takes a step to the side avoiding the monster bat attack. The raven haired warrior then, brings his ninjato up and over his head. The bat flying by where he just was. He then brings the blade down in a long arc. The ninjato clipped the wing of the monster bat. The monster bat screeched in pain then, flew out of his sight again. Beoreson thought to himself that if he crited he could probably kill the monster.


  20. ID# 27516 MD:8

    Beoreson's HP:14-2=12

    Bat's HP:8

         Beoreson got up and started to dust off his pants as the floor was covered some sort of dust that turned to mud in other places. The young warrior thought to himself,"It's not guano no it can't be." Suddenly there was the screech of the bat, and the young warrior was unprepared for the attack. Beoreson leaned over to pick up his ninjato out of the hopefully not guano. But, he wasn't fast enough to bring it up and deflect the hit.He got smacked onto the ground again from the bat. This time however he managed to keep hold of his sword.

  21. ID# 27513  BD:1+1=2

    Beoreson's HP:15-1=14

    Bat's HP:8

        Beoreson was expecting another attack from behind him so, he put his back against the wall of the cave. He was thinking that it would leave him space to avoid the monster bat's attack. The monster bat's screech came suddenly but, not from where Beoreson thought it would come from. The screech came from above him. Beoreson threw himself out of the way of the bat, landing on some more sharp rock. The bat instead of smashing into the ground, started to flap it's wings to create upwards force and managed to avoid smacking into the ground.

  22. ID# 27512 MD:2

        Beoreson readies his ninjato over his head as he did before. There is the sudden squeak of the bat. Hearing the noise Beoreson spins to meet his incoming enemy. The large bat if diving towards him, trying to smash into his back while he wasn't looking. Sadly for the bat that tactic didn't work. Beoreson took his blade and deflected the bat's dive attack. "Well, let's see if I can finish off any time soon." thinks the young, raven haired warrior as he prepares for his counter attack.

  23.     Beoreson looked around at the now empty battlefield and yelled," Hello, monsters any more of you over there." He then, prepared himself just in case there was anymore. Seeing none of them come immediately Beoreson took the time to level up, and eat a piece of bread."Well, that went well, where are we headed next?" inquires the young, raven haired warrior. He then gets up off the ground, brushes his pants off and gets ready to go where they are headed next.

  24.     "Blades good Mack, I must say it is a very good blade." says Beoreson as he finish up his conversation with Mack. He then turns back over towards Piera" Well, good I'll most likely stop by after this to pick up a potion then, assuming we don't all die." Beoreson says the last part sarcastically then, realizes that they may well die. He turns grim for a moment but, manages to put on a more normal expression, although it is fake. " Erm, well I take back what I said about dying, we should be fine." Hopefully avoiding making anyone else but himself panic.

         "Well, I suppose I should Introduce myself to the one person here that I don't know. The name is Beoreson or Beore for short. I use a one handed straight sword. Mack made the blade I'm carrying, it's got paralyzing on crits. I don't own a shield, but am fine in till I get one later." states the raven haired warrior. He has beginner clothing on and a ninjato strapped to his back. The blade is elegantly designed, and looks like a very deadly piece of art. Beoreson almost slips up during his introduction but, avoids going into parade rest.

  25. ID# 27464 BD:4+1=5

         Beoreson watches the monster bat fly out of his view. Beoreson waits for the bat to make it's next move. The bat suddenly swoops into view with it's scary squished face. The bat goes barreling towards Beoreson again. Beoreson manages to deflect the Bat's attack at the cost of his counter attack again. He then thinks to himself," Okay, I need to come up with a new plan. Well I take a hit and attack it. But that's a risking something for nothing." The young warrior thinks for a few moments while the bat circles about.

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