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Posts posted by Carambit

  1. [ID# 29282]
    [BD=8 (+1 ACC) =9] (Hit)
    [MD=7 (-1 EVA) =6] (Hit)

    Carambit: 19/21
    Beowolf: 5/11 (1DMG +1 Weapon Skill +1 Enhancement)

    Carambit looked to Grave for a split second to acknowledge his compliment, and immediately snapped back to the battle, however this was unfortunately enough of a lapse in judgement to allow the beast to land a strike on him with it's left claw, raking across his chest. The brunet took a step back and used his sword to parry the beast's right hand swing. After blocking the other attack, he stepped; spinning back around and carving another piece out of the monster. The vicious thing howled out in pain and leapt backward, clutching it's side with it's right hand. "Yeah didn't like that, did ya? Come on, let's go again!" he taunted the monster, now confident he could take it on.

  2. [ID# 29137]
    [BD=6 (+1 ACC) =7] (Hit)
    [MD=5 (-1 EVA) =4] (Miss)

    Carambit: 21/21
    Beowolf: 8/11 (1DMG + 1 Weapon Skill + 1 DMG enhancement)

    Carambit had equipped his new cloak and pendant, and got ready for battle. He drew The Entling and held it by his side, charging a sword skill attack as the beast in front of him began to increase speed toward him and growl viciously. He took a step forward to meet with the beast and ducked out of the way of it's ferocious swing, a fistful of claws narrowly gliding past his head. The player let out a grunt as he brought his sword upward and cleaved through the side of it's rib cage with all of his might. The wolf howled and began to swing with a flurry of near misses toward the ducking and dodging brunet. He didn't know just how much damage the monsters on this floor did, and he certainly didn't want to leap into harm's way to find out.

  3. "I'd be honored, Mack!" Carambit exclaimed. He was ecstatic to finally be extended such an offer to join someone in their journey. He had never been invited to join a party, a guild, or any other group prior to this, and he wouldn't let this chance to make new friends and form stronger bonds pass him by "I'll talk to that Grave guy at once, and organize a meeting to get started." Carambit continued toward the entrance to the tent before halting again and turning back around "Thanks Mack, I hope I won't let you down!"

  4. Carambit lifted the flap of the tent and peered inside. He was surprised to find a large group of players gathered inside the tent. "Oh hey, they ended up coming back to the shop after all!" he thought to himself. With a big, overextended wave he bellowed out over the store "Hey guys! Long time, no see!" and began to approach the group. There was someone new here now; a girl around Carambit's age. She had flowing purple hair and big blue eyes. As he approached her he noticed she was sorting out a business transaction with Mack. "Ah, you finally found someone to take the eclipse off your hands! Funny that there aren't many two handed axe users wandering around..." he trailed off, his gaze magnetically returning to the young woman. "Where are my manners?" he smiled a warm and welcoming smile as he did with people he was just newly meeting "I'm Carambit. Pleasure to meet you, miss...?" he waited in response for her name.

  5. Carambit gladly took the hand in his and smiled. "Yeah I'm Carambit. Nice to meet you too." he released the hand and stood upright. "Well, hopefully I can handle it. I haven't been around this floor yet, so hopefully all goes to plan. Shouldn't be too hard." He had his new sword now, provided by Mack, and he could now hit things a little easier. He couldn't wait to give it a few swings. "What kind of enemies will we be facing?" he asked curiously, extending an arm, indicating for Grave to lead the way toward the fields. As Carambit didn't know his way around here very well yet, he decided it was in his best interest to let the more experienced player guide him as much as possible.

  6. Carambit followed the directions provided by the vague message, searching for the player 'Grave' who would show him the ropes for joining the guild. This was his first time on the third floor, and he didn't know his way around very well as of yet, but it wasn't too long before he found the player he was supposed to meet up with. "Hey! Sorry I'm late, hope I didn't keep you waiting long." he nervously scratched the back of his head and took in the sight of the player before him that was to become his new guild instructor. He was of a slender build and had grey wind swept hair. He looked tough, which was good and bad at the same time. It was good in that Carambit had a tough mentor to look up to, but also bad because he couldn't let him down, as Carambit's failure would be a reflection on the image of his trainer. Upon realizing this Carambit felt a wave of self doubt and insecurity sweep over him. Hopefully he was up to the task.

  7. Carambit was intimidated by the neck cracking, but shrugged it off. "Well, that should be it then. Shame you can't do light armor, because I'm not into wearing heavy stuff. I prefer evasion to mitigation. Prefer to be a little more free moving than heavy armor will allow." Carambit released the handshake on fear of his hand being destroyed and began to move for the door, waving back over his shoulder, very excited to try out his new weapon "Thanks again, Mack! I'm sure I'll catch you again soon!"

  8. Carambit held up the sword and inspected it. The weapon was a lot heavier than it appeared, considering how thin it was. It was very easy to swing, and the mahogany wood felt very smooth to the touch. "Mack, this is perfect! Thank you so very much!" Carambit completed the transaction happily and equipped his new sword. "Keep up amazing work like this and I'll come back to you for every piece of equipment I'll ever need! I'm sure I'll come back for a set of light armor some day soon, provided I don't get one as a cool drop from a monster." Carambit smiled. "Thanks again, Mack. I'm gonna go try this out. If you ever find yourself in need of some materials, shoot me a message and I'll gladly go hunting for you!" he extended a hand to the big man to shake. Carambit had decided that Mack was definitely a good guy to keep in contact with.

  9. Carambit pushed the door open and stepped happily into the store. He had gathered his 5 materials promised to Mack for a new sword and he was beyond excited to finally receive it. He hunted around with his eyes for the built man who owned the store, and it wasn't long before he spotted him. "Mack! Hey! I've got the materials I needed for the sword! 3 Boar Hides and 2 Iron Ore!" he couldn't help but smile, proud of himself for what he'd accomplished. "I'll trade them over to you and we can get this all sorted out." he said, beginning to bring up his inventory.

  10. Once free from the cave, Carambit swiped his inventory screen open and began to search for his materials. To his surprise, he had gathered two iron ore from that cave in a single hit. "Oh wow..." he said to himself "That's a way better way of doing it than going after boars... Maybe next time I'll bring a light source with me though..." he mused. Only one thing was left to do, now that he had his materials; return to Mack and provide payment for his new weapon. He skipped joyfully back toward the northwest gate, unable to wipe the giant grin from his face. It felt like he was a kid at Christmas again, with a lump of excitement caught in his throat. What kind of present would he get? Would it be everything he hoped for? Would it be heavier or lighter than his current weapon? Most importantly; would it look awesome? He giggled gleefully as he entered the town and made his way straight for Mack's shop. 

  11. [ID# 29025]
    [LD=20] (Iron Ore x2)

    Carambit ducked his head into the cave he had finally found. He searched for hours for something that would provide a metal material he could use as payment for his weapon for Mack. He stepped past rocks and other obstacles in his way, looking high and low for some sort of material. He poked around in the cave for what seemed like an eternity before he head a noise from deep within it, a low, brassy growl. "Nnnope!" he said, pivoting on the spot and facing the other way. He was glad that he did, as he turned to spy a glint of metal poking through the top of the cave in a vein. "Oh... What have we here..." he performed a quick appraisal to see that it was indeed iron ore. He harvested it and decided to get out of there before whatever mean beastie was in there decided to come after him.

  12. [ID# 29023]
    [BD=10] (If only I could have gotten that sooner)
    [MD=1] (Ya dead, son.)
    [LD=18] (Boar Hide, 60 Col)

    Carambit: 23/23 (lvl up)
    Boar: dead as hell/12

    The player began to sprint toward his enemy at the same time the beast began to make it's charge for him. It was now or never. Just one hit would kill it. Carambit faked to his right, but stepped quickly to his left and he was surprised to see the boar took the bait. It took a step to it's left at the same time he did, resulting in enough space for the boar to miss him entirely, and for him to begin a successful attack himself. He cleaved through the side of the boar with his sword, running down the length of it's body with a single slash, slicing it in two. The boar exploded into shards of greenish blue light, and Carambit was overjoyed to see it had dropped both Col and a material for him. "Phew," he said to himself, wiping his brow "one step closer. Only 2 to go."

  13. [ID# 29022]
    [BD=3] (Miss)
    [MD=2] (Miss)

    Carambit: 15/21
    Boar: 1/12

    "Oh come on!" Carambit growled through his teeth "Just go down already!" he grew more and more frustrated as he swung once, twice, three times and each time missing the blue beast before him. This was exactly the reason why he wanted an accuracy modifier applied to his new weapon; he couldn't seem to hit his enemies most of the time. The boar distanced itself from Carambit and snorted to itself, almost taunting him. Once it had enough distance, it prepared itself to charge him again. Carambit lowered his stance and charged up a sword skill attack. "Okay, let's see if we can't put an end to this..." he grinned.

  14. [ID# 29021]
    [BD=9] (Hit +1)
    [MD=5] (Miss)

    Carambit: 15/21
    Boar: 1/12

    Carambit dug his heels into the ground and spun on the spot, bringing his sword around for a backhanded swing. The boar was not prepared for this and took a hefty slash down it's left side. It squealed out in pain and stepped away. Carambit watched the boar's health bar drain down, but again, as it seemed to so often do, stopped just shy of the base of the health bar; the creature clinging to dear life. "You see, if I had a better sword this would be over by now..." he looked down at his current weapon. He began to fantasize about the awesome blade that Mack was making for him. There was no time for that now, he had to deal with this boar before any of that could happen.

  15. [ID# 29020]
    [BD=6] (Hit)
    [MD=7 (-1 EVA) =6] (Hit)

    Carambit: 15/21
    Boar: 4/12

    The boar crashed into the ground, and wriggled in an attempt to regain it's footing. Carambit wouldn't move in and strike it while it was vulnerable. He had that sense of honor about the way he did things. Once it was back up on it's feet, the player took off toward the enemy, bringing his sword across his chest in a horizontal strike, taking another piece out of the back of the enemy. Unfortunately, he stumbled with his footing, allowing himself to be left open for an attack by the boar. It flicked it's tusks up into his leg, tearing at the side of it and leaving a familiar red mark. "I really need new gear..." he muttered to himself.

  16. [ID# 29019]
    [BD=10] (Hit +2) (yeah boi)
    [MD=8] (Hit) 

    Carambit: 17/21
    Boar: 6/12

    The boar didn't stop moving, continuing around in an arc and coming full circle to charge back toward Carambit. He held his sword out beside him in a position that seemed to be becoming his signature stance. The sword skill charged up and his sword blade glowed bright blue. "Come on. Let's go." he tormented his foe. He had every intention of allowing himself to be hit, because he knew he had the hitpoints to spare in doing so. If he allowed the monster to hit him, he could land a more definite blow if he concentrated hard enough. The boar slammed into his chest, dealing some damage to the player, but he didn't mind, as he could now place a real hit on the enemy. He twisted his body and brought his sword down, slicing a large piece out of the boar's side.

  17. [ID# 29081]
    [BD=3] (Miss)
    [MD=7 (-1 EVA) =6] (Hit)

    Carambit: 19/21
    Boar: 10/12

    The swordsman beheld the boar as it rushed toward him. He timed his swing, but didn't do so allowing for enough time. The sword swung toward the boar's face, but slashed at the air just in front of it's snout. Carambit held his breath because he knew this left him wide open for the boar's attack. The tusks of the boar connected with Carambit's side, sending him back and losing his footing. He tucked his extremities in and rolled backward, standing back up to his feet, and stabilizing himself by planting a hand on the ground. "You cheeky bugger," he said "I'll get you for that."

  18. Many welcomes to the forum! :) Don't be afraid to ask any of us questions! We're more than happy to help out with any issues you may have. We're super duper friendly too. Can't wait to see some of your posts and see how things go for you! :)

    Welcome again :)

  19. So far every time Carambit had wandered through the forest in the wild, he had been completely alone. There had been no other players around, there had been nobody to really interact with, and he had somewhat become used to it. The player rounded trees and wandered about, searching for a good enemy to face. He knew that different enemies dropped different materials, and from his previous experience with such games having many different materials on his person would help him greatly.

    After passing yet another tree, he froze in place for a moment and jumped back behind the tree, hiding himself. He spotted another player, or at least he thought it was another player... He'd never encountered someone else out in the field. He peeked slowly around the tree, attempting to stay hidden, but also trying to suss out the blond man, sitting on the floor. He appeared to be indulging in a snack. Hopefully he wasn't a harmful player. As he saw the other man eating the bread from the beginner's pack, Carambit couldn't help but silently gag. He too had tasted that god-awful excuse for 'bread' that had been given to him as a survival ration. The taste was terrible, and he was amazed to find someone who was able to stomach it.

  20. [ID# 28787]

    Carambit: 21/21
    Boar: 10/12

    Carambit pulled away from the boar, allowing it to push forward and lose it's balance. He swung his sword toward it carelessly, slashing it across it's side like it was nothing. "See? You don't stand a chance." He chuckled to himself. After he took this one down his best bet would be to hunt for other resources. After seeing the health bar of his enemy drop only slightly from his attack, he knew this would take way too long to get all of the materials he needed. Carambit took a few steps away and held his sword out to his side, charging up a sword skill attack. "Well, that's settled then." he said to himself. "After you, I'm going mining."

  21. [ID# 28494]
    [BD=1] (I swear to god...)

    Carambit charged in for another attack, swinging and missing. He grew deeply frustrated with the boar and began to swing left and right, move after move in a flurry of rage filled swipes. Each and every attack either missed or glanced closely off the boar's hide, shaving a hair or two off of it each time. "Okay, I think maybe I'm lagging or something. Either that or this sword is garbage." He inspected his sword to see if the blade was indeed still attached to the hilt, and he wasn't swinging empty space at the animal. If this kept up he would soon sit down and allow Golden to finish it to claim the spoils. Carambit couldn't remember if he had even damaged the boar at all by this point.

  22. [ID# 28489]
    [BD=2] (Miss)
    [MD=6 (-1 EVA) = 5] (Miss)

    Carambit and the boar once again blow past one another, missing each other entirely. He stops and turns back toward the beast, walking casually toward it. "You see? You see this? This is why I need a new sword!" he moaned, pointing at his blade with his left hand "Now come on, surrender and give me that hide of yours and let's be done with this."

    The boar gave a disapproving gruff and started to charge for him again. "Ugh this is pointless." he said as it launched tusk first at him. Carambit held his sword sideways and blocked the incoming attack with the broad side of the blade "Honestly, you may as well just give up."

  23. [ID# 28488]
    [BD=2] (Miss)
    [MD=2] (Miss)

    The two run at one another, Carambit's sword charging up an attack as he ran. The two went wooshing by one another with no damage done to either party. For a moment he began to wonder if it was lag affecting him, but then he realized that no, they were both just rubbish at combat. "Oh boy. Gonna be one of those fights again..." he muttered. He swiped his sword away and prepared it for another attack. "Well, come on piggles." he mocked the beast "I haven't got all day, here." the boar became angry, and started to make another attack.

  24. Carambit had been tasked with collecting materials for the hulking Mack to use as payment to create a better sword for him; one that would not miss quite as easily as his current weapon does. So far, the only real materials he'd been able to gather were boar's hide, and so he decided to go hunt for more. He already had 2, and didn't plan on using those for anything. As such, 3 more was all he needed. With a bit of luck and a few good swings he'd have this sword prepared in no time.

    The player blissfully stepped out into the field in search of boars. He noticed there weren't very many players out grinding today, much to his surprise, but it didn't bother him much, as there would now be more spawns for him. It wasn't too long before one did indeed spawn, and he unsheathed his sword, ready for a fight with the small bull like creature.

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