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Posts posted by Kiseki

  1. Kiseki: 10/13
    Alpha: 2/8

    "It's fun fighting you, but you're annoying me and I'm kind of in a hurry" Kiseki remarked. He spun his scimitar around while glaring at the wolf ahead of him. "I plan on taking you out."

    Kiseki would sprint at the wolf and would slowly raise his sword. The wolf stood still for some reason. It was probably due to it being injured. It doesn't matter because if that's the case, Kiseki has a big advantage. Kiseki sliced twice making an X on the alpha's forehead. The alpha would then glow and shatter into pixels. A menu popped up showing Kiseki's rewards. It was some Col and a piece of leather as the quest item.

    "Heck yeah!"

    [Dead] Alpha: 0/8 (-2)

    -ID: 28858-

    • BD: 8
    • LD: 18

    +40 Col
    +1 Leather [Quest Item]

  2. Kiseki watched as the man finished up with chopping the wood. After noticing the man stopping and suddenly sighing, Kiseki figured that it must suck collecting materials. Eventually the man who was named Mack was mentioning Kiseki's equipment. It was something Kiseki wasn't really proud off, but he's been sticking with it until he found a chance. He may get one right here right now.

    "Yeah. I plan on doing a quest where I get custom armor so that's out of the way. This blade though, pretty dull compared all the others I've seen on players." Kiseki spun his scimitar around and sheathed it on the scabbard attached to his back. "So what kind of gear do you sell? I use curved blades and light armor."

  3. Kiseki: 13/13
    Alpha: 4/8

    Kiseki really wanted to hurry this quest up. Something clicked. It was his goal to catch up. A new set of armor is a new step, and it was a step he wanted to take quickly. He made a very quick dash at the alpha and attacked with a very weak but quick swing. The attack was weak enough for the alpha to shake off. The mob would take the chance to bite Kiseki's vulnerable thigh. It wouldn't let go even with Kiseki punching the top of its head. Eventually Kiseki managed to get it off by grabbing it's jaw and throwing it. Once the alpha was ripped off, Kiseki looked at his hand and noticed that he took some damage from grabbing the jaw. There were pixelated cuts. He saw his health bar and knew he could continue.

    Kiseki: 10/13 (-2)(-1)
    Alpha: 2/8 (-2)

    -ID: 28848-

    • BD: 6
    • MD: 9
  4. Kiseki: 13/13
    Alpha: 4/8

    Kiseki waited as the wolf alpha charged at him. The alpha would make a zigzag motion making it hard for Kiseki to spot. He's gonna have to wing this one. The alpha was closing in, so Kiseki slowly lowered his scimitar in order to get ready for an attack. As soon as the alpha was in range, Kiseki swung down his sword and ended up losing his balance. The alpha stoppedand jumped back, and was obviously trying to copy Kiseki. As soon as the jump was finished, Kiseki tried his best to dodge an incoming bite attack. And he did once the wolf leaped at him and snapped its jaws. Kisek would bring his balance back and face the wolf.

    "You're smart for an AI. Too bad I'm planning to be smarter."

    -ID: 28847-

    • BD: 1
    • MD: 5
  5. Kiseki: 10/11
    Mack: 43/44
    Wolf2: 1/6

    "Thanks man. One more hit would do" said Kiseki.

    He'd bend his knees a little and kept his scimitar forward. He whistled alerting the wolf. As soon as it turned, Kiseki gestured a taunt at it. The wolf snarled and ran towards him. Kiseki watched as the distance was pretty far. He'd keep his stance ready and as soon as the wolf jumped at him, Kiseki made a diagonal slash on the wolf's face. The wolf would glow and shatter into pixels. A menu would pop up and show Kiseki's loot. It was a little bit of Col. Kiseki would accept the items and notice a change in his level. It made him less stress.

    "Hey man thanks a lot for the help. I'm Kiseki, what's your name?" he'd ask the player who helped.

    Wolf2: -1/6 (-2)

    -ID: 28845-

    • BD: 8
    • LD: 15

    +30 Col

  6. Kiseki: 10/11
    Mack: 44/44
    Wolf2: 6/6

    "Good to know" Kiseki responded. "Pretty disappointing I'm having trouble against wolves" Kiseki joked. "I'm not entirely comfortable with the combat system yet. Hopefully I could still deal with one wolf." 

    Kiseki ran in at the remaining wolf while it was focused on Mack. He front kicked the wolf causing it to yelp. While the mob remained stunned from the surprise kick, Kiseki dashed and sliced two diagonal strikes that formed an X. The wolf quickly recovered and jumped at Kiseki with its fangs ready to bite his face. Kiseki sacrificed his free arm by putting it in front of his face to block the attack. The wolf would chomp its fangs onto Kiseki's arm causing Kiseki to watch his health bar drop. He kicked the wolf back causing it to let go. There was some distance between the two now.

    "So if you want to finish it off, be my guest. It's up to you" Kiseki told Mack. He seemed like he wanted to get the fight over with.

    Kiseki: 9/11 (-1)
    Wolf2: 3/6 (-2)(-1)

    -ID: 28802-

    • BD: 9
    • MD: 6
  7. Kiseki: 13/13
    Alpha: 8/8

    Kiseki made the first move. He felt stronger due to his level up. He was confident on taking out this wolf on his own. The alpha would watch as Kiseki dashed towards it. It'd crouch down getting ready to jump back for a dodge. Kiseki would immediately stop right in front of it. The alpha's balance was thrown off. Kiseki took this chance to make a uppercut swing on the alpha. The alpha tried resisting, but it couldn't. It however did quickly recover but tried to bite Kiseki. It's eyes opened wide as soon as it saw Kiseki about 5 feet away from it. Kiseki took a quick strike and quickly backed away. Looks like he gave the alpha a challenge.

    Alpha: 4/8 (-4)

    -ID: 28801-

    • BD: 10
    • MD: 1
  8. Kiseki: 13/13
    Alpha: 8/8

    Not a very good thing to meet the alpha of a pack. He just made it to the first floor and encountered one. Hopefully the challenge won't be too hard for him, but how could he know? An alpha of a pack is an alpha for a reason. Kiseki already struggles with other wolves. Clearly the alpha is meant to be harder since it's the boss of a pack. So to Kiseki, this could be a mini boss battle. Kiseki quickly unsheathed his scimitar and glared at the wolf. He threw his sword up in the air and caught it after it spun once. He got in position to attack and watched carefully. The alpha growled and snarled. It was tempting for Kiseki to strike.

  9. Kiseki reached Griswold's shop. He didn't only notice Griswold, but another NPC who was female. Kiseki learned that the NPC's name was Hanna and she'd be making the leather armor Kiseki is looking for. They talked for a while in order to decide the plan for Kiseki's brand new armor. Kiseki will have to go back to the first floor and enter deeper into the forest than usual. There were stronger wolves the deeper a player goes into the forest. If Kiseki wants stronger armor, he'll need stronger leather. He'll have to get the fur of wolves into the forest and have Hannah turn it into leather in order to sew it. Kiseki is hoping he can find black colored fur, but he doubts that'll happen.

  10. There were discussions of a quest on the third floor where Kiseki could get his own custom armor. He's level 5 at the moment and will need some enchanted gear pretty soon. It doesn't matter whether his gear is strong or weak, he's gonna need something that'll keep him alive. Running around with basic armor and weapons won't allow Kiseki to last long. That's why he must meet a master armorsmith named Griswold. The armorsmith is apparently and NPC who'll make armor for materials. Kiseki is gonna want a type of armor he could move around in quickly. He plans on being a player who uses speed as an advantage. Light armor will definitely help with that. Hopefully the quest won't be too much for him.

  11. Kiseki: 11/11
    Wolf1: 6/6
    Wolf2: 6/6

    Kiseki was watching the wolves carefully. He heard somebody call out to him and signaled a thumbs up. He was gonna try fight on his own for a bit, but once his health is halfway, he's gonna need the help. Good thing Kiseki knows his limits.

    One of the wolf ran in at Kiseki. It jumped and tried to bite at Kiseki's face. Kiseki noticed in time and brought his left arm up to block the bite. Probably not the best idea, but it was better than the face. The wolf let go after noticing an attempted swing by Kiseki. He focused on the other wolf noticing it was going for his legs. He quickly took a step to the side allowing to to run pass him. He'd turn and swing but the wolf jumped back out of Kiseki's reach. He jumped back allowing some distance between him and the wolves.

    "Well I guess I'm gonna need the help after all" Kiseki would say to himself. He turned towards the man who called out to him and would wave at him. Kiseki was hoping the man would come down.

    Kiseki: 10/11 (-1)

    -ID: 28515-

    • MD: 7
    • BD: 4

    -ID: 28516-

    • MD: 5
    • BD: 4
  12. Kiseki: 11/11
    Wolf1: 6/6
    Wolf2: 6/6

    Training alone can be a problem sometimes. Kiseki was attempting to fight a lone wolf he followed, but apparently he was sorta tricked. Once the wolf laid eyes on Kiseki, it howled bringing another wolf to him. Kiseki held his scimitar with one hand and kept it in front of him with his free hand ready for anything. He stared the two wolves down and kept his eyes on his health bar as well. He didn't see any other players earlier. He'll probably have to deal with this himself. It's only two wolves. Kiseki has handled them 1 on 1, but he was still unsure when it came to 1v2.

    "Great..." he'd say to himself.

  13. Kiseki was on the road back to Starting City. He felt like he's gotten the hang of the game. He made it all the way to level 4. That's a start, but it's not enough. He's still behind so he'll still have motivation to keep continuing. He's thought about getting some people to help him with training, but isn't completely sure yet. Perhaps a mentor would help him teach things. It probably won't be so efficient. Kiseki tends to act on his own either way. It's not like he'll listen to everyone he comes across. It just depends on what he hears is what he likes.

    {Roleplay Completed}


    • +1 SP
    • +400 Col
    • +2 Materials
  14. Kiseki: 9/11
    Wolf: 4/6

    The wolf ran in towards Kiseki again. Instead of jumping for the arm, it went for Kiseki's bottom half. Kiseki noticed this and stuck his left foot out with his knee bent. He used it as a block and let the wolf bite into his legs. The white cloth pants barely did anything, but it was fine. Kiseki saw his health bar starting to lower. He had to hurry and take this opportunity as the wolf remained vulnerable. He quickly slashed at its head while it held onto Kiseki's leg. The wolf ended up letting go, but was still left unguarded. Kiseki ran in with his scimitar and made more rapid swings at it until he noticed the wolf started to glow. As soon as the glowing started, he'd stop and watch as the wolf shattered. Apparently no menu popped up. How many wolves in a row has that been now?

    [Dead] Wolf: 0/6 (-2)(-2)

    -ID: 28428-

    • MD: 8
    • BD: 10
    • LD: 9
  15. Kiseki: 10/11
    Wolf: 6/6

    The wolf charged Kiseki. For some odd reason Kiseki decided to wait for the wolf. As soon as the wolf jumped and went for a bite, Kiseki pulled up his left arm and took the hit. The wolf ended the missing streak. The wolf was completely vulnerable allowing Kiseki to slash at the wolf's stomach. Kiseki's attack launched the wolf back. The wolf struggled to get up, but managed it anyways. Kiseki's attack clearly does more damage than the wolf's. The wolf limped forward a little into a position it was comfortable in. Kiseki stood still and waited for its next move.

    Kiseki: 9/11 (-1)
    Wolf: 4/6 (-2)

    -ID: 28380-

    • MD: 7
    • BD: 8
  16. Kiseki: 10/11
    Wolf: 6/6

    Kiseki and the wolf once again clashed. They both attacked at the exact same time. Kiseki however pulled back as soon as the wolf came in for a bite to the leg. Instead, Kiseki jumped over the wolf and tried to slash while the momentum carried him over his opponent. Too bad his scimitar wasn't long enough to hit the wolf. Both fighters were on the opposite side of each other with their backs facing each other. They quickly turned and got into an offensive stance. Perhaps the headbutt they gave each other is messing with their heads.

    -ID: 28379-

    • MD: 2
    • BD: 3
  17. Kiseki: 10/11
    Wolf: 6/6

    Both Kiseki and the wolf jumped at each other. Normally, something successful would have happened at a time like this. Instead, the wolf and Kiseki both bumped their heads against each other. Probably something very humiliating if other players were around to see. Maybe even if other mobs assuming emotions were programmed into them. Luckily for both Kiseki and the wolf mob, nobody was around. After rolling on the ground for a bit, both stood up and glared at each other. It'll be something to laugh at in the future. At least the winner will laugh looking back at it.

    -ID: 28369-

    • MD: 1
    • BD: 1
  18. Kiseki: 11/11
    Wolf: 6/6

    After the break Kiseki immediately purposely encountered a wolf. He taunted the wolf with his free hand causing to to snarl and charge. It was a very quick one. It already bit onto Kiseki's hand as soon as its anger was triggered. Kiseki tried swinging down on the wolf with his scimitar, but the wolf dodged by letting go. It would immediately dive in for a bit into the stomach, but Kiseki slid to the side causing a clear miss. Kiseki took this opportunity to hit the wolf's behind, but the wolf turned and rolled out of the way. It seems that this battle would be a test of speed.

    Kiseki: 10/11 (-1)

    -ID: 28367-

    • MD: 7
    • BD: 3

    -ID: 28368-

    • MD: 2
    • BD: 4
  19. It was probably a good time for Kiseki to underestimate himself. He didn't have full health and was about to go fight some monsters. Maybe he could win, but it'd be a risk. He was lying down on top of a hill with his weapon sheathed. He was feeling relaxed as he would stare at the sky. It was probably the afternoon. Kiseki was a little to lazy to check at the moment. If anything, he was just waiting for his health bar to go back to normal. It didn't take long luckily. It's because he barely took any damage from the wolf he fought.

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