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Posts posted by Endilix

  1. OOC Material Gathering:

    • ID: 32053
    • LD: 6 (Failure)

    Endilix winced a bit as he saw Flints come away with some thorns in her hand. He tried his best to smile as he said, "Well, probably best to avoid bushes. Unless they're berry bushes. Berry bushes might have some good materials for food something." Speaking of a berry bush, Endilix found one next to where Flints was and rustled around in it, pulling out a couple of berries. He looked at them, Not nearly enough to craft with. Oh well. "Unfortunately, it seems that my luck has run out," he said with a chuckle to Flints.

    He then turned to Silvermist, not wanting for him and Flints to go off and leave the little man all alone with the high levels. "What about you? Are you going to watch the high levels fight or join us in gathering?"

  2. Endilix was a bit nervous because his brother seemed to have such a great head start in terms of professions, and so when he was asked about his own profession, he turned a bit red and crossed his arms as he sank into his chair by the fire. "Well, I mean. I'm gonna try and cook. I don't know if I can make things as good as that potion, but I'll certainly try." Endilix looked at the two of them and accepted the order sheets from Emerath, stuffing them in his inventory to perhaps notate a request for something later. "And as Emerath already knows, my shop is right next door. What kind of a coincidence is that, eh?" 

  3. Emerath and Endilix vs. Boar 1

    • ID: 32021
    • BD: 2 (Critical Failure) -2 EP
    • MD: 8 (Success)
    • Hate Generated: +1

    The boar seemed pretty angry at this point, which was understandable considering Emerath had just taken out the vast majority of its health using some rather well placed kicks. Endilix had to give his brother credit for that one. It was a solid hit. The boar wouldn't let it go unanswered however, as it charged forward and rammed Emerath in the chest. Endilix, not one to take an attack on his brother lightly, shouted and ran for the boar, his hammer on an upward swing. It came up and whiffed entirely past the boar as it did a bit of a weak side tumble. Him and the boar both grunted at each other, the boar eyeing the brothers with its beady little eyes.

    Combat Results:

    • Endilix: 12/12
      • Energy Regen +1
      • EP: 0/3 -> 1/3 -> 0/3
    • Emerath: 20/20 -> 17/20
    • Boar: 2/10
      • Hate: Endilix (3), Emerath (3)
  4. Emerath and Endilix vs. Boar 1

    • ID: 32019
    • BD: 2 (Critical Failure) -2 EP
    • LD: 10 
      • [Even Hate: Boar target - Endilix 1-10/Emerath 11-20]
        • Target: Endilix
    • MD: 3 (Failure)
    • Hate Generated: +1

    Endilix sighed as his brother tripped, and grabbed him by the collar as he scrambled backwards to make sure he was on his feet and ready to go again. The boar eyed the brothers with its beady little eyes, seeming to size up the two combatants. Finally, it charged at Endilix with a squeal, and Endilix did a leap to the side as he dodged the charge. He did a roll and was back on his feet again, as he eyed the boar. While it had its back turned, Endilix took the chance to attempt a strike, and he ran at the boar. He brought the hammer down, but wasn't quite fast enough as the boar side-stepped it and the hammer slammed into the ground next to it, sending a dust cloud into the air.

    Combat Results:

    • Endilix: 12/12
      • Energy Regen +1
      • EP: 1/3 -> 2/3 -> 0/3
    • Emerath: 20/20
    • Boar: 10/10
      • Hate: Endilix (2), Emerath (1)
  5. OOC Material Gathering:

    • ID: 32009
    • LD: 16 (Success) +1 Crafting Mat

    Since Flints didn't seem to really be grasping the idea of gathering, or perhaps just wanted to wait for someone else to do it first, Endilix thought it might be best to lead by example. Endilix looked around him for anything familiar that he might've actually gathered before. He bent over in the grass and began to run his hand through, until he pushed aside some of the taller grass to show some sprouts popping up out of the ground. It was some tea leaves, and Endilix was delighted as he grabbed the material. He showed it to Flints and Silvermist, excited. "Here you go! Some tea leaves I can use to make tea. Gathering is as simple as that!"

    Endilix listened as Jomei and X discussed the idea of combat. Endilix was starting to warm up to Jomei. The man seemed to feel the same way as Endilix in terms of helping others. X on the other hand seemed to be a bit reckless, and possibly dangerous. He claimed to have been in a two month coma, but honestly that just sounded fishy. And like the beginnings of a trap. He was more than happy to let the two go fight something while the rest of them stayed safe.

  6. Endilix wasn't entirely comfortable around higher levels he didn't know. In a game with actual real life consequences, a normally happy and social person became cautious of every stranger he'd normally be happy to see. It was even worse in a situation like this. Endilix could defend himself in real life. But the MMO law of numbers would mean that a higher level could just end his life with one swing. Endilix shook his head with a sigh, and couldn't seem to relax despite that Flints seemed to trust the high levels, at least for now. He followed the woman, but kept his hammer on his shoulder, always ready.

    "You're looking for something that you can use to make a product of crafting," Endilix said, "The world seems to be fairly freeform and often materials can be used for multiple professions. Just run your hand through the grass, and you might find seeds, or a solid rock to make a basic weapon with. You never know!"

  7. Emerath and Endilix vs. Boar 1

    • ID: 31921
    • BD: 4 (Failure) -2 EP
    • Hate Generated: +1

    Endilix rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but chuckle at his brother. "Alright then, I'll lead the charge," Endilix said, as he pointed his hammer at a boar nosing around through a nearby bush, probably looking for berries or other morsels. He nodded at Emerath and then readied his hammer as he ran towards the boar. He had thought that hitting a target that wasn't even aware of your presence might be easy, but it turns out that it wasn't. At the last minute the boar pushed its way through the bush and Endilix's hammer went slamming into the ground behind it. The boar didn't even seem to register that it had been attacked, as it snuffled around on the other side of the bush. "Wha?" was all Endilix managed to stammer.

    Combat Results:

    • Endilix: 12/12
      • EP: 3/3 -> 1/3
    • Emerath: 20/20
    • Boar: 10/10
      • Hate: Endilix (1), Emerath (0)
  8. Endilix had honestly ended up letting his mind wander as a crowd began to form around them. Flints had oddly been taking up the role of leader, despite that Endilix was the higher level of the three, but it didn't really bother Endilix in the slightest. As Silvermist had talked about his plans to become an alchemist, Endilix gave him a smile and a nod, "Good plan, little man. My brother is an alchemist. Maybe you and him should sit down and talk about chemistry and stuff sometime."

    As the other new people showed up, Endilix was able to tell that these men were not newbies at least, due to the familiars and the fact that they were wearing actual armor. He kept his war hammer hefted onto his shoulder and at the ready, just in case. Last thing he needed was his new friends and him being led into a dangerous trap by some higher level players. He flexed his hand on the grip as he watched the pup run up to Flints and get excited, before he answered the initial performer, Jomei, "I'm honestly just exploring. Getting a lay of the land, finding materials where I can. And I happened to find these two."

    He gave a polite nod to X, but past that, he resigned himself to keeping quiet for now, and letting Flints take the lead. Endilix did find himself taking a bit of a protective stance between the higher levels and Silvermist, just in case. He was certain Flints may be able to handle herself. Silvermist, he wasn't so sure.

  9. Endilix cocked his head at the woman, "Oh, there are plenty of ways to level. Professions are great when you're low level. Gathering is safe and easy, and you can even make money! I'd almost say leave the dangerous stuff to the frontliners, but I would want to be one someday, so I can't say combat is all that bad. Also, I never got your name."

    Endilix then turned back to Silvermist and gave a bit of a laugh at being called a giant. Endilix was actually considered short in most cases, but he was certainly the tallest of the three here, which threw him off a bit. He wanted to reach down and ruffle Silvermist's hair, but he supposed that could be taken the wrong way, so he held off. Instead Emerath thumped his chest with his free fist and said, "Don't worry, if I'm gonna be a giant, I had better be ready to protect the smallfolk. That's why I tried to catch you guys before you did something too dangerous."

  10. OOC Gathering Attempt:

    • ID: 31811
    • LD: 13 (Failure)

    Endilix finished his stretches and thought it might be time to go take care of fighting a real enemy, now that both him and his brother seemed to be relatively rested after their duel. "Shall we go find a suitable boar to kill then?" Endilix asked as he started to make his way out into the field, certain his brother would follow. As he walked he continued to scan the ground for any suitable materials, but nothing was making itself noticeable. It's also entirely possible that Endilix just wasn't looking hard enough, but he had other things on his mind.

    Additional Notes:

    • OOC Health Regen: 10/12 -> 12/12
    • EP Regen: 2/3 -> 3/3
  11. Endilix was a bit taken aback by the woman shouting, but he waved it off, "There will be more kills. Trust me, there is no shortage of killer boars." Endilix raised an eyebrow as the woman's entire demeanor changed and her voice even seemed to be different. Lighter and sweeter somehow. Endilix was fairly certain he would need to keep an eye on this one, but he hoped that he was just being cautious. Endilix flipped his hammer in the air in response to her comment about his weapon choice, "This old thing? Well, I do love me a good hammer. But I could do with an upgrade, that's for sure. This starter junk just won't cut it after a while."

    Endilix then turned his attention to Silvermist, and considering Endilix was Endilix when the woman said their names, that must make this little guy Silvermist. Endilix gave him a smile, "You know, my brother used to be really quiet too. Now he's louder and it annoys me most of the time. I don't think it's all that bad to be quiet. Though, I can't help but wonder why. Perhaps you're just shy?"

  12. Endilix looked at the smaller man a bit confused as he gave him hand gestures. The intended message was clear enough, but he wasn't sure why he was using gestures in the first place. A mute? he thought to himself as he shrugged and was a bit confused that the woman hadn't even noticed him. Instead she seemed to be too focused on the littler man behind her.

    "Level one, huh?" he asked, confirming the details before taking a few more steps towards the two, "Definitely dangerous. Do you want help hunting? I could use some partners that aren't my brother. He can be incredibly insufferable sometimes. Otherwise I'd be happy to help gather some materials for crafting, if professions are more your thing."

    As he got closer, Endilix realized that he hadn't introduced himself. "Oh, and I'm Endilix by the way. It's nice to meet you."

    ((OOC: If you think Endilix is a giant, you had better hope Silvermist never meets Mack!))

  13. OOC Gathering Attempt:

    • ID: 31802
    • LD: 5 (Failure)

    Endilix rolled his shoulders as he got feeling back in his chest and arms. "Yeah, I suppose that is one thing that I can give you. I always was the PVPer of the two of us. You never did like how frustrating it could be when other people out-geared you or were just outright better," Endilix said, poking some fun at his brother. "Enjoy your victory while it lasts, I'll catch up," he added as he bent down and stretched a bit to see if he could get some more blood flowing throughout his body. As he knelt down he ran a hand through the grass to see if he could find anything noteworthy for crafting, but unfortunately there was nothing.

    Additional Notes:

    • OOC Health Regen: 7/12 -> 10/12
    • EP Regen: 1/3 -> 2/3
  14. Endilix had been practicing in the north field, and he was currently in the middle of stalking a group of boars. He hadn't really noticed how close he was to the north gates but as he passed by the gates he happened to notice a couple of fresh players standing there, seemingly eyeing the same boar he was. Endilix had paused as he blinked at them. The boar he had been following, which seemed to know that Endilix was following it, but as a passive mob hadn't made any moves to attack, turned and gave Endilix a grunt. Endilix shushed it out of instinct and then decided to make his way over to the low levels. Not that he could really speak, he was only level 3 after all. But that was why he was here to train, right?

    Endilix approached the two and stopped a short distance away from them. "Hey!" he started, "What level are you?" He smiled at them and hefted his war hammer onto his shoulder. "If you're just now taking the time to explore, I'd recommend gathering to level rather than boar hunting. It can be dangerous for low levels to hunt, even on this floor. Especially alone."

  15. Endilix groaned after taking the heavy hit from Emerath. He felt like he had a couple of broken ribs, but of course that was just the impression of severe pain that the game was placing on him. He would heal in time, and nothing would actually be broken. Endilix coughed and sat up. "I wasn't... expecting that," he said, through another groan as he held his chest where the fading red fist shaped marks were.

    After a few moments of catching his breath from the heavy hit, Endilix slowly stood up. He put his hammer back in the straps at his hip and gave another heaving breath as he started to feel the out of combat healing begin to kick in now that the duel was over. He looked to his brother and smiled, "Alright, you win this one you cocky bastard. Just you wait until I level up some though and get some gear."

    Additional Notes:

    • OOC Health Regen: 4/12 -> 7/12
    • EP Regen: 0/3 -> 1/3
  16. Emerath vs. Endilix

    • ID: 31684
    • BD: 5 (Failure) -2 EP

    Endilix just wanted to end this now and get his brother off his high horse before he found it in him to win this duel. He didn't like that Emerath was acting this way, and perhaps if he knocked some more sense into him it would bring things back to normal. Levels didn't mean everything, and Endilix was fairly certain he had proved that with his first strike. But it wasn't enough, as Endilix took a swing at Emerath and he simply dodged out of the way. Perhaps Endilix was too eager to end the battle. He cursed himself and readied the next strike.

    Combat Results:

    • Endilix: 12/12
      • Energy Regen +1
      • EP: 1/3 -> 2/3 -> 0/3
    • Emerath: 12/20
  17. Emerath vs. Endilix

    • ID: 31681
    • BD: 10 (Critical Success) +2 DMG
    • Sword Art Activated: Upper Swing 2x1 (-2 EP)
      • Total Damage: (2 Base + 2 Crit) * 2 = 8 DMG

    Endilix was honestly getting tired of how smug his brother was acting. He readied his war hammer as he waiting for the duel timer to count down. As soon as it said "GO!" Endilix charged Emerath with a battle cry, which seemed to catch Emerath entirely off guard, despite that he had given Endilix the first attack. Endilix's hammer began to glow as he ran in and swung his hammer in two upward swings that connected with Emerath square in the jaw, sending him backwards and up into the air. He saw Emerath's HP bar drop considerably from the attack, but not quite to half. Endilix threw his hammer in the air with a flourish, before catching it and readying himself again. "You were saying, brother?"

    Combat Results:

    • Endilix: 12/12
      • EP: 3/3 -> 1/2
    • Emerath: 20/20 -> 12/20
  18. Endilix shrugged at Emerath's question, as he moved into the makeshift dueling ring. "I'll start it. Since you're a higher level, I think I could use the first hit advantage." Endilix popped up the PVP screen, and put in Emerath as the target for a duel. Settings set to [Half-Loss] as win conditions. He sent the duel request to Emerath for an acceptance of the request and terms as he pulled his war-hammer out of the straps on his hip. He hadn't been expecting Emerath to fight bare handed, but Emerath didn't actually prepare a weapon, so that was all he could assume. He really has changed a bit. This is never something he would've done in real life.

  19. Endilix looked his brother up and down as he made his way out into the hills and fields. He has grown so much, in such a short amount of time. I've never seen this side of him. The more Endilix thought about it, the more he thought about the fact that it was actually Emerath who was leading the two of them rather than the other way around, like normal. Generally Emerath was the smart one, and Endilix was the one who stood in front and took care of all the leadership stuff. Not that it bothered Endilix. He just wanted to catch up at this point, and at least Emerath was hanging back enough to help him do that. He hoped it was because Emerath actually cared and not just because their lives were on the line, but it was hard to tell with his brother.

    After following Emerath a bit through the hills, Endilix finally said, "Actually, I'd like to fight you first."

  20. Endilix made his way to the first floor at his brother's request, and although Emerath probably meant well enough, the way he came across with his attentions was a bit abrasive. It wasn't that he minded his brother having the upper hand and being farther along in the game. He figured one of them had to be and why not Emerath? That was usually how these things went. But that didn't mean that Emerath had to rub it in his face. But Endilix still went anyway, because he cared, and he wanted to prove himself to his brother.

    He found Emerath exactly where he asked him to be, and walked up to him. The man that is his brother had certainly seemed different in this game. He had grown in ways that he had never seen Emerath grow in real life. A part of him was impressed, and the other was worried. Endilix hoped his brother didn't change too much. He wasn't sure how he would be able to deal with that.

    "Brother? You asked me to come?" Endilix asked, as he approached, not sure if Emerath had noticed him coming.

  21. Endilix stepped into the steadily warming shop and brushed as much more snow from him and his clothes as he could, though most of it was melted through and damp at this point. He picked a spot as close to the fire as possible to try to get feeling back in his hands and feet. He picked up some tea and took a sip. It wasn't great, and it was obvious that it was some bland stuff that some NPC had made. But Endilix shrugged, it was warm, and it was better than nothing.

    "This is a very nice shop, Er- Emerath." he said, catching himself and switching to his brother's in game name. He congratulated Emerath on his great craft and thought to himself about how he was hopeful that he could create great things like his brother. He wondered how many customers Emerath actually got. The shelves weren't completely stocked, and it was hard to tell if that was because of many customers or a lack of crafting.

    Endilix relaxed on the bar stool and leaned over the bar, looking over at Teion, "I'd probably be interested in a good set of heavy armor and a nice war hammer. I'll pay, of course. Once I can make some good money."

  22. Endilix was still a bit upset from the entire ordeal, but he was happy to see a familiar face besides his brother's. "So, I didn't realize that you would be here," he said, attempting to move past the conflict in his own way. It was put so matter-of-factly, almost as if Endilix didn't want to believe it was true. Another person I may need to protect and put my life on the line for. Endilix almost wished she weren't in the game. That she were out at work, living through another day with their overbearing boss.

    Endilix sighed as he looked at the struggle played out in the snow. Most of it was just tossed around snow, but one specific instance of the brothers rolling around looked almost like snow angels that kids would make. Twin snow angels... Endilix thought to himself as he looked at the indentations in the snow. We really shouldn't have been fighting. It's too dangerous here to be bickering over stupid things.

    Endilix ran a foot through the snow angels, erasing their existence, before moving towards the shop that Emerath owned and heading inside.

  23. Endilix gave a bit of a shudder in the snow, as he lay there and felt the full force of the cold on his bare skin. His fingers had started to go a bit numb, and his face and nose were completely red. But when Emerath said it was Endilix's fault, Endilix sat up and protested immediately. "Oh no! Don't you pin this on me! If you weren't such a stubborn, pig-headed, ungrateful and anti-social-" he pointed at Emerath, before pausing and looking over at his friend on her knees in the snow. He then looked back to Emerath, and started to stand up, brushing the loose snow from his body. He held a hand out to Teion. "I'm sorry, let me help you up."

  24. Endilix took the momentary pause in Emerath's struggle to flip things around and pin his brother to the ground. He held the scarf tightly and was now the one pushing Emerath's face into the snow. "Haha! Got you!" he shouted, before he registered the reason for his brother's pause and looked over at the girl standing there in the snow. Endilix didn't look much better than Emerath did, in terms of how tousled his hair was and his clothes being all over the place. His beanie had been lost somewhere in the snow and his coat had been thrown off in a rage. "Wait, Teion?" he asked, confused, as he continued to pin Emerath down in the snow.

  25. Before Endilix had time to react or retort, he was flat on his back in the snow, with his brother sitting on top of him. He grunted and grabbed Emerath by the shoulders and tried to push him off, but Emerath would not budge. He wrapped his arms around his waist and attempted to do a counter tackle. The problem was, since the city was a safe zone, there was nothing Endilix could do that would actually cause damage to his brother, making using too much force impossible. He grunted again and gave a heave to the man on top of him, which pretty much just resulted in the two of them rolling around wildly in the snow.

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