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Posts posted by Hans

  1. Hans' grin grew wider as she presented the weapon to him. He thought the price she offered seemed low, but he would gladly accept. Besides, he hadn't established good relations with another crafter yet (save for Emerath), and getting on a blacksmith's good side would surely do him good. "Gladly," He grinned again, opening up a trade window and entering the col. "If you ever need use of a Merchant's shop, drop by the third floor--I'll have some good prices for you." He added.

    (-1,000 col, +Obsidian Fang)

  2. Hans could tell Manta looked more experienced than him. He considered her counter-offer before nodding in agreement. He had the materials to spare, and the total amount sounded fair for the two rare items, Besides, he had a reputation to build! "Alright, I accept." He said simply, opening up the trade window and placing the col and materials in.

    (-500 col, -2 materials, +Coat of Evasion, +The Daedric Armor)

    • ID#: 35964
    • LD: 5 (no loot) (4 total)

    He had apparently exhausted the stash of loot the bushes held, as more prodding didn't get him any more. He sighed, disappointed, but still glad he had managed to pick a couple up in a short amount of time. He shrugged to himself and moved on. He didn't want to stay outside of the city for very much longer, so he decided the fighting he did earlier would be all for today. He made his way back to the starting town, content with the day's progress.

    • ID#: 35963
    • LD: 19 (1 crafting material) (4 total)

    Hans must have found a small section ripe with food-type ingredients, because he managed to find enough to receive a second material. He had gotten a couple of different types of fruit from the bushes now. He suddenly decided that gathering wasn't all bad, at least when luck was on his side. These would be great for trading later on, so he continued poking around to see if he could get any more materials from the area.

    • ID#: 35960
    • LD: 16 (1 crafting material) (3 total)

    After a few minutes passed, Hans sat up to keep himself from dozing off. The weather was nice on the first floor--it was always sunny, but not too hot. It was making him feel lazier than usual, so he regrettably forced himself to his feet. He wandered over towards some wild foliage, spotting some bushes that looked out of place in the scenery. He inspected a bit closer, and found it was actually a berry bush, allowing him to gather some as a cooking material. Surprised and pleased with his find, he picked some up.

  3. Hans sauntered into the blacksmith shop, pulling at his collar to cool himself down from the sun's heat. He spotted a purple-haired girl behind the counter conversing with what looked like another customer. He waited until their exchange was done and then held up his hand in greeting. "Oi, you're Emerath's friend, nya?" He was quick and to-the-point. "He told me you made a nice dagger. Are 'ya still selling it?" He leaned forward with a grin, eager to get his hands on a new weapon.

    • ID#: 35955
    • LD: 14 (no loot) (2 total)
    • Out of combat regeneration (3): Hans' HP: 15/16 -> 16/16
    • Energy Restored: 4/4

    Hans lazily opened up his inventory, scrolling around until he pulled out a water from his beginner's pack. He could tell the "food" was just included for fluff--nothing here was truly the same as the real world. He shrugged and tried drinking it. The empty container shattered and disappeared when he was finished, and he leaned back against the grassy ground again. He stared up at the simulated sky with a pessimistic frown. At least he was free to do anything he wanted here. The thought of going back to the real world was almost a disappointment.

    • ID#: 35934
    • LD: 11 (no loot) (2 total)
    • Out of combat regeneration (2): Hans' HP: 12/16 -> 15/16

    Hans tried his luck searching the immediate area for more materials, but didn't have any luck. With a shrug, he sighed again lightly and just took the time to relax. He folded his arms behind his head and gazed up at the sky, his messy bangs falling to either side of his face. He squinted as the bright light shone in his eyes. He thought about getting up and starting another combat, but he was far too comfortable as a light breeze brushed against his cheeks.

    • ID#: 35931
    • LD: 15 (1 crafting material) (2 total)
    • Out of combat regeneration (1): Hans' HP: 9/16 -> 12/16

    Hans took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. He sheathed his dagger and stretched his arms over his head, feeling out game's regeneration kick in. He took a seat in the grass and just took a minute to enjoy himself after the battle. His hand slid across something solid and heavy, and with a bit of confusion he dug into the ground a bit to pick up a chunk of ore. With a satisfied grin, he dropped the material in his inventory.

  4. Hans waved back at Zandra and another new face entered the shop shortly after. As the girl approached and offered up two items for sale, he grinned. "I'm always interested in a good trade," He started, examining the pieces of equipment she offered. "How does 950 col for both sound?" Honestly, he wasn't yet well-versed in the different types of equipment, so he was mostly guessing what they'd be worth.

  5. Hans chuckled through his catty grin. "Oh, don't get me wrong." He replied. "That's just how you play the game." He shrugged innocently. As Zandra told him what she wanted in exchange for the mass of items, his eyebrows raised and he took on a more serious expression, although it was partially shrouded by his messy blue hair. He eyed the trade window she opened up, caught off guard by the amount of items she dropped in. Although, a dimensional backpack wasn't cheap, and he would have to build up the money just to stock one to sell to her. "Well, I have to admit it may take me some time to get your pack," Hans handed over the materials and basic whip as she requested, accepting the trade. "But I can put these items to good use. I'll have to send you a message when I've got it ready for you." He grinned again, suddenly eager to start on a challenging order.

    (-100 col for a basic weapon [Whip], -4 crafting materials, +116 col, +46 good items, +16 bad items, +1 EXP)

  6. When Hans heard the shop's door open he turned, seeing two women had just entered. The first mentioned trading items, which piqued his interest, causing him to lean forward over the counter as Zandra approached. "Nyaa, I'm always in the market for items to trade." He grinned. "But you couldn't be here on an act of charity--what are you looking for in exchange?"

    A red-haired girl had also approached the counter, setting a basic whip down as she wanted to trade a dagger for it. Hans' golden eyes flashed with interest, inspecting the dagger in question until he realized it was also just a basic weapon. He caught himself before expressing his disappointment, and shrugged, "One basic weapon for another--it's a deal." He replied, opening up the trade window and accepting the exchange on his side. Perhaps he was too eager to get an upgrade for his own dagger.

    (-100 col for a basic weapon [Whip], +1 basic weapon [Dagger], +1 EXP)

  7. "Nn, I can imagine." Hans replied, letting out a sigh. "Not to sound rude," He began, waving a hand lightly, "But I've hardly been out to explore, let alone searching for treasure chests." He was a bit embarrassed, but didn't let it show. "What exactly are we looking for out here?" He frowned, scanning the rolling fields. There were some forested areas in the distance, but everything in front of them was mostly open grass and some boar mobs. He didn't think there would be any treasure hiding out here in plain sight.

    • ID#: 33651
    • BD: 8 (Success)
    • LD: 3 (1 crafting material, no loot)
    • Hans' HP: 9/16
    • Boar's HP: 1/8 -> 0/8

    Hans rushed forward, driving his dagger directly through the boar. It squealed loudly before bursting into a flurry of light and pixels. He stopped for a moment as the realization set in that he had defeated the mob. The notification that popped up before him alterted him back to his surroundings--"1 crafting material obtained", it read. Hans grinned with satisfaction. It wasn't much, but it was loot.

    • ID#: 33650
    • BD: 4 (Fail)
    • MD: 3 (Fail)
    • Hans' HP: 9/16
    • Boar's HP: 1/8

    As Hans adjusted his footing and prepared another strike, the boar's large tusks swung sideways and deflected his attack, clanging loudly as the steel met the sturdy ivory. He scowled in disapproval as attack missed, glancing up at the boar's tauntingly low health bar. He grit his teeth and took a couple of steps back, repositioning himself. He gripped his dagger firmly, preparing himself for another strike--one that he hoped would be the last.

    • ID#: 33648
    • BD: 7 (Success)
    • MD: 2 (Fail)
    • Hans' HP: 9/16
    • Energy: 2/4 -> 0/4 (Side Bite)
    • Boar's HP: 3/8 -> 1/8

    After the clash, Hans moved in again, his dagger glowing bright yellow as he mimiced the sword art. He came forward, delivering another two strikes in quick succession, landing a direct hit on the boar. He dodged the monster's tusks as it attempted to retaliate. With a grin, Hans twisted his blade between his fingers, watching the boar's HP drop dangerously low. But it still wasn't enough--another hit was sure to end it.

  8. "N-nyah?!" Hans exclaimed when Opal told him how wrong his prices were. A bit of red crept across his cheeks as the grin fell to a look of dismay. He brought a hand over his mouth to hide his embarrassment and tried to recover. "V-very well..." Hans completed the trade, still embarrassed, but grateful that the woman didn't take advantage of the situation. Obviously the research he had done on vouchers was either outdated or just plain wrong. It didn't help that Merchant didn't seem to be the most popular of professions.

    -1 VIP Voucher
    +1300 Col

  9. Hans' tilted his head to the side, his bangs falling slightly to reveal a bright yellow eye that looked at her under her hood while she spoke. His expression never changed as he replied, "Yeah, I've got one." He reached underneath his counter to pull out a container which held different vouchers. He held up a VIP Perfect, speaking again, "This would cost 650 col or seven materials. But if you have any basic items to trade, I could lower the price."

  10. When the redheaded man approached, Hans raised a hand in greeting. "Nya, Emerath, how's the guildmaster life treating you?" Hans teased, though there was a note of seriousness in his voice. He pushed off the wall as the two of them headed outside of the city walls. 'Treasure Hunt, nyeh?' Hans thought lazily. He was still new, so he had no map data and had never found treasure in SAO before, so he wasn't sure where to start. He'd have to wing it. With a shrug he placed his hands in his pockets and strolled into the grassy fields, ignoring the stray passive mobs nearby.

    • ID#: 33507
    • BD: 9 (Critical Success)
    • MD: 5 (Success)
    • Hans' HP: 12/16 -> 9/16
    • Energy: 4/4 -> 2/4 (Side Bite)
    • Boar's HP: 7/8 -> 3/8

    With a wild grin, Hans got to his feet and his dagger began glowing bright yellow. He rushed forward, delivering two quick slashes that hit his opponent head-on. Despite the boar's thick hide reducing some of damage, it still took a large hit and its HP dropped quickly. The boar quickly retaliated, striking him back. With a smirk, Hans calculated the boar's remaining health and steadied himself to strike again.

  11. Hans turned at the sound of the door swinging open, as he had been preoccupied with rearranging things to his liking. A girl approached and stopped at the counter. Hans lifted his hand up in greeting turning to face her with a grin. "Nya, hey there. Looking for something specific?" Hans got the impression this person wasn't here to just browse.

    • ID#: 33376
    • BD: 7 (Success)
    • MD: 9 (Critical Success)
    • Hans' HP: 16/16 -> 12/16
    • Boar's HP: 8/8 -> 7/8

    Hans eyed another boar that looked stronger than the last he faced, grinning as he twisted the blade in his hand. He ran up to the creature and landed a solid blow to its side, lodging his dagger in its thick hide. His grin quickly faded as the beast twisted violently, throwing him off balance. The boar used its full weight to throw Hans to the side, the dagger quickly loosening as the man fell to his side with a heavy thud. He growled, quickly picking himself up to his knees and gripping the dagger's handle firmly and preparing to strike again.

    • Hans' HP: 13/16 -> 16/16
    • ID#: 33374
    • LD: 8 (no loot)

    Pulling his arms up and lacing his fingers behind his head he stretched a bit, letting out a wide yawn. Hans continued half-heartedly looked around in the grassy area, trying to spot something obvious that would present itself to him as a crafting material. Naturally, his lackluster efforts produced nothing at all. Finally giving up, he pulled his dagger from his belt once more, figuring he might as well try his hand at combat again.


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