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Posts posted by Hans

    • Hans' HP: 10/16 -> 13/16
    • ID#: 33373
    • LD: 5 (no loot)

    Hans slipped his dagger back to his belt and scanned the area. He figured he could maintain a fair pace of fighting and foraging, at least while the out of combat regeneration kicked in. He strolled lazily across the fields, taking in the scenery for a moment while he kicked around the dirt, "searching" for any useful materials that might be laying around. Coming up with nothing, he frowned, looking over the other copies of boars roaming around and wondering how much effort he would have to put in to making a profit out here.

    • ID#: 33368
    • BD: 8 (Success)
    • Boar's HP: 1/4 -> 0/4
    • LD: 6 (no loot)

    Hans brought the knife across him and slashed cleany across the boar's body, dropping the last of its HP to zero as it burst into a flurry of light and pixels. He let out a sigh, both glad the ordeal was over with a minimal amount of damage to himself, and a lingering frustration that he hadn't received any loot. He assumed the mob was too low-level to drop anything for him normally. He really needed to spend the money on higher-quality gear in order to for him to stand a chance.

    • ID#: 33367
    • BD: 3 (Fail)
    • MD: 5 (Success)
    • Hans' HP: 13/16 -> 10/16
    • Boar's HP: 1/4

    Hans cursed under his breath. As his blade was close to piercing the boar it began flailing wildly, strike the dagger's tip and throwing his blade off course. The boar's other tusk grazed his arm, leaving another bright red mark. Hans growled again in displeasure, twisting his knife in his hand and bringing the weapon across his body.

    • ID#: 33366
    • BD: 6 (Success)
    • MD: 3 (Fail)
    • Hans' HP: 13/16
    • Boar's HP: 2/4 -> 1/4

    At least Hans proved to be good at evading the boar's mild attacks. He brought down his knife once more, leaving another red gash near the monster's face and its HP dropped down to one-quarter remaining. It looked like the beast only had one hit left before it would drop. Hans took a couple of quick steps back before quickly rushing the boar, aiming to thrust the blade and finish it off.


    • ID#: 33365
    • BD: 9 (Critical Success)
    • MD: 2 (Fail)
    • Hans' HP: 13/16
    • Boar's HP: 3/4 -> 2/4

    Hans twisted around and swiftly landed another hit on the boar, easily avoiding its counterattack this time. He was pleased with the large gash left along the boar's back, but watching how little its HP dropped from a critical hit only annoyed Hans. The creature looked to be taking the bare minimum amount of damage from his strikes, which led him to believe his gear was too low level. Or his basic attacks were just crap.

    • ID#: 33364
    • BD: 6 (Success)
    • MD: 7 (Success)
    • Hans' HP: 16/16 -> 13/16
    • Boar's HP: 4/4 -> 3/4

    Hans quickly ran past his target, the blade making a clean slice on the boar's hide. Unluckily for him, the boar struck him as well, landing a clean hit along his side. Hans knew his HP pool was larger than the boar's, but he couldn't help but feel that the animal hit much harder than him. He cursed himself for running around with starter gear, but growled and took his aggression out on the mob as he turned back for another strike.

  1. As Hans approached the western gate, he stretched his arms over his head and lazily pulled out his dagger from his belt. He twisted and twirled it around in his hand, getting a feel for the metal in his hand before taking a firm grip. He wasn't far out of the city's safe area before he came across a long, winding field with boar mobs scattered about. His usual grin curled across his face again as he easily spotted one to make his target. Tightly grasping the handle of his dagger, he quickly rushed forward to strike the beast.

  2. Hans made his way towards the city's gates, preparing himself for a venture beyond the safety of the walls--grinding boars. He'd been putting off combat for a while now, and while he's preoccupied himself with his shop, joining a guild, and essentially everything but fighting, he figured it was about time to put his dagger to use. He was annoyed he couldn't find much better in the stores he stopped to glance at on the first floor, but as such a low level he couldn't be too picky. Maybe once he'd farmed a bit and collected some extra col he could afford to place a custom order for a nice dagger. He grinned at the thought, pointed teeth pronounced below the messy blue hair covering his eyes.

  3. Hans strolled through the plaza of the Starting City, leisurely making his was to the East Gate. As he walked, he swiped his hand to bring up a menu, then navigated to his message. He re-read the conversation between him and Emerath--talking about the guild, and how his first assignment would be a treasure hunt with a high-ranking guild member. Conveniently, since the guild was just made official, the brothers held the highest statuses among the handful of new recruits. He sighed, dismissing the messages, figuring he might as well get started sooner rather than later. He shoved both hands in his pockets as he reached their meeting point at the end of the city. He glanced around, not yet seeing the redhead waiting for him. Leaning up against a wall, Hans relaxed, waiting patiently for the guildmaster to arrive.

    • ID#: 33229
    • CD: 12 (Perfect Item)
    • Obtained 1x VIP Perfect Voucher
    • Lost 2 basic items (3 remaining)

    With his first order coming through, Hans took the last of his basic items to trade, hoping to fill the order quickly. On his first stop, the merchant NPCs apparently desperately wanted the items he had brought, quickly handing him a VIP Perfect voucher in exchange. He wasn't sure how to react at first, but considered it a win. Not the exact item he was looking for, but hopefully he could sell it at a nice price later.

    • ID: 33230
    • CD: 6 (Good Item)
    • Obtained 2x Uncommon Vouchers
    • Lost 2 basic items (1 remaining)

    In the last rounds at the marketplace, Hans' luck turned sour. He grumbled a bit as the last pair of items he had for trade only got him another two Uncommon vouchers. With a sigh, he shrugged and started heading back to his own shop, figuring he could've done much worse today. He'll have to scrounge up some more items for trading tomorrow.

    • ID#: 33094
    • CD: 7 (Good Item)
    • Obtained 2x Uncommon Vouchers
    • Lost 2 basic items (7 remaining)

    With his newly-obtained items for trading, Hans began trading the common potions for vouchers. His first stop proved useful, gaining him two uncommon vouchers. He still grumbled, as he had hoped for better, but continued on to another NPC with another set of common items.

    • ID#: 33099
    • CD: 9 (Uncommon Item)
    • Obtained 1x Rare Voucher
    • Lost 2 basic items (5 remaining)

    His second stop was more successful, earning him a single rare voucher, which he thought to be more valuable than two uncommon. With a content sigh, he trudged back to his shop after a busy day of trading, looking forward to relaxing and lazing about until tomorrow.

  4. Trade Accepted

    • 9 basic items obtained (5 Good, 4 Bad)
    • 4 materials traded

    Hans grinned and placed the four crafting materials into the trade window, pressing the Accept button. Remembering the guild they had just finished recruiting for, Hans remarked, "Once the guild has been established, I'll have to implement guild pricing." He figured he could lower his prices a bit if it meant getting more customers. Connections really were everything, in both real life and online.

  5. Hans put a hand to his chin, weighing the man's offering and determining a good price. "If it's materials you want... For nine basic items, I can give you four materials." He thought it was a fair deal, and gave him plenty of items to start trading for vouchers. He placed his hands on his hips, hoping Emerath would like the offer, and ideally become a repeat customer if they could work out a good system. Hans would need to find a good way to acquire materials, though. They would probably be in high demand with all the professions the game offered.

  6. "Pff--" As Emerath backed away, Hans couldn't contain himself. "Nya ha ha ha!" He laughed, clutching his sides. "That was great!" He exclaimed, taking a moment to regain himself. "I'm joking of course," He finally continued, resting his arms on the counter again, flashing his usual grin. "But if you want to buy, or have things to sell or trade, you've come to the right place." His expression soon turned sour as he glanced over at the various wares on the shelves. "I can't offer you much but the basics right nyow, though."

  7. Hans had been poking about, finishing the set-up of his newly-acquired store. He heard the noises of someone entering and turned around to take a look. Despite his messy blue hair covering his eyes, he grinned when he saw Emerath approach. "Nya ha, Emerath!" He greeted him, looking around the store proudly as he walked over to the counter. "Glad you like it!" He rested his arms on the sturdy wood and leaned over the counter, his yellow eyes visible through a part in his bangs as he was uncomfortably close to Emerath now. His voice lowered in volume as he spoke again through his catty grin, "So... You got the goods?"

  8. Hans took the charter from Emerath and signed it, returning it with a smirk at the scene that played out. "Nya ha ha," He laughed in amusement, figuring now was good a time as any to bow out. "Well, I'll be setting up my shop on the third floor." He gave a wave as he turned, purposefully leaving out any other details. "Head by sometime." With that he weaved through the crowds of people, quickly disappearing in the busy plaza.

  9. [Item Appraisal]

    Base Cost. If you provide the materials, the base cost for the appraisal is free. I sell materials for 500 col each--feel free to purchase any I may have and I'll use those. This completely depends on if I happen to have any materials in stock.

    Result Cost. Once the appraisal is finished, an added cost depends on the result and (on a success) the type of enhancement applied.

    • Locked or Retry: If your item is locked or I couldn't add an enhancement, I will not ask for further payment.
    • Success:
      • Normal Success: Any normal enhancement added is 500 col.
      • Unique Success: Any unique enhancement added is 2,000 col.
  10. [Custom - Available for Purchase]

    These are all items I've acquired. Lemme know if you want something special, it'll be put in the Custom Orders section down there.


    Uncommon Voucher [Quantity: 28] - Use to re-assign the enhancements on an uncommon item.
    Cost: 200

    Rare Voucher [Quantity: 6] - Use to re-assign the enhancements on a rare item.
    Cost: 450


    [Custom - Orders] 

    Here are the orders I'm working on. Place an order whenever and I'll tell you about how long it'll take me to make or find it.


  11. 20120317131030_FZcvf_thumb_600_0.jpg

    Among the streets of Delilah Village there lies a Merchant's shop slightly off from the surrounding stores and taverns. On the outside the building looks generally approachable, but once inside the atmosphere changes to a dimly-lit store, leaving one to wonder if the building was still inhabited. 'Alley Cat Stash', the sign outside the door read, as if it had been scrawled onto the wooden sign. If you're looking to buy, sell, or trade you've indeed come to the right place. The shop owner Hans may come off a bit strong, but he would never turn down a good deal.

    [Merchant Info]

    Rank: 3 - Experienced Merchant
    EXP: 193


    [General Store]

    Here are all the general store items.


    Antidote Potion - Cures the target of one Condition. Requires a post action.
    Cost: 1,100 col

    Healing Potion - Heals the user for 15 Hp. Requires a post action.
    Cost: 880 col

    Field Rations - Grants +2 MAX HP for duration of a thread or one roleplay day. Requires a post action. Cannot be used in combat or if threatened. [TEMP BUFF Cook] +Max HP
    Cost: 264 col

    Immolation Potion - Grants the user rank 2 thorns. (Opponent suffers 4 DMG on opponent BD: 6-8 if you were a target of their attack and are hit.) Duration: 5 Posts. Requires a post action. [TEMP BUFF Alchemy] +Thorns
    Cost: 440 col

    Basic Teleport Crystal - Returns the caster to the primary safe zone location of that floor. Requires two post actions to complete teleportation. Example: You use the crystal on your first post, but do not teleport away until your next post.
    Cost: 2,200 col

    Basic Armor - Generic good quality armor. Provides no enhancement bonuses but may be used to gain the benefit of armor skills. All types available.
    Cost: 110 col

    Basic Weapons - Generic good quality weapons. Provides no enhancement bonuses. All weapon types available.
    Cost: 110 col

    Dimensional Backpack - Adds +1 to player carry capacity. (This item does not take up an equipment slot) May only ever have one Dimensional Backpack at any given time.
    Cost: 11,000 col

    Custom Fishing Rod - Gives a +1 CD to the fisherman who uses it.
    Cost: 2,200 col

    Custom Instrument - Gives a +1 CD to the performer who uses it.
    Cost: 2,200 col


    Recording Crystal - Can be used by anyone to record sound, later voice or time activated.
    Cost: 880 col

    [Junk Sale]

    If you've got stuff you don't need, I'll sell it off for you.


    Uncommon Items
    Gains: 90 col

    Rare Items
    Gains: 180 col

    Perfect Items
    Gains: 360 col


  12. As Emerath considered his words and gave his reply Hans displayed his wide grin, which seemed a bit more genuine. His raised a hand up slightly, "All right! I would be willing to join." Glad that they understood one another, Hans shifted his weight again, frowning as he came to a realization. "I assume everyone here is pretty low-level, right?" He sighed, also annoyed with his own lack of skill. "We'll probably have to do some leveling once this is all established, huh?" He grumbled as if it was a pain, but grinding levels always was his least favorite part of video games.

  13. Hans listened as Emerath gave his a brief rundown of their guild's plans. As he leaned in to tell him more, Hans grinned, standing upright and placing his hands on his hips as he laughed. He looked back at the man, his bangs falling to the side slightly to show a bright yellow eye flashing with interest, "Hans is my name." He grabbed Emerath's outstretched hand, deciding he wanted to see how this turned out. He liked their plan of being a guild for information gathering and sneaking around. At least they would actually be rogue-like, as their name suggested. "Nyaa, I have to say I'm interested." Hans continued, placing his hands back in his pockets and shifting his weight for a more laid-back stance. "Of course, I'm not a fan of doing anything for free. Do you plan to take on bounties, or sell your information?" He knew well that guilds in MMOs tended to pool their resources, but at least those kinds of activities allowed for a cut of a profit. In terms of finding a group to progress with, this was beginning to seem like his best bet.

  14. Hans flinched as he realized he'd been spotted, both annoyed and embarrassed that he had been caught watching the group. a red-haired man waved and called out to him, forcing him to close his menu and push off the wall. He approached Emerath, hands in his pockets, and the man's words brought Hans' lips into a catty grin. "Nya ha ha!" He cackled, "Dapper Rogues?" The way he repeated the name sounded almost condescending. "I don't know about that first part, but if it's a Rogue's guild you're forming, I have to admit I'm interested." His last statement was genuine, despite his aloof attitude. Hans was closer now, at a normal distance for the two to hold a conversation. Hans placed his hands on his hips and leaned in slightly. "So? Just what is this band of characters all about?" He pryed, tilting his head towards the other red-head and interesting cast of guild members they've accrued so far.

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