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Status Updates posted by Nirvana

  1. Is anyone available for RP? Could use some under my belt.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Seul


      Yeah, stuff is usually pretty cool. If you wanna make it you can.

    3. Zelrius


      I would offer, but it appears you've already gotten a bit busy. No big deal, message me if you're interested and have the time.

    4. Nirvana


      Cool cool. I can handle things, but everyone should expect a post tomorrow :) Appreciate the offers~

  2. Is that a profile picture I see? OwO

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Opal


      He just might be more strict on the rules than the others. He is a mod after all. 

    3. Vasth


      Haha I know him in real life his very lazy >.o

    4. Vasth


      I would think he would let it slide

  3. Coming this Sunday: Nirvana actually posting for once in her life.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Koumori


      Yayyyyyyyy. She returns :D

    3. Nirvana


      Oppppaalll <3 I promise it will

      Yeah I'm back but super lazy so Sunday was the day I chose.

      Oppppaalll <3 I promise it will

      Yeah I'm back but super lazy so Sunday was the day I chose.

    4. Koumori


      Aww don't be lazy :'(

      Aww don't be lazy :'(

  4. Lots of bomb threats at my school today... Only means more work tomorrow >.>

    1. Takao


      lots? like, more than one?

    2. Nirvana


      6 districts targeted, mine being the main one. Our elementary school, middle school, and high-school are bunched together so all of them were threatened at once.

  5. For those I owe a post, just give me a few more days before hunting me down. Thank you.

    1. Koumori


      That's unacceptable! Reply to our thread by tomorrow. 

      Haha I'm only kidding, we don't even have a thread together!! Sorry I just had to :b

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