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Posts posted by Ebony

  1. Ebony entered her shop and began to craft. She ended up frowning the whole time, and even when she managed to craft one of her orders she was still frowning. It had been a terrible day for crafting, at least in her opinion, with only a few uncommons, and 1 rare. At least she had fulfilled a little bit of Zandra's order. 

     ID# 49887 results:

     Craft: 7+1=8 Uncommon

     ID# 49888 results:

     Craft: 7+1=8 Uncommon

     ID# 49890 results:

     Craft: 4+1=5 Good

     ID# 49891 results:

     Craft: 6+1=7 Good

     ID# 49892 results:

     Craft: 3+1=4 Bad

     ID# 49893 results:

     Craft: 9+1=10 Rare



    Adventurers ring


    Accuracy x2




  2. Ebony smiled as things really seemed to get moving as they entered the boss room. She knew that she wouldnt have much time to do anything, so immediately after Zandra healed Zelrius, she got in behind him and placed her hands on his back momentarily, healing him wordlessly before steping back to let the others do their own thing. She was a bit upset at Zerius actually. It seemed like they had been doing things together, and then one day she just stopped seeing him. She still wasnt about to let him die though.

     ID# 49867 results:

     Battle: 4 Disregarded

     Craft: 5+3=8 Success! 220 x .20= 44+10 (Lifemend)=+54

    <Rohk, the Predatory Avian>

    HP: 298/1,200 

    Mitigation: 80

    Accuracy: 4

    Evasion: 4

    Immune to Stun and Paralysis.

    Mitigates 50% of the damage from Critical Hits and Thorns (all variants)

    Emperor Precision- 0/10 Cooldown

    Raptor Falcon: 0/300 | Mitigation: 0 | Evasion: 4 | Damage: 85 (+1 Materials to Manta)

    Raptor Falcon: 300/300 | Mitigation: 0 | Evasion: 4 | Damage: 85 

    Amber Egg: 300/300 | Mitigation: 100

    Amber Egg: 300/300 | Mitigation: 100

    Amber Egg: 300/300 | Mitigation: 100

    Amber Egg: 300/300 | Mitigation: 100

    Amber Egg: 300/300 | Mitigation: 100

    Amber Egg: 300/300 | Mitigation: 100

    Amber Egg: 300/300 | Mitigation: 100

    Amber Egg: 300/300 | Mitigation: 100

    Battle Order:

      Hide contents

    [Hate: 2] Zelrius: 210/220 (+54) E: 23/50

    [Hate: 2] Manta: 144/144 E: 23/36

    [Hate: 1] Oikawa: 153/153 E: 24/37

    [Hate: 0] Lowenthal: 128/128 E: 30/32

    [Hate: 1] Azide: 148/148 E: 21/37

    ~Rohk, the Predatory Avian~

    [Hate: 1] Ssendom: 169/169 E: 29/41

    [Hate: 0] Mack: 121/121 E: 26/29

    [Hate: 0] Macradon: 125/125 E: 28/30

    [Hate: 1] Takao: 165/165 E: 29/40

    [Hate: 5] Tristan: 243/277 E: 43/43 (-34)

    [Hate: 0] Zandra: 156/156 E: 39/39

    ~Rohk, the Predatory Avian~

    [Hate: ?] Ebony: ???/??? E: ??/??

    [Hate: ?] Shizuka: ???/??? E: ??/??

    [Hate: ?] Opal: ???/??? E: ??/??

    [Hate: ?] Calrex: ???/??? E: ??/??

    [Hate: ?] Ariel: ???/??? E: ??/??

    ~Rohk, the Predatory Avian~

    [Hate: ?] Cora: ???/??? E: ??/??

    [Hate: ?] Jomei: ???/??? E: ??/??

    [Hate: ?] Hikoru: ???/??? E: ??/??

    [Hate: ?] Baldur: ???/??? E: ??/??

    [Hate: ?] Brax: ???/??? E: ??/??

    ~Rohk, the Predatory Avian~

  3. Ebony was excited for this boss battle, mainly because it was happening so soon after the last one. They were moving quickly for once, and she was excited that she might be getting out of this game soon now. Well, sooner. If they kept going at this rate they would be out within half a year or so. She doubted that they would be moving that quickly, but this was most certainly a start. She equipped her new glove, her rose, and her armor, in preparation for the fight ahead.



    HP: 104
    ENG: 26
    DMG: 3

    Life Mending: 10

    Combat Craft: 3
    MIT: 57 (Skill+Equipment+Potion) (3+27+27)

    One Handed Dagger: 2

    First Aid: 5 

    Heavy Armor: 1

    At the Ready Inventory:

     1x Potion of Heavenly Mending, (When used recovers 15%(rounded up) of your missing health)

    Banner of Inspiration: 3 Charges, empowers you and three other players in a party with +20 overhealth for 1 battle. To refill 1 charge costs 5,000 col
    Banner of Superior Support: 3 Charges. When used, the Banner of Support heals up to 4 players, including the user, a maximum of 30 HP. Once used, the Banner of Support changes from a red to a gray color and begins to go on it's 10 turn cooldown. To refill 1 charge costs 5000 col


    Ebony Rose: +3 Combat Craft

    <Soul's Repentance>, Light Armor -(Life-Mending 2) Life-Mending increases healing done from any source produced by you by (5 * Slots used) {Life-Mending costs 2 slots per 1

    Impenetrable Gauntlet: +27 Mit



  4. Ebony walked into the meeting room in the Azure Brigade Guild Hall. She glanced around in awe, having never been here before. She should have expected something so large and extravagant from the elitist guild, but for some reason she hadnt. The white glove on her right hand continued to make her feel safe and protected though, as it had since she had first put it on in Ariel's shop. She wasnt as nervous as she might have been otherwise, but she wondered if that was really worth it. She knew that Shizuka wanted it, and she didn't want to make it seem as though she was rubbing it in the other supports face. She didn't take it off though, and instead took a seat off to the side.

  5. Ebony turned her full attention back to the man. "No need to apologize. It's just that us craftspeople usually use the materials we're payed with to craft your order." She explained. She gathered up the materials that he had payed with and headed into the back to see if she could complete his order quickly. She game back out a few minutes later. "Sorry, no luck today. I'll pm you when I'm successful." She said.

     ID# 49022 results:

     Craft: 7+1=8

     ID# 49023 results:

     Craft: 1+1=2

     ID# 49024 results:

     Craft: 9+1=10

     ID# 49025 results:

     Craft: 2+1=3

     ID# 49026 results:

     Craft: 6+1=7

     ID# 49027 results:

     Craft: 6+1=7




    Name:  John Cena Accuracy Boost

    Your Profession: Artisan

    Your Rank: 5

    ID:  48955

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Lucky Charm

    Quality: Perfect

    Tier: 1

    Enhancements: +3 Accuracy

    Description:   Who is that? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a person? Wait, it's neither of those... It's JOHN CENA!!!! And he's here to give the owner a super awesome accuracy boost with this item!!!!!!!!! Du du du duududu



  7. Ebony continued to organize her items when she heard a call from the counter of her shop. She exited to see a player, who had already filled out a form. She looked it over momentarily. "I can make that, but I need payment in advance. I'm only accepting mats right now." She explained. A few moments later a child walked in and filled out his own order form, giving her some materials. "Just give me a second." She said to the two of them, heading into the back to see if she could get the kids order done quickly. Within a minute or so she was back with the kids item. "Here you go, come again." She said, handing it to him. 

     ID# 48955 results:

     Craft: 12 Perfect

    -1 Mat, +8 EXP

  8. Ebony glanced up from her HUD to see Hikoru enter her shop. She smiled and pulled out the pendant that she had just crafted for him, handing it over to him. "Yeah, here it is. It didn't take me very long, and I hope that it serves you well." She said to him. "You already paid, so you're good to go." She said with a grin, the glowing white glove on her hand standing out against the black of her shirt and hair. 

  9. Ebony smiled and set up her own side of the trade, tapping the accept button. Now she finally had a leg up on the other supports, if only for a short while. She nodded to Ariel. "Thank you. The look doesnt really fit my style, but the effect certainly does." She replied to her, slipping the glove on before exiting the shop, wondering if she'd be able to find a party to scout the fourteenth floor, or if the parties had already been created and set out.

  10. Ebony wandered into the tailors shop, her hand holding onto the necklace that she had received from the Christmas boss. She had recently changed her mind pertaining to a deal that she had planned to have with Lowenthal. Now she thought that she might be able to trade it for the item that Ariel had received in the Christmas boss fight. She walked up to the counter and placed the item on the counter. "Hey Ariel, I was wondering if you'd be up for trading that item you got from the boss for this?" She asked, removing her hand.

    Shining Icicle, Accessory Trinket, +3 Loot Dice, +1 Prosperity

  11. Ebony smiled and nodded to Zandra as she entered. "I can do that for you, but I really just need materials." She replied to her before turning to Lowenthal, the man who she had been messaging about his skill. She pulled the necklace out of her inventory and glanced at it momentarily, wondering if there was a way that she could get a better deal. She was trying to help her friend Manta get stronger, but judging from the description on his unique, she didn't really think that that would help at all. "Now that I see it up close, I dont really think it will help all that much." She said with a sigh, placing the icicle back in her inventory.




    Name: Eclipsed Pendant

    Your Profession: Artisan

    Your Rank: 5

    ID:  48786

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Lucky Charm

    Quality: Perfect

    Tier: 1

    Enhancements: +1 Evasion, +1 Accuracy, +1 LD

    Description:  A necklace of strong black leather, with a black crescent moon hanging, with small swirls or dark purple in the moon itself.



  13. Ebony smiled as Hikoru entered her shop and set down some materials. She had been running low lately, and she still had a surprising number of orders to complete. She actually wondered if half of the people who had ordered from her still wanted their orders. Still, when she had materials she could do an order incredibly quickly. She grabbed six of the materials and headed into the back, working her magic on them. Only one became a perfect but that was enough.

     ID# 48783 results:

     Craft: 7

     ID# 48784 results:

     Craft: 6

     ID# 48785 results:

     Craft: 5

     ID# 48786 results:

     Craft: 12 Eclipsed Pendant

     ID# 48788 results:

     Craft: 7

     ID# 48789 results:

     Craft: 7

    +5 Good items

    +24 EXP

    -6 Mats

  14. Ebony smiled. Yay, people were injured! That really wasnt something that happened too often outside of these fights after all. She pulled out her Banner of Superior Support from her inventory and slammed it down in front of her, the banner glowing red until it's effect had fully activated, upon which it  changed to a dull grey color. She would show Shizuka and Zandra that she could heal just as well as them.

    Banner of Superior Support used: +30 HP to 4 players including the user. Charges: 2/3 Cooldown: 10/10 tums   Targeted: Ebony, Macradon,Tristan, Zelrius

    Soulseething Avarious DEAD

    Leothiel the Fallen Protector 733/1150 «Stunned»
    Mitigation 25
    Thorns 15
    Ignores Evasion with attacks
    Aura of Protection: All damage that is dealt to Avarious will be rerouted to Leothiel, players can interrupt this as long as Leothiel is Paralyzed or Stunned. (Does not trigger Thorns. Only direct attacks at him do so.)

    Tristan 257/257(+30) 42/42 H: 4
    Zelrius 200/200 (+30)E:23/50 H: 1 -Stun-
    Ebony 104/104 E (+30): 24/26 H:0
    Manta 156/156 E: 21/34 H: 1
    Shizuka 116/116 E: 29/29 H: 0
    Calrex 290/290 58/58 H: 0 
    Ariel 173/173 42/42 H: 0
    Jomei 157/157 38/38 H: 0 (Safeguard)
    Zandra 148/148 37/37 H: 0
    Opal:  136/136 || 22/34 || <<Safeguard>> || H: 1
    Lowenthal 116/116 ||14/30|| Feeling Fine || H: 1
    Mack 104/104 24/26 H: 0
    Macradon 104/104 (+30) 13/26 «Safeguard» H:1 | Thorns, -15 Health.
    Ssendom 153/153 -15 + 86 (45+40 Berserker) 13/37 EN -24

  15. Ebony raised an eyebrow, seeing the outfit that the girl was wearing, just before she pulled the cloak further around herself. With an outfit like that, maybe the girl worked in that tavern. "Thats most taverns, not this one." She explained to the girl before reaching down and grasping the young girls hand, pulling her in the opposite direction towards a different, more friendly looking tavern. She had been planning to celebrate her soon to be acquirement of that unique anyway. "Here, I'll show you a better tavern than that."

  16. Ebony heard someone speak next to her and she turned with a smile. But by the time she had turned around the young woman was already past her, heading towards one of the rougher taverns. She turned and ran after her, wanting to make  sure that that was really where the girl wanted to go. The woman just had an incredibly innocent look, and Ebony couldn't believe that she was planning on entering that tavern of all places. She placed a hand on the girls shoulder. "You dont really want to go in there, right?" She asked with disbelief.

  17. Ebony exited her shop on the fourth floor, smiling as she thought about the unique skill that she was supposed to be acquiring in a few days. She had been in contact with a player who apparently didn't want it for themselves because it cramped their style. From what she had heard, pretty much everything about the unique sucked, except for the dagger that came with it. Anyways, she was happy with it. The skill was supposed to make it difficult to garner hate, which was exactly what Ebony wanted as a support. She didn't actually think of the skill as a unique, as it didn't really seem to do anything all that useful, but she was getting it anyway. Maybe the game would update sometime and the skill would get better. She walked away from her store, and towards the center of town, looking to do some shopping.

  18. Ebony followed Tristan and Zelrius into the room, expecting the fight to be over before she even had a chance to do anything. Everyone had heard of the incredible damage dealing abilities of Zelrius, so she was more than surprised when the boss was still standing there after his attack. She wasn't a damage dealer, but nobody was hurt yet, so she prepared to just do a basic attack. Every bit counted in these fights. She charged forwards, sending a quick job at the boss. She tripped over her own feet though and fell flat on her face before sprinting her way back behind Tristan and Zel. It looked like Manta was up next, hopefully she would have better luck.

     ID# 48377 results:

     Battle: 2 Miss

    Avarious the Soul Stealer 22/520
    Mitigation 15
    Immune to Fallen and Holy Damage
    Avarious Cannot be Stunned or Paralyzed

    Tristan 257/257 42/42 H: 4
    Zelrius 200/200 E:23/50 H: 1
    Ebony 104/104 E: 24/26 H:0

  19. Ebony smirked, glancing at the people who had killed the rest of souls for them. She didn't really care who they were, so long as she still got her rewards. She unequipped her shield and armor, and leaned against a wall, waiting for the others to start heading towards the cathedral. She wasn't about to head to the cathedral by herself, who knew what was going to go down there soon. She wasnt going to be alone then.

  20. Ebony smirked and made her way to the cathedral, wondering who those two people had been. She didn't much care who they were, but they had taken out the last of those spirits, so she was glad that they had shown up. She sighed, wondering how long it would take this time for everyone to show up so that they could fight this new boss. She was bored with all of this, and couldnt believe that they were still on such a low floor after all of this time. With a frown she adjusted her shield on her arm and messed around with the rest of her equipment in preparation.

    HP: 104
    ENG: 26
    DMG: 3

    Combat Craft: 3

    Paralyze: 2
    MIT: 57 (Skill+Equipment+Potion) (3+27+27)
    Regen: 9

    One Handed Dagger: 2

    First Aid: 5 

    Heavy Armor: 1

    At the Ready Inventory:

     1x Potion of Heavenly Mending, (When used recovers 15%(rounded up) of your missing health)

    Banner of Inspiration: 3 Charges, empowers you and three other players in a party with +20 overhealth for 1 battle. To refill 1 charge costs 5,000 col
    Banner of Superior Support: 3 Charges. When used, the Banner of Support heals up to 4 players, including the user, a maximum of 30 HP. Once used, the Banner of Support changes from a red to a gray color and begins to go on it's 10 turn cooldown. To refill 1 charge costs 5000 col


    Ebony Rose: +3 Combat Craft

    Obsidian Rose: +2 Paralyze, +9 Regen

    Impenetrable Gauntlet: +27 Mit


     ID# 45535 results:

     Craft: 9+1=10 Rare

     ID# 45536 results:

     Craft: 9+1=10 Rare

     ID# 45538 results:

     Craft: 2+1=3 Fail

     ID# 45539 results:

     Craft: 4+1=5 Good

     ID# 45540 results:

     Craft: 5+1=6 Good

     ID# 45543 results:

     Craft: 10+1=11 Rare

    -6 Mats

    +26 EXP

  22. Things seemed to be going pretty well, at least on the health front. No one had been injured so far, although Daerons luck was bound to run out soon, and at least one of the souls was bound to hit him eventually. She only hoped that he had the mitigation to deal with it. When it was her turn she rushed in and twirled, her dagger hitting four of the creatures but barely dealing any damage. She moved back and the remaining seven souls attacked him. Five of the souls missed completely, but one got in a glancing blow, and another hit him head on. Thankfully it looked like his mitigation was plenty to de3al with that. It wasnt much damage, but she would heal it her next chance anyway.

    Ebony's Roll:



     ID# 44660 results:

     Battle: 8 Hit!


    Darkened Souls:



    44667 8 7 5 5 Ebony Msg_hover2.png 2016-01-08 10:31:33
    44666 2 8 17 10 Ebony Msg_hover2.png 2016-01-08 10:31:23
    44665 1 1 14 3 Ebony Msg_hover2.png 2016-01-08 10:30:58
    44664 3 12 19 3 Ebony Msg_hover2.png 2016-01-08 10:30:42
    44663 3 3 15 1 Ebony Msg_hover2.png 2016-01-08 10:30:31
    44662 3 12 7 1 EBony Msg_hover2.png 2016-01-08 10:30:18
    44661 8 11 2 6 Ebony Msg_hover2.png 2016-01-08 10:30:06


    Rebekah 133/133, E: 18/32, H: 1
    Daeron 174/176, E:27/29, H: 7   (-3 mit, 3/3 turns)
    Zero 108/108, E: 25/27, H: 0
    Emerath 64/64, E: 9/15, H:1
    Opal 124/124, E: 1/31, H:3
    Jomei 133/133, E: 16/30, H:2
    Macradon 82/82, E: 5/18, H:1
    Ebony 96/96, E: 21/24, H:1

    Darkened Soul 1: 95/260 (Cannot be Stunned for 2 turns) (-1)
    Darkened Soul 2: 95/260 (Cannot be Stunned for 2 turns) (-1)
    Darkened Soul 3: 95/260 (Cannot be Stunned for 2 turns) (-1)
    Darkened Soul 4: 95/260 (Cannot be Stunned for 2 turns) (-1)
    Darkened Soul 5: 259/260 (Cannot be Stunned for 2 turns)
    Darkened Soul 6: 0/260
    Darkened Soul 7: 260/260
    Darkened Soul 8: 260/260

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