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About CaptainUndead

  • Birthday July 8

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  • Location
    California, USA
  • Interests
    Gaming, Roleplaying, story telling, fantasy world

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  1. There need to be a rule that state for every OP, if someone wanted the SP they have to make at least 3 post of more in that thread. You can't just walk into an OP, place down some words in a sentence then leave and get the reward with no effort.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. CaptainUndead


      Trust me Kazu.... I'm being civil right now. You won't be able to imagine what I can become once someone pissed me off. And on record, don't worry, you can't possibly achieve such a thing without the help of joining in an OP, place down one meaningless threads that barely could contributed anything and then left. Now, as much as I would like to continue our "discussion". I won't turn this into a flame war. It's not worth my time to do so, as I have places to be, and work to complete.

    3. Amira


      Undead, I think your making conflict where there shouldn't be any. As much as your reply is talking about not wanting to fight, it feels to me as though it's antagonizing. Let the lazy person be lazy, it'll come back to bite them when no one wants to do threads with them.

    4. Kazukaro


      Just relax bro, do those lazy posters effect you in any way?

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