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Posts posted by Rag

  1. I charge at my enemy my sword ignited with the power of a sword art. He charges at me and we all laugh manically. "Die self!" I scream my eyes a fiery red rage. My movements fuelled by rage at my self, at this world, at everything. I prepare to kill him with my move <Linear.>> I slam down with all my power and I hit. I will win. I will kill everyone who has every denied me. And I will be the would hero

     ID# 40117 results:

     Battle: 8

     MOB: 6 -1 evasion

    rags: 14/20 2/5

    gemine: 12/20 0/5

  2. "I like July cause I could have a job at my dads court house and the 13 because it is a cool number. Okay that works." I say. As she talks about this lindow person I raise a eyebrow. "This lindow guy sounds great. Is he by any chance still alive?" I ask looking around for the boss. I didn't know what to expect and I really hoped this thing wasn't to tough. As I walk my foot gets caught in a roots grasp and I slam onto the ground. 

  3. I yawned as I woke up from a chair in my store. Business had been slow and my luck had been terrible but I needed to just stick with it. I dusted off the counter and checked my order list again. I grab my flute ready to play as I wipe sleep from my eyes. The entire time the song sucks and I wonder if it's even worth it to play. This luck was terrible. As soon as I got over it I bet I could make some col.

     ID# 40107 results:

     Battle: 7

     Craft: 3

     Loot: 13

     MOB: 2

    -1 mat

    +1 fail item

    I decide to play again. Hopefully this time I can make something of value. Maybe a rare or even a perfect. I begin playing my eyes closed praying to every God to make something of value. Of course to no avail I make another bad item.


    +1 bad item

     ID# 40108 results:

     Battle: 5

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 9

     MOB: 9

  4. My health dropped below his. I prep my sword activating <<Rip Ravine>>. We both jump at each other and I smile. I scream random words like Happy birthday, or hello there. This distracted both of us and we all failed. I look around as we fall back. If I lose then I would die. And I can't let that happen.

    Rags: 14/16 2/5

    Gemini: 16/20 2/5

    ID# 40063 results:

     Battle: 1

     Mob: 1

  5. I jump at my enemy as he jumps at me. "Die you son of a [Censored to ensure a environment safe for all ages]" he jumps at me. I activate <<Rip Ravine>> just as he activates the same move. My face contorts in a angry fit of rage as I scream gibberish. I miss but he hits even though my evasion. My health bar depletes below his. This was going to be tough.

     ID# 40029 results:

     Battle: 4

     Craft: 11

     Loot: 12

     MOB: 9

    Rags: 14/20

    gemini: 16/20

  6. I jump back and prepare to attack with the move <<Linear>>. The mimic mimes me charging at me while I charge at it. I had a feeling that my it couldn't copy my gear which gave me the upper hand. We rush at each other and I wink just as it winks. This was creepy. My blade and his blade sink into each other's. I jump back smiling. It's healthbar depletes more though. Proving my theory correct. 

    ID# 40027 results:

     Battle: 7

     Craft: 5

     Loot: 12

     mob: 7

    Rags: 18/20 3/5

    Gemini: 16/20 3/5


  7. I draw my blade as the doopleganger draws his. I smile wickedly. "This should be therapeutic, get to kill myself without really killing myself." I say raising the Stunning Fleuret. "Die [Censored to ensure family friendly environment]" I and it say charging at each other. Are swords clash matching each other. "I am also apparently amazingly talented." We mutter. 

     ID# 40026 results:

     Battle: 3

     Craft: 11

     Loot: 20

     MOB: 3

    Rags: 20/20 3/5

    Gemini: 20/20 3/5

  8. I walk through the woods. The birds chirp on this whole new floor. I had never been here before. It was cool. The is that each floor is a whole new world. And each one had its own unique data. Suddenly some sort of player appeared. "Hello, would you like to duel?" The player asked a smile I just couldn't trust branding his face. "Just a simple first strike no big deal. In fact if you win I will give you something, intresting." This player said. "Fine, you seem okay." I say. A message appears with a duel request. I accept and the player transforms. Into me. With all my gear and everything. "Damn, I am good looking." I mutter as it says I have made a terrible mistake. 

  9. It had been a day and I was ready to play! I kicked out my feet and put them up. I was determined to make the best song ever. Or atleast something to help my order. I begun playing. I could only hope they where good. It wasn't terrible but I was able to clear it so I didn't lose any mats.

    +1 bad item

     ID# 39986 results:

     Battle: 5

     Craft: 6

     loot: 16

    I was ready to play again but I bet I just needed to take a short break from playing and tidy up. I swiped off the dust from the tops of the cabinets and cleaned off my flute. Now I was ready to play. The song was good but it wasn't great. I put it away in the back. I had this idea for the good items.

     ID# 39989 results:

     Battle: 8

     Craft: 9

    -1 mat

    +3 exp

  10. Shacking my clothes the water flew off as the coldness created into my body. I walked down a well trodden patched and reminiscent of my life so far in this game. I had met so many great people. Tenshi, Ebony, Red. In fact I should probably meet up with Red some time. Now that I was stronger we could really do some hunting.

  11. I ran through a river water splashing up above my waist and soaking my clothes. I slipped on a stone and fell in. My body began sinking to the bottom I open my eyes and scream. Bubbles float out of my wide mouth and float up to the top. I notice a intresting object at the bottom and swim towards it. This object is a dead fish and as I grab at it it explodes. I swim back to the top of the water gasping for air.


     ID# 39887 results:

     Battle: 3

     Craft: 8

     Loot: 3

     MOB: 6

  12. I make a mad dash as the sun dips below the artificial horizon. Each step sends shivers up my bones and I feel every little dump through my shoes. I wipe the hair out of my eyes as the sun blinds me. It's then when I notice something cool and I walk towards it. But this interesting flower is dead and not worth my time. 

     ID# 39856 results:

     Battle: 2

     Craft: 8

     Loot: 4

     MOB: 2

  13. I set down and grab my flute. I begin to play. This felt good. I hadn't played in a couple days and I needed to get on that order. I played the flute wonderfully as the music echoed through the tube and came out the other side to form a sweet melody. But I failed and frowned.

     ID# 39831 results:

     Battle: 7

     Craft: 5

     Loot: 12

    I decide to try again and this time focus all of my energy and power into the song. My feet tap yo the beat and I close my eyes as I play going of the perpared sheet music. But I failed. The music was a sick screeching sound and I made a sad face.

    39832 craft:5

    +2 bad songs

    +2 exp

  14. The fastest I had ever run. Even in the real world. My legs pumped as I moved and a warm burning sensation filled my body. I het a massive ravine and jumped over it doing 1 flip by using my <<Acrobatic>> skills. I landed on one knee on the other side and my eyes caught a shiny stone just sitting there. But it turned out just be any other stone and didn't count as a mat.

    3983 2 6 5 


  15. So far things had been fine. I dashed through the plains. I activated my <<Sprinting>> ability dashing through the grounds. I leaned forward as dust flew behind me. It was the fastest he had ever run. He was running at what seemed like 1200 miles an hour. He slid to a stop when he saw something interesting. And looked to grab it. As he touched it it shattered in his hands.

    39782 10 7 1 5 Rags Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-22 16:54:36


  16. I had gathered so many mats but I still needed more. I walked through the dried up grass. I kicked a clod of grass and it went flying ahead of me. As it hits the ground it shatters into a billion of tiny shards and I run up to another and kick it. It flys up hits the ground shattering. I notice a cool flower and I walk towards it. As I reach towards it but I destroy the flower by accident.

     ID# 39778 results:

     Battle: 1

     Craft: 9

     Loot: 4

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