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Posts posted by Rag

  1. The nepent was massive. It swung it vine arms and it closed its massive top then it flew opened again. It's flung shut out and spun in a circle. It drew its vines up and to the side perparing to swipe on each side. The monster flew its vines at me but they got knotted together. I laughed at this as he tried to untie its self. 

     ID# 38863 results:

     MOB: 1

    rags: 13/16 energy: 2/4

    LN3 5/8

  2. I prepare to charge the attack <<Rip Ravine>>. I jump up and prepare to jump. As I do this I miss terribly and fall back. I fall back and prepare climb myself up. I prepare to try to defend. My body should be aching but it's not. Everything feels fine except for the fact that there is no pain in this game.

     ID# 38842 results:

     Battle: 2

    rags: 13/16 energy: 2/4

    LN3: 5/8

  3. I notice in the distance a abnormally large Nepent. I begin walking towards the creature spying on it. It was definitely larger. And it defiantly looked stronger. I perpared to attack it activating the attack <<Linear>>. I charge down the hill in a straight line per icing the monster. It roars as I draw my blade out from it and perpared to attack.

     ID# 38835 results:

     Battle: 7

    Rags: 16/16 3/4 energy

    LN: 5/8 HP 


    I charge my attack of <<Linear>>. Taking a step back I then charge right into the creatures center. It explodes as I do this and I run right through. These monsters where really easy. This one had taken to hits to kill and it couldn't even kill me. Hopefully the next one was harder. Maybe like 8 HP or something.

     ID# 38831 results:

     Battle: 9

    Rags: 15/16 energy: 2/4

  5. "That's a nice pet of yours. Was it hard to get?" I asked. The kid looking in my eyes had kinda creeped me out. "My age. I think I am either 16,15,17. I don't really keep track of those things. My family never had birthday partys, or partys of any kind not involving work." I mutter still watching the pet. It was weird to see a dragon as a pet when normally they where fire breathing killers but this one was cute of sorts.

  6. I draw my blade and perpared to attack. If I can hit it <<Linear>> should be enough. I begin charging at the beats running in a straight line. I run at it and as I do I begin to sweat. What if I miss. My heart skips a beat as I plunge my blade into the fouls monster. It explodes into millions of shards and I run through it. I collapse on the ground and scream in happiness I had killed it. 

     ID# 38763 results:

    BD: 6

    Rags: HP: 9/16 energy: 2/4

  7. I prepare for my next attack. Something with a a little bit more power to it. <<Rip Ravine>> sounds good and I run forward. The monster stares at me without eyes yet somehow it does. It taunts me as I run at it but that only fuels me. I jump at it and my blade cuts into its flesh. I cut to form a V then jump back. It's health bar depletes a lot. 

     ID# 38755 results:

     Battle: 8

    Rags: HP: 13/16 Energy: 2/4

    LN: HP: 2/5

  8. I look around for this quest mod. It looked like a plant of sorts. Like the nepent of the RW. Apparently he was getting the medicine for some sick person. He wasn't really listening to the story text. I look around the tree dotted plain and think I see something it looks sort of like what I am looking for. I run towards it and it is. I ready my blade for the sword art linear and charge forward. But things don't go as planned and I trip and fall flat on my face before I can get close.


    ID: 38746 Battle:4 Craft:10 loot:3 mob:1


    Rags: HP: 16/16 energy:3/4

    littleN: HP: 5

  9. "12 huh, miss your family?" I asked. Ignoring everything else Emblem had said. I highly doubted that he was one of those 'idiots'. I like ones around patted on the bench telling him to sit down. I was tired. I felt useless and I also didn't want to go back to the real world. The real world sucked. This world we can't feel pain and I didn't get the reason anyone would want to go back. By far this world was so much better. They even had areas where you couldn't get killed. Didn't have that IRL.

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