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About Ayumu

  • Birthday 11/21/1998

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    Solo Player

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    procrastination and psychology

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  1. Please forgive me for my possible stupidity, but I have a question (well, several questions actually). It regards combat and such.

    • How much damage does a simple, straight sword do when you have no combat experience or anything else special? I think its 1 from reading the tutorial, but I'd like to ask to make sure.
    • What does EN stand for? Energy? How do I work with this during combat?
    • Also, what does it mean when you subtract from whatever you're fighting with (a simple boar, for example) and you subtract from their MD? Is this due to another die function?

    Thank you for any answers, and again, forgive my ignorance. Still getting used to the mechanics of all this. ^^

    1. Opal


      You will find what each tier of ranks does for your weapon in terms of damage. You always start with a base of 1 dmg. EN stands for Energy which you need to use Sword Arts. If you want an example on how combat works, as a friend to join you on a hunt so you can watch and learn from how they do things. 

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