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Everything posted by Elyth

  1. Elyth sighed, relieved. And now she should go. It was going to be a long time before she found any more towns for a while.
  2. "A-a-ahhh, I have an emergency Healing Crystal," Elyth muttered, retrieving from inside her bag a rectangle prism of light peach blossoms in color. She handed it to Haine, and sat down apprehensively.
  3. To add to the awesome, allow me to introduce.... RAINBOW CAKE IN A JAR Oh my gosh the ~~AWESOMENISSSS~~
  4. By the time the last sparkling pixels of fairy dust- Ahh, sorry, I meant unicorn residue- faded away into the gleaming sun, Elyth was feeling pretty tired. She looked over at the now not-so-scary-but-still-somewhat-scary lady, and opened her mouth to say something. It came out as something like this: "Uh, uhmmm, ahem. Hello? H-hi? Wh-what's you're name? Mine's... Elyth."
  5. "Well... They aren't dying," Elyth remarked, watching the apparently berserk lady charge into the fray with an enormous lance and shield. "But they certainly are falling unconscious." Indeed, all the monsters that the lady was charging at were entering a state of unconsciousness. They were also flying in all different directions due to the momentum of the lady's charge and the wild swinging of her lance. Perfect. Elyth would go into the fray and finish off the rest of them. She ran up to one of the flying uni-flytraps and thrust her sword at its gaping mouth.
  6. The lady with the lance aimed the weapon at the mob's head, and... there went the unicorn horn. The other hybrids quickly assembled into what seemed to be an attack formation, and pointed their unicorn horns towards the woman. Elyth got up, shaking out of her stupor, and unsheathed her sword, planning on finishing the mob right next to her. It had started poking Elyth with its dangerously sharp horns. The sword swiped the air.
  7. *ahem* And I now present to you..... CAKE IN A JAR
  8. Elyth jumped, yelping as a strange unrecognizable creature with the body of a plant- Dionaea muscipula, if she remembered correctly- and a bushy horse-like tail with a spiral horn on its... head suddenly popping out of the ground next to her. She looked back at the scary lady with the lance and noticed that the lance-wielder was now surrounded.
  9. (This title sounds weird. And I am back. And what happened here. And moving on.) The Town of Beginning was sprawled out so peacefully, as far as the eye could see from Elyth's perch on the solitary mountain that bordered the edge of the floating castle of Aincrad. She had decided to come back here after weeks of doing nothing, just to check up on things. Heck, what was she doing those days? She didn't even remember. Oh well. Elyth swung her arm around a nearby tree and stepped up next to it to get an even better view. And awesome it was. Until the sounds of combat slowly drifted into her
  10. Suddenly, Elyth felt a chill go down her spine. She ran faster, carrying the lip wolf in her arms, and for once, not getting lost. Soon she had reached the Town of Beginning, and raced into the city, keeping a close eye on both her map and the road in front of her. Where was a beast-master? Usually, this place was full of them. Or, maybe, where was Haine? Elyth furrowed her brow, but kept on running. DAMN! Now what was she supposed to do? Soon, she found a random person with a familiar. She jumped onto the person, staring him in the eye. "Quick, tell me! Are there any methods to revi
  11. And there it was, a white wolf, laying still on the ground. "What is this?" Elyth thought. It wasn't everyday one saw an albino wolf inside a game. And he didn't have a monster cursor either. So what was he? A familiar? Oh. yeah! Haine had a familiar that was a white wolf. Her name was "Yue," wasn't it? So... why was the familiar lying on the ground, looking dead but not yet dissolving into pixels? And what was Elyth supposed to do about this? She hurriedly took out her SAO manual, the one she had gotten from the merchant just before the death game began. She flipped to the "
  12. Meanwhile, in an enchanted forest- okay, nevermind. This was no enchanted forest. More like digital forest. Elyth laughed with tears in her eyes. Her jokes always made her laugh at the ironic situations she was always in. Yep, lost again. Goodness, all her adventures happen when she got lost. And this was the first floor, the one she had mapped the most of. She sighed, and took out her map. Luckily, this place was already mapped. Unfortunately, there were no routes back to any town. Just an endless loop and spiral that lead from one place to the next. "...why?" Elyth sobbed. Oh well
  13. "Oh. Nice. Yeah, tea is nice. Does anyone have a torch?" Elyth asked, planning to heat up the tea and already stooping down to gather branches. She did crazy, irrational things when she was sleepy.
  14. Woah. Thanks. Now I need to watch all their videos.
  15. I tend to lean more on the sarcastic side. But dat channel. LMAO.
  16. Welp, the title says it all. I'd like some recommendations, please. Mine is this-> https://www.youtube.com/user/CinemaSins
  18. "The city? Oh, yeah, I wanna get back to the city. Like, now would be great," Elyth said. "Unfortunately, I don't carry teleportation crystals around with me..." "So, um, does anyone have more coffee here?"
  19. Because no one has done it yet... (or so I think)
  20. Elyth shook her head. She had just spaced out for a while, and now there were three other people? Where did the other two come from? "Uhm... Hi. I am Elyth, and I don't think I know you people. Or do I? Oh, and what just happened? I spaced out a bit just now..." She said as loudly as she could, yawning.
  21. For my friends, bacon is equivalent to life.
  22. Air. It is a wonderful essential of life.
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