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Posts posted by ErinVyce

  1. As the compliments came in Erin's face only averted itself toward the snowy ground till she saw a hand come into view. Sh gladly took it and again began to cover herself up as she opened her inventory and hid herself so she would have be seen anymore. It was a nice warm cloak that was once warn by Zel someone who she thought quite fondly of as he was the person who bought everything for her. "T-thanks ... I am just going back to the town now and maybe rest up as I'm feeling a bit tired after all the arctic wolves I have fought." Stammering now as she began to hold the Azure commandant's cloak about her body. "I personally think that I just look stupid ... despite the fact that I'm getting use to it."

  2. She shook her head against his shoulder, "No really, I owe you so much as is and I don't really have any housing ... It's sorta funny right, outside I'm rich and don't have to worry about what I'm gonna do for such simple things but in here I am just another leach ... I can't do anything even repay the debt that I owe you for saving me and helping me against these bosses. I would be dead twice over if it wasn't for your help. And then this armor, I will admit it is a bit revealing but it does what I need it to be doing. It will protect me far better than my simple traveling clothes." She shivered nuzzling closer into zel, "I-I just haven't ever been alone with a guy my age ... let alone one that would do so much for a stranger. I-I want to repay you somehow and some day I hope I can."

  3. Erin smiled before looking up at Manta and then as she recognized her began to feel her face begin to blush. "M-manta!" She shouted in complete shock now curling up with her arms and legs now covering up herself as she continued to lie in the snow freaking out. "N-no this wasn't at all how I wanted our reunion to look like. As she spoke her face quickly buried itself into her legs as she couldn't even think of what to do. Rummaging through her menu she was prepared to remove this armor and put back on the starting gear till she looked about the snow wonderland still seeing wolves about. "T-this is embarrassing ..."


  4. Laying in the snow Erin would breathe heavily before hearing the footsteps in the snow of the quick approaching girl and give a sigh as she saw her sword slash through the beast slaying it instantly. Collapsing back in the snow she took a deep breathe and just enjoy the fact that she hadn't had to worry about the wolf any more. Althoush she was a bit shocked by the voice as she heard what seemed to be a comment on her beauty from that of another girl no less. Her face lit up before pulling herself out of the snow, "Excuse me?" She said looking at her rescuer now.

  5. As she began to bounce about in the snow she began to really get the hang of this whole fighting thing that was till the wolf leaped in the air biting onto the shoulder which had her shield. "Ahhhhh get off you stupid wolf!" She bucked like a dear would before collapsing with her full weight on the wolf. She felt it thrashing about her whipping up some snow as it continued to whine in pain. She felt it howling and whining as she began go cringe. "I'm not giving you a leg of lamb to eat you stupid think now let go of my shoulder." She twisted in the snow shivering a bit as she began to see the pixels of it's teeth biting and finally kicked it off of her again.

    ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
    40360 5 6 4 10 Erin Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-26 20:54:46

    Erin HP: 20/28

    Energy: 6/7

    Arctic wolf HP: 10/16

  6. She took a deep breath as she then looked back at the wolf, quickly she pulled up her menu and swapped out a piece of equipment allowing a white shield with the emblem of a lamb on it and a flag. The edges were fluffy though matching the outfit that she was wearing. It was obvious now that it was all part of the same creation for some odd reason. She then watched the wolf growl and lunge at her again. This time the wolf received a firm bash by the small round shield on her arm and then a loud crack snapped against it making it how out in pain as Erin grinned happy that she was still keeping it frightened of her. "This is one little lamb that the big bad wolf isn't gonna get." It was childish small talk and her attacks were weak to say the least as the health bar wasn't dropping all that quickly. She didn't think twice she now searched her surroundings to spy another player not to far away. She didn't get a good glimpse of her, had she she might have been a bit startled at the very least. This wasn't the way she wanted her friend to see her.



    ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
    40357 4 1 10 3 Erin Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-26 20:24:05

    4+2 acc hit

    Erin HP: 28/28

    Energy: 4/7

    Arctic Wolf HP: 11/16

  7. She began to push the people away from her a bit upset that they were getting so touchy with her, "Hey just stop trying to make me dance ok I'm not some girl you can make dance ok!" She shouted it was strange for her she normally didn't blow up at people but perhaps she was finally done being treated like the innocent lamb that she was outfitted to be. She then heard a voice asking if she was ok, "No ... I'm not ok I just want to sit down and have a normal drink in a bar for once she began to nearly break down into tears only barely keeping them from dripping down her face. I'm sorry I really should just leave before things become more uncomfortable she sniffled and then wiped her eyes clean with her arm now stepping out from the bar. This was a mistake wearing the armor she was gifted, but it was also the only useful equipment she had on her. Probably for a while since she needed to still trade in her starting whip.

  8. "I have been in my fair share of battles now," she shrugged not looking all that spectacular in either pride or confidence in herself. "I mean three of the boss fights I have been a part of all ended up with the boss being slayed with a single slice. None of them being me." She frowned and looked to the ground, "I'm trying my best at growing stronger ... I guess it was easier when people didn't know what I looked like in other games. Now I just feel pathetic to say the least. But I swear that one day I will be seen on the front line." She stopped feeling a bit more confident before biting her lip, "J-just hopefully not wearing this same set of armor ... maybe one day I will find something more useful."

  9. Eyeing a blonde haired male she noted as he began approaching at first she though that his eyes had been glued to the outfit, she honestly wasn't fond of the attention but at least people thought she was adorable. Outside of the game she use to think that people looked at her as a nerd who was to caught up in her video games. But then everyone here had the same amount of playing time since their entrapment. She waved at the him wearing a holster that had her whip tied up beside her hip while not wearing the recognizable cloak of zel. She didn't know who he was, but she knew that Zel felt confident in his abilities none the less. This was rather saddening as she realized that another item would only weigh more upon her conscious. She had plans of how to pay him back but most of them would take a while to fully pay. "You assume correctly yes," she sighed realizing that as this continued that more people would no doubt be listening in to hear more about the lamb and the reasons why she was wearing such a stunning outfit. "Hi .. I'm Erin." She didn't sound particularly strong, quite the opposite actually it was a meek sounding voice.

  10. Erin was walking on the edge of the forest as she watched that the crowd in the field had grown quite large which made her quite nervous for two reasons. She would either be seen as that girl wearing Zel's cloak or the one who was wearing such a smutty outfit that she might as well hop into a field with the other sheep that needed shepherding. As she thought though a messaged popped up on her hood, it came from a name that she hadn't known, although she was warned that someone might be messaging her about a shield that Zel had been crafting for her. Sighing, she would read it knowing that this was the least uncomfortable position to be placed in.  I guess I should just take off the cloak ... might as well get use to being call the Little Lamb for her new call tag as a warrior. She grumbled and looked about the field uncertain of which one she was suppose to find. Walking out from behind a tree she took a deep breath. Her lamb outfit appearing as little less than a bathing suit while having the stats of some of the best steel armor she had scene. As she stepped out she could feel the beady eyes of the crowds staring at her till they got attack by the boars that they had been locked in combat with. Thankfully she wasn't drawing the aggro as she was out leveling most of the pathetic little beasts scampering about. Stopping in the middle of the field she held a hand over her eyes as if trying to scout out the blacksmith she was messaged by.

  11. In retrospect, she could have cared less about the armor that she wore but it had reminded her of a video she once watched about female armor in most video games and how they were complaining about it being far to sexist. She couldn't deny that it was embarrassing to wear, but this was extremely comfortable that and the fact that it now kept her safe from most attacks of the little monsters on this floor now. That on top of the amount of level she had managed to climb through since she first met her first friends. Who knows, maybe the seasons would allow her to see them once again. Biting her lip she watched the arctic wolf that was now growling before her quite upset that it had not found someone who was a fair amount weaker then the prey he had this moment. She smirked at the beast despite the cloak and fluffy garb that she wore. "Come one you stupid wolf." She then performed a crack of her whip with a sword art. Both of them staring at one another till she used it, <<Whiplash>>. The Wolf first went for a lunge missing her completely growling as it turned back around to feel the stinging whip crack against it's face delivering a blow which caused it to sit their stunned by the stingy crack.

    ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
    40292 8 1 16 3 Erin Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-26 11:18:35


    Erin HP: 28/28

    Energy: 2/7

    Arctic Wolf HP: 12/16

  12. As she sat down on the bar stool she continued to sit in awkward silence beside Zel uncertain how to thank him for the assistance he rendered against the two boss missions she had taken on. She then looked across the bar and asked for the bartender to get her a drink that was far lighter in alcohol content as she didn't really know the effects that it had in this game. She watched him poor it up and slide it across to her. She nodded thanking him before looking over toward the two players beside her still dressed in the Azure's commandant coat before asking, "Would you like your coat back?"

  13. "I understand that feeling," all of this was a completely different from any video game she had ever played but that hadn't made her wish to completely drop her video game addiction completely. The fact that Aincrad was basically a prison to those who generally just wanted to play this as a game was surely going to be enough to make people never go back to virtual mmorpg's but this world was just far to spectacular for Erin to give up on. It was a dream world of sorts that she always wished she could lose herself in. "Yeah,  I imagined that if they had a way to get us out they would have pulled it off by now and I imagine that the rich would be the first to be safely withdrawn ... I imagine that my father would have pulled me out by now." She shook this idea off before hearing her companion clear her throat essentially pulling her back to this virtual reality that they now lived in. "Well that is exactly what I'm planning to do is go on saving the lives of others ... like those who have helped me so far become as strong as I am. I'm hoping to help tank the hits to save those that I'm caring about."

    The next part caught her off guard as Audacity was now trying to comfort her with calming words that maybe even her clumsy self could become a hero. "Thanks Audacity, although I know that some day I will become brave enough to help join the front line. It might not be for a little while but I intend to help aide them even if it means that I might not be able to make it out alive against the bosses that appear. She gulped more as she heard the girls logic in what Erin's void would be like ... "R-right that isn't comforting at all." She then grabbed her own plate that was filled with a pasta that looked quite delicious as the chef had handed them both their plates and sat down before the girl. "Want help in building that confidence."


  14. As he took back the sword she nodded and took a step backward so that she wouldn't interfere with his business. As she stood there she contemplated her purpose in the game, she had become quite useless in her own eyes she couldn't even do anything that she saw all the other players had been doing. As she saw the extended hand she smiled and took his hand and approached him beginning to wonder just what she could do to assist him. "S-sure?" she said rather confused as he was asking her to accompany him back to his in. "I would be glad to join you after all you have done what could I really say." She smiled up to him and rested her head against his shoulder. "Lead they way?"

  15. Erin, whined realizing that the comment on the swords was rather awkward to say the least, Honestly Erin who talks like that complimenting the equipment of someone else particularly when you are dressed like an awkward little sheep now. She began to squirm underneath the hood feeling just how exposing it was to wear this armor, she then nodded, it will keep me safe though I haven't honestly seen armor that was this useful yet in the game. Barring the few high level players who were decked out like Zel. As she inspected the swords she would nod, no way was she gonna fine a whip that beautiful, something about metal just gave a luxurious gleam that she couldn't compare with leather. As she heard him speak she shook her head awkwardly, "No I couldn't not wear these after the amount of money you must have put into it, must have coast a small fortune nothing I could ever payback." Sighing she would then blush as she let the cloak reveal herself once again, she wanted to keep using this armor it was strong and a gift after all. "I'm good." She said accepting his gloves and walking over toward the bosses area. "Ok," She took a deep breath and stepped forward preparing the fight.

  16. Erin's eyes watched those blades that he had get pulled from their sheathes it reminded her that last time he showed up and slayed her boss that she was to busy freezing underneath a layer of snow that had encased her. "Nice swords," She said as she continued to look at them blinking rather shocked that someone had made such beautiful weapons in this game. As her hand was grabbed she nodded and followed rather obediently, he was far stronger than herself and he basically accepted to finish another job of hers which she wouldn't have been capable of taking on her lonesome. "I'm fine with finishing this quickly as it is absurdly cold out here." A blush crossed her cheek as she felt the cloak laying flat against her skin at least it was warm and oddly so was her armor despite how much skin was revealed.


  17. Erin's walked in a quite precise fashion, each step thought about meticulously as she realized that if her pace was to quick or her hands didn't clutch onto the cloak just right that it would fling open. To say that she was embarrassed by her lamb based outfit was an understatement, she was constantly worried that people would judge her in a snap judgement despite the fact that it was the best armor she was ever gifted. As she strolled through the streets she groaned till she looked toward a bar that she once visited quite regularly since her beginning in this game. "I wonder if it is possible to get myself completely drunk so I no longer have to worry about all of this. As she looked at the bar's sign she nodded and crept through the door hoping that no one would think that she was Zel, or worse when her robe fell an entertainer of the dancing variety in this outfit. "Barkeep I would like something strong if that is at all possible in this game ..." She must have just missed the male who was walking through the doors to the back. She then sighed as she felt a tap on her shoulder. She was rather shocked that her hands were no longer clutching the robe and flew open to reveal the skimpy fleece top and bottom she was wearing.

    "Oh hey cutie I didn't realize that entertainers now dressed up. You should give us a dance." The groan man chuckled and gave her a firm swat on the bottom which made her jump practically out of her cloak and into the middle of the bar. She stood, stuck like a dear in the headlights as her adorable frame was visible to almost all but those in the back of the bar now. Her face turned a deep cherry red and then shook her head as she obviously didn't want to dance or the sort. She stood their visibly uncomfortable as she simply nodded obediently and began to sway back and forth her hands now crossed and pinned into her armpits.

  18. As he eyed her with that glint in his eye she began to shake awkwardly from feeling herself looked at purely because of her own outfit. She wasn't quite use to all of this being made into eye candy for a boy especially in a video game, I guess this is what it feels like when you aren't play male characters Erin ... might as well get use to it. She then bundled back up with his cloak after he fiddled with the strap of the outfit that was as white as the snow about them. "I-I want to keep it if it is at all possible ... at least then I won't have to show myself like this." Whining as she felt his hands still playing with the strap. "Come on lets just go do the mission ok ..." she blushed really uneasy from the situation that this put her in, she felt obligated though to wear it as he did buy it for her.


  19. As he reached out to pull open the cloak she fought it at first feeling far too embarrassed before grumbling and letting he pull it open to reveal the soft appearing lamb bikini top and bottom. "F-fine just don't make me take off your cloak while I'm fighting the boss please," she murmured still embarrassed that he was now looking upon the money spent on her outfits. "D-did it half to be ... so revealing?" She bit her lip and now wrapped her arms about her chest and pulling it closed again. "I'm going to freeze to death in the snow like this ... despite the fact that it is really soft and comfortable. And really nice stats." She left the cloak open for a while to let him get the look that he wanted.

  20. Erin was still new to this world, but it was rather intriguing as she couldn't have ever imagined that people were still having wedding now. It was nice that the world was trying to be normal, this whole situation took away from the gloomy aspect of the world. She also was invited by the man whom she was still wearing the cloak of. Zelrius cloak made her stand out certainly among certain crowds. Erin herself didn't know what all she had been doing to be honest was it some odd obligation to the man who saved her from avalanche or possibly it was something else. She sat their at the doorway dressed in her green gown as well as asking the doorman if she could be directed toward where her group of the party was else she would merely stand there now nibbling upon her lip as she couldn't think of what to do now as she looked about the room spying the man whom had assisted her earlier on in the game. "Hey!" She half shouted now stepping over to  Zelrius and a few other people. "H-hey thanks for all that help earlier. The commandants cloak wrapped over her to conceal her dress to hopefully be used to catch Zel's attention and remind him who she was had he for some reason forgotten about her.

  21. As the trade request popped up on her screen she blinked seeing the name of the armor it looked quite useful especially compared to the normal starting outfit that she was wearing. She didn't bother reading the description just the stats were good enough to make her extremely grateful. As she rummaged through the menu she popped the equipment on and then watched as it changed before her eyes. She let out a startled squeal and then clamped the cloak about her body blushing profusely as she wasn't really expecting all of this to be her situation. "W-w-where exactly did you buy this from again?" She gulped and keeping the cloak tightly against her body to hide her new outfit.

  22. As she was held close and now wrapped in his cloak she blushed, the only red that appeared on her usually pale cheeks. It was odd she wasn't good at all with people least of all in such a personal fashion least of all since this man seemed generally interested in assisting her. Although, she could imagine what was going through her compatriots mind. As for the moment it seemed rather sweet at least in her eyes, perhaps if she had met someone before joining the game she wouldn't have though much about this. maybe he would have even came to aide her in here when she was trapped. "But, you do want to have it back when all of this is said and done right? Besides I don't even know the use of this let alone purpose. "Um sure although I haven't thought of many other missions." She stopped to think before recalling that she did stock up on a large number of them. She pulled up the menu and found one. "Essence of Steel?" She asked uncertain if he wanted to help again on it.

  23. She began to ponder what she really was planning on doing next as this was all getting quite new to her as far as trying to comfort Zel. Thankfully her minor signs of concern seemed to be enough to at least brighten his mood a bit. As she walked along she felt her hand pressed against his chest she couldn't help but hide a flustered blush as she wasn't really use to this type of thing and then the Commandant's Cloak wrapping about her. "U-uh are you sure that you are willing to let me use this Cloak of yours i-it looks rather rather fancy and expensive in comparison to what I want." She bit her lip and began to grab both sides of the cloak and further pressed against him now. "R-right." Her voice stuttered out the words as she continued to basically stayed nestled against him.

  24. Erin's smile disappeared as she heard the concern in his voice, she wasn't certain why he was so gloomy after all wasn't the marriage of one of his or both his friends be a great time? She decided that it might be best to comfort him even more by snuggling up close after all it did seem appropriate in the cold town of Snowfrost. Made her think back of Christmas which got her to thinking that it must have been approaching the Christmas special quickly. "Come on soldier why don't you speak your mind to me I know I'm not therapist but I can tell that you are not happy about something?" She smiled continuously bumping her should against his and then swapping to her hip. Then she gave a smile and hopped into the front like a new born lamb who was still a bit clumsy on her new legs. "Come on," she said both her fingers now lifting up to his face and making the fake smile widen.

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