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Posts posted by ErinVyce

  1. Erin smiled as she held her new companions hand they had been traveling for a fair amount of time to get to a tailor that the man trusted. "Are we actually going to get armor instead as I'm fine without the need of a pretty dress. A-and I will be more likely to pay you back for all of what you done for me if I can live to fight another boss another day." She asked Zel as her hand was now swinging back and forth a bit happily. It was odd she didn't like the idea of holding hands still, but he had shown such kindness to her and had essentially saved her life. Perhaps it was a damsel in distress complex that she was developing that was making her enjoy this moment so much. As she continued along side him she continued to think of what she could possibly do for someone who out leveled her. She had no money, besides he didn't seem like the person who would need any more cash. He already was well specked meaning that any gear she could possibly make would have been useless. Her mood continued to drop as she began to think of ways that a girl could payback a guy that was so kind. IT wandered to the darker sections of her brain before she stopped realizing that wasn't a smart option of payment.

  2. As his tone picked up she began to feel a bit startled as she nodded understanding, "I-I sorry that people think of you in that fashion, I suppose I thought that ..." she shook her head. "You can just ignore everything I just said, I apologize for everything I said, but I am indebted to you and I couldn't make you pay for my outfit on top of saving my life." A frown crossed her face it was clear that despite his eagerness to assist her in such affairs such as money didn't catch the same appeal as it would for most girls. "I-I just don't want to feel like I'm being pampered online just because I'm a girl ... that's why I guess I actually made my avatar a male at the start at the game. Unfortunately now I reveal my true self ... A weak little girl. None the less I would love to get something made ... if I could have afforded it."

  3. "Infamous? Why on earth would you say that about yourself you are the commandant of a guild doesn't that mean that you are trying to save all of us from this game, u-unless. You weren't a member of an evil guild before joining Azure Brigade were you?" She began to watch as different little hints and the like fell into line he always seemed a bit odd but generally she thought he was quite pleasant. "Even then, you have changed I'm certain of it otherwise why would you have gone out of your way to help me even feed me now." She stopped and began to worry, "Right I completely forgot about that I will make sure to repay you for all of this some day. whether it is in col or favors or the like. I guess I'm getting use to it since so many people have saved my life to this day." She sighed now looking down once again hearing him out. "A wedding?" her mood cheered up quickly, "Is it just a limited guess list then or can anyone show up. I think that a wedding is just marvelous though. You should head out I'm certain that it will be a great experience. I wish I could go to one sadly I don't have anything nice though."

  4. "Oh sorry, I guess I just was being a bit scatterbrained while listening," she then looked down toward the ground. "I mean I agree with you that it is not that fun worrying about all the dangers in this world ... but overall I don't mind it to much. I wouldn't want to build my summer home in here or anything but it would be a fun game if these circumstances weren't in place." It was rather quickly interjected as Erin had began to derail her train of thought from the quick comments. As she heard the woman mentioning her fear about what would happen to them while inside SAO and if they should worse die made Erin contemplate her own position in the world. "I imagine that they are tying their hardest outside in the real world to get us out safely till then I just don't think that it is fair that we live in the safe zones while others die to help defeat all the bosses. That is just my opinion I don't want to guilt anyone else along with me ... especially since I know that I'm no hero and am more likely cannon fodder for the rest of the members out their." As she mentioned the void though Erin shivered and began to feel a bit sick. "I don't like the idea of that at all, being trapped forever in the darkness ..."

    She couldn't think about the end being like that especially if her soul couldn't move on while trapped in here. Anyway I think that the meals appear to be on their way now. As for traumatic moments, I have already fought with a few mob bosses, I didn't think that they were all that bad, grant it both times I was saved by people. I really ought to stop getting myself into fights I can't win.

  5. "That could be possible, that and most of them have been female although I use to be much harsher in video games ... until I guess I got terrified of this one for obvious reasons." She looked down to her mug as she took a few more bites finishing off her crepe completely. Her hand lightly clutching the spoon and stirring about the hot chocolate as the steam emanated off of it. "Commandant, you certainly have made yourself well known in this world if you are that high up in the guild," She eyed him looking past that fake smile of his. She couldn't have been certain about all of this but he didn't seem quite as happy as he once was at the start of this gathering. "Is something going the matter? I hope that I didn't offend you or anything I honestly didn't mean to but you seem a bit gloomy about something? Want to talk?" She smiled again as stopped her stirring motion that had kept the spoon swirling about long after she removed her hand from it.

  6. She blinked, "More tolerable huh. Why would you feel that anyone else in this lovely world is less tolerable other than the occasional player. I myself haven't ran into anyone who I have felt to be unpleasant even the npc's have been nice to me."  Looking back she noticed that the server carried with him her order a cup of hot chocolate and a crepe to boot. Both looked extremely delicious just like the ones she use to get for breakfast back at her house. She slowly lifted the crepe to her mouth and began nibbling at i like a rabbit. As he mentioned her father being smart and this never happening again she could honestly believe it happening again. "Still that is all meaning that I manage to survive through all of this. "Anyway what have you been doing in SAO, obviously you must have been powerleveling or assisting in on the boss battles to get to this level. Are you part of a guild or just one of those solo players who just go crazy against the bosses?"

  7. She eyed his hand being extended out to her and she grimaced uncomfortably as she didn't normally go out of her way to share contact even if they were clothed in such warm clothing that kept skin from touching. However, her manners got the best of her as she didn't want to be rude and changed her expression to that of a smile. "It's a pleasure to share such a nice encounter with you," a childish smile now offered to her friend as her hand shook his. "If you don't mind then I think I will just keep calling you Zelerius, or maybe Zel if that is ok?" She wasn't certain if that would be opposed against for any particular reason, she knew some people were quite particular about the manner which they are called. "Uhh yeah my father is sorta a CEO of a head company hence the reason I'm now in this game ... I just don't think he will approve of my video game habit now after all of this." She said gesticulating about the incident that caused them to be stuck in this game.

  8. "R-right," she gulped now feeling a bit nervous about contacting Ebony for assistance. The girl seemed so nice and she was having trouble believing that her possible motives for assisting her that day were now going to be manipulated for some twist. "I promise I won't tell anyone else I just don't know what I'm suppose to say when I'm around her now she wouldn't be upset with me if I asked her about all this would she?" Her nervous habit happened again as she began to nibble her fingernails and shake it off. "I need to go turn in this mission, thank you so much for all of your help." She then began to walk back to town unless manta was feeling open to joining her.

  9. "A goal?" Erin blinked as she nodded in agreement she hadn't really thought about the purpose of getting stronger in this game after training taking on all of these possible missions. "I never really thought about the end goal that I have set up now as I always was thinking about helping other people on the front line. So, I guess I want to help save other people while also completing the game as we go." She then was rather shocked, "W-what do you mean by that, Ebony wants to control people by manipulating them? Did she just help me so she could use me for what?" She now was begging Manta to hopefully answer her question as she hadn't understood what she meant. 

  10. "Oh you came from a more humble dwelling?" she said uncertain of why she suddenly decided to expression her odd mannerism as a lady. As he began to comment on the reason why he wouldn't want to leave the game Charlotte then began to feel quite stupid. "I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable I was just ... sorta thinking out loud how my father is gonna be now." She hanged her head and waited now for the mug to arrive. "OH right how rude of me not to introduce myself after all you saved me an all. My name is Erin ... I wasn't very creative as you can tell." She laughed before now brushing her hands through her blonde wavy hair. "I thought that it would be appropriate given all of the snow." 

  11. The young French girl was overjoyed that Manta was willing to take her up on the offer of acting as a new information broker of sorts about other missions and even now adding in her aide for such jobs. "That would be wonderful, I mean I really would like to learn to take care of myself at one of these points." Stopping she would frown before making note of all of this. "I guess that I just have no clue what exactly what I want to be doing yet in this world." She followed slowly beside Manta her hands now clutching either side of her arms tightly.


    Merely the words, apology accepted, managed to help lighten her fear of this woman perhaps her odd emotions was the only thing making this awkward for Erin. It was just like her usually to bend over at any sign of people who showed more of a fighting spirit then herself but this was the situation. Video games were usually a comforting environment for her, although people seeing what she really looked like wasn't information she generally liked to advertise. "So you actually prefer this world oppose to the real one. Aren't you scared though of all the monsters and what would happen if you for some reason died here? Have you ever actually gone out into the field yet. It's completely terrifying sometimes but I think that it is something that we all should experience at least once.

    "Umm would you like to go out on a run maybe fight a few boars or insects that are floating about the field. After all we all have to start somewhere don't we?" She began to poke her fingers together now uncertain about all of this. "It's rather useful though I would like to learn how make some of the more advanced weapons though. I'm a long ways away from that though. Pleasure to meet you Audacity."


  13. As she sat their she began to jostle about trying to find a position that she felt was comfortable. first was the lady like pose that she normally maintained that was a bit to obvious. She already basically told him that she came from a different country. "Well my parents were quite rich and he knew that I adored playing the latest and greatest video games," she grimaced after thinking about all of this. "Oh dear." She realized now that this game probably had ruined her mmorpg days for good. Hanging her head rather depressed she groaned, "I'm never going to be allowed to touch another computer in my life if I ever get out of this. Maybe making it out of here isn't the best plan." She sighed looking back to her companion. "But yeah money can get you anything  they say so I guess it really does since I'm probably now hooked up to medical supplies like the rest of us. "I personally always loved to see the mountain tops and the snow dancing about in the breeze. I could live without the cold though." She laughed. After being offered to by whatever she wanted she blinked and began to ponder, "Seriously, I haven't had anything but bread and water since I came back." She stopped and pondered, "Umm could I have a mug of hot chocolate please. Oh and crepes."

  14. As her compatriot spoke she began to muster a silly smile and a nod, she would have hugged her in joy but physical touch wasn't comfortable for her. Instead she giggled and offered a thumbs up in recognition that payment wasn't necessary. "Well thank you none the less for joining me on this adventure. "Would you be willing to help me look through a roster board for possible missions that I could get useful supplies from?" She asked yearning that she would be aided in this endeavor as she had already picked to boss fights that she shouldn't have ever planned to take solo. As well as the basic profession quest.

  15. Erin listened a bit distraught from the lack of emotion she put into these words, and yet they stung as harshly as those who use to bully her back in school. "I-I'm sorry," she stuttered taking a big gulp and then attempting to take a deep breath and collect herself. She was frazzled as all get out and this was no way to make first acquaintances with someone you hardly know. Mother always told her that she needed to be polite and understand that some people just socialize differently compared to yourself. It was still creepy though, she eyed the woman and ... "Y-yeah but that only makes it scarier that you are not. Anyway can we please change the subject since ... How do you enjoy this game so far?" Erin was obviously still uncertain of all of this and the clear fact is that she wasn't entirely sure why she was now being dragged into a lunch with the strange woman that she hardly knew.

    "I'm Erin and as you can see I have managed to get quite a bit done for myself, recently I just joined the profession of blacksmith and am hoping to keep up my trade and be useful to those on the front lines. What precisely do you have planned for you stay in Aincrad?As for variables I imagine that maybe they just got more NPC's working hastily to try and speed up the process maybe? "

  16. "I'm sure that someday I will be able to repay you, I just need to keep practicing my trade though as a blacksmith," frowning again as she hadn't been working to hard on that as of late either. "Umm anyway Manta I was just wondering if I could ask a huge favor that you might or might not have to do as I have been trying to figure out what to do next since you made quick work of that boss. I personally wouldn't really have been anywhere now if it wasn't for you." She then watched her unsheath the beautiful rapier being rather amazed by the sleek ebony luster of it. "I hope that I can find a whip that is a beautiful as that one of these days. It wasn't easy finding neat materials to create one's own weapon out of.

  17. She began to run her fingers through the sand, each digit making a new line just to watch as the pixels re-spawned slowly to a state that no longer has been disturbed by her actions. "This world is still so odd to me," she whispered to herself before looking back up to Manta now walking forward one hand of hers telling her to stay put. Erin just nodded in understanding her hand uneasily on the handle of her whip before seeing her prepare her sword skill technique. One strike and the Shark had evaporated into pixels that now flaked about through the air. Erin's eyed manta in awe of her ability, "I don't think I would ever be good enough to do that even when I was the right level for this. What level are you anyway?"


  18. "H-honest I didn't mean to take your place in the line I was just ..." she wasn't certain of what she should do as she didn't want anything to happen, conflict she didn't cope well with least of all that pointed toward her. She began to shrink before the girl who was obviously angry with her from such simple issues. "I apologize, here why don't you go back ahead of me I didn't mean to cut you," she began to wince fearfully as her voice continued to take a harsh tone with her. What had she honestly done to this poor woman to upset her so? She continued to look at the girl uneasily and stepping out from the line a hand raising to her mouth now as she nervously gnawed at her finger nails. "I didn't mean to cause you distress please, let me make it up to you?" She offered hesitantly as her foot now also began tapping at the ground as if she was beginning to have issues staying still.

    As she stepped aside she then was approached with an odd proposition from the woman who had seemingly verbally condemned her. "P-pardon?" Erin now stood their beside the girl particularly puzzled from the offer to share meals together possibly once they were out from the line. "Y-yes ma'am?" she bit her lip now and fell into place behind the woman still uncertain how all of this ended with her getting in trouble.

  19. Erin nodded her head in understanding as she was still quite weak, not really knowing how much this shark here could do. "Ok, umm I will just sit back here then and wait for you to finish it off?" She continued to walk along side Manta and gave her a rather faint smile, "No completely get it in order for me to not get in the way or worse die I need to just group up and take on these bosses with people who can carry me. I understand how games like this work. I have been carried once or twice in other ones. I-I just feel  rather useless is all and the fact that you are risking your own life for me just makes me feel a bit worse." Staring now down at the sand she would sit down at the edge of the bosses zone before asking, "I don't know how long this is going to take but I have faith in you Manta."

  20. She gave him partially startled look as he asked why she learned French to begin with, "Well I actually didn't learn French, I learned English since I'm actually fluent in it, see I was born in France-" Stopping abruptly in the snow as she caught herself telling others in game where she lived. "I-I don't know why I'm telling you all this about me anyway umm do you enjoy the mountains and cold weather?" If it hadn't been obvious she was trying to get the subject off of herself despite the fact that this was the first time in the game that she had been alone with a male player before. She squirmed a bit uncomfortably in her jacket as she recognized this. As they wandered farther off, she finally began to spot the glorious capital city of Floor 4 she smiled and now rushed ahead smiling. "It's gorgeous!" She shouted gleefully completely forgetting the fact that this still was a game and traveling was safest when one shouted. She stood there taking in the view before Zelrius took the lead once again now en route for what looked to be a quaint cafe. "How polite of you," she smiled giving a jaunty skip through the threshold. Sniffing the air she hopped up over to a table and sat down rather abruptly at a table still shaking.

  21. Erin's cheery facade slowly drifted to a rather depressed frown realizing that she was still being just as stupid as she was earlier this game. Here she was trying to take on another boss without having called for help, well she did call for help so at least she was partially wising up on a subconscious level at least. "I-I just saw the rewards on the quest and was hoping to level up quicker," She looked down to the sand as Manta lectured her about her silly ways. "I'm sorry, I just am really hoping to end up being strong enough to help join the front line ... but I can't really do that if I'm dead. Thank you Manta for assisting me." Bowing down to the woman and then looking back over to the boss who was still stationary in his place waiting for the fight to begin. "Um so what exactly can I do to help in this fight?"

  22. As she called out she began to feel a bit distressed a a beautiful woman stepped out form the crowd, "I-I umm hello there it's a pleasure to meet you." Sheepishly now turning a bright red as she wishing that she had been as successful with her own appearances as well as armor. "I really hate to ask this of you but I'm still getting the hang of this game and was hoping if you knew much about this boss as I'm still level three are their any suggestions while we fight it that I should take into mind?" She was asking mainly as she didn't know what to say as she was already feeling a bit flustered knowing that Ebony knew this Manta and believed that she would be quite effective in her future endeavors against the boss. "Otherwise we can just head head over to it's spawn and we can kill it."

  23. Sitting about in the sand Erin began to wonder if she was now being held up, she would be surprised she never kept her in life promises to people as all the video game ones were more important to her. Perhaps this Manta person was sorta the exact same thing but in reverse and permanently trapped in the game that she most despised? After sitting their a while she then noticed the teleporting gate light up and another woman came through, "Umm how am I suppose to tell who she is?" She began to walk about and call out, "Hello Manta? Is anyone out their go by that name?" She awaited a response after a while and then finished her call, "It's me ErinVyce I just sent you a message as a request for aide? Anyone?"

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