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Status Updates posted by Sinnon

  1. aI am taking up the ALO part of the site as well now so I have a question and don't know who to ask. For the combat, would my one handed assault spear count as a ranged weapon?

  2. III know that this may be a stupid question and I apologize for if it is, but where can I sell some of the goods that I have such as my snow frost?

    1. Ebony


      A merchant probably. Theirs always the chance they wont want it though.

    2. Sinnon


      True true :3 Thanks Ebony

    3. Hikoru


      I'll always take stuff, for a reasonable price that is :P

  3. YYou ever have those days that you are just down with life?

    1. Ebony


      Like I'm having right now? Yes. :(

    2. Seul
  4. Do you have to place all of your crafts into Evaluation or just the ones with enchancements?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tenshi


      Wanna do a thread with Tenshi or Sinnon?

    3. Ebony


      Whichever one you'd like. There both fun to rp with.

    4. Tenshi


      lol okie :3 well sinnon needs it more so ill switch over to him and pm you

  5. I have a question. Are you able to take a hit for someone? So say they are about to be hit by a mob, could I take the hit for them?


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ebony


      2 tanks are better than one. :P

    3. Sinnon
    4. Ace9


      :(     Lol Only one can hold the attention of the monster

      But I guess...... Lol :P

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