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Status Updates posted by Eclipse_Auvrymviir

  1. I noticed my senpai is a race leader. I officially request to meet. As the Spriggan ambassador.


    1. Helios


      @Zelrius is handling all Cait Sith duties until @Manta Gaul and @ErinVyce would like their rolls back.

    2. Eclipse_Auvrymviir
  2. yes. it is I, your lord and savior.

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Eclipse_Auvrymviir


      Yaaay roleplay with me senpai

    3. Amira


      Im in a bunch of threads atm, but maybe in a day or two. XD

    4. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Mfw he'd probably die in one hit hitting me. I could just stand there.

      Go on, I'll even let you have the first shot! See how it goes...

  3. So, could someone give me tips for stuff to do douring my Earning a living quest thread?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eclipse_Auvrymviir
    3. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      So, you can fight boars to get materials, or you can search about the ground. On an LD of 15+ you find a material. That's what I do.

    4. Eclipse_Auvrymviir


      sounds good enough. Thanks.

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