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Status Updates posted by Sonata

  1. ALO in a nutshell:


    Not that I mind or anything, I love cats! :3

  2. In ALO, EXP is to be spent on SPECIWAL, right? Just making sure. xO

    1. Ashrah


      You get 5 points at every level up to put in whatever SPECIWAL you want. Your exp goes toward level ups. :)

    2. Sonata


      *hurries to journal to fix horrendous mistake* xD

    3. Ashrah
  3. Do I have enough threads? Never. I must pile some more on. Who's up for one in ALO?

    1. Helios


      One does not simply "have enough threads".

    2. Sonata


      Exactly. XD Even when I need to get caught up on posting, I must have all the threads.

    3. Helios
  4. Thinking of making an account for SAO, since I set Sonata up to really just be an ALO character...hmmm...

    1. Sonata


      Welp, I broke down and did it. My SAO character will be Cadence.

    2. Jomei


      You didn't have to necessarily make a new account to do so, being many of us just created a character on each. But if thats an easier way to keep track of it, by all means don't let me stop you!

  5. And yet again, pendejos in all of his majesty captures the essence of a game and parodizes it all at the same time: Underpants Pacifist. I'm crying from laughing so hard!

    1. Lelouch


      Let your tears run through, mah lady. For the tears of joy is priceless and the joy of tears is a scene worth capturing for all of eternity.

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