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Posts posted by Tsubasa

  1. Using his insstincts, Tobi rushed the squirrel and activated a sword art *aggressive twins*.  His hands illuminated a dark green as he attacked with his snake like strikes, which were a blur for the naked eye.  The hits against the squirrel temporarily freeze the squirrel's movements.  Tobi looked at the health bar as it limited itself to 1 hit point left.  Tobi then put his thumb up for Anbu to finish it off.  Tobi proceeded to back up from the frozen squirrel, giving Anbu some room to swing his sword.

    ID# 50091 results:

     Battle: 10 (crit +2) ((5+2)*2)=14-5=9 DMG to squirrel.

     MOB: 5(fail)

    Tsubasa: 33/36 HP, 7/9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 2 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP 2/2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    Dark Elf: -6/12 hp, 9 dmg (quest mat) dead

    Squirrel: 1/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg 

  2. Tobi tried to strike the Dark Elf, but amazingly he still missed contact with the Dark Elf.  The Dark Elf, like the monkey, struggled and hit Tsubasa's hand.  The white snake cloak ejected another black thorn through the dark elf's chest, but this time the health bar depleted completely.  The Dark Elf pixilated, stunning the Squirrel from moving in with another attack.  Tobi had no idea that this strategy would fail, non the less, a third time in a row.  Tobi still refrained from signaling Anbu into the battle... 

    ID# 50072 results:

     Battle: 2 (Fail)

     MOB: 6 (success) 12-18=1 DMG to Tobi, 9 thorn DMG to Dark Elf

    ID# 50073 results:

     MOB: 2 (fail)

    Tsubasa: 33/36 HP, 9/9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 0 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP 2/2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    Dark Elf: -6/12 hp, 9 dmg (quest mat)

    Squirrel: 10/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg 

  3. Tobi had just had his cloak penetrate through the squirrel, damaging its health bar immensely.  Tobi then tried to hit the attached squirrel, but only to trip and fall on the ground.  As he lay there, the squirrel detached itself from the thorn.  The dark elf jumped onto Tsubasa, causing yet another thorn to eject from the cloak.  It pierced through the dark elf's chest, opposite of it's heart.  The damage to the health bar was extreme... Tobi still did not signal for the help of Anbu.

    ID# 50051 results:

     Battle: 1 (Crit fail)

     MOB: 6 (success) 12-18=1 DMG to Tobi, 9 thorn DMG to Dark Elf.

     ID# 50052 results:

     MOB: 3 (fail)

    Tsubasa: 34/36 HP, 9/9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 0 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP 2/2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    Dark Elf: 3/12 hp, 9 dmg

    Squirrel: 10/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg

  4. Tobi saw Anbu vanish from sight and knew what would happen next.   The Dark Elf swung from behind him with his hands.  Tobi managed to roll out of the way and tried striking back at the dark elf, but in vain.  After the Dark Elf got a few feet away from Tobi, the squirrel then tried to take hold of the situation.  The squirrel bit at Tsubasa's arm which was taking a great beating today and sunk its teeth deep into the wound.  Tobi's cloak ejected a giant spike thorn into the squirrels extremity.  Tobi was defeating them using his tactic, which gave him a reason to keep fighting after the darn monsters bit his already abused upper arm.  

     ID# 50039 results:

     Battle: 4 (fail)

     MOB: 3 (fail) 

    ID# 50040 results:

     MOB: 7 (success) 10-18=1 DMG to Tobi, 9 thorn DMG to Squirrel.

    Tsubasa: 35/36 HP, 9/9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 0 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP 2/2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    Dark Elf: 12 hp, 9 dmg

    Squirrel: 10/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg

  5. Tobi noticed that Anbu had vanished into the forest.  Tobi entered from the entrance which he had entered once before.  The darkness of the canopies above were somewhat pleasant.  Tobi kept his eyes wide open, glancing from one side to the other, when he heard a twig snap to his left.  Knowing that it could be Anbu, Tobi vanished with impeccable speed and landed several feet behind what he thought was a dark elf.  As Tobi lays behind the dark elf, Anbu came rushing back though the small brush.   Tobi noticed a squirrel behind him that seemed to be targeting him from behind.  "Anbu!"  yells Tobi towards Anbu.  Tobi points to the Squirrel and then at the dark elf, giving Anbu the first attack. 

    Tsubasa: 36/36 HP, 9/9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 0 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP 2/2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    Dark Elf: 12 hp, 9 dmg

    Squirrel: 19/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg


  6. Tsubasa listened carefully to Anbu's response and agreed with him.  Tsubasa then took the lead as they walked to the forest enterance.  A bit of time passes as they travel to the forest of wavering mist.  "It has been quite a while since I have entered this place." Tobi stated out loud.  Tsubasa noticed that the coded sun signaled that the time was now about 3 in the afternoon.  Tobi knew that they would most likely be traveling back to the first floor when the sun would be setting, which was not a big problem.  Tobi just accepted this fact and continued to the forest's edge, where a wall of shadows from the trees made a wall of darkness.

  7. Tobi watched as Anbu waked back to where he had originally been before he had signaled him to return to the battle.  Tobi decided to take a quick sit where he stood to refresh himself with a bottle of water.  Tobi took a quick break to search the surrounding are for materials, in which he found absolutely nothing.  He drank most of the bottle, almost immediately acknowledging that he was dehydrated from the many battles he had partaken in recently.  Tobi, once he finished the water and the bottle pixilated, stood and began walking towards Anbu.  "You about ready to start a battle with the darn dark elf?  I think this will be a great way to end our adventure and a mission together... sound logical?" asked Tobi to Anbu

    ID# 50024 results:

     Loot: 1 (crit fail)

  8. Tobi noticed that Anbu had grabbed a stick which had caught beside the sheath when they had begun the quest journey.  Tobi knew that he would have to strike the monkey in order to limit it's hit bar low enough.  Tobi moved in for the strike, but the awkward position made this nearly impossible.  The monkey moved around as much as it could, resulting in the cloak ejecting a second thorn when its arm made contact with Tobi's hand.  The thorn penetrated into the arm of the monkey, causing it to bleed out until it died.  Tobi, yet again stood breathless as the plan failed for the second time in a row.  Tobi looked at Anbu and gave yet another thumbs up.  The day was going rather terribly on this floor.  

     ID# 50008 results:

     Battle: 2 (fail) 

     Loot: 11 (+95 col)

     MOB: 8 (success) 10-18=1 DMG to Tobi.  9 thorn damage to monkey

    Tsubasa: 34/36 HP, 8/9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 3 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP, 2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    The Monkey: -7/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg (+1 mat, +95 col)

  9. Tobi thought quickly about his strategy and decided to use a sword art if the monkey were to become damaged by the thorns from his cloak.  Swiftly running back into the heat of battle with the monkey, Tobi was his in his darn upper arm again by the monkey.  When he noticed the thorns eject from his cloak, Tobi activated his sword art *aggressive twins* and struck multiple blurry snake like strikes at the beast.  The monkey was stuck to the cloak from the thorns and could not removed itself in time.  The blurry strikes highly damaged the beast, and Tobi then signalled with his left arm, which was not holding the monkey with thorns, requesting back up.  If Anbu were to miss, Tobi planned to hit.  Otherwise Tobi would refrain from attacking.

     ID# 50004 results:

     Battle: 9 (crit +1)  ((5+1)*2)=12) 12-5=7 DMG to monkey

     Craft: 12 (energy regen. success)

     MOB: 7 (success) 10-18=1 DMG to Tobi.  9 thorns DMG to monkey

    Tsubasa: 34/36 HP, 8/9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 3 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP, 2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    The Monkey: 2/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg

  10. Tobi got into his snake stance a few feet away from the monkey.  Tobi decided a sword art was not needed yet, and therefore did not activate any of them.  Tobi rushed forward with his arms extended to both sides of his body.  As he got close to the monkey he struck out with his right arm and struck at the spinal cord.  The monkey tried hitting Tobi, but Tobi easily moved out of the way.  Tobi stepped a few feet back again to think about his strategy.  

    ID# 49974 results:

     Battle: 8 (Success) 5-5=1 DMG to monkey

     MOB: 4 (fail)

    Tsubasa: 35/36 HP, 9/9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 1 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP, 2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    The Monkey: 18/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg

  11. Tsubasa realized what Anbu was talking about... "yeah sure, I think that method is a really good one.  You..." Tobi saw the thing enter the side of his eyesight, only to strike at his arm.  The mob monkey, large enough to tackle Tsubasa with ease appeared right next to Tobi as he made these comments.  The monkey struck its paw like arm at Tsubasa, hitting the snake wound on his upper arm.  Tsubasa tried to strike back but swung wildly and amazingly missed every time.  The monkey was to agile for Tobi to land any of his strikes.  Tobi moved back from where he had been standing and tried to get into his snake stance.  "Go look for materials until I give the signal." said Tobi directed toward Anbu.

     ID# 49923 results:

     Battle: 5 (fail)

     MOB: 10 (crit +2) (10+2=12) 12-18=1 DMG to Tsubasa

    Tsubasa: 35/36 HP, 9/9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 0 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP, 2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    The Monkey: 19/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg


  12. Tobi entered the third floor with Anbu and appeared a small distance away from the forest which seemed to be the forest of wavering mist.  Tobi had been here once before and really liked the thick canopy above the trunks of the trees.  Tobi then searched his left and right rather quickly and did not notice any materials growing or lying about.  Tobi kept his face towards the forest when he says, "Let us go around the thick part of the forest until we either find a clearing to enter, or we fight something surprising.  Does that sound good to you, Anbu?"  Tobi knew that he would need to get the most hate in order to keep Anbu safe from harm.  "you might as well prepare your weapon..." 

     ID# 49921 results:

     Loot: 13 (fail)

  13. Tsubasa heard Anbu ask the question if they should fight any more mobs on this floor... Then he noticed Anbu do a quick scope of the surrounding.  Tobi did not see anything out of the ordinary and began talking, "I think we will find enough mobs on the next floor to fight that we won't have to worry about any, if by chance we do stumble across any, targeting us.  Besides, the closer we get to thos woods, the faster we will lkely be able to enter the forest of wavering mist.  I've done this quest before with acquaintance, and it was quite fun since the dang elf missed every time.  However, I led him to believe that he died in honor, which I kept a secret from my acquaintance to this day.  The Elf will have the material we are looking for when we fight it, I am almost sure of it..."  Tobi finished his statement and made sure his health and energy bars had regenerated completely.  "It seems as though we are getting close to entering the third floor, see you on the other side." says Tobi directed towards Anbu.

    ID# 49918 results:

     Loot: 5 (fail)

  14. Tsubasa, when he heard what kacaji said, remembered that they did need to get on to the next floor up.  Tobi brushed off the snake from his thorn jutting out of his arm, and the thorn began to retract back inside his cloak.  The wraps slowly changed from the dark green illumination to the light green illumination.  Tobi covered his wound with some tall grass, and using some of his more advanced techniques, stopped the bleeding from his arm and legs completely.  As he began to lead the way to the next floor, he noticed that a small plant was on the ground near to the small rock which Anbu had sat on.  Tobi, fast as a flash, returned behind Anbu with a plant in his hands.  He then proceeded to place it in his inventory for later.  

     ID# 49908 results:

     Loot: 18 (success, +1 mat)


  15. Tsubasa saw the boy miss and then became worried.  He knew that he would take the hits for the fighting, but he did not know whether or not to finish off the snake himself.  His instincts immediately kicked in and he ran directly at the snake.  Tsubasa activated the sword art *embracer* and swung at the snake with his palm.  To his recklessness, the snake dodged the easily predictable attack and bite into his arm.  However the thorns extended from the snake cloak and punctured the armor completely through.  The snake hung on the thorn jutting out of Tsubasa's cloak, right out of his upper arm.  Tsubasa stood surprised after the snake died, but then looked over to Anbu and put his right thumb up.  That was the only way Tobi could express his current emotion, hidden deep inside his soul.  

    ID# 49906 results:

     Battle: 3 (fail)

     MOB: 7 (success) 10-18=1 DMG to Tsubasa, 9 thorn DMG to Snake

    Tsubasa: 33/36 HP, 0/9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 5 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP, 2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    The snake: -7/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg (+1 mat)


  16. Tsubasa, noticing that the glancing hit of Anbu's curved sword did not penetrate the snake scale armor, activated his aggressive twins sword art.  Tsubasa jumped forward towards the snake and struck the reptile with two blurry consecutive snake strikes.  The snake's hit bar dropped down immensely.  Tsubasa then moved back away, in order to dodge the bite from the snake.  "Go again, but this time swing your hardest upon the serpent.  This time you should have it for sure".  Tobi stated this with more certainty than before.  

     ID# 49904 results:

     Battle: 8 (success) (5*2)=10  10-5=5  5 DMG to the snake

     MOB: 4 (fail)

    Tsubasa: 34/36 HP, 4/9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 5 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP, 2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    The snake: 2/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg

  17. Tsubasa activated a sword art which he had never used before called embracer.  His hand wraps still grew a dark green illuminating color when he activated the sword art.  Tsubasa ran up to the snake and hit it with the palm of his hand.  The snake's muscles froze completely still on contact.  Tsuabsa then put up his arm signaling to Kacaji to attack the reptile.  If Kacaji were to miss, Tobi would strike again and take its health to bar to a single hit point.  "Make sure to hit it while its paralyzed Anbu."  Tsubasa called in his general direction.

    ID# 49900 results:

     Battle: 9 (crit +1)  6-5=1 DMG to snake

     Craft: 12 (energy recovery success)

     MOB: 6 (success but stunned)

    Tsubasa: 34/36 HP, 6/9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 4 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP, 2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    The snake: 7/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg

  18. Tobi then jumped forward onto the ground beside the snake by instinct.  He landed right next to it and he began doing pushups beside the reptile.  The reptile took advantage of what he thought was a perfect timing, however Tobi smiled.  The snake was tricked into hurting itself.  The thorns from the cloak sprung out and stabbed into the snake as the snake bit Tobi's shoulder.   The snake hissed from the thorns contact into its scaley body.  The snake was then released from the thorns and Tobi stood up rather glad.

    ID# 49884 results:

     Battle: 2 (Fail)

     MOB: 7 (success) 10-18=1 DMG to Tsubasa.  9 thorns DMG to snake.

    Tsubasa: 34/36 HP, 9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 2 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP, 2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    The snake: 8/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg

  19. Tsubasa got into his snake stance ready to deliver a snake like strike to the snake.  He decided not to use the sword art because the thorns plan was not working.  He planned to take it down ever so slowly, giving Anbu the final strike.  He burst forward toward the snake, which stayed perfectly still.  Tsubasa thought that the snake was going to do something at the last second, but that did not occur.  Tobi hit the snake and it just took the strike and was launched several feet back.  Tobi decided to wait a lot longer before signaling Anbu.

    ID# 49880 results:

     Battle: 7 (Success) 5-5=1dmg to snake

     MOB: 2 (fail)

    Tsubasa: 35/36 HP, 9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 2 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP, 2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    The snake: 17/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg

  20. Tobi strips backwards and falls on his butt, his leg is bleeding and swelling.  Tsubasa puts his hands over his leg to cover the wind from bleeding out.  The snake seemed weakened from Tobi's original strike to the sepent.  Tobi turned to see kacaji pull multiple plants from the ground.  Tobi stood back up and prepared another strike towards the snake.  He was contemplating using his sword art, but overall decided against it.

    ID# 49825 results:

     Battle: 1 (Crit fail)

     MOB: 1 (Crit fail)

    Tsubasa: 35/36 HP, 9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 1 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP, 2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    The snake: 18/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg

  21. Tobi then walks towards the snake which slithers around on the ground a distance away.  Tsubasa ran toward the snake with gradual speed and hit the snake with his typical snake like strike.  However this snake was rather dexterious and moved to bite Tsubasa's leg.  Tsubasa pushed the snake away and grabbed his leg which hurt like heck.  Tobi reminded himself not to do activate his sword art yet.

    ID# 49806 results:

     Battle: 7 (Success) 5-5=1 DMG to snake

     MOB: 10 (crit +2) 12-18=1 DMG to Tsubasa

    Tsubasa: 35/36 HP, 9 energy, 18 MIT, 9 thorns, 1 hate, 5dmg

    Kacaji: 8/8 HP, 2 energy, 0 MIT, 0 hate, 2 dmg

    The snake: 18/19hp, 5mit, 10 dmg

  22. Tobi listened to Anbu's response keeping close attention to the lack of loyalty he seemed to be missing.  Using the help of his serpents tongue tobi says, "Maybe you might want to join my guild, we call ourselves "the Lucifer Effect".  The purpose of the guild is to kill red players and protect innocent green players.  You are definitely qualified to join if you think you have a quality to yourself that nobody else has....". Tsubasa then thought about the amount of col they could collect during this journey, if they were to fight many mobs along the journey to the third floor.   "Would you be willing to sit back as I fight mobs, while you finish them off with the final strike?  We could earn quite a bit of col that way".  Tobi then waited for yet another response from Anbu.  They reached the enterance of the second floor.

  23. Tobi watched as Anbu elequantly climbed the wooden framework with ease.  Tobi was honestly impressed by this boy and just stood in awe as the boy swung back to ground level with his right arm.  When Anbu landed, he gave the plant to Tobi and tobi accepted the material as well as the party and friend request.  Tobi followed Anbu at a casual walking pace towards the third floor.  "How have you been in SAO Anbu?  I think this game is incredibly difficult to begin with, non the less dying in the game makes the game that much more difficult.  And I see you keep the same clothing trends from the village you were apart of..." Tobi then halted his sentence to listen to Anbu's point of view.

  24. Tsubasa decided that the username was rather obnoxious and called the boy by the name Anbu.  "My name is Tsubasa, but I go by Tobi... Or the medic I guess."  When given a request for a kind of deal, Tsubasa thought about the scenarios.  "We would be together, so we are techniqually are not soloing, and might be able to get this guy to join my guild if I can pursuade him that we are strong..." Tsubasa thought in his head.  "Sure, I'll join a quest with you if you go and retrieve... The material from up there... . Tsubasa then rechecked the wall and noticed a small metallic piece beneath the crevice where the plant was growing alongside the wooden frame.  Tsubasa knew that this kid was even more preceptive than himself, which was amazing since he was the medic who spliced the left eye into the boys nerve system.  "Alright, you go and get those materials, and I sure has heck accept the quest."  Says Tsubasa.

  25. Tsubasa heard quiet footsteps to his right after a door shut near soundlessly.  Tsubasa looked to his right after being asked the question, "what are you doing on the first floor medic?...". As soon as he heard the word "medic" Tsubasa knew who he would be addressing.  However Tsubasa did not know how the boy would want to be addressed as, so he did not formally reply to that question.  "Hey dude, I am on the first floor because I just arrived back from a nasty fight against some squirrels.". Tsubasa then heard the boy ask, "why in front of this inn?". To which, Tsubasa looked up at the material plant growing in the cracks of the wooden wall frame.  The boy seemed to quickly catch on.

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