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Posts posted by Tsubasa

  1. Tsubasa was on the first floor after collecting materials with Nixon.  He was pretty tired from his battle with the dude and believed that he had reasonably earned the pasta which was given as a gift from Nixon.  Tsubasa was walking the streets of the first floor, which were mostly empty because of the time, early morning.  The cloak was a bit dirty, but was not stained from the dirt after laying on the ground and slithering like a snake.  His cloth wraps were still illuminating a light green, and his plate armor beneath his cloak was nothing short of good steel.  Tsubasa was about to reach his own room when he realized that he himself was still running short on col.  He needed to go back out and find some more col but there was nobody else walking about in the streets at this time.  He took notice to a plant growing in the side of a building and decided to try to climb up the wall to grab it.  However his climbing ability was rather miserable so he opened up his menu to see if any of his friends were nearby.

     ID# 49786 results:

     Loot: 18 (+1 mat)

  2. Tsubasa tried to kick the alpha wolf, whose health bar was dangerously low.  The wolf easily moved out of the way, letting the second wolf attempt to bite him.  Tsubasa read the strategic movements of the wolves and planned a counter attacked in his head.  He struck an intimidating glance at the third wolf, forcing it to stay where it currently is.  Tsubasa was still getting into his stance, for his legs were bleeding from the bites... "Maybe I can get them close enough for thorns to finish them off..." Tsubasa thought in his head.

    ID# 49632 results:

     Battle: 4 (fail)

     MOB: 5 (fail)

    ID# 49633 results:

     MOB: 9 (crit success +1) (9+1=10)-18=1 DMG to Tsubasa

     ID# 49634 results:

     MOB: 3 (fail)

    Tsubasa: 31/36HP | 5dmg | 18mit | 9thorns | 3/9 energy | Hate: 4

    Iri: 14/20HP | 3dmg | 9 mit | 3 eva | 0/5 energy | Hate: 4


    wolf 1: 3/19hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 2: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 3: ded

    Wolf 4: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg

  3. Tsubasa stands up from his push-ups slightly exhausted.  He sees that Antofer has recovered and attacked the weaker bandit, which will quicken the elimination of one threat.  Tsubasa decided to target the same one and jabbed out at him, dealing damage with his now light green snake strike wraps.  The hit made the bandit a bit disorianted, considering his health bar was in the red at this point.  "They just don't know when to give up..." Tsubasa spoke towards Antofer.

    ID# 49066 results:

     Battle: 6 (success, 5 base damage to weak bandit)

    Bandit 10/70 hp 20 damage.

    Bandit 52/70 hp 20 damage. 

    Antofer  28/36 hp  9/9 energy 18 mit                    

    Tsubasa 36/36 hp 6/9 energy 18 mit, 9 thorns

  4. Tsubasa kept doing his push ups one handed, but reached out with his arm and activated his sword art, Aggressive twins.  After doing a one handed push up, he would reach out and hit the bandit in the leg with the other one with a blur of Dark Green Illuminated hands.  Tsubasa did not stop his workout, but instead requested Antofer to return and catch back up.  The bandit was continuously hoping from one leg to the other, occasionally making contact with Tsubasa's snake twin strikes.

     ID# 48969 results:

     Battle: 6 (success) (5*2)=10 dmg to Bandit 1

    Bandit 17/70 hp 20 damage.

    Bandit 52/70 hp 20 damage. 

    Antofer  28/36 hp  9/9 energy 18 mit                    

    Tsubasa 36/36 hp 6/9 energy 18 mit


  5. Tsubasa watched as the Boss finally killed himself by messing up his strike just enough to be killed by Nixon's thorns.  Tsubasa was super exhausted and decided to sit down.  When he began to sit down, he sat directly on top of a small plant.  Noticing that the plant was rather rare to find in the forest,  Tsubasa began pulling at the plant.  The plant finally was uprooted from the ground and placed in his shorts pocket.  "Seems about right... Well Nixon, I think its time for us to go back... besides I really need that pasta right about now..." Tsubasa looks over at Nixon without an expression besides that appearance of exhaustion.  

     ID# 48964 results:

     Loot: 19 (success +1 mat)

  6. Tsubasa laying underneath the brush next to the dead squirrel, trys to stand up.  He was obviously tired of this fight, which had gone on way longer than he had planned.  "I haven't a clue why the boss is ignoring you.  Let me try to heal you while it is distracted."  Tsubasa grabs Nixon's shoulder and tries to send a healing skill through to him.  The cloak flickered a white light, but then returned to its original white fabric state.  "give me a little more time and I might be able to do it again." he told Nixon

     ID# 48961 results:

     Craft: 5 (healing fail)

    Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

    Nixon 17/24 HP | 0/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 8


    Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

    Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

    Squirrel Sentinel (12) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED (+Potion of HP Recovery  +1 Mat)

    Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

    Squirrel Minion (5) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (180Col +1Mat)

    Squirrel Minion (16) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED


  7. Tsubasa layed down under the bush, waiting for the right moment.  Taubasa lunged from where he was, under the brush, reaching with his right arm.  His poorly timed execution of his strike completely missed the leg of one of the squirrels.  He had been spotted, and his instincts kicked in.  He had to find a new place that would be inconspicuous.  Tsubasa rolled to his right a couple feet until he found a good location to hide again.

    ID# 48938 results:

     Battle: 1 (crit fail)

    Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

    Nixon 17/24 HP | 0/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 6


    Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

    Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

    Squirrel Sentinel (12) 1/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

    Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

    Squirrel Minion (5) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (180Col +1Mat)

    Squirrel Minion (16) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED

  8. Tsubasa began to move out of the brush, but his keen senses became disrupted by the loud noise banging of Nixon's shield.  Tsubasa fell forward from his exhaustion and disorientation.  Tsubasa hit the ground and his white glow slowly dissipated.  Tsubasa was completely drained of mental thinking, leaving behind his wits and instincts.  He began to crawl towards the boss squirrel, hoping to give it a good pinch in the foot with his sword art.  Tsubasa was getting closer to the giant squirrel by the second, as thought he were a slithering professional.  

     ID# 48885 results:

     Craft: 1 (crit fail for healing)

    Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

    Nixon 18/24 HP | 0/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 5


    Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

    Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

    Squirrel Sentinel (12) 2/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

    Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

    Squirrel Minion (5) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (180Col +1Mat)

    Squirrel Minion (16) 17/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

  9. Tsubasa activated his aggressive twins ability and struck at the second wolf.  The Alpha wolf however was prepared for this assult and jumped in front and jumped in front of him.  Tsubasa landed his attack directly into the Alpha wolf as its health bar dropped significantly.  All the Wolves were now targeted on Tsubasa.  The second wolf turned and bit Tsubasa's leg with immense power from the jaw.  Seeing the opening, the Alpha Wolf attacked at Tusbasa's other leg.  Tsubasa didnt really feel this pain, for he knew what he did was well planned.

     ID# 48875 results:

     Battle: 10 (7*2=14-3=11dmg to Alpha

     Craft: 10 (recovery success +1 energy)

     MOB1: 10 (crit +2 against Tusbasa) 11-18=1dmg to Tsubasa

     ID# 48878 results:

     MOB2: 10 (crit +2 against Tsubasa) 11-18=1dmg to Tsubasa

     ID# 48880 results:

     MOB: 3 (fail)

    Tsubasa: 32/36HP | 5dmg | 18mit | 9thorns | 3/9 energy | Hate: 4

    Iri: 14/20HP | 3dmg | 9 mit | 3 eva | 0/5 energy | Hate: 4


    wolf 1: 3/19hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 2: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 3: ded

    Wolf 4: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg


  10. Tsubasa did not find this act amusing in the slightest.  Instead he tried to predict where Nixon would be and where to speed up in order to precisely put his arm so not to inflict harm on himself and still heal Nixon.  Tsubasa lunged forward after fast calculations and some acquired instincts, placing his arm in the exact location to activate his healing ability.  Tsubasa kept his glowing white illumination, but he was obviously getting tired and really quickly.  Tsubasa blurred away from Nixon as they made contact and landed several feet behind them.  A giant tree was planted directly behind him with small bushes to his left and right.  Tsubasa, in order to keep all the squirrels from noticing his presence, hid beneath the brush, waiting for the perfect moment to heal Nixon again.

    ID# 48872 results:

     Craft: 8 (heal success) +2 hp to Nixon

    Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

    Nixon 19/24 HP | 0/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 4


    Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

    Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

    Squirrel Sentinel (12) 2/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

    Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

    Squirrel Minion (5) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (180Col +1Mat)

    Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit


  11. Tsubasa tries to land a strike against the Alpha in order to draw its attention.  As Tsubasa targets his enemy, the enemy changes course and begins running away from Iri.  Without thinking about the other two wolves, Tsubasa moves away to keep up.  The other two wolves take advantage of this and both jump at perfect times to bite both of Iri's arms while he catches himself with his hands.  Significant damage is done to Iri's health bar when this occurs.  When Tsubasa notices what the wolves had done, Tsubasa prepared a sword art for his next attack.  *I have to Aggro all the wolves with a sword art strike* He thought to himself.

     ID# 48865 results:

     Battle: 3 (fail)

     MOB: 2 (fail)

     ID# 48866 results:

     MOB2: 10 (crit +2) 11-9=2dmg to Iri

     ID# 48868 results:

     MOB3: 10 (crit +2) 11-9=2dmg to Iri

    Tsubasa: 34/36HP | 5dmg | 18mit | 9thorns | 4/9 energy | Hate: 2

    Iri: 14/20HP | 3dmg | 9 mit | 3 eva | 0/5 energy | Hate: 4


    wolf 1: 14/19hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 2: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 3: ded

    Wolf 4: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg



  12. Tsubasa followed behind Nixon, keeping a small distance between them so not to get in Nixon's way.  Tsubasa did notice this rare situation where the squirrels appeared almost intelligent.  However, Tsubasa knew that the plan should stay the same in case the boss Squirrel made a wrong move.  "Keep you attacks aimed at the small ones.  The have less natural armor, and are therefore easier to damage.  The Boss will likely mess up soon and that will end the major part of the battle."  Tsubasa kept glowing a white Illumination  which seemed to really stress his mind.  He didn't know how much more he could take before he would need a break.

    ID# 48863 results:

     Craft: 7 (healing success) +2hp to Nixon

    Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

    Nixon 18/24 HP | 0/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 4


    Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

    Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

    Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

    Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

    Squirrel Minion (5) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (180Col +1Mat)

    Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

  13. Tsubasa strikes at the Alpha wolf with a normal strike, hitting the wolf directly in the neck.  The wolf feels almost unaffected by the hit and bites Iri in the arm.  The other 2 wolves strike at Iri, but Iri's dodges paid off.  Tsubasa watched as, while still being bitten, Iri moved side to side , forcing the wolves to miss and fall on their four paws.  Tsubasa was actually quite amazed.

    ID# 48857 results:

     Battle: 8 (Success) 5-3=2dmg to Alpha

     Loot: 11 (recover +1 energy)

     MOB: 10 (crit +2) 11-9=2dmg to Iri

    ID# 48861 results:

     MOB2: 2 (fail)

    ID# 48862 results:

     MOB: 3 (fail)

    Tsubasa: 34/36HP | 5dmg | 18mit | 9thorns | 4/9 energy | Hate: 2

    Iri: 17/20HP | 3dmg | 9 mit | 3 eva | 0/5 energy | Hate: 4


    wolf 1: 14/19hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 2: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 3: ded

    Wolf 4: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg

  14. Tsubasa keeps up perfectly in time with Nixon his glowing cloak illuminating white.  Tsubasa grabbed Nixon's shoulder and Nixon's health bar grew back up a bit.  Taubasa responded, "focus your damage on the small squirrels, so the boss will die from your thorns.  Only a couple attacks against you should do the trick". Tsubasa kept behind Nixon completely focused on keeping Nixon's health bar up.

     ID# 48852 results:

     Craft: 12 (heal success) +2hp

    Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

    Nixon 18/24 HP | 2/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 4


    Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

    Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

    Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

    Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

    Squirrel Minion (5) 11/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

    Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

  15. Tsubasa notices that Mr.Dark Eyes is waiting for Iri to decide whether he will join our bison journey or not.  As Mr.Dark Eyes asked Iri stuff, Tsubasa equipped his battle gear.  First he eqquiped his armor platings, then his hand wraps of snake like strike, which glow a light green illumination.  Finally he equipped his white snake cloak, which had a white snake isignia imprinted on the back.  Tsubasa had just stopped himself and Antofer at the enterance of the tavern and blocked people from enetering just to hear Iri's response.  

  16. Tsubasa was confused seeing Mr.Dark Eyes wear the spikey leather arm plate with jutting spikes.  His very open appearance to the sadistic paassage was rather displeasing to look at.  "Well I say we treat you to the finest fighting. Do y'all want to try to take on some Bison?  I believe there should be a few in the floor 1 plains if my information is not corrupted".   Tsubasa begins to walk out of the tavern with Antofer.  Tsubasa is still wearing his beginners clothes.

  17. Tsubasa had done a few fights in his past which were both amazing, yet he did have some faults which could have caused failure in executing the precise decision to cause most damage and overall least casualties.  Tsubasa knew that this fact was inevitable, but does not plan for death to come quite so soon.  He decided today would be a day of building up his stretegic medical and warfare knowledge to the test.  It had been a while sense he had studied the anatomy of a human or played a quality game of chess.  For Tsubasa was still laying in his comfortable, gloomy room, on top of the bed looking up into nothingness.  Something came to mind.  "Where is that evil derived rival of mine?  I haven't seen him in weeks, which means he could have died of that sickness", stated Tsubasa aloud since nobody could hear him.  Tsubasa smirked and began to stand up out of his comfortable bed, having been wearing his begginers cloths.

  18. Tsubasa nods his head in understanding and reaches up with his light green wraps connecting to his snake cloak, and grabs Nixon's shoulder.  Tsubasa's cloak begins to shine with a bright white light which temporarily blinds mobs that look at it.  Nixon's health recovers by a small amount.  Tsubasa's cloak then stops shining and he looks around with his snake like eyes to spot/notice any mobs that were not blinded by the light.  "Go for another strike, and I will follow you".  

    ID# 48683 results:

     Craft: 12 (success heal)

    Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

    Nixon 20/24 HP | 4/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 3


    Squirrel Boss 36/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

    Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

    Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

    Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

    Squirrel Minion (5) 8/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

    Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

  19. "Luck just wasn't on my side IG.". Tsubasa turned and ran with a blur of speed.  He lunged out at the third wolf in the back which was injured and stabbed it to death.  The wolves wolves targeted Tsubasa, which the first misses, second misses, and the third continues to attack Iri, biting his arm ever harder.  "Sorry, one dies at a time, please come over here wolves".  Tsubasa then prepared to challenge the other wolves one at a time.  

    ID# 48673 results:

     Battle: 9 (Crit +1) 6-3 DMG 

     Loot: 18(90col)

     MOB: 5 (fail)

    ID# 48680 results:

     MOB: 3 (fail)

    MOB3 ded

    ID# 48681 results:

     MOB: 9 (crit +1)2 DMG to Iri

    Tsubasa: 34/36HP | 5dmg | 18mit | 9thorns | 3/9 energy | Hate: 1

    Iri: 17/20HP | 3dmg | 9 mit | 3 eva | 0/5 energy | Hate: 2


    wolf 1: 17/19hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 2: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 3: ded

    Wolf 4: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg

    90 col

  20.  Tsubasa's hand wraps build up a very dark green presence.  His white cloak begins to glow green as well.  He suddenly disappears from where he was previously located, and appears above the big boss squirrel.  He lunges downward at the boss squirrel activating his sword art, "aggressive twins" and rains down upon the boss with lightning fast snake like thrusts.  "Hello buddy, this is one of the stupidest things I've ever done.". Tsubasa the n vanished and appeared behind Nixon... "I will have muscle pain for days, going this fast".

    ID# 48670 results:

     Battle: 10 (crit success +2) 14-10=4

    Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

    Nixon 20/24 HP | 6/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 1


    Squirrel Boss 36/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

    Squirrel Sentinel (1) 2/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

    Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

    Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

    Squirrel Minion (5) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

    Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

  21. Tsubasa says "if luck permits... Then yes".  Tsubasa lunges forward at the wolves but still feels rather stupid from witnessing the Alpha Wolf attack the air.  When he struck out, he fell over and hit the ground with full force applied to his shoulder.  He realized that none of the wolves were targeting him, but instead focused on Iri.  The first Alpha and a none injured wolf struck out at Iri and bit both his arms.  The other two then struck out with their jaws but they could not get through the wolves.

    ID# 48659 results:

     Battle: 1 (crit fail)

     MOB: 9 (crit +1) 1 DMG to Iri

    ID# 48660 results:

     MOB: 9 (crit+1) 1 DMG to Iri

     ID# 48662 results:

     MOB: 6-3=3(fail)

    ID# 48664 results:

     MOB4: 7-3=4(fail)

    Tsubasa: 34/36HP | 5dmg | 18mit | 9thorns | 3/9 energy | Hate: 1

    Iri: 17/20HP | 3dmg | 9 mit | 3 eva | 0/5 energy | Hate: 2


    wolf 1: 17/19hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 2: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 3: 2/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 4: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg

  22. Tsubasa realizes that Nixon was trying to attract the squirrels attention.  Seeing this, Tsubasa immediately goes to hide beneath some of the brush.  As a squirrel moved past he struck his arm outward toward the tail.  The tail moved forward as if it had noticed him.  Tsubasa retracted his arm back beside himself.  He thought, "it might be better to count the number of enemies nearby".  So Tsubasa looked around from underneath the forest brush.  He spots three small squirrels near him, and three near Nixon.  "Well, looks like he is giving me the easier prey... OK". Tsubasa stays still to make sure the small squirrel had not spotted him, then prepared a sword art for his next strike.

    ID# 48655 results: Battle: 4 (fail)

    Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 9/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 0

    Nixon 24/24 HP | 6/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 0


    Squirrel Boss 40/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

    Squirrel Sentinel (1) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

    Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

    Squirrel Minion (1) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

    Squirrel Minion (5) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

    Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

  23. Tsubasa runs up behind Iri , his cloak making a snapping noise.  He grabs Iri's shoulder and the snake wraps become a bright white light, raising Iri's health bar and temporarily blinding all mobs looking.  All the wolves became blinded, however the Alpha still went in for the strike.  When the Alpha jumped forward, it locked on to it's target... Which was just the air.  Tsubasa saw this and didn't react at all to its strange behavior.  "Iri, you should try to lunge forward with a more relaxed arm, so you become more agile and perceptive to the things around you.", says Tsubasa as he takes his hand off of Iri's shoulder.

    ID# 48460 results:

     Craft: 7 (heal success) +1 HP to Iri

     MOB1: 1 (crit fails)

    ID# 48461 results:

     MOB2: 2 (fail)

    ID# 48462 results:

     MOB3: 4 (fail)

    ID# 48463 results:

     MOB: 5 (fail)

    Tsubasa: 34/36HP | 5dmg | 18mit | 9thorns | 3/9 energy | Hate: 1

    Iri: 19/20HP | 3dmg | 9 mit | 3 eva | 0/5 energy | Hate: 1


    wolf 1: 18/19hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 2: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 3: 2/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg. 

    Wolf 4: 18/18hp | 3mit | 9dmg

  24. "Uh that's... Well a unique piece of red metal.. I guess.  Anyways, yeah, I could definitely use a good battle.  I'm getting rusty at my technique.".  Tsubasa began walking through the forest, noticing small bugs that would usually be invisible to a bystander, had he not very keen snake like eyes.  "Let's keep going this direction.  Is there any specific mobs you would like to battle in this forest?  I'm up for just about anything at the moment.".  Tsubasa goes and looks around at what's appears to be a rock.  When he looks over the rock he sees a small plant.  Tsubasa, realizing that the plant had alchemical components, decides to dig it out.  Tsubasa then grabs the plant and places it in his inventory.


    ID# 48459 results:

     Loot: 15 (success)

  25. Tsubasa just stands watching as "Mr.Dark Eyes" drank the entire thing of water.  "So, what quest are you planning on doing?".   I'm up for doing any quest with anyone as long as Abandon and Phillia are not tagging along.  She accepted to duel me but she refused to duel someone a level below herself.  She's all talk and that would only danger the party.  OK, Whenever you guys want to begin, I'll be ready.  Tsubasa sat on a stool waiting for Iri to make a decision.

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