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Posts posted by Nixon

  1. Nixon stood at the edge of Aincrad, the once vibrant man now expressionless and reserved. Gone were his dreams of success and protection, gone were his hopes of freedom. He realized the fruitlessness of his task and accepted his fate. At least now if he died it would be on his own terms. He recounted the many wondrous times he had in this world. The dates he went on, the poems he spoke of, the people whose lives he influenced. He looked down over the edge of the castle readying himself for what he was ready to do. He said nothing for a long time, before looking into the sky and whispering “I am sorry Tsubasa, I am sorry Antofer, I am sorry Eth, My time has come. I wish you all the best of luck, I hope you all succeed. I will take my life in my own hands. It is time for me to say goodbye.” With that Nixon closes his eyes and steps forward into the cold, black embrace of death.

    -Nixon Dead

  2. Nixon walks into the fourth floor shop. His strikingly blue eyes seeming to have lost his luster. He knew this was necessary, though he was not happy about it. He wore a blank expression on his face, almost looking dead inside. He saw the girl standing behind the counter before him. He looked her dead in the eye before opening his menu and emptying his inventory, save his basic starting breastplate, onto the counter. He then opened his col menu and dropped every piece of it on the counter in a bag. He then once again stared into the shop keeper’s eyes, giving a slight smile, which was made all the more creepy by the dead look behind his face, before turning and walking out of the store. He had not said a single word while he was in the shop, nor did he respond to any question or statement that was made. He simply walked in, emptied his inventory and left. He was ready, maybe he could be at peace with himself but had no clear hope of doing so. He didn’t want to do this but he didn’t have the drive to keep going. 


    223 Col

    Name: Whip of greater pain
    Item Type: Weapon (Whip)
    Tier: 1 
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Dmg x1 +Bleed (9-10) +Paralyze (9-10)
    Description: Here

    Name: Breastplate Of The Torn-bush 
    Item Type: Heavy armour
    Tier: 1 
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Thorns x 2
    Description: Here

    Name: Shield of Extreme Armour
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: 48229
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: [Shield]
    Tier: [1]
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: Mit x 3
    Description: [A description of the item]

    Name: Kawaii Potato MK 2

    Your Profession:Tailor

    Your Rank: 4

    ID: ID# 47818 results:

    Roll: 11+1

    Item Type: [Plushies]

    Tier: [1]

    Quality: [Perfect]


    Name: Ambition
    Effect: Adds +1 EXP for every craft

    Description: [A description of the item]


  3. Nixon had walked to the seventh floor looking for people that he had met before, his friends list had been whipped when the lightning struck. He was followed by Dominion. “So, Dominion, You want to know about my poetry, ehh?” Nixon asked with a chuckle, “I would be happy to tell you!” Nixon opened his menu while walking and ran straight into Sey. 

    “Oh, man, I am so sorry!” Nixon said once he stabled himself. “It’s what I get for not paying attention to my surroundings.” He looked around and saw a man, clad in green looking over a lake 

    “Eth?!” Nixon said with surprise in his voice “Is that you? Its been a long time! How have you been? Do you mind if I sit next to you?” Nixon’s Face had its normal warmness and his striking blue eyes seemed as though they were smiling with him. Looking back to Sey he said, “If there is anything I can do to make up for that Sey, you let me know alright?”

  4. Nixon listened intently to Sey as he talked about his build. “I am a tank,” Nixon said, a small chuckle in his voice “Though I didn’t mean in the game, I meant what would you say the benefits and problems of your personality, I am genuinely curious.” Nixon smiled as he scanned the dessert. Looking for the cargo, suddenly something caught his eye. “What might that be?” He asked Sey pointing to their left, “Its shinning, do you think that might be the cargo? If so, let’s get it and go, I am tired of this heat!” He waited for sey to respond, Hoping that he was correct. Nixon was never one for the heat, he preferred cold environments, plus his armour helped insulate him, out here if he had his armour on he would be roasting. “Hey Sey, weird question, but do you think that you can get sunburn in this game?”




    ID# 71654

    Craft: 10


  5. Nixon looked at the other three, before beginning to speak “Well, I am sure there is a reason we are all gathered here, why don’t we all go hunt? That would allow Hydra and myself to assist the two of you in leveling up. Plus, who knows what kind of drops we will find.” Nixon smiled, his eyes welcoming, his smile warm. It was the type of smile that you would expect from a Doctorate student about to finish his last term and enter the real world. It was a smile of excitement and adventure. He looked at Hydra, “I hope you don’t mind me volunteering you for this, I think it will be a good way for everyone to get to know each other. Break the ice a little bit. Seems it is much easier to do that with a weapon anyways.” Suddenly Nixon remembered that Dominion had asked him questions. “I am 18, I wield a whip, I started playing electronic games as a way to expand my mind and allow for myself to be a better poet, and people hate each other because those who are not worthy of the time of the strong, eventually overstep their bounds.”


  6. Nixon nodded. “Sounds good to me, I doubt this will be too challenging anyways.” Nixon smiled, then a thought struck him “I should grab some mats while I am here” He looked around for a little bit before realizing how pointless it was to be looking for food supplies in a desert. “So, Sey, If you don’t mind me asking, What is it you enjoy? You seemed to be referring to not being good with charisma, so what is it that you take pride in? what is your strength?” He was genuinely curious, this man was such that he seemed to have his life together, which was more than could be said for most of the players in this game. He wondered if Sey had enjoyed how the game turned out, though he decided to stick to one question at a time, it was easier that way. Less chance for error in speech.




    ID# 71486

    Craft: 11 (No Damage)

    Loot: 5 (No Mat)


  7. Nixon nodded at the date. “Thank you Vargas, I appreciate it. I haven’t seen a calendar in a while and the one in my nervegear seems to have malfunctioned.” Nixon smiled, His striking blue eyes warm and accepting, as if to invite others to enjoy the happiness that Nixon was showing. “Do you think you could fill me in on the status of Aincrad as of late? I have just gotten back from being lost in the mountains of floor 2. I have been gone for close to six months. Crazy, huh?” He took another large drink of his bourbon and asked the bartender for another. It was amazing how many new faces had come out of hiding recently, and yet somewhat scary how few old faces he saw. “They probably just made it to higher floors” He thought to himself hopefully, “I’m sure they are fine” He looked over at Vargas’ drink smiling at this man’s taste for liquor


  8. Nixon chuckled “Yeah, I am a bit of a Shakespeare nerd. Though I do find what he taught quite interesting. Though, I understand how hard it can be to understand it.” They had reached the edge of the desert. It seemed that there was more to this quest then he was expecting. They hadn’t yet entered so Nixon decided to remove his armour and change into normal clothing. “I hope we don’t run into anything, If we do I will have to spend some time putting my armour back on. Though, I am sure that if we do Encounter something then You can cover me for the few seconds it will take,” With that they entered the Desert. It was the worst experience Nixon had felt sense he was stuck on a mountain top. The heat was blistering and the sand was harsh. He hoped they could get it over with quickly.

    Nixon 220/200HP



    ID# 71445

    Craft: 6 (No Damage)


  9. Nixon sat down by Hydra. “There is no one with me, I have been traveling with this caravan for some time now, trying to find civilization. Turns out I found something better.” Nixon smiled warmly at Hydra. The Abandon man seemed to have earned his title the hard way. “Pay me no mind for the time being. I just want to sit and observe for a little while. I am egger to see what a man you have become sense I left Hydra.” Nixon was what some would say is an old soul. He both spoke and acted as if he was ten to twenty times older that he actually was. It was humorous to him, the amount of knowledge he had, the amount of wisdom. To some it would be scary, he knew that, But to most it was a untapped well that was begging them to use it.


  10. Nixon began psychologically analyzing the NPC, but soon realized that it was frivolous. Looking to Sey. “You have already done this quest, huh? Well, you should take the lead if you are okay with that, I haven’t a clue where I am going.” With that he took on his Shakespearean tone and recited one of the most know quotes from the play hamlet “To be, or not to be--that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep--No more--and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep--To sleep--perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub, For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There's the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th' unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovered country, from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprise of great pitch and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. -- Soft you now, The fair Ophelia! -- Nymph, in thy orisons Be all my sins remembered.” (Shakespeare)



  11. Nixon thought for a moment. “it depends on what you mean by ‘who is she’. Her name is Yukisuzuki, though who she is as a person now, I couldn’t say.” He looked Sey up and down looking at his armour. “No I don’t need anything though if you needed some extra col to help you with getting better Armour I wouldn’t mind assisting.” He said smiling. Out of nowhere they were approached by an NPC in a Cloak covering her whole body. She offered Nixon a quest. “Yeah, I’m down to help.” He said smiling, “I would be happy to bring you the cargo!” he looked over to Sey “You wouldn’t mind giving me a hand would you? I would be willing to give you compensation if you would like me too. But two sets of eyes are better than one and I’m sure we could tackle this in no time.” He smiled, it was an excited smile, but never seemed to loose the factor of  warmth that he had.


  12. Nixon watched as hydra had tried to be stealthy, Nixon was ahead of Hydra but not by much. It also seemed that Hydra hadn’t been paying full attention to where he was hiding, seeing as The Abandon was standing right behind him, and hydra had landed itself right in front of him. Nixon tapped Hydra’s shoulder, “Come on man, you gotta know where you will be and what will be there before you try to sneak.” With that Nixon walked towards the group of men that were already sitting, he knew Wolfie, the broken kid that was older in soul than he was in reality. And the other man, confidently and proudly he looked at the younger man, seemingly the same age as Nixon and said in a booming and proud voice “I am Nixon the Abandon! You may call me Nix.” He was looking at Dominion, “Who might you be?” 



  13. Nixon saw the man out of the corner of his eyes. He chuckled “Yeah, when you are wandering yhe woods for about six months you forget how to keep your thoughts internal.” He smiled welcomingly at sey. “I am Nixon the Abandon, But you can call me Nix.” Nixon looked the other player up and down, he was glad to see that this man was of such stature as himself. “I was just reminiscing, as I said, I have been lost for almost six months and I have no idea what happened to any of my friends, though I am sure they are doing just fine. I also seem to have developed a tinge of romantic longing in my heart that I doubt I will ever be able to shake. Anyways you said I reminded you of your past?” With this last sentence his voice became calm and caring, that of a psychologist, “I would love to hear how you mean, should you be willing to tell me” He smiled warmly at Sey, he remembered how much he enjoyed hearing other people’s stories, and how much he enjoyed helping people.



  14. Nixon wandered up to the fifth floor. He liked to wander, never knew quite where you were going, but it was the journey that counts. He sat down on a bench in the main city, his black Armour glistening in the bright sunlight. His striking blue eyes piercing the very fabric of reality. He had an Aura of welcome and acceptance. He was happy to be out of the mountains, no longer lost. He thought back to his psychology training. He realized that it didn’t make sense for someone to be in isolation for that long and didn’t not go crazy, but maybe he was lucky. He thought back to all the people he had left behind, thought back to Yukisuzuki.  “I wish I could see her again.” He said to himself out loud “I wish I could see them all again, but I know that isn’t a possibility. There is always something that happens when time passes. If she moved on or if they are on the front lines I won’t blame them. I’m not the reason the world turns.” He laughed at this last statement. He smiled an infectious smile, thinking about all the fun they must have had.



  15. A man entered the tavern, sitting at the bar as well. Nixon looked over at him. His brilliant, striking blue eyes seeming to Pierce the soul of anyone who looked into them. They were also very welcoming, accepting, and caring. “Hello, Sir” Nixon said with confidence. “My name is Nixon, though you may call me Nix. Can you do me a favor and tell me what month and day it is?” Nixon’s voice was warm, caring, and soothing. The bartender arrived with Nixon’s whiskey. It was very clear that it was a full 8oz glass of liquor. Nixon took a drink, almost drinking half the glass. “Oh, baby, I’ve missed you” he said to the alcohol. Nixon’s smile was infectious, and he wore it proudly. He loved making others happy and, if he remembered correctly, his smile was able to do that. He had always taken care of his teeth, not to mention his eyes seemed to smile with him. 


  16. Nixon entered the tavern, it had been almost six months since he last set foot in here. He always liked the first floor tavern, it tended to be peaceful, though if you were lucky you would get a mob of people to join you while you drink. He looked around, it seemed nothing had changed and the tavern was completely empty, except the bartender and himself. He walked up to the bar, and sat down. “Buffalo Trace, on the rocks, full glass” He said to the bartender. It had been so long sense he had tasted the burn of alcohol, he was almost jumping out of his skin. It hit him, suddenly, how much had changed in six months, it seemed that most players had moved on from the first floor. “huh” He said out loud. “What else have I missed?” He was almost scared to find out. But at least he had his whiskey to comfort him.


  17. Nixon walked out of the cart, His Armour glistened off the fire, black. His piercing eyes searching the grounds for someone. “I swear, I heard that voice before. It has to have been Hydra, it’s been too long sense I’ve seen him.” It had been a long time sense he tried out that lighting device that Hydra had made him. It had done something to him because he must have used it wrong, or the game wasn’t ready for it. When he woke he was on floor 8, and lost. He locked onto Hydra, he approached the men, he was quiet and unheard. He leaned down next to Hydra and said in his soft, calm, and happy voice. “I am proud of you man, you did a great job!” Looking to the man, Nixon observed him with a friendly smile. “I am Nixon the Abandon, But you can call me Nix.”  He was proud, as if his words were higher than what they really were. 


  18. "alright, here we go: 

    The Illusion

    By Jonathan D. Rich

    I see it now
    My trek is at an end 

    I have made it through
    My mind intact
    Though the distress

    Though the thick mud that lines the dark tunnel
    It seems that the mud is thinning
    It is there waiting for me

    My legs, they can move faster now
    I can choose to live
    I can claim my prize
    The light intensifies as I approach
    The opening close at hand 

    Is this where I end my journey?
    Am I finally out of the pain,
    The sorrow
    The misery of my past?
    Did I make it to the end?

    As I approach
    The image become clear.
    I reach out to touch it

    But it’s just an illusion.
    It fades back into nothingness
    The mud now thicker than before
    And still I trek onward hoping
    One day,
    I’ll finally be free"

    (OOC: This is actually a personal poem that i wrote, please do not use without permission)

    Nixon waited a moment once he had finished speaking the poem "So what do you think?"

  19. I would love to do it, however, i must ask that anyone who chooses to use the serves's not come to me with actual IRL problems as I am not a certified psychologist. but i will be doing extensive research on the subject should this come to be.

    I would love to do it, however, i must ask that anyone who chooses to use the serves's not come to me with actual IRL problems as I am not a certified psychologist. but i will be doing extensive research on the subject should this come to be.

  20. Hey guy's with the way nixon's story has been going, I am considering opening a kind of mental health clinic in the game. It would be for role play purposes of course. It would be free to patients, but it may help people flush out their characters personality and back story. And maybe more depending on the character. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or if I would have any takers however, so if I could get some feedback on this, I would greatly appreciate it.

  21. "Yep, a couple years ago one of the books I wrote got published, it was just a book of short stories though." He said, relived that she was a fan of literature. Most would think him weird, "I have written 10 books in the 18 years I've been alive, I also started writing a play but I was sucked in here before I was able to finish it." It was something he had been wanting to do for a long time, and of course it was halted before it got very far. He though for a moment "You know, if you'd like, I would be more than happy to share some of my poetry with you." He smiled and took another sip of bourbon, he had wished at that point that he had brought a glass with him so he didn't have to drink out of the bottle but it wasn't that big of a deal. He decided that would be his final sip of the day and proceeded to take out some mint gum to cleanse his breath of alcohol. He held the pack out to Yuki as to offer her some.

  22. "Thank's, Allania. I appreciate it." Nixon said as he took off his breast plate and replaced it with his leather jacket. he took his shield off his back as he saw some boars approching. "Alright, You all should know the plan. If you stay behind Allania and myself, you will have a lower chance of dying." Nixon took a deep breath as he watched the other players get ready. This could go in a few ways and not many of those ways were pleasant. he leaned over to Allania and whispered "Be on the look out for red players, now that we are out of the safezone there is a possibility they will show up."

    Allania 28/28 HP | 7/7 Energy | 18 MIT | 7 Thrns | 5 DMG | LD +2 | Hate: 0

    Yuki 10/10 HP | 2/2 Energy | 2 DMG | Hate: 0

    Zxanth 4/4 HP | 1/1 Energy | 2 DMG | Hate: 0

    Nixon 44/44 HP | 11/11 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 MIT | 3 DMG | Hate: 1

    Ratatosk 20/20 HP | 5/5 Energy | 2 DMG | Hate: 0


    Boar(1) 4/4 HP | 1 MIT | 3 DMG

    Boar(2) 4/4 HP | 1 MIT | 3 DMG

    Boar(3) 4/4 HP | 1 MIT | 3 DMG

    Boar(4) 4/4 HP | 1 MIT | 3 DMG

  23. Nixon smiled, and chuckled when she called herself a prodigy, it was not something to be ashamed of in his mind, and he had asked her to talk about herself. "I actually play a couple different instruments myself, Though i prefer, the Euphonium and Piano" he listened to her continue "I am sorry too hear about that," he said in reference to learning about how Yuki's mother passed away. Nixon thought to himself for a bit "Well, if you would like, after we are done here we could go and try to find that person." Nixon was still smiling warmly. a cool spring breeze passed around them. "So, what is your stance on poetry? Because if you are a fan of it, I would be more than happy to share some with you. I am an established author and poet in the real world. That just happens to be what I am good at."

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