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Status Updates posted by Drake_McGricken

  1. Stiiilll waiting.... Hoping to get to rp with someone soon

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ssendom


      Lol your cover art was my faceclaim. I decided to change it for a bit.

    3. Drake_McGricken
    4. Ssendom


      I found it funny, but I will change back to it in due time.

  2. Wait, I've been looking at the guides, and the one Mari made says that 6 SP total levels you up, since you start out with 5 SP, and I just got one SP from Need to Level up. Doesn't that mean I level up? I'm just a little bit confused so I'm just making sure I got it right

    1. Teayre


      Think of SP like Experience :) 

      5 SP is the starting SP which equates to level 1 (So that we all have at least one starting skill)

      Then it goes up from there.


    2. Drake_McGricken


      Ok, just wanted to make sure, thank you

  3. Im about to do an earning a living thing but I need someone who is already a blacksmith to help me, cause I'm trying to be a blacksmith

    1. Drake_McGricken


      Well I just made it, if any smiths wouldn't mind helping Drake that would be awsome, thanks.

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