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Posts posted by Himeko

  1. Materials were not very abundant in this area, she could tell just by counting how many she found (2). Although the odds are low, that does not warrant giving up. Just three more materials until she can afford another perfect item, and that only means a couple more minutes of suffering. It was worth it, but lengthy at the same time. 

    ID#48111 Results:

    Loot 11 (10+1=11)


  2. Birds sang their morning sang as Himeko passed by, she took note of the clear passageways into the forest and kept it on her map. That map data sure comes in handy when you're in a death game, without it you'd probably get lost and die even without fighting a single monster. The spot she chose for gathering materials was poor due to the low visibility of the materials. 

    ID#48110 Results:

    Loot 5 (4+1=5)


  3. "A low angle?" She stared at the sight of a fallen tree from obviously, a low angle. The moss on the tree made a thick protective layer of green and somewhat complimented the purple vines that grew from it. This one was worthy to remember, so she took a picture in her head to look back on it. Himeko noticed she was getting off task and remembered she had to get materials. She came back empty handed but the sight of the tree was enough to invigorate her.

    ID#48109 Results:

    Loot 6 (5+1=6)


  4. Himeko notices Jiro blushing when her hair touched him, and then an idea hit her. "That's cute." She gave Jiro a kiss on the cheek seeing this as a perfect example to see how boys behave when meeting a pink-haired girl like herself. "T-Thankyou... For sitting with me, I haven't had a friend for so long and I couldn't help myself." She puts on an embarrassed look to add to Jiro's blushing. This incident became entertainment to her, and she decided to make it last.

  5. The gathering was going fine until Himeko stepped on a sharp rock, "Owww!" She screamed (Because it really hurt!) and fell on her buttocks. A few tears came out of her eyes, and she got back up again to search for materials. 'It's time to get serious, you don't have time for little rocks.' She tried to convince herself, then she laughed. That wasn't the normal relaxed Himeko, that sounded more like her bossy foster parents. Thinking about that allowed her to forget about the pain and search for materials.

    ID#48102 Results:

    Loot 17 (16+1=17)


    +1 Material

  6. After several long minutes she successfully managed to get out of the mud puddle. Her shoes looked browner than chocolate filled brownies and they were nearly unwearable. "Gotta' toss these out..." She unequipped them and started to walk around barefoot doing what she just did before, look for materials. It's safe to say that her feet can't lose durability, but very ludicrous to tell her that they can't get dirty (As they will get extremely dirty).

    ID#48099 Results:

    Loot 16 (15+1=16)


    +1 Material

  7. Himeko stepped in a puddle of mud, her shoes now brown like the earth beneath her. It was all for the sake of finding materials, and if it was for that then she wouldn't mind almost anything. The sound of crickets radiated in the forest and she began to hear them. 'It better not be night.' Getting up from the puddle of mud wasn't exactly easy, it was around two feet deep and if it wasn't for her shoes, her entire body might just be covered in mud (Including the hair! And that's hard to wash out!) She figured that she should search for a material while getting out of the puddle, but found nothing.

    ID#48098 Results:

    Loot 4 (3+1=4)


  8. Lush green forests filled with wildlife and vegetation, the preferable searching area for Himeko, who had experienced the hardships of collecting materials. She was ready, there was no fear of being attacked by monsters, they do not spawn in this area. Player killers are not a problem either, they don't often come to this area of the first floor so Himeko was fine. The only thing that was worthy of trouble was the forest itself; many explorers get lost there and don't come out, but she doesn't really care, she has a map. And so the quest for materials began in the labyrinth of trees.

  9. Himeko woke up after being pet by Phillia, she smiled and giggled. "I-It tickles!" She looks over to Jiro and gets excited, "S-Sure!" Himeko stands up and nudges Jiro's shoulder, smiling. "Are you new here? I've never seen you before." A social beast has awaken once again, and her mild hyper activity might startle Jiro a bit but she doesn't care, she's making friends and that counts. Himeko's pink hair touches Jiro's face; it feels soft and silky.

  10. Blue skies filled with brown sparrows, a very elegant sight to see. It was almost new to Himeko, she was so used to seeing cars in the morning and lots of businessmen. Tokyo was not a very hospitable place for her, and around her area it was worse with the Yakuza getting involved in her daily life. Himeko reminded herself to stop remembering, and so she did. She decided to call it a day and head back to town, that was before she found another material on the ground.

    ID#48078 Results:

    Loot 17 (16+1=17)

  11. The attack of the crows was not very pretty, Himeko lost a lot of her hair but knew it would regrow in a day. "Stupid crows! They're just like seagulls..." This reminded her of the one and only time she went to the beach. Of course, she wasn't wearing a bathing suit, she was wearing something more elegant. Yes, it's a japanese school uniform, and the pink ribbon shone brightly that day. If only there were beaches in SAO she thought, if only.

    ID#48076 Results:

    Loot 10 (9+1=10)




  12. She was awakened rudely by a crow that had perched itself on her nose. "Kyaaa!" She screamed in astonishment. "Get off me!" She was fighting with the crow to get off her nose, and for a strange reason it didn't want to! The black feathers of the crow flew in the air wildly while a strand of Himeko's hair fell out. After minutes of struggle she finally broke free from its grasps and searched for materials again, getting awfully tired because she just awoken from her slumber.

    ID#48075 Results:

    Loot 9 (8+1=9)


  13. "I'm beat!" Himeko lies down on the field and looks up at the sky which is now blue. How long was she collecting materials for? Maybe hours, but she forgot all about that and decided to go to bed. She yawned for eight seconds then fell asleep snoring quietly while smiling. It was the look of a true free spirit, that smile, only someone like her could make it, after all her smile was unique.

    ID#48073 Results:

    Loot 7 (6+1=7)


  14. Living in the floating castle of Aincrad made her happy, it allowed her to live a more adventurous life than she lived in the real world. It was a change for the good, for some reason she keeps thinking of her life and then shrugs the thoughts off like they're nothing, and then they come back again. This time, she stopped thinking about it completely and only thought about gathering materials, although she found it hard she did not succeed. Himeko ended up thinking about cute plushies, kimonos, and pokemon while also finding a material on the ground.

    ID#48071 Results:

    Loot 20 (19+1=20)

    +1 Material

  15. Himeko takes quick glances at the monsters and realizes that they're a lot like her. They're just trying to live, or so she thinks. Memories flood Himeko's brain as she remembers the hell she was living. At age four she was kicked out of her home and had to live on the streets until the age of ten. She lived with her friend after she begged her (Her friend's) parents to let her live with them. She succeeded and had a happy life, or so she thought. The cycle of abuse never ends, she was still treated unfairly and remembered her feelings of sadness and anger. It didn't matter to her, that's the past now. Himeko would continue to think about this until she noticed a suitable material was right in front of her.

    ID#48070 Results:

    Loot 18 (17+1=18)


    +1 Material

  16. "W-Wha... huh?" The girl with the pink hair looks at Yuji with drool on her mouth, then faceplants back into the table falling asleep again. Her light snoring suggests happy dreams and she wants to stay like that, happily dreaming without having to worry about anything. In Himeko's dreams, she sees many machines that she gets to dismantle and learn about, and there are also big groups of friends that she gets to have fun with. Too bad it's all a fantasy, she knows that she's lucid dreaming but it doesn't matter, she might as well enjoy all the good things before the wave of death comes, life was always too short to worry about those kind of things anyways.

  17. With the sun fully risen, Himeko sticks out like a Pikachu in a sea of Charizards. Her pink hair sparkles a bit in the sun, and that's when she gets frustrated. 'If only this wasn't so pink. Well, at least it's pretty.' She thought. Monsters started to spawn in the area but they ignored Himeko and ate the grass instead. "Guess I'm going to search for materials for a little while longer." The green grass did not help at all, it only helped mask the presence of any suitable materials that could go towards crafting items. Thankfully, she found something she could use.

    ID#38069 Results:

    Loot 16 (15+1=16)


    +1 Material

  18. The rising dawn could only mean one thing, visibility. Himeko knew she had to gather he materials quickly before she is spotted by a PK'er. 'Nah, it's fine, there are no PK'ers on the first floor.' She set that thought off and began to search for materials again, becoming depressed due to the fact that she found nothing. "Today's not my day."

    ID#48065 Results:

    Loot 14 (13+1=14)


  19. The moonlight began to fade as the morning sun started to rise. Himeko became surprised due to how strange the feeling of warmth in this world was. She felt like she was with her friends again; tampering with school machinery and causing trouble, except she wasn't with them. She was in SAO, and missed them quite a bit. No tears came to Himeko's eyes, she just forgot all about her friends and decided to live right now in SAO and not think of anyone besides herself. She looked around and spotted a rock, but sadly found no suitable materials.

    ID#48064 Results:

    Loot 8 (7+1=8)


  20. The sadness didn't tear down her spirits; she was still highly motivated in her hunt for materials. The midnight blue sky became cloudless and for the first time in forever, Himeko saw something truly beautiful. "It's even better than before!" Her eyes sparkled like the stars in the night sky and she remembered what she was here for. "Right, I need materials!" And so she searched and found something suitable.

    ID#48060 Results:

    Loot 19 (18+1=19)


    +1 Material

  21. Finally, she was away from the sandwich eater and was left in peace. "He's gone he's gone he's gone!" Himeko shouted for joy that the pixellated shower was gone. She was happy enough to not realize she was again, out in the open located in a valley. It didn't matter, she still took a quick look around to find some materials. She came back empty-handed and got sad again.

    ID#48059 Results:

    13 (12+1=13)


  22. "Finally, no more pixels!" Right after those words came out she saw another pixellated shower. A great anger awakened and Himeko began to cry (Not literally, comedically). "S-Stupid NPC!" Trying her best to ignore the NPC made her looting skill decrease as she found nothing while searching for materials. "It's all your fault!" She yelled at the NPC. She decided to relocate again and try to find new materials away from the sandwich eater.

    ID#48058 Results:

    13 (12+1=13)


  23. "I've had it! This NPC is the reason I'm not finding anything" She shouts as she picks up a rock and angrily throws it at the NPC. To her dismay, the NPC takes no damage at all, and instead, her rock hits the sandwich and the NPC says "Where'd my lunch go?" Right after he said that, two sandwiches appeared in his hands and he used the sword art >>Sandwich Devour<< finally killing the >>Magic Sandwich<<. Himeko gets up and moves to a different location to look for materials.

    ID#48010 Results:

    7 (6+1=7)

  24. "Kyaaaa!" Himeko screamed as she started to run away from the creepy man. She'd never seen him before and concluded he was trying to do 'funny' things to her. Her twin pigtails moved back and forth as she ran, making the illusion of a pink pendelum spinning. "Help! A pervert is trying to kidnap me!" Himeko's breathing intensified and she hit a tree branch while running, causing her to lose three HP. Staggering, she fell on the ground and lay there thinking of what death is like.

    Himeko 1/4 HP 1/1 Energy

    Tree Branch 10/10 HIT 5 Woodiness

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