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Posts posted by Himeko

  1. Himeko was abruptly cut off by all the people (jerks) flooding into the tavern. 'Awww! I didnt get to hear her sad story yet. Oh well, it's no big deal.' She got up from her seat and accepted the friend request being careful to conceal it. It took her a while to notice Isida was there, and she looked at him like she was afraid. "M-Mister... We're you trying to do f-funny things to t-that girl?" She backs away in fear and sits at the area where it rained food. Her face changed to a concerned look and she stared at the table. Momentarily she'd take a quick glance to see if the creepy man got closer, but after about a minute of sitting there, she fell asleep.

  2. Himeko looked into Shizuka's eyes with great focus taking note of the emotions she sees in them. Does her mind really contain the darkest dungeons and shattered dreams? 'Never mind that! Talk to her!' she thought. "So umm... Can you tell me what this 'Azure Brigade' is? And how do you do your hair! It's really pretty." At the moment Himeko would appear to be a social beast; sadly she is similar to Shizuka's in many ways. However, her sadness, or boredom, began at birth to the age of ten. "You look sad... Is everything okay? I lived on the streets until I was ten, what's your story?" The energy radiating from Himeko would scare off players who don't like talkative people.

  3. Four more sandwiches appeared in the NPC's hands. 'Oh my god, stop eating the damn sandwiches!' Himeko thought. After one wave of pixels, three more would come. The sandwich floor boss battle would just never end! The NPC used his sword art >>Sandwich Chomp<< but it is still unable to kill the floor sandwich >>Magical Respawning Sandwich, 0 Bland, 10 Flavor<< "This damn NPC..."  At least she found a material while thinking about how annoying the sandwich NPC was.

    ID#48008 Results

    Loot 18 (17+1=18)


    +1 Material

  4. "Great, more pixels, this is getting annoying." The NPC somehow summoned two magical sandwiches of respawning and used his Sword Art >>Sandwich Eat<< that was surprisingly ineffective against the mitigation of the sandwich. The jolly beer-bellied miner had been doing the same thing for a long time. Fail to eat a sandwich, and offer one to Himeko and eat a sandwich again. The pixels gave away her location, but just in case anyone tries to kill her; she'd just use that annoying NPC as a meatshield, after all he wouldn't mind going to sandwich heaven. While thinking about the annoying NPC, she found a material.

    ID#48007 Results:

    Loot 20 (19+1=20)


    +1 Material


  5. While out in the open she saw another wave of pixels and finally found the source of it. Her eyes widened as she became... underwhelmed. "It's... AN NPC! I GOT EXCITED OVER AN NPC!" she shouted in anger. The NPC was a miner who had this amazing magical respawning sandwich that would always run out of durability before he finished it. He had a round shape like someone with beer belly, and offered Himeko a sandwich which she denied. She had the adrenaline flowing in her blood for no reason. She thought there was a PK'er around, but sadly it was just an SK'er (Sandwich Killer)

    ID#48006 Results:

    Loot 21 (20+1=21)


    +1 Material

  6. "I see, so it's basically a gambling system." She now comes to the conclusion to why she's not finding any materials. It is entirely luck based and dependent on certain skills. If it were the real world, she'd walk out the quarry leaving no stone unturned, but that's not that case because this is SAO, the world of swords. Himeko sighed and continued to search for materials. She forgot that there was something there and accidentally walked out into the open.

    ID#48005 Results:

    Loot 5 (4+1=5)


  7. Himeko stares up at the sky again seeing a shower of multi-colored pixels. Whatever is here is dangerous, but sadly that only adds to the thrill of the midnight journey. She looks at her hands and tells them "I have great faith in you two!" Himeko searches for suitable materials again, finding a seemingly worthless rock with a somewhat odd pattern. "This isn't what I came here for!" Himeko gets a bit frustrated seeing how easily her luck fluctuates; it reminded her a lot of how she used to gamble the only money she had (Stolen) from a very generous (Greedy) family.

    ID#48004 Results:

    Loot 5 (4+1=5)



  8. "No worries." she thought. It's okay, as long as she gets back to town alive then she's perfectly fine. The materials are just a plus. Himeko looks up at the sky and notices a bunch of pixels flying by; and it could only mean one thing, somebody is here. She felt pumped; ready for some action but realized she's too weak for any action. "Might as well just stick to materials, they won't notice me anyways if I hide behind this rock." Himeko walked behind a rock and began searching for materials. "Y-Yes, I found one." she whispered to herself, fearing that she might be discovered by whatever just made those pixels.

    ID#48003 Results:

    Loot 18 (17+1)


    +1 Material

  9. "Yes! I found one!" Himeko shouts, getting a little too much excited after finding her first material. The starry night sky's clouds begin to hover over the quarry Himeko is at, providing her with less light to see. "Crap... Now I won't be able to see anyone coming." Nevertheless, she began to search the area again looking for what she came for; materials. To her demise, she finds nothing.

    ID#48002 Results:

    Loot 5 (4+1)


  10. "Alright, let's do this!" Himeko shouted as she began to examine the area around her. It was very rocky (Well duh, it's a quarry!) and provided good coverage just in case any passerby tried to rob her. Several large rocks are scattered across the area serving as great hiding spots, mainly however for hidden monsters. She didn't need to worry, those monsters only come out during the day, after all she studied the respawn rate and system as soon as she began playing the game. "Let's see what I can muster up!" She scans her surroundings and finds something. "A material!" she shouts with joy.

    ID#48001 Results:

    Loot 20 (19+1=20)


    +1 Material

  11. After devouring her chocolate cake, she got up from her seat, awkwardly walking past by Tsubasa. Himeko noticed the other pink haired girl who came in and smiled, 'Another one, I must meet her and ask her a lot of things!' She got closer to Shizuka and made a big smile as she sat right next to her. "H-Hi! My name is Himeko, Y-You're pretty!" Himeko sat admiring the pink of Shizuka's hair, after all she had pink hair as well. She deeply wondered if the other pink haired girl was raised in the same conditions as her, starved and neglected. She shook her head; her twin-tails flying in the air. 'Forget about that, she's obviously upper class and pampered. "S-So umm... What's your name?" she asked Shizuka.

  12. It's been a long day without any adventuring for Himeko; the thought of sleeping made her restless, and she got up from the alleyway she was about to sleep in and went straight out of town. The quarry ahead was rich in materials and she was planning to gather some, maybe to open up a shop of her own or buy items with them. Either the first option or the other, it didn't really matter to her, what was most important was having some fun while doing it. Himeko looked up and saw the beautiful full moon, "How could this be a death game?" She thought. It was magnificent, something she'd never seen before. Perhaps SAO allowed her to fully live life again, she preferred it better than the real world anyways. Those thoughts also made her wonder, where is her real body? Her parents don't give a damn about her and neither does her older brother, so who exactly found her and put her in a hospital? Oh well, she brushed those unimportant thoughts off and began to look for materials.

  13. Himeko looks over to the strange man who just approached her and accepts the money, although she herself is a bit frightened. 'Is he like those other guys?' she wonders. 'Nah, he can't be, looks too much like a nerd to be one.' She moves over a seat seeing no harm in letting him sit next to her. "Do you like cake? Of course, you need to buy your own." Himeko takes the plate of chocolate cake and moves it over to her seat, devouring it quickly to have a burst of flavor. It's been a long time since she's had a chocolate cake; most of the times she'd eat gruel or plain rice because it's all she could get from the backdoor of restaurants. She began to wonder what she would do next after eating, but put that thought aside; food always comes first!

  14. The tavern was looking more lively than ever, people were dancing (Drunkenly) and food piled up on the tables. Children ate for free, and you know what happens when they eat for free; they start a food fight. There were cakes, rolls, and creamy pastries flying through the air like bullets, and the children simply opened their mouths just to eat these tasty projectiles. Himeko watched as she waited patiently for her chocolate cake to be delivered to her table; a table of one and only one. She saw a special something in that very moment; childhood innocence. It was something that she never got to do as a child (If she did she'd be punished) and somewhat desired to be one again. The pain and boredom of her childhood moments wrapped themselves around her brain; she wanted to forget about most of it like the unnecessary boredom and blankness for the first ten years of life. Himeko stares at the children dazed until the waiter goes up to her and says "Your chocolate cake miss, please pay for it." As soon as the words 'Pay for it' entered her ears, she paused and became paralyzed. 'But I don't have money!' She thought. Himeko shifted her view to her legs; thinking out how she can make enough money to pay for the cake.

  15. Profile
    Username: Himeko
    Real name: Hikari Arikawa
    Age: 14
    Height: 4'12

    About: History/personality

    Himeko was born to a family in heavy debt, the reason? Her parents and older brother would always spend it frequently on the most ludicrous things like lavish parties. What's more surprising is that they would not spend a single penny on Himeko, using what would've been her bank account for cruises which they never invited her to. Growing up has been a mess for her, the only thing good being the swiss army knife (With 38 different tools) she got from a friend and all the times she's had with her sister. Being a true tinkerer, the swiss army knife has helped her get through many things and even saved her life one time. At the age of thirteen she began to work (Illegally) and earned enough money to buy the NerveGear and SAO which brings her here to this frightening world filled with Lolis, perverts, and really creepy people.


    Observant: When there is something amidst in the environment, Himeko is the first person to notice whether it be someone not zipping up their fly or a person casually flirting with her. The school system is filled with loopholes thanks to her to being able to see them. This trait is truely valuable to her and she would not bear to lose it.

    Relaxed: Usually when something is amidst, she will notice, but not really care. Her time is very valuable to her and she would not want it to be wasted on other people's concerns; rarely will she care. Really, it depends on her mood, if you make her angry, disgusted, or sleepy, she will care and hurt you really badly. Not a Tsundere of course.

    Creative and Practical: When solving problems, she is very imaginative at finding a solution; although she is quite shabby on her predicting what happens once she chooses what to do. She loves ideas, taking any chance to learn something new as it might help her with what she's interested in (Will specify once I start roleplaying as her.)


    Stubborn: She is very unable to change her perspective of things; normally about how people are, school, and etc. The exact opposite of a tolerant person. Her inability to ignore the flow entirely is quite amusing to many around her, and it sometimes gets her into big trouble.

    Commitment Issues: When she finds something interesting at first; she will become very motivated and work on how she can improve on it. Sadly, on the next day she will forget all about it and move on to something new; it's like a cycle, see something and get interested in it, then ditch it the next day for something new.

    Risky: Gambling, parkour, betting, she's done it all before, and still does. If you've ever seen a business manager, you'd see no resembelance at all. She is not cautious and never was, climbing trees and doing all sorts of stupid things just for the fun of it. Hell, you'd think she should already be dead by now because of all of her actions.

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)


    » Search & Detect: [Level: 1, SP Invested: 5]


    Weapon skills:

    »Beginner's Pack
    -15 Water
    -10 Water
    -Kimono (The One in My Profile Pic)
    -Beginner's Scimitar (One-Handed Curved Sword)

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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