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Posts posted by VolvoWing

  1. Jason woke up the next morning, without any nightmares or anything. He had a dream about a girl that he met, and they dated in this dream. And in this dream, Jason peared at his level. 56. If that’s how high I have to be to get a girl, so be it. I’ll be up there in no time. Jason went down to get a big and carb loaded breakfast. Soon, Jason is standing in front of the gate. Today marks a change, Jason stepped a foot out of the gate, The day I stopped being a pussy cat.



  2. Jason smiled. And he decided, He wasn’t gonna wait another week. He was gonna go tomorrow morning. He was sick of waiting forever. He needed to go now. Now, before it became too hard to catch up with the frontliners. Now so he could get out of this crowded town. Now, so he may became popular. The best in SAO.

  3. While the bickering was going on, Jason just continued walking away, as it appeared to seem as if no one decided to follow him. And as he continued walking, the bickering came quieter and he looked back and the party had decreased a bit in size. So glad to be out of there... Jason thought. Why did I have to start that??? Ugh... I'm always the one.... 



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  4. Jason just continued walking down the streets of the Town of Beginnings, and began to notice very awkward level ones. But while he noticed a lot of other ones, the main one he noticed was himself. Why the f*** am I down here??? I’m supposed to be on the frontlines!!!! I’m supposed to be better than this!!!! So how did I end up being stuck down here??? And why???? I don’t even know why I haven’t left and got out of this town. And Jason seriously had no idea why he was still down here.

  5. So Jason just let the curse get to him, never doing anything about it and letting the voice have it’s say in Jason’s life, ruining it from becoming- well, greater than it was now. But it was coming time for Jason to reclaim his throne, and he would do whatever it takes to get it back. Because he was going to be the best at something. and that something was Sword Art Online.

  6. Oh god….. What the freak have I started???? How the hell am I gonna become a frontliner with everyone seeing these type of incidents…. Why did I hit that pole???? How loud was the blade hitting it???? Jason realized he had spaced out again, and turned back to the group. What to say….. Jason rubbed his back after a good minute of no one speaking, and simply said, to get away from the group: “Well I’m hungry and I need to go find something to eat. Bye!” And Jason began to walk away from the group, wondering if that excuse was good enough to get away with, (most likely not) or even if they would follow him. That was truly weird how that all ended up happening all at once. Now I’d be fine with one or two players following me…… But not that whole group…….

    Jason thought about what the others had been talking about. The main person who had bothered him was the tall orange haired man. Die Quick. God that guy is a dick. You know what??? I’m not gonna wait another week anymore. I’m venturing into the wild tomorrow. I don’t care what people like this orange haired man say. And variants of plant monsters hold particularly still while fighting back with vines and such…. Jason turned to make sure there was no one following.


    (Had no idea what else to say.)

  7. At the touch of his shoulders, Jason flipped around with his blade already put away, and sees a girl around his age asking him what he was thinking about. Real World??? Maybe, and that’s a song by an old band called the All-American Rejects. Dead Friends??? Well I haven’t had any friends in this game.  Jason turned, and for one of the first few times in this game, talked to a real person. “Newp. Neither.” Jason smiled. It felt good talking to a real person. “Was testing the pole, to see what happened when you attacked it. Never tried anything like that.”

    Jason heard another player walk up. What do I care if I scare someone??? “Eh, I doubt they’ll lose sleep over the fear of me, a level one player smacking a blade at a pole. It actually is good blade technique practice it seems. I’ve never been out in the field, and haven’t really swung that blade yet. And since I’ve planned to go into the field next week, I decided I would also get some practice with my blade. But if that scares someone, if they are that scared of a psychotic level one player, well then….. They have problems.” Jason realized he hadn’t introduced himself yet. “My name’s Jas-J-VolvoWing(Volv-O-Wing). What’s yours???” Man, Jason thought that felt so good, finally talking to people.

  8. Jason just wished he could be the best in something for once in his life, but no it didn’t seem like it was gonna work out for Jason. There was always someone, rather something, telling him ‘He couldn’t do it’. There was always that voice, “You can’t do this Jason”. And for some reason, Jason always found himself listening to this voice. He didn’t even know why. And if he didn’t, Jason felt he would be so much better in this world and the real world. But the problem was that he did listen to that voice, changing the course of his life forever.

  9. Jason scanned around the perimeter. There was not much anymore to devote his attention to in the area anymore. Everyone had seemed to leave the area besides Jason. Jason, or VolvoWing if you prefer, the noob player because he decided to let fear get the best of him. The one without all the friends. This had bothered Jason his whole life. He was always the noob in everything. He was okay at everything, but neither the best at doing it. Programming. Basketball. Running.

  10. Jason looked down for a moment, and then opened up his HUD and pulled out a bottle of water, quickly chugging it down his throat. he threw the bottle as it disintegrated into tons of crystal shards in the air. It always looked beautiful. Jason wondered what the creators were thinking when they made it look so beautiful. It was simply amazing.

  11. Jason wondered why he hadn’t made any friends yet. He hasn’t exactly talked to that many people…. And if he did, he would look so stupid. What if he ended up talking to some higher level girl, that asked him his level, and Jason said he  level one? Where would that get him??? Maybe leaving the gate was a key to unlock all these things. Getting rid of his social awkwardness. Getting popular. Getting away from the crowd of this town. Getting a girlfriend. Getting better gear. But most of all, was the sense of adventure he would get back.

  12. Jason put a hood on his face as he walked, listening in on many of the other players conversations. “Oh Derek is so hot, does he look that IRL you think???” “Maybe, but not as hot as me!” , “H-How is he so strong???” “I know, right??” , and “Have you heard about the upcoming Spring Festival on Floor 11??? I hear it’s going to be huge!!!!” “Yes, it will be…. That’s why I’d like to ask you to go with me. “ Jason just kept walking as he thought about each individual conversation.


    Jason looked around the area. Benches. Kids with balloons. Shops. NPC’s selling food samples. A level one noob named VolvoWing with no friends…… Jason whipped out his sword and sliced at a pole in the street, as the sign saying Immortal object. Jason normally made 2D games using old software like LibGDX and Eclipse, with the Java language. It was rather simple to make that pop up in 2D games, 3D games a bit harder, and a VRMMO??? Jason couldn’t stop thinking about how awesome the make of SAO was. He was a much smarter person than Albert Einstein, most people say. But that is not true.


    In the amount of time it took Argus to develop SAO, there was no way Kiyawa deserves all that credit. For it to be created that fast there would have to be expert script writers, graphic designers, and programmers with good aptitude at learning new languages, even the one Kiyawa created. But then that got Jason wondering… Did all of the workers at Argus know of Kiyawa’s ingenious plot??? But then Jason thought… Kiyawa was just giving people what they wanted…. I wanted this. I wanted to get away from reality… A new reality…… A new one like all the fiction books you read. Like all the cosplayers, children, readers… Like everyone wanted. And now that I was given it…. Somehow, fear… it dug it’s way into my heart…. I could be living the dream I have desired my whole life….. And now there’s just a deep hole. A pitrap. A plot twist in my story.  And I need to resolve this twist before it’s too late, like every main character in a story must do…. I… I need to move up.

    Jason realized he was staring into blank space, and came back to the real world. Well, whatever this place was lol. Jason began to wonder what the heck was going on with his body in the real world. But then Jason thought, That’s not my body right now. I’m sure it’s fine. Jason was gonna adventure out of the gate in  three days, and honestly he was so excited now. That bit of fear that had dug it’s way into his heart, is now gone. Jason felt like a newborn about to be born into the world.

  14. Jason bit out of his muffin. Each day this week he wanted to leave the Town of Beginning’s so much more. First, before Jason could leave, he would need to buy gear. And to buy gear, he would have to get money. And to get money he’d have to leave the town and fight. and to leave the town to fight he would need better gear. Then he’d need money. To get money, he’d have to go fight. It was an endless infinite cycle, that would never be healed. He’d have to go without better gear.

  15. Jason finished off his plate, through it away, grabbed a muffin and left the hotel. He went to go sent on the same bench, but for the first time ever he saw someone sitting on his bench. I’m not in the FREAKING MOOD BRO!!! Jason thought in his head. Then he just walked off back in the other direction. But then, Jason began to realize how less crowded it would be on the higher floors that were just cleared.

  16. Jason got a bit of everything, and went to go sit down when he realized there were people sitting everywhere. Jason had not conversed with anyone besides the nice people that worked at the hotel for the most part in SAO. He really didn’t feel like conversing with anyone, and he presumed if he sat by anyone they would end up talking. So Jason ended up standing by the stairs.

  17. Jason grabbed some clothes and went to get some of the hotel breakfast from downstairs. Definitely his favorite part of hotels and vacation was Hotel breakfast. Waffles. Yogurt. Biscuits and Gravy. Sometimes Omelets(Depending on hotel). Muffins. Toast. coffee. Juice. Milk. And so much more. And here, he has enjoyed that luxury every morning.

  18. Jason woke up early in the morning, with orange rays of light spreading across the floor. The sun was absolutely beautiful. Told Jason that his day was not at all gonna be like his nightmare. (He was pretty certain of that.) Jason wasn’t even gonna leave the town today, much less confront a boar. He was certain of that as well.

  19. Jason was startled when he woke up. Somehow, the game was able to invision a nightmare into his head, even though…. Even though what??? In the dream, Jason was fighting a boar, and he got rammed into by a boar, and the horn stabbed him, killing him and Jason quickly sat up, waking up. It’s just a pig, Just a pig…. Jason told himself as he fell back to sleep in the dead of the night.

  20. Jason went to his inn room, and sprawled himself on his bed, reached out his notebook, and jotted down some notes for the day. Soon enough, Jason was asleep, with the book laying ontop of his head and the light still on. Jason looked like a little kind when he slept, hugging onto himself awkwardly, without himself even knowing he did it until he woke up.

  21. Jason stood up, and looked around the area. He was gonna leave the Town of Beginnings next week, he eventually came to that conclusion. Jason got up, and began to walk along the streets in the town, for one of the last few times he would do it before he headed out. Jason sat down on a bench, stretched out, and smiled for a split second. Then he left once more.

  22. Jason had not even step foot outside of the gate yet. He was testing everything in the Town of Beginnings, to see how it works and everything. That does sound like an awful excuse, doesn’t it??? Jason told himself. The only reason I’m still here is because I am too scared to die, and I am a little pussy cat. Enough with the stupid excuses, Jason. You’re already way behind the front-liners.

  23. Jason pulled out his sword, a very light one-handed sword. He looked at the name of it, which he had done over 30 million times in the game : “Basic Sword”. A very dull basic sword. But then, it had gotten Jason to thinking, maybe he was dull???? He could be up there helping clear the floors, but yet he chooses to be down here on floor one laying down on benches and staying as a newbie, for the rest of his days in SAO.

  24. Jason looked up to the sky. It was blue-ish with a bit of other hue in the sky in small little spectrum pieces. Jason thought about how easy it would be to change hues in 2d and 3d games, but VRMMOs???? There must have been a super long method. Jason’s key success in programming was using shapes, due to the fact that he was not very good at make and animating sprites. Jason was lying in a bench pretty darn close to the smack down center of the Town of Beginnings.


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