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Posts posted by VolvoWing




    “Pass Go and collect $200”



    Username: VolvoWing

    Real name: Jason Lameero

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5’6”


    About: History/personality


    Jason Lameero was born in Florida, to David Lameero and Maria Davidson. Obviously, there must be some type of reason why Jason’s parents don’t have the same last name??? Right??? Well, your right. David and Maria got divorced while Jason was 8, and in two years David moved to Japan, for work. (What a far away place for work!!!) Jason would switch houses every year. One year, he would live in Florida, then the next he’d be back in Japan. Made it hard for him to hold very many friends.


    This made Jason very mad, but also made him happy. The Sword Art Online release date was during one of his years in Japan. Jason never told his dad about his wanting to purchase this, and he never knew. He quickly bought it, and tried it on. Then, his life was changed forever. Jason evolved into VolvoWing, coming from Jason’s love for the Swedish cars.


    (Made it sweet and simple. Do not fret, I will add more as VolvoWing’s story progresses. Just don’t want to reveal to0 much yet)




    (Strategic). Jason is a very strategic person. He would make plots to get girls, that almost 90% of the time worked, until almost all of those were ruined by Jason’s year at his dad’s or mom’s house ending. Jason’s favorite board games of all times are Risk and Monopoly. He even made strategies to get back at the jocks at school for the poor unpopular nerds.


    (Creative). Jason is a very creative person.(Hence why the virtue is called ‘creative’) His favorite things to do(besides running and basketball and video games and board games, lol) was to play with Legos, Program Games, Create graphics for those games, and to write little stories(and scenes for his games). Jason had made a very successful app called “Slam Down”, which got 50,000 Downloads. For a fifteen year old, that is cool.


    (Quick-Wits). Jason can make of quickly the situation he’s in during battle, but not more than he can with video games. Jason is freaking awesome at normal video games, but only because of his quick-wittedness. He can  easily defeat 50% of today’s gamers, but only because he is quick to react to stuff. Also, due to his thumb reflexes. Lol.



    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    (Quiet). Jason does not talk much. While this could most certainly be considered a virtue for some people, this is most definitely a flaw for Jason. (And no, I do not mean he is shy, he just doesn’t talk much. Unless he needs to) It keeps Jason from being the popular one, ‘The one with the friends’. He would be that one, if he wasn’t so freaking quiet half the time. But that could get him in some trouble in Aincrad, not having any buddies to keep him safe.


    (Reckless). Jason often finds himself in conversations or situations that he can’t get out of. But, maybe he shouldn’t barge into those type of things, and not be so ‘Reckless’. Jason thinks he’s better than everyone. Boasting about that gets him into trouble half the time. At least the other guy usually goes to the hospital lol.


    (Fiery). It doesn’t take much for Jason to identify someone as a threat or an ally. As soon as you are recognized as a threat, he will have plans to take you down if the time called for it. He’s not fiery in the way that he fights back and crap, no, he just plots your demise, which is so much better than one little insult.


    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)










    »One Handed Straight Sword[Rank 1]


    Weapon skills:




    Skill Points: 7

    Used: 5

    Unused: 2








    Part 1: Burst of Lightning



    » [SP-F1]Down (Complete, 1 SP, 400 Col)


    » [OP-F1]Cooler Than Me(Complete, 1 SP, 40 Col)


    » [SP-F6]<<Gemini>> (In-progess)





    Col: 0


    Finished RP Cooler Than Me: (+40)

    Finished RP Down: (+400)

    Bought Divine Chestplate Macrodon: (-300)

    Bought Rock Candy from Grave: (-140)




    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)

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