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Posts posted by Sinful

  1. Sinful looked at Zero's eyes and caught sight of the wink. 'Did you just?' Was what he was thinking in his mind, guess you can't expect much from a DIRTY DAN. "I haven't seen much player tailors here recently, you have any idea why?" Sinful looked around town when he spotted a drunken man crying. Duty calls as the instinct kicked into Sinful, help the dude! "It's okay, I'll help you pay your debt." He put on his charming smile and offered his hand to the drunken man. "R-Really? You're a lifesaver man!" The drunken man thanked Sinful and ran off with ten materials, something Sinful gave him. "Oh no, my debt's piling again.... Aghh, that's fine, it doesn't matter as long as I see smiles on peoples' faces."

  2. "Well, what a day!" Sinful decided to take a rest for the day, but before that he'd search one last time for a material. The beds of grass provided good concealment to anything worth picking up, this was a challenge to Sinful. "I'll pick you up if it's the last thing I do!" His hands scrambled through the blades of grass in pursuit of the precious material. "You're mine!" So far there was nothing, but then he felt something. "This is it!" He held up what he found high in the air and then realized, it's a worm. "DAMNIT!"

    Loot 14

  3. "A song for the sick? Or a cure?" The phrase sounded familiar, either that or he just made it up. His real answer would be a lot more insensitive than it should be, so here's the fake answer, "No, a massacre of the sick to prevent the spread of disease." Strategically this would be a waste, as he would send the sick into battle against the enemy to plague their people with the same disease. His tactics are often double-edged swords, but the rewards are very high making him a natural born risk taker. "Oh, what's this?" Sinful looked at what was under his feet, apparently it was just a piece of broken glass.

    Loot 9

  4. "Alright, you lead the way." Sinful followed Zero and looked altruistic as ever, ready to help whoever was in need. It wasn't long until a loli stumbled upon Sinful, falling down and dropping her col. She hastily grabbed the coins in shock, but then Sinful chipped in and helped. "Here, you need this more than me." He handed her a sack of col (His only col left) and smiled, helping her pick up the col she just dropped. Sinful expected Zero to say "Are you done yet?" but his response would be very different, after all, what could you expect from a DIRTY DAN! "Alright, I'm done, sorry for the hold up back there, just needed to help somebody." He brushed off the dirt from his tattered clothing and continued following Zero.

  5. "Thanks again for the help Evander, c'ya. Oh, and in case you wanted to know how I ran this place, I get help from volunteers like you, after all, I can't take all the credit for running this place." Sinful gave Evander one last smile and close down the shop. "Pheww... That was one loooong day I just had. Should take a rest, can't be late for tomorrow!" Soon after saying that, he fell asleep in his own store on the counter. "Man, what a life." He said happily in his sleep. 'Wow, wonder how much more information I can get tomorrow, with all these recorders around I can reel in some good stuff.' This was the only thought on his mind now, getting information through this method.

  6. "Seeing isn't believing." Sinful had his actions on his minds, why was his mask ridiculously kind? If he hadn't given away most of the col he earned from the tavern, he'd be able to get a decent weapon by now. "Right, it's all part of the bigger picture, soon all the pieces will fall into place." He was right about that, what he had in mind could significantly turn the tides, if only he had more than twenty who'd help him. He couldn't change it, most people on SAO were too plain to be eligible for shady groups. Maybe someone else would do that, but until then, he'd wait patiently on his throne. "Is that what I think it is?" While drifting off in thought, he found a material.

    Loot 17

    +1 Material

  7. "What would happen if I killed a child and left a teddy bear at where they died?" Some sick thoughts were going on in his head, most of them were about murder and how he'd get away with it, others were about him, sinful as Sinful could ever be. "I don't think that would work, it just seems too obvious. Unless..." Another thought was traveling through his quick mind; each part of his brain working on something great that would lead up to the master plan he had in mind. "Alright then, sounds good, wonder how much I can get today." He didn't hesitate to start searching for materials again even though it was a long and tedious task. Sinful only came back to his original foraging spot with nothing in his hands.

    Loot 5

  8. After fourteen hours, Sinful had already served every single table, cleaned all the dishes, and taken all the orders. In a matter of seconds, all the customers were gone and thanked Sinful for the delicious meals before leaving off into the night. "Well, that was one heck of an ordeal back there, you did good Evander." Despite working for two hours straight at S@N1C SP33D! he wasn't tired because SAO just didn't allow that to happen. "Say Evander, do you want to get payed? I just can't give a worker words for just them helping me." Sinful suggested that he take the col as the sack was in his hand.

  9. "Above, below, right, left, up, down." Sinful was repeating the directions to remember where to look when those words were shouted, after all he wouldn't want to end up dying before his master plan was unfinished. "Let's see here, if I did that I'd be hunted down, and if I did that I'd still be hunted down." He was trying to look at the situation in every single angle, trying his best to find the future that was most likely to happen. "If I play my cards right here, I could score some big game before this is over, perhaps I should invest in the search and detect skills, then I'd be able to find some good loot." His eyes were sit on materials now, and nothing could stop his greed. The greed fell flat as it lead him to a dead end, finding no materials within the vicinity.

    Loot 8

  10. "Huh? Really? That'd be great! I could use an extra waiter, that way I could get plates full of food to tables faster! Thanks Evander, I owe you one." With a burst of speed, Sinful began cooking quickly and served the customers with great ease. "I hope you can keep up at my pace!" It was alarming at how fast he could go, was this guy power lifting weights on his legs while running as fast as Usain Bolt? It couldn't be, he's only human. "So if you don't need the col, I'll give it to whoever else needs it, that okay with you?" Even with his money, he was still asking Evander consent to give it away. This guy was either the kindest man on earth, or the greatest actor on earth.

  11. "Evander... I thank you for your kindness, this has been one of the first times someone has looked out for me. This is the reason why I give and not take, to inspire others to show kindness to each other. Here, I know it may not be much, but take it." Sinful smiled while handing his last pieces of col to Evander. "I know you need it more than me, I can tell you're a nice guy, you're kind, you look out for people. You even rephrase your words just to make yourself sound not so harsh. You deserve it." He left the col on Evander's table and went over to the other tables to serve incoming customers. "Four orders coming right up!" Sinful got to work quickly, cooking food and delivering the plates to tables, it seemed like his vast supply of energy was endless.

  12. "Ah, what poor pitiful humans, trying to delve into the deep abyss of this game, plunging themselves into the bottomless reaches of hell, why can't they already know that death is inevitable? They are only prolonging it." Sinful was indeed a pessimistic optimist, although his words have a strong voice, his actions are even stronger. He's laid back, meaning he's rather passive, but that didn't mean he was missing follow through. "If I am to be the phantom king of such an organization, then how would I do it? Perhaps I'd meet in a safezone concealing my face, or, I'll send another person to talk for me. But that'd be risky, something I'd rather not do." Sinful continued to contemplate the possibilities he generated, each and every single one intriguing him more than the last. After his excitement died down, he looked in the sea of green grass and found a colored stone that piqued his interest.

    Loot 16

    +1 Material

  13. "Woah, there are other tailors in the town? I've been looking for one that would accept me for quite a while, but most of them tell me to get out because of my clothes." Sinful's clothes were very scratched up, near the point of falling apart. "But hey? Appearances don't matter right?" He put on his charming smile, and laughed, it suddenly came to a stop. "Well, I guess it kinda does when you're trying to get an internship at a place, thing's don't really go well for me these days, but at least they do for others." Sinful tightly gripped on a sack of col, his one and only sack of col since he was poorer than most players in Aincrad.

  14. "Me? Surviving? Evander, I survive by knowing that the people I help are happy, it doesn't matter how much debt I have, or strength that I don't have, that's one of the reasons I joined SAO. In real life, many of us are weaklings, but in here, that changes. In here, we could be anything, we could pursue our dreams, and I even know some people like that." Sinful gave Evander another smile while cleaning his table with a towel. "I know that people die... But maybe if I pay for all their expenses, they would have extra col around for gear, I know that I can't help anyone, I don't even know how to lift up a sword. It sort of feels like I was meant in here, working in taverns and cafes helping the front liners clear this death game." Despite Evander's harsh words, he remained optimistic and kept the same viewpoint he had before.

  15. Sinful's real self was not one for socializing with people, but for the sake of his mask he will do what he's against, interaction with a large number of people in different level groups. Might as well make a lasting impression, he set up a small table with a sign saying 'Free plushies! Extra cute! All must go!' on top of it. "Kids and adults of all ages! I hope you haven't grown too old for the innocent plush toy, come on! They're really cute!" He cheerfully waved his hands high pointing towards his table, and then he'd wait and see just how many players would come to him. 'That's right, like pig to the slaughter.' He thought of some 'disturbing' things in his depraved mind.

  16. "Like papers to the shredder, they are all chopping blocks before me! Every single one of them will perish under my rule, I am the one and true king of Aincrad!" Sinful was starting to get cocky, a usual side effect of being a psychopath, he only assumed his power stretched that far. In reality, there was no plot armor in here, once you're dead, you're gone and all your efforts are wasted. "Offer power to the weaklings, and see how they become greedy pigs." He's seen this all to much before, even among his closest of friends. "And perhaps everyone is a pig then, even I. That'll do, no need to think about how I'm the dominant one here." Looking back for materials, he found nothing.

    Loot 13

  17. He looked above and saw the blue sky again, there was no change in it. "I wonder how this will all play out, either I die, and so does my guild, or everyone else dies, and I live! Hahaha! No matter, I can think of this trivial situation later, right now I'm looking for materials to amp up my playstyle." He laughed for a while, then got back to looking for materials, the lifeblood of the crafting system. Sinful would need some in the time being, eventually he'd get his tailor profession and start making plush toys to 'Look good' to everybody else. "Wonder how long I'm going to keep up this mask, it's killing me, it's... ACHING MY ENTIRE BODY!" Sinful stared up and adjusted his view back to the normal position, looking for materials finding nothing.

    Loot 2

  18. "Huh? I guess the fact that I don't have a profession to make plush toys." Sinful found a bench and sat on it, leaning back while facing the white haired boy. "I see kids here every single day dying from suicide or trying to get out of the safezone... It's just not right..." Sadness spread over his face as he wept a few tears trying to hold them back. "I guess... I guess I just don't want to see it anymore, maybe when people see plush toys they'll remember the innocence of children, and stop killing them." His dream was very idealistic, but as idealistic as he was, he would just not stop. "By the way, what's your name? Would you like to help me go on a quest to get my tailor profession?"

  19. Sinful checked his messages and saw the PM that just popped up. The message was "Agreed, and remember, I'll need the col first before I do anything like that." He smiled and put his mask back on. "Back to work! I wonder what today has in store for me!" Now that he concealed his true self, he could get back to work without having to worry about anything. Sinful was however, always a bit cautious, he needed to keep that good guy image so that he won't be suspected of leading a big time crime guild. "Woah, is that what I think it is? Nah, no materials for me."

    Loot 5
    (Accidental double roll)

  20. "There's nothing to lose now, they'll all die, DIE!" Sinful was losing his grip on his mind once more, he was angry as well. "Damnit, why couldn't you just KILL HIM! Damnit damnit damnit damnit!" The psychopath repeatedly kicked at a stump enraged at his client failing to be able to kill someone. "Then I'll just have to do it MYSELF!" He opened up his HUD and PM'ed a particular player and waited for the response. While waiting, he searched for some materials and came back with empty hands.

    Loot 2

  21. "My name is Sinful, nice to meet you Evander." Sinful gave Evander a smile before going back into the kitchen to cook and serve some more meals. "I don't exactly own this place, a guy I know said he didn't need the building anymore, so with a couple of days and some recycling, it turned into what it is today." He chuckled and remembered that there was no pricing on the foods, "Well, it's me who pays for all the meals here so that's why I don't list it." Sinful pulled out a plush toy and held it in his hands "Yeah, I guess you're right, but I'm not doing it for profit, I'm doing it to see the smiles on everybody's faces. We're all caught up on beating the game so badly, but why can't we have some fun while doing it?" His optimistic and cheery (fake) personality would surprise many people.

  22. Sinful looked at his bill, it went from fourty thousand to one hundred thousand, how was he going to pay that off? By working here of course, he'd cook meals here every day and giving them out for free, but that'd only increase his debt. Might as well wait for a kind patron to pay it off for him, not like anyone would. "I'm happy that you enjoy the food." He put on a smile and went over to collect the finished plates from other tables, washing them quickly and returning to his position. "You've heard of the pushback effect right? Even though you can't die in a safezone, you can still take knockback from attacks. I've... Seen it all happen before... You can even get pushed out of a safezone." Sinful looked a bit disturbed, but changed back into his usual expression, a charming smile. "So what do you think of running a plush toy business? I'm planning to start one to give the children some things to play with." Sinful went back to his altruistic (false) self as he spoke words with great ambition and charm.

  23. "What was his name again?" Sinful thought of the blue haired boy he's been hearing of, a man who was ruthless and had a heart of stone. This was the perfect chance to make his master plan work, it would create fear and mayhem, and then he'd rule on top as the shadow king. "Right, had something to do with Jet." He also knew this guy in the real world, he was one of his acquaintances that he was manipulating from start to finish. "Yeah, he's the boy who wanted to commit suicide, what better way than doing it here?" Sinful laughed with malice, trying to keep his sound level in check. "Back to material gathering." Sinful also had to look for some materials for his plushy business, after searching he found an object worth his interest.

    Loot 18

    +1 Material

  24. "Your order is ready sir!" Sinful balanced a plate on his head and a cup on his arm, making sure not to drop them. He then gently placed them on Evander's table and smiled. "That child was young... I still can't believe they could die any moment in this game... That's why I'm giving out all these plush toys." He saw his bill piling up to negative fourty thousand col, a result of taking everyone's tabs. "We're not all diplomats, we each have our own traits and flaws which make us what we are, human. I guess you can say that those guys were just as good as me, since no matter how kind or evil we are... We're only human...." Sinful stopped thinking of that then put on his charming smile, "I hope you enjoy the food, I cooked it rather well today."

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