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Posts posted by Sinful

  1. Sinful felt the embarrassment that Nonon had, "Oh, poor girl, she must be sad..." He looked in his inventory and pulled out a bunny plush, setting it inside the cardboard box Nonon was in. "Please don't cry, I'll wipe those tears away for you." With that, he put another plush toy inside the cardboard box, this time it was a carrot, and turned over to Evander. "I'm leaving you to this, I hope you can comfort her in any way you can." Sinful then took off and left with a smile. He mouthed the words' Good luck' and dissappeared.

    -Sinful left the thread (Good luck pal)

  2. "Counting stars? Hah! These lies amuse me. What was left in Pandora's box? Hope, because it was the last thing that came out of it, people hope things will get better but they won't. Hahahaha!" SInful was losing control of his mask, he needed to get back into the cockpit and fly the plane that was his brain (Rhymes). "No.... NO NO NO NO NO NO!" He went into a raging fury, swinging his blade around at anything that was living. Birds flew away, along with the grass. Sinful put his hands on his head and stopped breathing quickly, he was in a state of calm now. "Need to look for some more materials." He looked and found nothing.

    Loot 3

  3. "Right sir, menu coming right up!" He grabbed the menu and placed it gently at Evander's table with a smile. "Yeah, I think we did meet, sorry if I misunderstood the situation there.
    So, could I take your order?" Sinful still held the plushy, but then a child came into the cafe surrounded by three older players. "Leave me alone!" The child shouted fiercely, but the players would simply not back down. The leader came forth and said "We're going to teach you a lesson girly, a lesson to not step on my shoes!" Sinful was getting uncomfortable, so he approached the three players bullying the child and said "She's only a child, I don't think she knows what she did might've been impolite. If anything, you shouldn't really harass her since she doesn't know any better." His calming presence turned the chaotic scene into a diplomatic one as the three players left. "Thank you sir!" The child said. Sinful smile, and handed her the teddy bear, "Stay safe, okay?"

  4. He broke out into evil laughter, being amused by how pathetic and weak humans are. Sinful remembered the remarks of many of the people he met, all of them talked about this 'kindness' and 'hearts', how arrogant. Memories of Teayre came into his mind as she talked about how she knew what a heart will allow. That new idea perplexed him, and he engaged a full scale debate on it in his head, neither side winning of course. "I wonder which little target I'll hit today!" Malice was strong in his future actions, after all his username was Sinful. "Oh, right, materials, got it pal." He kept searching and found nothing of interest.

    Loot 3

  5. Sinful walked up to Ethereal putting on his most charming smile and said "Hello sir! Would you like to order something? The food's on me, as I'm paying for everyone's tabs." He notice that he didn't speak loud enough, he then shouted "Food is on me everybody! Eat to your hearts' content!" Today was unlike any other, there was some commotion going on about a pink haired girl sleeping, and then now there's a bearded man taking a nap as well? That didn't matter now, he would just try to comfort everyone and keep the peace. Sinful went up to Himeko and covered her with the <> and put a plush dolphin next to the sleeping girl. "Sleep well." He smiled.

  6. How many kings and queens have fell due to their own arrogance? Sinful knew he was arrogant, and that was one step to stopping the cycle. Like a dictator, he was ruthless and manipulative unafraid of doing whatever is necessary to get what he wants. He met a person the other day who looked like he was interested in murder, he decided that he'd invest his time in that person to see what kind of fruits they would produce. 'Death blooms, this will all be over once he is on my side!' He thought with malice while searching for materials, coming back with two empty hands.

    Loot 2

  7. It snapped in his mind, the perfect plan for the perfect disposal. The plan was brilliant, but he couldn't exactly call it a plan, more like a possible future. All he need ed was a plush toy, and a fragile child who would do his bidding. "I see it now, it's all in my favor." Soon he'd assume control of one of the future's most feared group in SAO. "And nobody will be able to stop me." Limits no longer existed, this was the time of sinners now. Quickly, Sinful took his mind off of that having fear of someone eavesdropping on him. He went back to what he was previously doing, searching for materials and he found something suitable to fit his desires.

    Loot 18

    +1 Material

  8. He was no hero nor a saint, no matter what anybody else thought of him. How funny, they think he's kind, selfless, and forgiving, it makes him laugh. 'I'm nothing but a pile of lies, give me one and I'll answer back with a thousand just to spite you.' The sudden idea of a guild hit him, where he'd rule and have power over a minority of the SAO players. It would be time to soon lure in his first target, how amusing would that be to just see a cluster of crystalline pixels. He searched for materials turning over every single stone, finding another piece of nothing.

    Loot 14

  9. An entirely new subject bounced into his mind, how was he going to keep his cover from being blown? This was one of his first times being aware of the unmasked Sinful he had in SAO. "I guess virtual reality games mess with your head a bit." Sinful had this one person in mind he didn't like, they were going to especially meet their reckoning today. He went from selfless, to selfish, thriving on the sensation of greed and schadenfreude. He looked for a material to see if he'd find anything interesting, but sadly he came back empty-handed.

    Loot 11

  10. It would take him a while before searching again, the thought of plushies riveted his mind with all the possible designs he could do. On one end was chibi, but in the entire spectrum there was a whole list of categories, some of which I shouldn't mention. This was SAO he was talking about here, the possibilities are endless! "Last time I gave out a plushy, it got decapitated. Better make sure that doesn't happen again." The hunt for materials never stopped, even while generating thoughts his eyes were peeled around every single corner he crossed. "No dice." He found nothing while searching.

    Loot 5

  11. "Chibi sounds nice, but what about animals?" The beady eyed animal plush toys were what he found to be quite cute, he then concluded that was what he was going to do. "Foxes, wolfs, yeah! Those'll be really cute once I hand them out!" Sinful was fantasizing about plushies, handing them out to almost everyone in his imagination. His inability to see things as they are gets him into conflict with others, despite stirring up a lot of thought in his head he remained vigilant as always searching for materials. Thanks to the thoughts he found something rather promising. "Yes! One step ahead of the game!"

    Loot 19

    +1 Material

  12. Sinful saw it clearly now, children had many preferences on plush toys, some liked inanimate objects an others liked people, but what style would he sew them in to make them appealing to children? Perhaps he'd make them in chibi style, or any other style. "I think I'll try chibi." His mind was set on creating plush toys for children of all ages, even extending to adults cause he himself was still a child even though he was twenty two. "Guess I'm like everyone else, only human." He stopped the thinking and looked for some materials for his plushy business, finding nothing.

    Loot 5

  13. What did he see in the sky? He obviously didn't know because many things in the world were ambiguous, even the sky was. It belonged to nobody, as no man had dared conquering the infinite sky of which provides darkness and light. Today was going to be a good day for Sinful, he'd gather a lot of materials before leaving the place. "Might as well come back with lots of materials in my hands, better than none. I wonder what kind of plushies children like." This question caused him to have internal conflict, arguing over which plush toys were cuter to children, animals, or inanimate objects.

  14. "Oh, hey John, what do you need?" Sinful watched as a player named John entered the sweets shop, he ordered a simple cake and left without paying. "He probably needs it for a good reason, time to get back to work." He cracked some eggs, and with his magical method he create a cake with just eggs, and other ingredients. It took a while, but John eventually came back and thanked the young man for the cake. "It's my pleasure sir, on my tab as always." Sinful was in fact paying for all the orders, which is why he was in heavy debt and broke as well. "Any more orders? They're all on my tab today."

  15. Sinful had a lot of sewing needles and cloth, but the problem was he didn't know how to sew. "I've got myself the things... But I ain't got the knowledge." He knew he should've taken sewing classes in the real world, he was always interested in the making of plush toys. There was a particular style he liked, it was called chibi. "Well, guess I need to request someone to make plush toys for me then." He checked his col and realized he only had 500, "Shoot!" Sinful was running low on money, but that wouldn't stop him. "I'll make my own plushies, then the children won't be so bored!"

  16. "Hello! Welcome to the cafe, may I take your order today?" A charming young man asked Evander as he balanced a couple of plates on his head whilst holding out a bear plushie to him. "The customer is always right!" He seemed welcoming to the newcomer, and waited to see what his order was. Deep down in his thought process, he saw a pile of bodies before him, but this was the real world, where he saw a united Aincrad. "Well, you gonna take him or what? C'mon, he's waiting!" Sinful let out a handsome smile and winked at Evander.

    OOC: Plushie is rp fluff

  17. "Awww..." He watched as the polar bear plushie turned into a bunch of crystals and looked in awe. "Well, I guess he had a very short lived life." Sinful then catches an item and smiles, "So I guess this is a symbol of our friendship now right?" The silver haired boy laughed playfully and still had his smile on. "Well, we're only human... No matter how bad we may be, no matter how good, we will always at least have an ounce of goodness in us, right?" He gave her another smile while putting his hand in the back of his head (One of those cliche' anime poses). In his mind, he knew Teayre was talking about him, ones with demon hearts. In truth, Sinful was one without a heart, his kindness being but a false mask. However, nobody could see through his mask, not even him sometimes. And now, the master plan starts to unveil...

  18. Sinful saw the sack of col come flying back to him and catches it. "So you really don't need it? Shucks, gonna have to give it to someone else then." He gets a bit closer to Teayre and smiles, "Do you want to know why I moved closer? Because I trust you, I know deep down you have a heart... like me... like everybody else." Tears come out of his eyes while he relaxes looking up at the cloudy sky. "H-Hey, do you like plush toys?" Sinful begins playing with a plush polar bear and giggles, such a thing would be considered cute by onlookers. "If you want him you can have him." He smiles and holds out the polar bear plush in the air.

    *Suddenly the Lion King song starts playing* (JK)

    OOC: Plush is RP fluff

  19. Sinful noticed that Yuki looked a bit sad and frowned. "Aww, don't be sad, today's supposed to be a happy day!" He tried his best to comfort Yuki , and remembered he had something. "I'm not sure if you'll like this or not, but here." Sinful checks his HUD and pulls out a baby fox plushie and hands it to her. "Meet your new friend." He smiles at Yuki while putting the fox plushie on her head. "See, he likes you already." Sinful gives her a smile with his eyes closed, somehow this makes him look a bit cute. "He used to be my best friend when this game started, but I think he should be with you now."


    Gave Yukisuzuki 1 Fox Plushie

    -1 Fox Plushie (RP Fluff)

  20. Sinful sees an orange player near an abandoned building and watches. He unequips all his weapons before going up to her while keeping his distance, and then gave her a simple hello. "So, how's your day today? I know I'm pretty tired. How about you?" Sinful pulls out a sack of Col and sees that she's an orange player and decides she might need it, but again, he is still cautious about what he's doing. He walks up to her with the sack of col and hands it to her. "You need it more than me, stay alive out there alright?" After doing his fortieth kind act of the day, he lies down on the grass and looks up at the clouds, wondering where Kazu might be.

  21. Sinful looks at the col and slides it back to Yuki. "I can't take your money, I make a living by giving to others, not taking. Here, you need this more than me." He slid over a sack of 500 col to her and smiled. "Take care you two, I know it's not much but hopefully you can make something out of it." He almost forgot something. "Oh! I forgot!" Sinful pulled out another sack of 500 col and gave it to Kamui, "I hope you find your older brother, if you need any help, just ask me." And now his wallet was nearly empty, the final 500 col would go to another random individual. More tears came into his eyes, as he wiped them he said "I've finally done it now... Kazu..."

  22. His heart was touched (Falsely touched) by the kindness in the tavern, it would make any pessimistic person vomit all over the place. "Oh god... It's worse than I thought..." Sinful began to break down in tears and covered his face with his hands. "Why do these children have to be hurt.... why?" He sniffled twice, and then wiped his tears getting back to work. "A bleeding heart that bleeds to death is of no use to anyone..." He said those words pitifully and made a facial expression that made it look like he was having a flashback. "R-Right, back to work." He continued to sniffle and occasionally wipe the tears from his eyes, but he then put another piece of bread and a glass of water on the table for Yuki and the girl to have. "I hope you two can eat like queens today." Sinful gave his most charming smile and watched them.

  23. "A festival? This is perfect!" The enthusiastic young man shouted as he surveyed the area before him, seeing the beautiful decorations in every direction. Perhaps he could give some bread out to the children who need it, or just have fun, win some prizes, and give those out to depressed kids. That'd be a good idea, at least for now, he had other things in mind such as the plotted murders of his worst enemies in SAO, but that could wait. An NPC rushed hurriedly past him, dropping a couple of fireworks. Sinful took note of this quickly and picked them up and chased the NPC, "Hey! You dropped some of these!" After catching up with him, the NPC graciously thanked him and told him to keep one of the fireworks. Sinful only looked at him in shock and said "But sir, you make an honest living with these, you should keep it." He smiled, but the NPC only shook his head. "I'm old now, and you're young. You could make more use out of it than me, please do take care young man." With firework in hand, Sinful watched as the NPC left with wide eyes; what an easy catch, now his master plan is one step closer to being complete.

    +1 Firework

  24. "What's this?" Sinful was out foraging on his first day of work as a material gatherer, trying to get as many as possible to turn into food for the wandering children of Aincrad. "Oh? A girl in a cardboard box with a boy..." This didn't look very well for Sinful, he approached the two and began questioning them. "Hey, so are you two dating or something? Or is something serious going on like a breakup?" Sinful looked confused, in his mind he was formulating many possible predictions of how the future will go along with several possible methods to squeeze the truth out of them. "W-Wait... Is she in a cardboard box?" He looked at her with pity in his eyes, a tear shedding from one of them. "Are you lost? I could lead you to an orphanage if you'd like."

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