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Posts posted by Dynaon

  1. The corruption was seeping through the pores of his mind. He felt pressure, as if something was aiming to make him crack. To make him weak. He ground his teeth together in the midst of his meditation, a single droplet leaking from the corner of his right eye and streaming down his cheek. He was struggling to keep them away. Just like that, he heard the voice of Kranzer, which completely shattered his concentration. He jerked his head around to see his friend standing behind him, quickly wiping the water away from his cheek and jumping up onto his feet. "Haha, what are you talking about?! I just got down taming five <<Boars>> before you came out here! I just needed a break, my HP was pretty low after that." He let off a happy-go-lucky smile on the outside, but his heart pounded in his chest. It was too close of a call.

    He chose to grab some grass in the midst of the conversation, seeing if he could extract any materials from the object. He smiled even wider as the Extraction was successful, granting him a single Material.

    Roll ID #51352 - LD: 17 [Obtained 1 Material!]

  2. Dynaon sat down in the Fields, his hands pressed together as he began to go through a deep meditation. It wasn't often these days that he was allowed to be alone; he had met up with Kranzer and promised to make him stronger through the old grind, and now that he had the beauty called Hope on his side, he would be busier than ever with his fans. However, despite that.. the grand King found pleasure in the moments where silence would fill the world around him. His eyes were shut, letting darkness envelop him as he calmed his breathing. "You'll never let it happen again.." Thoughts of the corrupted past threatened to crawl around within his mind, but he pushed them down, not wanting to dwell. He had to focus on his current situation: getting out of this game alive.

    He'd never tell anyone how he truly felt. He didn't want that burden on their hands if he was found in an awkward position. The Immortal King had to be stronger than that.

  3. Dynaon watched closely as Takneil bravely walked into the camp, capturing the attention of four crazed bandits. From the looks of their stats, which popped up after he aggro'd them, they weren't exactly people to mess with. If they grouped up on Dynaon, he wasn't sure if he would be able to protect Hunie after all. He smiled at the courage and bravery on Takneil's part as he noticed the blonde attempting to direct him elsewhere. Ahh, that was true, he was here to help gather materials while this guy did his work. The King followed closely after Hunie, smiling all the while. While it did feel like a very tense situation for them to be sneaking into the enemy camp, he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

    He was hanging out with two amazing people and he was getting stuff done to rise up the levels. He couldn't be happier about such developments. However, upon reaching the inside of the camp, he couldn't find anything of interest right away. Shame, but hey, that just meant he had to do a little more inspecting before he struck gold.

    Roll ID #51323 - LD: 13 [No Material Found!]

  4. Day 4:

    After meeting up with Hope for the first time, Dynaon had a new energy to his step. A new beat to his rhythm. He was just straight up feeling lucky today. As he entered his shop, he took out two of his materials and attempted to <<Craft>>, only to be blessed with an Uncommon and Rare essence. He was on fire with these things!

    Roll ID #51299 - CD: 10 [Crafted Uncommon Item!; +3 EXP]
    Roll ID #51300 - CD: 11 [Crafted Rare Item!; +5 EXP]

  5. The Immortal King quickly let out a few pants from the crazy battle they had just gone through. It was the very first time that he had let something get past his guard, the first time that a threat toward his friend was made. He didn't want that to happen again. He silently cursed at himself for his performance in the battle, even if they came out on top in the end. He had to be better. He had to get even stronger. He knelt down beside Kranzer as he looked over his wounds, watching as his HP would replenish over time. Maybe it was a good time for them to stop grinding until Dynaon could get the proper skills for these battles. However, a woman approached them, and causing the King to freeze in his tracks.

    Her long, flowing, blonde locks blew in the winds of the fields as she approached. Her eyes were a piercing red, the shade of blood, but just enough to make Dynaon forget what he was doing. He questioned his own existence in the sight of this young lady. Her melodious voice was enough to bring him back to the fields, jerking his body up and jumping onto the ground. "W-We were just grinding out some monsters! Gotta get those levels up, you know? Name's Dynaon, the Immortal King, self-proclaimed. What might your name be, my friend?" He let off a happy-go-lucky smile despite his friend sitting down injured beside him. The sight of this woman was enough to make him realize that they didn't die, so it was a win all in all.

  6. As the Immortal King listened to the anatomy of their mission, he accepted the party request from Takneil. He assumed it was so he could keep track of their stats. It seemed like, from the way he was talking about it, that this was going to be fairly dangerous for the both of them. He wasn't so worried about himself nor Takneil, but Hunie was a different story. As they got into a party together, he noticed that her stats weren't all that impressive. It was alright, considering her level, but if the enemies they were facing were twice as strong as the enemies on the first floor.. He wasn't too confident that she'd be able to survive more than a couple hits with the skills she had. He nodded lightly to himself as he began to navigate through his menu, still listening to the man speak to them.

    He quickly moved to equip the new item given to him by Kranzer, the <<Immortal Grasp>>. He never got a chance to try out these bad boys, so this might as well be the best time. He smiled wide as his MIT stat skyrocketed to new levels, walking over to Hunie with a bright smile. "Consider the gal protected and your loot collected. I'll protect her if any enemies aggro us, and I assume you'll take care of the rest. Onward then!"

  7. As he watched the <<Frenzied Boar>> run away from him, his eyes widened as he watched Kranzer get blown back by the impact of the attack. He seemed to be bleeding from the damage he took, and it was enough to get a fourth of his health bar down. No, no god damn it, he wasn't going to go through this again! "No, you stay away from him, damn it!" He pushed off of his foot and closed the distance between him and the foul beast, attempting to slam his sword down on the Boar. Somehow, he [censored] missed it again. What the hell was wrong with him?! Out of pure desperation, he latched onto the beast and wrapped his arms around it, trying to hold it back. "Just hit me, damn it, I'm the one who agitated you first!" There was almost pure desperation in Dynaon's tone, pleading with it to stop attacking Kranzer.

    Of course, it didn't exactly know any better.

    Roll ID #51290 - BD: 4 [DYNAON MISSES!]
    Dynaon: 16 HP | 1 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 MIT
    Frenzied Boar #1: 4 HP | 3 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 2 MIT
    Turn Order: Dynaon > Frenzied Boar > Kranzer

  8. Dynaon smiled as Kranzer caught onto what he was doing and went in, instantly hitting the creature and chunking down a good deal of its HP. "Now that's what I'm talking about! Let's keep up the pressure and make sure that we can take it down easily." He kept hopping backward while trying to keep its attention, but he forgot to take out his sword and actually hit the damned thing all the while to keep it around. Because of that, he watched as the <<Frenzied Boar>> turned its head toward Kranzer, who currently had the aggro due to his attack. The King silently cursed at himself for this and drew his blade, attempting to cleave at the creature. However, he couldn't get to it and hit the ground with his attack instead. "[censored], watch out, Kranzy!"

    Roll ID #51278 - BD: 4 [DYNAON MISSES!]
    Dynaon: 16 HP | 1 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 MIT
    Frenzied Boar #1: 6 HP | 3 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 2 MIT
    Turn Order: Dynaon > Frenzied Boar > Kranzer

  9. Dynaon watched as Kranzer finally caught up with him, saying that he should attempt to save up his energy. Well, while his physical abilities did carry over to the game, levels actually made it easier for him to run. It was like his physical frame was improving alongside his level. Either way, he walked with Kranzer as they quietly approached a couple of <<Frenzied Boars>> walking along the fields. It seemed like they hadn't aggro'd onto them yet, so they were safe for the moment. What was Kranzer thinking? As he picked up a rock and mentioned kiting, something started to flare up in Dynaon. As if code in his brain was being overwritten with a brand new protocol. He had something to do now. He questioned if the King knew how to kite, but rather than answer the young man, he'd merely show him.

    Snatching a pebble from the ground, he quietly began to rush toward the two boars, only to push off the ball of his foot and shift his entire weight to the right. He threw the pebble at one of the creatures, managing to get its attention. As it looked at him, Dynaon shoved his hands into his pockets and began to run backwards, keeping its aggro while watching it move, making sure he didn't lost its interest. He nodded at Kranzer, signaling for him to attack the thing already.

    Roll ID #51242 - BD: 4 [DYNAON MISSES!]
    Dynaon: 16 HP | 1 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 MIT
    Frenzied Boar #1: 8 HP | 3 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 2 MIT
    Turn Order: Dynaon > Frenzied Boar > Kranzer

  10. As the trade request was accepted, Dynaon watched over Kranzer as he tried out the weapon for the first time. He actually seemed very satisfied with how it handled, even going as far as saying 'thank you' for the weapon. The King was proud of himself for being able to get out of that debt; now he wouldn't have to worry about it in the future. Plus, it was a nice gift to just give, right? He did manage to put up with him-- Eh, maybe it was best not to think that way. Kranzer was a nice enough guy, right? Kranzer mentioned going out to try it out, and that just made Dynaon's day, smiling wider than ever as he jumped upward. "Hell yeah, now you're speaking my language, Kranzy! Let's head out!"

    He couldn't wait anymore, quickly bursting into a full run for the entrance of the city and out into the fields as he smiled wide. He was gonna go grind out some more Boars with his very first fri-- fan. It was going to be an amazing time and he was going to make sure that Kranzer didn't die for sure. The Immortal King did not go back on his promises. He'd make a warrior out of the indecisive player yet.

  11. He turned around to see a blonde woman and a very intimidating gentleman approaching him. He smiled wide at the sight, saluting them both as they made themselves known. "The name's Dynaon, the Immortal King! I'm your soon-to-be protector and beacon of hope to the highest floor in this damned game. I'll make sure none of you die on this mission and any other where we're paired up, I assure it!" The King shot out a thumbs up at both Takneil and Hunie. "It's a pleasure to meet ya both. So, whaddya say we get started with our little Material clean up! Takkles, lead the way to our great victory!" He smiled, letting his teeth gleam in the sunlight as he joined up with the party.

  12. After the successes in the crafting for the day, Dynaon got the jumpstart that he needed to keep up his usual upbeat attitude early in the morning. With the Uncommon Essence in his pocket, he began to walk down the streets of the Town of Beginnings, practically bounding past the multitude of players and NPCs that walked beside him. If he didn't know any better, they were all staring at him. And who could honestly blame them? It wasn't every day that mere mortals were graced with the presence of the Immortal King himself. Well, in reality, it was because he was jumping with each step like he was running on the moon. Who wouldn't have their gaze attracted to such a goofy sight? Dynaon was none the wiser as he made his way down the road, only to catch a glimpse of his very first fan, Kranzer.

    He smiled at the sight of his friend and quickly approached him, tenting his hands behind his lower back. "Hey, Kranzy! You ready to go grinding today?!" He was elated to go hang out with Kranzer, but just as quickly, he analyzed the position that the indecisive young man was in. Knees brought up to his chest, sitting in the shade.. he looked depressed, almost. Maybe his gift would cheer him up. "Hey, listen. I wanted to find a way to show my appreciate for the <<Polished Breastplate>> you got me, so I went get a custom order from a local blacksmith for you." He opened up his menu and put the <<Immortal's Debt>> in the trading area, sending a request to Kranzer to give it to him. "It's not the best, but maybe it'll help make grinding go by faster for you. It's my thanks." He offered him an honest smile, tilting his head slightly and closing his eyes with glee.

  13. Day 3:

    Dynaon woke up from his deep slumber, swaggering over to the table within his shop. He lazily went into his menu and took out a couple of the Materials he had stockpiled, and quite honestly, he wasn't feeling too confident. His energy hadn't kicked in just yet, not being a morning person and all. He attempted to <<Craft>> the two materials, watching them float into the air. Surprisingly, both of them were forged into items, one of them being an Uncommon and another being a Rare. Now that was certainly awesome! It was just enough to wake the King up. Today may just be a good day after all.

    Roll ID #51230 - CD: 10 [Crafted Uncommon Item!; +3 EXP]
    Roll ID #51231 - CD: 9 [Crafted Good Item!; +2 EXP]

  14. Dynaon's search for a proper shop had not gone without bearing fruit. The choice of name for the establishment was goofy, but it was just enough to catch the Immortal King's eye. He walked inside, knowing what his intentions were from the very start. He had already prepared a small bag for his payment: 600 Col, 6 Materials, and a custom-made Rare item named 'King's Potion of Healing'. "Ma'am, I'd like to purchase a custom made weapon. Something that'll hit my enemy more often. Do you think you can help me?"

    Transaction: -600 Col, -6 Materials, -1 King's Potion of Healing from Inventory, +Immortal's Debt [Upon Approval]

  15. After finishing up at the Cafe for the day, Dynaon headed out to the City of Urbus. In truth, he had never ventured beyond the first floor of the game due to only being Level 1, but his growth had staggered even his expectations. It was time to move onto bigger and better things. He was the Immortal King, after all. There was no doubt in his mind that he could handle the second floor after being able to take care of those boars so easily. Upon reaching the inner depths of the great city, he was greeted with an offer on the Notification Board. It asked for some players to come to the outskirts of the city and help collect Materials with him. Seemed easy enough, and why not try to get some free Materials out of a simple collection job? "Yeah, I was born for this!" He headed to the outside of the city, awaiting his newly found friend with a bright smile and an eager body.

  16. Dynaon sighed out at the comment Kranzer made about the situation. He knew that the man was right, but he didn't really want to leave yet. He wanted to give it one last shot. The King moved to grab a few blades of grass from the ground, attempting to <<Extract>> one last time. Upon getting no luck, he merely sighed out and threw the grass behind him. "Yeah, you're right. How about we actually eat at the Starlight Cafe this time? I got a bit of Col from that quest, so you can order whatever you want. My treat." He offered a smile toward Kranzer as he led the way back to the city's entrance, shoving his hands into his pockets. It was then that he noticed a notification to the side of him.

    <<You reached Level 4!>>

    Roll ID #51095 - LD: 9 [Found 0 Material]


    Enemies Defeated:

    • Boar x1

    Items Gained:

    • Kranzer
      • +1 Material [Defeated Boar]
      • +200 Col & +1 SP [Completed Thread]
    • Dynaon
      • +1 Material [Non-Combat Loot Die Roll]
      • +200 Col & +1 SP [Completed Thread]
  17. Dynaon noticed that Kranzer still wasn't having any luck with the extractions, but to be fair, it must be pretty difficult. He may have just gotten really luck the first time. In fact, a lot of the firsts involving this game were pretty damn lucky. His first hit in this game was a Critical, his first profession gave him an amazing item right off the bat, he gained a lot of Materials from his first quest.. and his first friend still stood beside him. That was definitely something that the King could enjoy, considering-- ... There was no need to dive into all of that right now. He had to focus on the here and now, right? He kicked at the ground, letting a blade of grass float into the air. He captured it quickly with his fist and began to <<Extract>>, only for nothing to happen. Damn it, this was really tough.

    He looked over to Kranzer as he stopped punching at the air, a little bit of his proud exterior starting to fade in the lull of combat. "I think that's what we need. I still need to repay you for what you've done." He offered a smile toward the dagger wielder, but instead of being a happy-go-lucky smile of confidence, it was more.. soft and genuine. Like he was bringing himself down to a human's level for the first time.

    Roll ID #51090 - LD: 13 [Found 0 Material]

  18. Dynaon smiled as he stored the new material into his inventory, happy that his stash was only growing while he was trying to craft new items for his new store. He watched as Kranzer tried to do what he did, only for it to do nothing. He must not have been able to do it, but it wasn't like it was a skill thing. "Don't worry about it. At least when it comes to our own lives, it doesn't have to come down to luck." He grabbed at a few more blades of grass, attempting to <<Extract>> more Material from them. As he clicked on the option, he was a bit shocked when nothing happened. Did he actually not manage to get anything out of them? It was a bit disappointing, but he didn't let it get to him, throwing the grass toward his back.

    "I guess those grass blades were just bad. It is something really nice to do between spawns though. Keeps the blood flowing!" Dynaon got up from the sitting position and started to throw a few punches at a shadow he just couldn't seem to catch. Even after the intense battle with the creature, he was still ready to go all over again. Hopefully soon, he'd be able to fight another one so he could get his level up. It was never too early to grow, after all.

    Roll ID #51066 - LD: 9 [Found 0 Material]

  19. Name: King's Potion of Health

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 1

    ID: 51064

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: HP Recovery x2

    Description: Heals you for +20 HP and gives you a little boost of determination, cause you bought it from yours truly.

  20. Day 2:

    After the boar hunting for the day, Dynaon slowly waddled into his shop. He was admittedly a little exhausted from the past battles, but he wouldn't openly admit it to anyone. With this shop basically being his makeshift home for the time being, he would have to make due for the time being. Considering it was a new day, he might as well exhaust his crafting chances for the day. He picked out a pebble and a few blades of grass this time, letting them float into the air as they began to glow. One of them exploded once again, showing that he didn't succeed, but the other.. the other began to glow brighter until it became an orb of true essence. <<You made a Rare Item!>> Yeah, he was born for this. It was only a matter of time!

    Roll ID #51064 - CD: 11 [Crafted Rare Item!; +5 EXP]
    Roll ID #51065 - CD: 1 [Crafting Failure; +1 EXP]

  21. As Kranzer delivered the final blow and the creature disappeared, Dynaon let off an exhausted sigh. These boars were definitely made of some pretty rough material if it took all that effort just to capture one. The King slowly sat down on the ground, looking over to Kranzer. The King slowly recovered the 3 HP he was missing, going back to full health in no time at all. He smiled at the fact that he was ready to go again, but energy wise, oh man. This was an exhausting task. It was way harder than point and click grinding from the other MMOs. That only meant it would be that much more fun getting to the higher levels. "Good work out there, Kranzer. You got what it takes to deal some serious damage, you just gotta put your mind to it!"

    He let off a half-hearted laugh before letting out another pant. All things considered, he took two blows to the chest with fairly thin armor on. He even took a critical hit. It wasn't something he could just shrug off. It was then that he would remember what the old NPC from his quest said about the grass, the plants, and the rocks around them. Maybe this lapse in time would allow them some time to gather some Materials. "Hey, wanna see something cool?" He moved to grab some grass off of the ground, only to click the grass in his palm and open its options menu. He clicked on the <<Extract>> option, watching as it began to load. Before long, a clear orb would appear around the grass, showing a notification that he successfully crafted a <<Material>>. "Ha, got it on the first try! Turns out you can use anything in this game and try to craft it into Materials and stuff to make potions. It's really cool!"

    Roll ID #51062 - LD: 16 [Found 1 Material!]
    Dynaon: 12 [9 + 3] HP

  22. The King watched as Kranzer took his turn to attack, but his dagger just wasn't enough to do any real damage to the thing. Maybe he wasn't able to do much after that amazing display. He was about to console Kranzer for the small whiff, but just as quickly, Kranzer went on to determine Dynaon by telling him that he got the creature on the ropes just for him. Even though it seemed a bit fishy, the King was too excited by the praise to even think it through. "You got it!" He raised his blade into the air once more and cleaved into the <<Frenzied Boar>>, landing another direct hit into its hide. Now its HP had fallen down to a single point. Any attack would be able to take this thing down. However, it was up to the two players to determine who would land the finishing blow. Would Kranzer take the glory for himself with an amazing sword art, or would the Immortal King prevail?

    The beast didn't seem intent on attacking either of them, still reeling back from the intense pain it was going through. To be fair, it was taking attacks left and right now. It was no surprise that it was going to lose its edge sooner or later. Dynaon took his blade out of the creature, waiting to see what Kranzer would do next. "Let's end this!"

    Roll ID #51059 - BD: 6 [DYNAON HITS!] | MD: 3 [BOAR MISSES!]
    Dynaon: 9 HP | 1 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 MIT
    Frenzied Boar: 1 [2-1] HP | 3 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 2 MIT | 3 HATE @Dynaon | 1 HATE @Kranzer
    Turn Order: Dynaon > Frenzied Boar > Kranzer

  23. Dynaon was surprised at the dagger Kranzer had began to glow with a bright lavender hue. The King's eyes could only widen as he watched what was once an indecisive man throw all caution to the wind and rush at the creature, quickly hitting it twice on the side of its body. The damage that he did wasn't exactly any joke either; it was easily twice what Dynaon was able to put out already. Despite being shown up by the flare of the attack, the Immortal King smiled, a new fire ignited in his belly. "Hell yeah, Kranzy! Now that's what I'm talking about! You have been practicing. Now, how about I get in on this!" The determination that came from the beauty of Kranzer's attack was enough to grant Dynaon a new strength, yanking his weapon from the ground below and pointing it at the <<Frenzied Boar>>.

    "This is what you get for spawning in the presence of two amazing players, you damned beast!" He pushed off of the ball of his foot and closed the distance between he and the boar, running past it as he dug his blade into the creature's side and tore into it, causing more flakes of some red substance to fly into the air. The HP bar was hurdling downward at a high speed now, and honestly, Dynaon couldn't be more proud of Kranzer right now. He was finally coming out of his shell. The creature was too shocked to even move after all of that damage, merely standing still to try and mentally deal with the pain. "Heh.. we've got him shaking in his boots."

    Roll ID #51054 - BD: 6 [DYNAON HITS!] | MD: 5 [BOAR MISSES!]
    Dynaon: 9 HP | 1 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 MIT
    Frenzied Boar: 2 [3-1] HP | 3 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 2 MIT | 2 HATE @Dynaon | 1 HATE @Kranzer
    Turn Order: Dynaon > Frenzied Boar > Kranzer

  24. Dynaon coughed a bit as he tried to regain his composure. This was no big deal, he still had a lot of health to fall back on if he really needed to do this. However, with Kranzer just sitting there and twiddling his thumbs, there wasn't exactly much he could do at the moment. He poured his skill points into armor, for God's sake. He was meant to take the damage, not deal it out. Not yet, at the very least. He sighed out as he moved to charge the boar again, readying his blade for a deeper cut. "Come on, Kranzer! I need you to weaken this thing!" As he finished the sentence, he had already closed the gap between the two of them, swinging his blade downward. The creature managed to weave past the attack, his sword digging itself into the ground. Damn it, now his only weapon was stuck!

    He tried to pull it out of the dirt below, only to see that the <<Frenzied Boar>> was coming to attack yet again. Dynaon panicked, jumping off of his feet and attempting to balance himself on the blade that was stuck in the ground. The beast went right past him, so the King did manage to dodge the attack successfully, but how the hell was he going to follow up now? "Keep him busy!" He yelled at Kranzer as he grabbed at the hilt of the scimitar with both hands, attempting to pull it out of the ground as the boar prepared for another attack toward Dynaon.

    Roll ID #51046 - BD: 4 [DYNAON MISSES!] | MD: 5 [BOAR MISSES!]
    Dynaon: 9 HP | 1 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 MIT
    Frenzied Boar: 5 HP | 3 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 2 MIT | 1 HATE @Dynaon
    Turn Order: Dynaon > Frenzied Boar > Kranzer

  25. Dynaon grew agitated with the constant things getting in the way of just hitting the damned beast. If it wasn't the King trying to stare it down, it was Kranzer missing and running in a circle. If it wasn't Dynaon being too hasty to not even draw his weapon, it was Kranzer going too wide with his attack. This was turning into an idiotic show and it was going downhill pretty fast. At this rate, the armor was going to be for nothing! "That's it, I'm tired of this! Beast, prepare to get hurt!" He grasped at the hilt of his scimitar and drew it out, raising it into the air and swinging it downward. The blade cleaved into the creature's back, causing for it to let out a surprised yelp of pain. The HP bar of the creature went down slightly, but it was twice as much as what the <<Frenzied Boar>> managed to do before, so he at least had that to be happy about.

    However, he had no idea what was about to come next. Another impact hit against his chest, the boar's tusks driving into his armor. For some reason, this one hurt even more than the last, pushing him backward with the impact. His HP went down twice as much this time as the notification showed up by the creature: <<Critical Hit!>>. What the hell? How come the creatures could have that kind of luck too? He silently cursed as he looked over to Kranzer, then he looked back to the beast. "I can take anything you can dish out!"

    Roll ID #51042 - BD: 8 [DYNAON HITS!] | MD: 9 [BOAR CRITS!]
    Dynaon: 9 [11 - 2] HP | 1 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 MIT
    Frenzied Boar: 5 [6 - 1] HP | 3 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 2 MIT | 1 HATE @Dynaon
    Turn Order: Dynaon > Frenzied Boar > Kranzer

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