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Posts posted by Dynaon

  1. Dynaon was a bit shocked that Kranzer took the initiative to attack right after. Even though he missed, the King couldn't help but be a little bit happy. His Merlin was making good progress toward becoming a warrior, and for that, Dynaon would do what he could to keep the man alive. "Alright then, you foul beast! Let's see what you've got!" He charged forward and attempted to slam his fist down on the creature's head, only to realize.. that was not how combat worked. He forgot to draw his damned blade out for an attack! It was too late to react now as the <<Frenzied Boar>> let off an irritated snort and slammed its tusks right into the middle of Dynaon's armor. He felt the wind being knocked out of his body for a short moment, seeing the HP bar in the upper left corner of his view lower ever so slightly. So that's what it looked like when it wasn't full.

    Dynaon didn't like the sight of it at all, but he was going to have to deal with it for now. "Well, come on then, genius! I've got it on the ropes for you, so you might as well try to attack the damn thing!" In truth, he really didn't want Kranzer to try attacking it just yet. If Kranzer took one too many hits from the Boar, he would die for sure. Dynaon would rather take a few more attacks than let that happen to his new found friend.

    Roll ID #51040 - BD: 4 [DYNAON MISS!] | MD: 7 [BOAR HITS!]
    Dynaon: 11 [12 - 1] HP | 1 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 MIT
    Frenzied Boar: 6 HP | 3 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 2 MIT
    Turn Order: Dynaon > Frenzied Boar > Kranzer

  2. Although he was excited to talk about his own level with Kranzer, he kept his smile up as he replied to the earlier comment. "It's nice to see your strategy moving forward then. I won't have my Merlin staying low leveled!" He teased before he walked forward, stretching out and looking to the horizon. "I went out and did a quest. Learned how to make healing potions and stuff. It was pretty fun, and man, the rewards were enough to push me to Level 3. It's actually kind of exciting. Whenever you level up in this game, it's like.. you can actually feel the growth, ya know?" He just noticed he was getting a little deep there for a second. Dynaon quickly shook his head and looked back at Kranzer. "You'll get used to it eventua--"

    Suddenly, a <<Frenzied Boar>> spawned between Kranzer and Dynaon. The creature immediately got aggro onto the indecisive young man, and while the King believed he could handle it with his level, he realized.. this wasn't a <<Boar>>. It was Frenzied. It was even more powerful than the last one! "[censored], Kranzer!" Dynaon pushed off of the ball of his foot to speed forward, getting in front of Kranzer and spreading out his arms, aiming to let his armor take the brunt of the impact. "I won't let you damage him!" A fire flared up in the King's eyes now that he had the levels and the armor. This was going to be nothing for him. The creature caught sight of him and stopped in his tracks, merely staring Dynaon down. They were in a deadlock, neither one of them moving to attack for the moment.

    Roll ID #51038 - BD: 2 [DYNAON MISS!] | MD: 3 [BOAR MISS!]
    Dynaon: 12 HP | 1 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 MIT
    Frenzied Boar: 6 HP | 3 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 2 MIT
    Turn Order: Dynaon > Frenzied Boar > Kranzer

  3. The walk back to the fields was a notably quiet one. All things considered, both Kranzer and Dynaon were pretty damn upset with the conversation that had gone down in the restaurant. How dare anyone even attempt to classify him, or even worse than that, try to say he'd fail? It was an inconceivable concept, one he almost deemed as unforgivable. However, Dynaon didn't slack off from their last meeting. During the day that they had returned to their own devices, the King managed to raise himself up to Level 3 through quests and the like. His stats had increased, but his equipment hadn't changed. For some reason, he found himself enjoying the <<Polished Breastplate>> that Kranzer had traded to him. It held that kind of value that a gift from a friend would. If they were friends, that is.

    "So, Kranzy. What did you do yesterday when we left the cafe? It looks like you managed to get something done, considering you got a level up. I'm proud of ya!" Even though he was still a little upset, Dynaon couldn't help but offer the man a smile as they reached the fields. He didn't want to be mad, so he just got rid of the steam. Maybe fighting some Boars would allow him to blow some of the steam off. Now that he had more HP and some MIT, grinding was going to be a breeze, for sure!

  4. Day 1:

    So, he was finally an Alchemist with his very own shop provided to him by the game. Now that he had an amazing amount of Materials given to him by the old NPC, there was nothing left to do but see what he could create. He took out two of his Materials to use up his daily limit, attempting to forge them into potions that he could use for his stock. However, both of them quickly broke after the craft dies were rolled, causing the Immortal King to sigh out. He had a lot of grinding to do before he was going to actually be able to make items, didn't he? Either way, since he didn't exactly have anything to sell, Dynaon left the shop in pursuit of Kranzer. Perhaps things would be more interesting with him around.

    Roll ID #51031 - CD: 6 [Crafted Bad Item; No Salvage; +1 EXP]
    Roll ID #51032 - CD: 4 [Crafting Failure; +1 EXP]

  5. The money for grandiose things is a tough resource to collect, even more so for those on the smaller side of the leveling scale. However, that doesn't stop a King named Dynaon from opening up his own shop. Welcome to Mortality's Morality, where you can purchase potions from the Immortal King himself, Dynaon. He's friendly, but he's also pretty hardheaded. Unless you've got a good case for yourself, he won't be switching around his Col prices any time soon. A man's gotta eat, you know. Aside from that, make yourself welcome!




    Apprentice Alchemist - Tier 1-2 Items Available to Craft - Potions Only - Can Do Status Update Potions

    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2-3] = Fail (Lose materials)

    [4-6] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)
    [7-9] = Good item  
    [10] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)

    EXP Values
    Epic Fail, Fail, and Bad Item: 1 EXP
    Good Item: 2 EXP
    Uncommon Item: 3 EXP
    Rare Item: 5 EXP
    Perfect Item: 8 EXP

    Ranks [30 EXP]
    Rank 1: 0 EXP (2 Crafts per day)
    Rank 2: 20 EXP (3 Crafts per day)
    Rank 3: 40 EXP (4 Crafts per day)
    Rank 4: 80 EXP (5 Crafts per day)
    Rank 5: 160 EXP (6 Crafts per day)
    Rank 6: 320 EXP (7 Crafts per day)
    Rank 7: 640 EXP (8 Crafts per day)
    Rank 8: 1280 EXP (9 Crafts per day)
    Rank 9: 2560 EXP (10 Crafts per day)
    Rank 10: 5120 EXP (10 Crafts per day)


    • Uncommon Tier 1 Item x2 [Needs Approval]
    • Rare Tier 1 Item [Needs Approval]



    Day 1:

    • Roll ID #51031 - CD: 6 [Crafted Bad Item; No Salvage; +1 EXP]
    • Roll ID #51032 - CD: 4 [Crafting Failure; +1 EXP]

    Day 2:

    • Roll ID #51064 - CD: 11 [Crafted Rare Item!; +5 EXP]
    • Roll ID #51065 - CD: 1 [Crafting Failure; +1 EXP]

    Day 3:

    • Roll ID #51230 - CD: 10 [Crafted Uncommon Item!; +3 EXP]
    • Roll ID #51231 - CD: 9 [Crafted Good Item!; +2 EXP]

    Day 4:

    • Roll ID #51299 - CD: 10 [Crafted Uncommon Item!; +3 EXP]
    • Roll ID #51300 - CD: 11 [Crafted Rare Item!; +5 EXP]

    Day 5:

    • Roll ID #51451 - CD: 4 [Crafted Bad Item!; +1 EXP]
    • Roll ID #51452 - CD: 8 [Crafted Good Item!; +2 EXP]
    • Roll ID #51453 - CD: 1 [Crafting Failure; +1 EXP]

    Day 6:

    • Roll ID #52440 - CD: 8 [Crafted Good Item!; +2 EXP]
    • Roll ID #52441 - CD: 7 [Crafted Good Item!; +2 EXP]
    • Roll ID #52442 - CD: 3 [Crafting Failure; +1 EXP]

    Material Transactions:


    » 016 Materials | [SP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Pursuit of Health [+16 Materials]
    » 014 Materials | Day 1's Crafting [-2 Materials]
    » 012 Materials | Day 2's Crafting [-2 Materials]
    » 010 Materials | Day 3's Crafting [-2 Materials]
    » 004 Materials |
     [F3 - SHOP] Shira's Sharpies [-6 Materials]
    » 005 Materials | 
    [SP-F1] Arthur and Merlin  [+1 Material]
    » 003 Materials | Day 4's Crafting [-2 Materials]
    » 000 Materials | Day 5's Crafting [-3 Materials]
    » 009 Materials | kranzer Donation [+9 Materials]
    » 006 Materials | Day 6's Crafting [-3 Materials]


  6. The notification popped back up, asking for him to enter his 'title' as an Alchemist. He was hoping to push this off a bit so he had some time to think, but this notification was definitely going to be up his ass, wasn't it? He gave it a few seconds of thought, but after those choice seconds, it was like a light bulb popped up on the top of his head. He started to click on the notification to type it in, smiling all the while. He would be the..

    <<Immortal Alchemist>> Dynaon

    Items Obtained:

    • +2 SP [+1 for Thread Completion, +1 for Quest Reward]
    • <<Immortal Alchemist>> Title [Chose Alchemist as Profession]
    • Ability to Open Shop
    • +X Material [Needs to be rolled by GM; Info Regarding Roll Here]
    • +400 Col [Thread Completion]
  7. He swiped the completion notification away and turned around, heading out of the dusty building. Soon after he exited, the same NPC walked outside and the exclamation point appeared over his head once more. Huh. Was this quest repeatable or was his like that for the display of all the players? Meh, he didn't want to think about it too hard. He had to go find Kranzer so they could go hunting for Boars and materials! Hopefully he had leveled up by now so things would be a little easier on the both of them.

  8. "If you know what you must do, then your quest here is over. Happy travels, Dynaon." With that, the NPC moved into another room of the building to remove himself from Dynaon's sight, only for another notification to pop up in front of him. The Quest <<Earning a Living>> was completed, and his rewards were shown to him. He would be able to make a custom title around the word 'Alchemist', he gained 2 SP, and he would gain an amount of Material that would be determined soon after completion. Definitely nice loot for a quest!

  9. Dynaon took every word that the old man was spoonfeeding him to heart. This NPC was right, he couldn't get down on himself just because he broke one lousy material! All he had to do was farm a bunch of them from the fields so he could make a lot of items and sell them to the players for cheap. He would be a natural hero both on and off the battlefield! It was such a genius strategy that he was surprised he didn't come up with it himself. Oh wait, he did. Still, it was going to be an amazing journey to creating potions for the masses.

  10. "It's okay, you were extremely close to succeeding. According to the dice result, if you would have just rolled one number higher, you would have actually gotten something out of it. You should be proud! Most players actually get critical failures, which is a lot more.. volatile. You must be a natural at this profession. You'll be making plenty of potions for players in no time flat!"

  11. Nothing. It was absolutely nothing. The pebble and the orb holding it shattered in front of Dynaon, leaving him with the 'Failure' notification taunting him. It took everything within the King's body to not punch the notification for saying such a thing to him, but this was a natural fact of life. At least it was only a dice roll and not something major, like saving a person's life. The old man straightened out his expression and quickly approached the King.


    Roll ID #51019 - CD: 4 [Failure!]

  12. He saw the <<Material>> in his inventory and clicked on it, seeing the new option 'Craft' come up. He clicked upon it, watching the pebble float into the air slightly before glowing with a bright light. It was being crafted into an item that Dynaon now had the ability to create with his Alchemist profession. It was finally time to see what his natural luck was going to give him. Would it be an amazing item, or would he be destined to fail on the first try? Only time would tell as the pebble was morphed into..

  13. "If you use your menu and click on your Material, it'll give you a new option to 'Craft' the material. From there, the game will roll a dice you can't see. Depending on the result, you'll get your item. It's extremely difficult to make good items at first, but as you gain more experience, you'll get better at creating the items. Go ahead and try it right now." Dynaon nodded at the old man, start to go through his menu.

  14. Dynaon quickly accepted the trade request and watched as the notification showed him that he had the material. He navigated through his menu with ease, letting the material float in an orb between his palms. It looked like a small pebble, but knowing the potential of the game's code, it could be made into just about anything. "So, what do I do with it? Just concentrate, or do I go in my menu for something involving it?"

  15. "That seems like it'd be right up my alley, sir. What kind of tools am I going to need to get started with creating potions?" The man merely nodded at the acceptance and moved back to his chest, grabbing a foreign item from the inside. He returned to Dynaon and held his hand out, a trade request popping up on his menu. <<Material>> was the name of the item that the man offered. "You start with this one, but you can gather more in the areas I mentioned before, Dynaon. Take this and begin your craft."

  16. "Well, you could be an Alchemist. We don't have too many of those come in these days, after all. You'd be making potions and eventually crystals that could heal your HP and buff up your stats temporarily. If you sell them for cheap, you'd actually make a pretty good killing with the lower level players!" An Alchemist? It didn't exactly seem like the grand job that Dynaon envisioned himself taking up, but in reality, he didn't exactly getting a job at all until about five minutes ago. Plus, he'd be saving lives!

  17. "Well, for a person of your appearance, I'd suggest being a Blacksmith. You could forge all sorts of armor and sell it to the masses, but unfortunately, you wouldn't be able to wear any of your stock." Dynaon was on board with the concept until the NPC got to the later part of the sentence. It seemed like it would be too tempting to steal from his own stock if he made some super amazing armor. It was too stressful for him. "No, sir, I think that'll be a deal breaker for me. I'd rather be able to wear the armor rather than watch it go out of my store. Is there anything else that I could do?"

  18. Dynaon nodded at the information he was provided, showing off a confident smile as he began to speak. "So, I just gotta get a job? That'll be easy! I just need to hit the ol' grind for some Materials and make something that people need in the world. What do you think I could do, sir?" He showed off his determination as he got closer to the NPC, who didn't seem to react at all to the sudden personal space invasion. Neat scripting for the game, but it seemed really hard to get a rise out of something that couldn't really feel emotions in the first place.

  19. "If you want to make money, you're going to have to earn it, Dynaon. It's going to require some work, but if you desire, you can go to any area in this world and extract <<Material>> from the objects around you. Rocks, plants, water, anything can become <<Material>> with the right luck. You can use these materials to create amazing items and sell them for profit, which will allow you to buy the items you seek. There are plenty of professions that you can choose from, but it all depends on what your personal preference would be."


  20. "The great Dynaon does need money, my good man! If I don't get any armor, I won't survive a day out there on the battlefield, and this world can't afford to lose me. Without me, who is going to lead the masses to salvation?" The old NPC merely laughed at his words and began to dig into a chest within the room. It looked like the building hadn't been touched in the ages. Same for this old man, actually. He laughed a bit at his own inner thoughts as the NPC approached him once more.

  21. "Ahh, yes, you must be the young man I've been expecting. Come then." The NPC slowly made his way into the building behind him, Dynaon quickly following after him with a bright smile on his face. His first quest was sure to be an exciting one, wasn't it?! Anything less wouldn't be worthy of the Immortal King's time, after all. "I showed up because you have a need. A need for money, I presume?"

  22. Dynaon moved over to get in front of the NPC before trying to speak to him. "Hello--" Before he could even get through the introductions, he was interrupted by a prompt.

    Quest: <<Earning a Living>>

    >> Accept

    So it was a quest! Dynaon didn't even bother with reading the prompt before he clicked the 'Accept' button, causing the notification to disappear. The King smiled at the thought of proceeding forward. He was going to show Kranzer what he was made of by getting ahead of him in levels. He would show him!

  23. Before long, Dynaon was met with a very peculiar sight. He noticed that one of the men on the side of the street he was walking on had an exclamation point above his head. He didn't seem to be one of the players, considering how still he was standing to begin with, so he must have offered some kind of quest if someone chose to speak to him. The King was not about to pass up on the opportunity to reap some sweet rewards!

  24. Dynaon moved to start walking down the streets of the city he started in. So much in his life had changed over the past week, all things considered. Before the week had began, he was making the highest marks in college and was making his family proud. Now he was being held hostage by a damn video game. It wasn't exactly something you could put on a resume, but it was going to be an achievement if Dynaon got out of this virtual hell alive. If.

  25. If his research was done correctly, he knew the only way to get some nice armor is to find a Blacksmith. However, this was only the first floor. He didn't trust himself to fight enemies on the highest floors just yet, considering his level was still on the smaller side of things, but he needed to find some equipment soon before going out to face off against the deadly enemies of the fields yet again. Perhaps he would be able to find some guidance if he just went out into the streets and looked around.


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